I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 230 The Faith Seal Formation of the Ghost Country must be bound to the water conservancy pro

Chapter 230 The Faith Seal Formation of the Ghost Country must be bound to the water conservancy project

Nagato finally embarked on the path of calling himself a "god".

In the original history, Xiaonan had a strong opinion on this, but now that she has seen the "real" God, her opinion is even greater.

After hearing that Nagato claimed to be a god to the Amegakure ninja, Konan hurriedly found him.

"Nagato, you actually call yourself a 'god'. Do you really think you are so powerful that you can be compared with His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven?"

Nagato replied: "Xonan, I'm not an idiot, how could I be so arrogant?"

"The Emperor of Heaven that you believe in can transform me with just one pill. I don't think I can compare with Him."

Konan was greatly relieved when she heard Nagato's explanation, but she asked again: "Then why do you call yourself a 'god'?"

Nagato explained: "Because I know that I can also master the power of God."

Xiao Nan asked in astonishment: "The power of God, what is that?"

Nagato said leisurely: "The power of God is what you told me, it is the power of resurrection."

Xiaonan was shocked: "What? Resurrection!"

Nagato pointed to his own eyes and said affirmatively: "Yes, I found the real 'resurrection technique' in the eyes of samsara. Being able to master the power of resurrection from the dead, I should be considered a god."

"Of course I cannot compare with the Emperor of Heaven, but other than this one, is there any other god that can compare with me?"

"This this……"

Xiao Nan didn't know what to say at this moment.

Soon, she figured it out.

There is nothing wrong with Nagato claiming to be a god. As he said, there is no other god in the world who can compare with him.

As long as His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven doesn't mind if Nagato calls himself a god, there will be no problem at all.

And it can also greatly boost morale.

For example, now, after hearing that Lord Nagato is a god, the ninjas in Amegakure Village feel that their self-confidence has greatly increased, and they no longer worry about being blocked by the three major ninja villages.

Besides, Hanzo is also known as a demigod, and Nagato, who killed him, calls himself a god. How reasonable is this.

So Xiaonan stopped worrying about this matter and started worrying about Nagato's health.

She looked at Nagato and asked: "Nagato, you were able to deal with more than a thousand people before, but this time there are more than forty times more enemies. I'm not worried that you can't destroy them, but your body can withstand it. Do you want to live there?"

Nagato smiled and said: "Xiaonan, don't worry, I will be able to hold on."

"If it really doesn't work, there is still His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven."

When Xiao Nan heard this, he immediately felt that it made sense. He nodded and said, "You are right. If there is really something wrong with your body, I will just find a way to ask His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven for a reward."

After the general policy was determined, the two stopped discussing the war and turned the topic to how to build the Amegakure Village.

Rainproof, leakproof, moisture-proof, flood discharge, all factors must be discussed repeatedly to ensure that no serious problems will be left, resulting in a serious waste of manpower.

The immature figures of the boy and the girl were gathered together, but they were trying hard to hold up a sky for a crying country.


The Kingdom of Oni is indeed a remote place in the ninja world. When the major events in the Kingdom of Rain spread throughout the ninja world, Yu Uchiha, who was in the Kingdom of Oni, didn't know anything.

When Nagato and Konan discuss the construction plan of Rain Hidden Village, they work hard to set an example for the Land of Rain.

Uchiha Yu is looking at the research results of Senju Tobirama.

At this time, Qianju Tojian had been reincarnated by the dirty earth again, and returned to the present world from the Zifu world in this way.

This time it was obvious that despite the highest level of sacrifices used in the Reincarnation of the Earth, Tobirama's condition had deteriorated visibly to the naked eye.

Maybe it was because he was influenced by Uchiha Yu's spirit and divine power in the world of Zifu, or maybe he spent too long in the world of Zifu.

In short, the construction of the Hall of Valor, which can theoretically nourish the spirit, has become urgent.

After finishing the introduction, Senju Tobirama said to Uchiha Yu: "My work is done, and now it's up to you."

He hammered his waist and complained: "When I developed the art of reincarnation in dirty land, I never thought that I would have to leave the pure land for a long time."

"Who would have thought that the body reincarnated from the dirty soil would actually feel aging due to the exhaustion of the soul, and even the waist would be sore."

"You guys have to work quickly and build the Hall of Valor as soon as possible so that I can have a good rest."

Uchiha Yu looked at the complicated design and was speechless.

He really couldn't understand many parts, and even looked confused at some parts.

Senju Tobirama is truly the number one expert in forbidden arts in the ninja world.

Although after the acceleration of the soul live broadcast, Senju Tobirama expanded the time of one day to more than six months, in such a short period of time, it was possible to complete the design of such a large divine power project from scratch.

Absolutely miraculous speed.

Uchiha Yuu admired Senju Tobirama's research ability extremely, but he was not worried about his request to speed up the progress.

He held up a finger and said, "You can design it in one day, I can build it in two days!"

Qianshou Feijian was stunned and blurted out: "This is impossible!"

His design of the divine power sealing array is a serious national project.

Although the land area of ​​Oni Country is not too large, it is a medium-sized country with 1150 kilometers from east to west and 1320 kilometers from north to south.

The sealing array is a huge structure with a diameter of [-] kilometers. Just the channels and ravines that serve as the framework of the sealing technique have a total length of [-] kilometers.

Although Senju Tobirama made reference to the topography of the Demon Country and tried to use natural rivers to reduce the construction workload, the number of ditches that simply needed to be dug still exceeded [-] kilometers.

Isn't it nonsense that such a large amount of work can be completed in just two days?
  Uchiha Yu grinned and said: "Nidaime, do you want to make a bet?"

Qianshou Feijian let out a "poof" and said bitterly: "Do you think I am the eldest brother?"

"I want to take a closer look at how you are going to complete such a huge project."

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "Actually, the answer is very simple. It's just that there is strength in numbers."

Senju Tobirama sneered: "Boy, do you know how troublesome it is to mobilize the labor force? With the size of the Ghost Country, it will take more than three days to mobilize the labor force."

"What's more, the population of the Kingdom of Ghosts is not large. Even if you fully mobilize, you still won't be able to get enough manpower."

Uchiha Yu waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Anxin, Anxin, I will not mobilize the manpower of the Demon Country."

"I just mobilize myself."

Uchiha Yuu did mobilize himself, and his solution to the labor shortage was ninjutsu.

In Uchiha Yuu's understanding, technology is the primary productive force and is regarded as truth and regarded as an unshakable standard.

This truth is said in the ninja world: Ninjutsu is the primary productive force.

Uchiha Yuu took Senju Tobirama and Miwa Masashi to a construction node. The mountains here are steep, the trees are sparse, and the ground is full of crunchy gravel.

Uchiha Yu couldn't help scratching his head and sighed: "This mountain can't hold water at all. If it rains, there will be floods. If it doesn't rain, there will be drought. No wonder the country of ghosts is barren."

Qianju Tobirama's symptoms of malaise became more and more obvious at this time. He put on loose clothes, hunched over his hands and said feebly: "Yes. So according to your request, a reservoir must be built here to store rainwater slowly. Only by releasing it can a stable water flow be formed, which will serve as the basis for the operation of the national sealing formation."

Speaking of this, Qianju Tobirama asked curiously: "How did you come up with the idea of ​​combining a giant sealing array with a water conservancy project?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and did not answer the question.

There was no answer to this question. In his mind, it was common sense. The great Chinese history proves that what can unite people's hearts must be grand projects, but what can have a lasting positive impact is basic water conservancy projects.

In particular, projects integrating irrigation, disaster prevention and transportation will greatly improve the living standards of countless people after completion, and will become their life dependence thereafter.

Naturally, people will place their faith and hope on this continuous flowing water, and they will continuously converge towards the center of the flowing water.

To be honest, the purity of this kind of faith is definitely not what faith in gods can achieve.

The power of pure faith is most suitable for supporting heroic spirits. Spiritual bodies without the foundation of life will not be distorted by desires mixed in faith.

Seeing that Uchiha Yuu was not going to explain, Senju Tobirama stopped asking. He changed the topic and said: "The terrain here is a bit troublesome, but the real problem is the scale. For a reservoir of sufficient scale, I can calculate the construction amount They were all shocked.”

“How are you going to do these millions of earthworks and even larger construction hours in this middle-of-nowhere place?”

Uchiha Yu smiled slightly and replied: "Of course it is with ninjutsu and senjutsu."

After saying that, he clasped his hands together, and powerful natural energy and chakra spurted out, gathered and fused in his body, and became powerful magic chakra, and then returned to his hands to outline the structure of the magic.

Immortal Technique·Earth Escape·Split the Earth and Create the Mountain

Along with the roar of the mountain's collapse, the entire mountain underwent tremendous changes, and the broken and rough gravel was shaken like popcorn.

Underneath the gravel, the rock quickly cracked and sunk, and while maintaining the total height, extending water channels appeared underground.

These waterways meander forward and eventually converge in the gravel accumulation area at the foot of the mountain. Below this fan-shaped area is a huge water storage space.

According to calculations and observations, the space here is enough to store the annual precipitation of all nearby mountains, and it is enough to supply sufficient flowing water to the planned water channel to form a continuous flowing water throughout the year.

Uchiha Yu's ninjutsu shocked Senju Tobirama. He knew that this guy once called himself Uchiha Hashirama, and his jaw dropped when he saw him using Wood Release.

But at that time, Uchiha Yuu was very restrained. He did not make up his mind to fall out with the Third Hokage, and controlled the use of chakra at all times.

But now, Uchiha Yu has no scruples.

When he performs ninjutsu, he does so slowly, outputting chakra and natural energy without any scruples.

Although Yuu Uchiha used Earth Release Senjutsu, Senju Tobirama felt so familiar.

The feeling of having so much chakra that it explodes, and the ninjutsu is so strong that it changes the terrain with just one hand.

The kind of demeanor that doesn't focus on skills when encountering an enemy, and just uses powerful magic to cover the past.

Hey, this Uchiha looks more and more like Senju Hashirama.

It's disgusting to look at!
  Qianju Tobirama felt depressed, and couldn't help but quibble: "The underground project is finished, but what about the dam on the ground? There are countless details to repair and the construction of automatic flood discharge channel facilities. Are you doing it yourself?"

Uchiha Yu chuckled and clapped his hands again.

Immortal Technique·Earth Escape·Wanli Tuliu Wall

The ground at the foot of the mountain immediately rose, and the towering cliffs grew to a height of a hundred meters before shaking and stopping.

Then Uchiha Yu dissipated the remaining senjutsu chakra, and then spurted out a massive amount of chakra and natural energy from his body, clasping his hands together to perform senjutsu.

Immortal Technique·Water Escape·Tianhe Dumping

In an instant, dark clouds gathered, lightning thundered, and heavy rain hit the nearby mountains like a waterfall. Almost in the blink of an eye, a flash flood broke out.

But unlike in the past, due to the influence of the ditches under the gravel layer, a large amount of floodwater was absorbed underground and flowed hidden among the gravel.

The flash flood didn't even make it halfway, before it completely disappeared under the gravel, and there was no more water splash to be seen.

The flood slowed down through the layers of gravel and consumed most of its impact, making it no longer possible to cause a disaster.

The undercurrent came to the gravel accumulation area, which was also accumulated under the thick gravel layer. Although the spring water had begun to gush out in large quantities at the predetermined channel location below, there was still no water visible in the reservoir.

With the protection of a thick layer of gravel, water evaporation is greatly reduced, which is the guaranteed stock of the reservoir.

As the precipitation continued, the amount of water gradually accumulated, and the water surface began to submerge the gravel layer, eventually forming a large lake with a large area but extremely shallow water depth and a thousand-mile earth flow wall as a dam.

At this point, Uchiha Yuu also stopped using senjutsu.

The clouds have settled and the rain has stopped, and under the sun, a rainbow stretches across the lake and the mountain peaks. The scenery is beautiful and refreshing.

Uchiha Yu sighed: "This is the correct way to use ninjutsu."

Senju Tobirama nodded silently. This was the first time he had experienced the great role of ninjutsu and senjutsu in construction. He was greatly shocked and filled with emotion.

Because in the requirements given to him by Uchiha Yu, words such as the need for civilization development were constantly mentioned. During the research process, he frequently communicated with the Emperor controlled by Uchiha Yu.

Although it made Uchiha extremely annoyed, he was also forced to sort out his knowledge during the exchange and complete his thinking about civilization.

Uchiha Yuu vaguely felt that his future thinking needed to change.

Uchiha Yushang had such an understanding, and Senju Tobirama, who was exposed to the baptism of a higher level of civilization, changed even more.

He couldn't help but start to reflect. Although his eldest brother Senju Hashirama was naive to death, it seemed that what he did before his death was not successful. Otherwise, why would Konoha Village be in the predicament it is in now.

The policy that I once thought I was proud of is now full of flaws when looking down from a higher altitude.

For example, the Uchiha clan was completely packed into the Security Department, and they were placed opposite the entire Konoha Village.
  This policy did restrict the development of the Uchiha clan, but it was also the source of division within the Leaf Village, leading to a great division in the Ninja clan.

Because Uchiha was made into a common enemy in the village, other ninjas had to form a group with Sarutobi Hiruzen as the center to fight against Uchiha.

This puts Sarutobi Hiruzen in the position of Senju Hashirama, and there is no longer a mechanism to check and balance him. The future of Konoha Village is bet on Sarutobi Hiruzen's personal ability and character.

Senju Hashirama was selfless, sacrificing his small family for everyone else, and turned the Senju clan into the foundation of Konoha Village's existence. This is why Konoha Village is what it is today.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen was not good enough. His personal morality was not a problem, but in terms of interests, he first stood for his family and put the interests of Konoha Village second.

Therefore, some ninja clans with high-level backers, or those with self-preservation skills, made huge profits and began to grow crazily.

For example, the Sarutobi Clan, the Tenden Clan, the Mitomon Clan, and even the Inar, Deer, and Butterfly Clan.

After their interests were misappropriated, those ninjas who took on responsibilities could not get anything in return and gradually died out in the process of making huge contributions to Konoha Village.

For example, the Hatake clan, the Kurama clan, the Moonlight clan, etc.

Represented by the Sarutobi clan, this ninja clan has surpassed the Uchiha clan in number, power and strength, becoming the most unassuming wealthy clan.

After Senju Tobirama learned more about it, he had to admit that Konoha Village had shown signs of being torn apart again.

This is because Konoha Village was lucky enough that the biggest mine in the security department was not detonated.

When the Security Department was first established, Senju Tobirama lacked political experience. In order to increase the department's appeal to Uchiha, too many functions were crammed into it.

From the perspective of Konoha villagers, the functions of the Security Department are only to patrol, clean up small vendors, coordinate conflicts among villagers, and catch thieves.

But in fact, this department also has functions such as counter-espionage, public security, industrial and commercial administration, law-making, and prison management. It also has completely independent personnel and financial powers. It is a village within a village in an absolute sense.

If you use it well, you can compete with Naruto, and it is not impossible to even turn Naruto into an empty frame.

It is really lucky that the Uchiha clan has always been naive enough, confining themselves within the superficial functions of the Security Department, and has never been able to effectively operate this powerful department.

Senju Tobirama felt that the greatest luck was that Uchiha Yuu was born late enough. It would be unimaginable to have replaced Uchiha Fugaku twenty years earlier.

On the contrary, the naive internal policies implemented by the seemingly innocent First Hokage turned out to be the basis for the maintenance of Konoha Village to this day.

He began to regret his policies.

At the same time, because of so many high-level and profound thoughts, Senju Tobirama has a deep recognition of Uchiha Yuu's remarks.

After the completion of this reservoir, as long as a section of water channel is connected to the original river channel, the seasonal river can be turned into a year-round flow.

With sufficient water, stable irrigation can be achieved, and then food output will be doubled, the population will multiply, and economic prosperity will be a natural result.

(End of this chapter)

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