I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 249 The seventh chess player in the ninja world is worried

Chapter 249 The seventh chess player in the ninja world is worried

Both Orochimaru and Uchiha Yu actually realized that he had broken away from the ninja class and jumped from an unobtrusive chess piece to a chess player in the ninja world.

Now, Uchiha Yu's opponents are all legendary figures.

The chess players that Orochimaru knows include the Sage of the Three Holy Lands and the Sage of Six Paths, the source of ninjas.

And Uchiha Yuu knew more about a black, filial son, Chen Xiang, Zetsu who had been lurking for thousands of years and vowed to split the moon to save his mother.

What Uchiha Yu doesn't know is that Otsutsuki Hagoromo's younger brother, Otsutsuki Hamura, is also a very important chess player, and he has come to the world in person in order to better exert his power and obtain better benefits.

Moreover, Otsutsuki Hamura's most direct target is Yuu Uchiha, the pure land soul thief.

An interesting situation arises.

Uchiha Yu only knew that he had offended the Sage of Six Paths, and was concentrating on defense, but he did not know that the enemy targeting him had already arrived in the ninja world.

Otsutsuki Hamura knew that the enemy he had to deal with was in Konoha Village, but he didn't know that this person was Uchiha Yu.

Two big monsters with black eyes were quietly lurking in the muddy water of the ninja world, trying to find and destroy their enemies.

A proper dark pond.

Although the dangers involved are staggering, another level of struggle is the life of a living species that Orochimaru dreams of.

Orochimaru confirmed that he had reached this point through a series of concessions from Uchiha Yu.

This made the snake so envious that he couldn't help but express his jealousy.

However, Uchiha Yu, who was envied by Orochimaru, was secretly worried at this time.

He clearly knew that his identity had changed, but after changing his perspective, he was surprised to find that as a chess player, he had no chess pieces in his hand.

The Konoha Heroic Spirit Set that was stolen through all possible means and efforts cannot be released casually now, otherwise it may be snatched away by the traction of the Pure Land if not careful.

When the Third Hokage was killed and the Heroic Spirits were recovered, he encountered huge traction. Not to mention Senju Hashirama, who had stayed in the Pure Land for decades, even Hatake Sakumo, who had only stayed for a few years, was also recovered. Difficulties abound.

What frightened Yugo Uchiha the most was that Senju Tobirama, who had lived in the Hall of Valor for a few days, was almost snatched away by the pull of the Pure Land because he had absorbed a large amount of divine power to recover and established a stable connection with the Hall of Valor.

Uchiha Yu finally used all his strength. He divided his mind into three, mobilizing the power of faith in the capital of Sichuan, the power of national faith in the country of ghosts, and his own spiritual power.

Part of the mind pushed the Heart Monkey into the Heart Monkey Mask, combined with the divine personality of the Southern Fire Spirit, supported the Zhurong Vest, and truly manifested in the ninja world, better digesting the beliefs of the Sichuan Capital, and transforming it into the traction of divine power to disturb the Pure Land.

A part of the mind entered the main hall of the Divine Court, held up the Heavenly Emperor's vest, and linked up with the national divine power seal formation of the Kingdom of Ghosts to increase the traction of the Hall of Heroes.

The Emperor of Heaven even directly grabbed the weakest rope tree and threw it into the Hall of Valor.

The last part of Uchiha Yuu's mind sank from the world of Zifu into Dantian, getting as close as possible to the Golden Pill, and through the Golden Pill, he temporarily projected an illusory world on the battlefield.

There are only three laws of cause and effect, space, and five-spirit natural energy in this world, which are shockingly simple.

Under the crushing force of the laws of heaven and earth in the ninja world, he only persisted for a moment before completely collapsing. The recoil even caused Uchiha Yu to be seriously injured.

But this was the last very important weight, which truly disrupted the world rules of this space for a moment, causing the traction of the Pure Land to disappear for a second or two.

The Emperor of Heaven took the opportunity to increase his strength and completed the collection of the Konoha Soul Set, thus preserving his most important starting asset.

Uchiha Yu knew very clearly that this was just the activation of the death rule of the Pure Land. He had not been consciously attacked by the Six Paths Sage, otherwise with his own power, there would be a big problem this time.

From that day on, he never used the art of reincarnation again.

And he was determined not to use the art of reincarnation from dirty soil until the Hall of Valor was completely stabilized and the ownership of the soul was changed.

He didn't want to lose these precious chips.

On the day when the Third Hokage died, the three people who knew the details of the Reincarnation Technique kept silent in a tacit agreement. None of them revealed the secret that the person reincarnated in the dirt could be controlled by the caster.

Uchiha Yu even deliberately concealed it. When he wanted Shimura Danzo to reveal his crimes, he would rather go to great lengths to use the Sharingan illusion to solve the problem of not using the body of filth.

However, just because he doesn't use it, it definitely doesn't mean that others don't use it.

If the souls of the First Hokage, the Second Hokage, and Uzumaki Mito return to the Pure Land and fall into the hands of the Sage of Six Paths, he will be able to repeat Uchiha Yu's tricks.

If the dead past Hokages resurrected together, they would all accuse Uchiha Yuu of being a bad guy, manipulating the souls of the previous Hokages through forbidden techniques, and killing the third Hokage.

Then he accused him of colluding with Orochimaru, completely covering up the heinous crime of killing Hokage, and helping Orochimaru steal the position of the Fourth Hokage.

Then the legitimacy of the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru's ascendancy will be shaken, and that will be the carnival of the opposition in the village and the hostile village.

That would be very troublesome.

It's hard to say that Uchiha Yuu has to face a choice. Should he follow Madara Uchiha's example and violently suppress the ninja world, or should he quit Konoha Village and hide in the Kingdom of Demons to start a new business?

"Yu, Yuu! I'm going to get confused, meow, I'm going to get confused, meow!"

Miwa Masayo's exclamation and the sizzling iron plate woke up the distracted Uchiha Yu. He was so frightened that he quickly checked the squid ring in his hand.

Fortunately, it was not burnt, just slightly overcooked.

He quickly applied a layer of oil on it, turned it over, spread it with barbecue sauce, and then turned it over, letting the hot oil fry the barbecue sauce and squid meat together, creating a mouth-watering and overbearing aroma.

This is the glowing squid that the big octopus loves to eat. It was specially sent to Konoha Village just after it was caught by the Uchiha.

Under the protection of the water escape and vigorous seafood techniques taught by Yu Uchiha, he survived thousands of miles of land transportation and arrived in Konoha Village alive.

This kind of squid, which contains natural energy, only needs the simplest teppanyaki to turn it into a heart-stopping delicacy.

Coupled with Uchiha Yu's secret barbecue sauce, the taste is simply heart-wrenching, and no matter who smells it, it will be unbearable.

Masato Miwa loves this food the most now. She pesters the shoveler to cook Teppanyaki every day, five meals a day without getting bored.

After all, this kind of squid is a real deep-sea creature. Except for appearing in Squid Bay during the breeding season, there is no trace at all other times.

After eating so much these days, I will have to wait until next year if I want to eat again.

After eating so much, Masato Miwa could only lie on the ground, sticking out her tongue and burping, unable to even drink water.

Uchiha Yuya was very satisfied with the meal. He took small sips of the thick wine he brewed.

Sure enough, you can't quit.

Controlling the Uchiha clan and forming a solid alliance with the Fourth Hokage, he can move freely in the Land of Fire, the center of the ninja world.

If you want to eat the delicacies of the East China Sea, you only need to tell the detailed information, and the Uchiha ninjas will go to the East China Sea to catch fish, and then transport them back with great effort.

If I were to do this myself, how much time would it take to go back and forth?

Therefore, in order for Uchiha Yu to live a comfortable life, he cannot give up on the Uchiha clan, nor can he abandon Konoha Village and ignore it. Even the Fire Country must maintain sufficient control.

He only needs to spend a small part of his time to control the Uchiha clan and help the Uchiha clan stabilize the situation in Konoha Village, which can help him save ten times or even a hundred times of time.

It can be said to be very cost-effective.

When it comes to catching squid, the entire Uchiha clan has benefited.

The Uchihas who performed the fishing mission received mission rewards, and the ordinary tribesmen enjoyed the squid delicacies for free, especially the children in the study group, which could greatly supplement their nutrition and enhance their potential.

Because too many squids were caught, they had to be sold on the market. As a result, the money exchanged was more than the bonus spent, and it was more than ten times more.

The Uchiha family made a lot of money this time, and there was even an overflow of profits.

First, the hired water escape ninja received a bonus, and he also learned a useful life ninjutsu.

Secondly, the sale of squid has made the business of the Akimichi family's barbecue restaurants boom. Even Ichiraku Ramen has launched a limited-time squid ramen.

There are also businessmen who hire Konoha ninjas to transport the squid they buy to the City of Fire, and then double the profits when they resell them. The chain of interests spread to this point, and the positive feedback generated was quite huge. Unconsciously, a large number of people regarded the Uchiha clan as their gods of wealth, changing the rigid impression in the past.

Lying next to Miwa Masashi was Uchiha Shisui.

He witnessed the entire operation of Uchiha Yu, and heard Uchiha Yu's detailed explanation of the business operations. He was deeply shocked and impressed by the value-added principle of money.

However, Uchiha Shisui was still too young to understand the changes in people's hearts involved. He couldn't help but ask: "Clan leader, why do you think our Uchiha clan is grateful to many people even though we have made money?"

"I remember that Patriarch Fugaku gave up the family's interests more than once, which made Grandpa Xinyin very angry. In the end, all he got was scolding."

Uchiha Yu took a sip of the hot, thick wine and said with a smile: "It can only be said that my predecessor is a complete fool, and the structure of his mind's thinking is just the same."

"Give money? How can you get cheers by simply giving money? It can only get curses!"

Uchiha Shisui asked in surprise: "Why?"

"Because giving money when interests are inconsistent is essentially charity."

Uchiha Yu explained: "We, the Uchiha clan, are rich, but giving money away to others will only make us look stupid and have too much money. We may even make people think that we are so stupid and do not deserve to have so much money."

Zhisui scratched his cheek stupidly and said sheepishly: "I...can't understand."

Uchiha Yu laughed and said: "Don't be sorry, you are still so young and do not have enough experience to understand. It is normal."

"Actually, you can understand it very well as long as you put yourself in someone else's shoes. Let me give you an example."

"Shisui, if I give you a task and ask you to run to the Capital of Fire to submit a letter to the Daimyo, you have completed the task very well."

"Just when you were leaving, a noble threw a bag of money at you and shouted, 'Thank me, praise me'. What did you think?"

Uchiha Yuu was not only narrating, he also cast an illusion, making Uchiha Shisui fall into a dream, as if he had experienced this scene in person.

When the money bag was thrown at Uchiha Shisui's feet, seeing the inexplicable money and hearing the fat-headed noble's shout, he suddenly felt angry.

Even with Uchiha Shisui's good temper, he couldn't suppress his anger and kicked the money bag back into the noble's arms.

The impact of the money bag made the nobleman feel like he was being attacked by a cannonball. His whole body was bent in a straight line from the middle, and he crashed into the wall backwards. The wall was instantly shattered, and the whole world was shattered like a mirror.

At this time, Shisui realized that he was under an illusion. Fear extinguished his anger and allowed him to regain his composure.

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "You see, do you feel unspeakable humiliation when giving money for no reason?"

"What you saw was a noble, and you are a ninja, so you took action to deal with him immediately."

"If he were a commoner, would he be afraid of the power of the noble and have to put away the money, then turn his back and call the noble a fool in his heart?"

Uchiha Shisui nodded and said, "I understand. It turns out that giving money out of nowhere does make people feel uncomfortable."


Uchiha Yu asked the question for him: "But if you let others work for you and give you a little more money, will it make people feel comfortable?"

"Experience it yourself..."

"Ah, no……"

Before Uchiha Shisui could finish his objections, he fell into the illusion again.

Shisui has grown up. He received a task of transporting goods at the mission center. The time is tight and the goods are heavy, so he must seize the time.

Carrying a heavy load on his back, he traveled through half of the Fire Country without sleeping for two consecutive days, and after a long journey, he arrived at the Sichuan Country in the south.

When he delivered the goods to the owner, the chubby businessman checked repeatedly until he was sure that the goods were in good condition.

Just when Zhi Shui was feeling very unhappy, the owner of the cargo handed him a mission completion certificate and a bag of money, and said in a nonchalant manner: "Thank you for your hard work, this is an additional mission reward."

Although this man's tone was not very good, Shisui simply ignored him. He felt that his hard work was recognized.

Two days of hard work paid off with more generous rewards, which made Shisui very happy.

"Hmph, that annoying businessman is actually pretty good."

Just when these words were spoken, the world was shattered again, and Uchiha Shisui broke away from the genjutsu.

This direct experience allowed him to finally understand the human heart that is difficult to express with words and principles.

It turns out that the human heart is so wonderful.

When you have put in enough work and been paid, the additional rewards you get will make people feel satisfied and feel good in excitement and joy.

When someone stuffs you with money even though you have done nothing, you will feel resentful and feel that you have been humiliated.

If you are stronger, you will explode on the spot. If you are weaker than the opponent, you will curse secretly in your heart.

Uchiha Yu explained: "This is the human heart."

"So I followed people's will and promoted the squid trade. Not only did the Uchiha clan make money, but other people also made money. They will also feel how good the Uchiha clan is."

"So, the Fugaku clan leader went against the will of the people and gave away money and profits. Not only was the family dissatisfied, but outsiders who received the benefits also felt humiliated, so they spent money in exchange for more dissatisfaction and greater hostility."

“You can get twice the result with half the effort by clearly discerning the obedience and disfavor of people’s hearts and acting in compliance with them.”

Uchiha Shisui suddenly felt that his three views had been reset. He seemed to see a golden avenue, and the ideal he had dreamed of since he was a child was expected to be realized.

This child, just like him in history, dreams of changing the Uchiha clan so that everyone can unify their thoughts and build Konoha Village together.

Uchiha Yu didn't know how Uchiha Shisui's inner expectations would change under his own guidance, and whether the legendary most powerful illusion "Bie Tianjin" would be born.

In fact, he sincerely believed that it would be better if bugs like other gods did not appear. It would be good for the Uchiha clan, good for Uchiha Shisui, and equally good for the Leaf Village.

The current Konoha Village and the Uchiha clan are very good, and their development trend is better. They don't need such things that disturb people's hearts to add chaos.

After taking care of the curious baby Uchiha Shisui, and feeding the greedy cat Miwa Masashi, Uchiha Yuu was holding the thick wine and fell into the same troubling problem as before.

[Where should I look for chess pieces? 】

Excluding the first Hokage and the second Hokage, Uchiha Yu quickly remembered something that he almost gave up.

Divine court meeting.

Carefully recalling the details of the past three divine court meetings, Uchiha Yu felt more and more that this organization met his needs.

It is secretive enough and high-end enough to insert two or five people into various organizations like heaven.

As long as you carefully select the meeting members, each of them will definitely be a good chess piece, even as effective as the reincarnations of Indra and Asura.

The problem that troubled him finally had a solution, and Uchiha Yu felt that his mind was broadened.

He drank the thick wine in his hand and tasted the rich aroma of grain, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

[Otsutsuki Hagoromo, Gamamaru, White Snake, Living Dragon, and Black Zetsu. Now that I'm here, the game of ninja world is destined to undergo huge changes. Let's see who can win the final victory. 】

[Hmm, strange, why does my intuition suddenly feel uneasy? 】

[Did I forget something? 】

Uchiha Yu didn't dare to follow his intuition, so he began to recall carefully, starting from the sudden awakening of the Demon Country, and recalling forward bit by bit along the time.

[What on earth have I forgotten that would cause my intuition to call the police? 】

(End of this chapter)

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