I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 225 Divine power is like prison, divine grace is like sea, the Emperor of Heaven is becoming

Chapter 225 Divine power is like prison, divine grace is like sea, the Emperor of Heaven is becoming more and more proficient in his business

The witch Maitreya is sitting in a simple white jade banquet, and to her left, a giant-like god is watching her.

Just the dull gaze made the miko tremble all over.

She is a professional miko who has done professional research on gods. She is well aware of the terror and majesty of gods, but she is even more aware of the difficult situation of gods.

Is this guy really a god?
  If it is really a god, then who is this god?
  How could He capture me directly into this mysterious place? How could He be so powerful?

Is he really not afraid of being strangled by the Immortal of Six Paths?
  The god looked at the witch and said, "It's a miracle that the spirit of the little ghost can really supplement itself and become an independent human being."

"The sprite is already my property, and it should be considered part of your body. However, considering that my capture of the sprite has also permanently eliminated your danger, we have completed an exchange of equal value."

The shrine maiden felt the eerie aura displayed by Uchiha Yuu, so she completely believed that this was a true god.

After all, only a true god can defeat undead monsters so neatly and capture them alive.

Maitreya had long known that it was not easy for the demons to disappear, but he never expected that a true god would take action.

Behind Master Yuu Uchiha, there is a true god. No wonder he is so powerful!
  The strange god said that this was an exchange of equal value, and she could only nod tremblingly in agreement.

Yes, what can she say? If she doesn't recognize equal exchange, the gods will return the monsters?
  Just kidding, there are no such kind-hearted gods in the ninja world!

What is a situation reversal?

A few minutes ago, the miko was so majestic. As a superior, she shrank from scolding the previous chief priest. Now it was her turn to face the superior, and she also shrank from head to toe.

His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven asked again: "Can you tell me where the faith of the Kingdom of Ghosts has gone? If you are willing to tell me the information, I will give you rewards and protection."

When he heard that there was a reward and protection, Maitreya's eyes lit up and his body stopped shaking.

"Great God, the faith of the Kingdom of Ghosts is with me. I am willing to hand over the power of faith in exchange for your protection."

Uchiha Yu nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good."

But what he didn't expect was that Maitreya continued to ask: "But, as far as I know, gods can't show their power in this world now. How will you provide protection?"

[Damn it, no wonder it is said that the most unbelieving people are often the clergy. This is true. 】

Uchiha Yu glanced at the miko, then closed his eyes slightly.

At the same time, he secretly mobilized the power of the Zifu world to exert mental pressure on the witch to express his unhappiness after being offended.

In order to leave some room, he deliberately controlled his mental power, showing absolute calmness and neutrality, without showing any hostility or malice.

But it only relies on the scale of the spiritual power of the Zifu world and the natural repulsion between the two life spirits to squeeze the witch.

that's enough.

In Maitreya's feelings, the great god just glanced at him and withdrew his gaze and kind appreciation, and she felt an indescribable terrifying pressure.

It feels even scarier than carrying a mountain on your back, as if you are suddenly in the deep sea, or have the whole world pressing on you.

The power of the gods is like prison, and the terror is so great.

The witch finally realized that the person in front of her was the true god, not the idol she used to fool ordinary people.

Although the witch is very special, she is still in the category of human beings. People cannot offend gods, just like ants cannot offend humans.

As her fear swelled, the gods in Maitreya's eyes became larger and larger, which in turn intensified her fear.

The fear in Maitreya's heart completely crushed her pride. She wanted to ask for mercy, but found that she couldn't even open her mouth under the huge pressure.

Through the mental changes of the shrine maiden, Uchiha Yu knew that the fire was almost over, but in order to maintain the style, even the termination of punishment could not be carried out by the Emperor's Vest on his own initiative.

At this time, a helping voice is needed.

Use Zhurong vest?
  No, Zhu Rong's vest is both an immortal and a god. At this time, he took the initiative to come online to help rescue the siege, which is not consistent with his identity.

After hesitating for a moment, Uchiha Yu made a decision.

He projected Yu Uchiha's original appearance on the first seat on the left. In his own spiritual world, his projection was a real and true existence.

Uchiha Yu sat in the audience, opened his eyes and glanced at Miroku, and confirmed the surprise and prayer in her eyes, so he nodded, shook his head deliberately and sighed.

After making these hints, he pretended to plead with the Emperor of Heaven:
  "Your Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, I don't know what kind of mistake the witch Maitreya has made. Please forgive her since this is her first time to see the true God."


In an instant, the mental pressure exerted disappeared, and the witch who suddenly relaxed took a long breath involuntarily.

Although the pressure left, the fear did not disappear so easily. Her body began to tremble violently, and even her fingers trembled so much.

But she ignored these physical discomforts and prostrated herself in front of the audience.

Miroku is a king with a soft figure, and he can bow to Uchiha Yuu. Now when he is facing a greater existence, he will naturally not hesitate at all.

After taking a few deep breaths, she tremblingly apologized to the Emperor of Heaven, again and again.

Finally, the Emperor felt satisfied. He waved his hand gently, and a stream of divine power flowed into the witch's soul, calming her fear and anxiety.

After great fear, Maitreya felt what "divine grace is like the sea".

Maitreya's body no longer trembled, and her heart of surrendering to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven no longer wavered.

Seeing that her condition had stabilized, Uchiha Yuu said:
  "Miko Maitreya, you should realize the greatness of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, and you should never have any doubts again in the future."

Miroku looked at Uchiha Yu and replied respectfully: "Uchiha Yu-sama, I understand, and I will never do it again in the future."

Then she turned to the Emperor of Heaven and replied sincerely: "Your Majesty, the Great Emperor of Heaven, although the faith of the Kingdom of Ghosts is very stable, the witches of all generations have not dared to directly accept the power of faith."

"So we used the sealing technique to transfer the belief, deflecting the final direction of belief to a magical stone."

"That stone is hidden in the Kingdom of You."

Hearing the miko's words, Uchiha Yu suddenly became energetic. This is what he wants.

Turning to the perspective of the Emperor of Heaven, he said: "It is interesting to be able to use sealing techniques to change the direction of faith and isolate the influence of faith on oneself. The sealing technique of the witch lineage is very interesting."

"Are you willing to give me the sealing technique that can deflect the direction of faith?"

"I do, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven."

"Very good, just remember it now. The Shenting Hall can materialize your sealing technique."

As soon as she finished speaking, a blank scroll appeared out of thin air in the hands of the miko. As she tried to recall, lines of text and pictures appeared on the scroll.

Without looking at the scroll directly, Uchiha Yu naturally knew everything in it.

This is a huge sealing technique, covering a range of more than 1500 meters. It will directly transfer the faith pointed to the witch herself and point to other items that can accept the faith.

He appreciated all the wonderful ideas in sealing techniques and marveled at the wisdom of witches throughout the ages.

The only regret is that Uchiha Itachi cannot understand the core part of this wonderful sealing technique, which is how to deflect faith.

If you don’t understand it, you can’t use it directly yourself.

But this is not worth worrying about. There is a master of sealing skills behind him, and he believes that Lord Senju Tobirama will be able to conquer the secrets.

When Maitreya presented the last bit of content, Uchiha Yu said: "I am very satisfied with your sealing technique. As a god of equal exchange, I will give you sufficient rewards."

"what do you want?"

Seeing the scroll disappear in his hand, Maitreya breathed a sigh of relief and made a request: "His Majesty the Great Emperor of Heaven, I hope you can protect the entire Kingdom of Ghosts."

The god smiled and said: "Witch, there is a difference between protecting a person and protecting a country."

"Humans are individuals, and the protection goal is very clear. Just ensure life safety and smooth life."

"But the country is a complex group. They are divided into different groups for various reasons. Different classes, ethnic groups, regions, and beliefs all have different needs and interests."

"Even an omniscient and omnipotent God cannot protect everyone in the entire country at the same time."

"If it were proposed to those stupid gods, they would probably use the method of causing catastrophe to destroy the country and twist it to realize such an unattainable request."

"You're lucky to have met me, but you also need to be specific about your requirements."

"Who accepts my protection, farmers, nobles, witches, priests, businessmen, shrines, kingdoms, or your followers?" No matter how smart and wise Maitreya is, and his human nature is sophisticated, he is still deeply shocked at this time.

From the words of the Emperor of Heaven, she truly felt an unprecedented grand perspective, but one that could directly penetrate the smallest structure of the country.

Inspired by this, she gained a deeper understanding of what a country is.

After careful consideration, Maitreya solemnly replied: "Please consider maximizing the overall interests of the Ghost Country and protect the vast majority of the people of the Ghost Country."

The Emperor suddenly laughed: "Witch, you are very smart, very smart."

"Your request can be realized, but based on the principle of equivalence, the price you paid is not enough, far from enough."

Maitreya knew that his request was difficult. He could only protect a person for a hundred years at most, but he could protect a country for thousands of years.

The Emperor of Heaven did not mention the issue of time. Perhaps it was just that He was not sensitive to time, but that did not mean that Maitreya could ignore the past.

If she wanted His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven to protect the Kingdom of Ghosts, she would have to pay a higher price, but she didn't know what else she could pay.

The so-called equivalent exchange is not really equivalent in nature, but the rich resources of Party A and Party B happen to be the scarce resources of the other party, so there will be exchange.

Exchange must produce value to have practical significance.

When both parties only have gold, there is no exchange because exchange is meaningless.

Party A has only gold, and Party B only has pearls. The exchange can double the assets of both parties, and the exchange has sufficient driving force.

For Maitreya, the biggest trouble she faces in this transaction between humans and gods is the unequal information.

She knew what she wanted, but she didn't know what the Emperor wanted, let alone how much her things were worth in the Emperor's heart.

So Maitreya simply gave up the initiative and left the bidding to the Emperor of Heaven.

She asked respectfully: "Your Majesty, Emperor of Heaven, what else can I give in exchange?"

The Emperor was silent and seemed to be carefully assessing the witch's assets.

After a long time, He slowly said: "Everything you have now has insufficient exchange value."

Maitreya couldn't help but feel very disappointed. Should he miss this rare opportunity?
  Uchiha Yu suddenly said: "Your Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, Your Highness the Miko does not have enough assets now, can you exchange it with future assets?"

"The future miko has enough assets to exchange, but she has to continue to pay for more than 100 years. She also needs to exchange for life span."

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Maitreya and asked: "If you are willing to serve me for 100 years, I will exchange 100 years of life with you."

"I do!!" Maitreya nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Although she didn't know what she had to pay for it, it was an interest-free loan for 100 years. Compared with the loans that the ninja businessmen could easily get for [-] years, how generous the gods were.

There is certainly nothing wrong with serving the gods.

Maitreya's profession is that of a witch, and she originally served a false idol, that is, the strange stone used to transfer faith.

If you can change the object of service and serve the real gods, why not do it?

This job not only allows you to get close to the great Emperor of Heaven, but also comes with a 100-year life span as a salary. It is simply a job like a fairy!

A fool would not do it!

The Emperor of Heaven expressed his appreciation for Maitreya's knowledge and interests, and additionally rewarded her with divine power and potential development.

Finally, he said: "Six days later, I will convene a meeting of the Divine Court. You will sit in your current seat. You can call yourself 'Mrs. Yan'."

Then she was returned to reality.

Maitreya, the witch, opened her eyes and felt dizzy. She was not sure that when the scene just seemed real or illusory, the divine power came along the thread of faith and the thread of cause and effect.

Miko throughout the ages have shunned faith, but divine power processed by gods is another story.

Uchiha Yu used the divine power created by the Southern Fire Spirit God to be filled with fresh warmth, making the miko's soul feel as comfortable as bathing in a hot spring.

The soul that has been passed down for thousands of years has accumulated a wealth of wisdom and insight through impressions, but it has also accumulated countless scars and fatigue.

Under the comfort of the warm divine power, Maitreya felt relaxed as never before.

When her divine power gradually faded away, she felt that her whole body was brand new, just like a girl from Jiangsu and Zhejiang experiencing a large bathhouse in Northeast China for the first time and rubbing off two pounds of old mud and dead skin in one go.

It's so easy that I can almost fly.

On this basis, the subsequent potential development has been even more effective.

The accumulation of the millennium inheritance of the witches is so rich. The potential development has doubled Maitreya's strength, and it is obvious that there is still a lot of potential that can be tapped.

After following this set of procedures, Maitreya's faith in His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven increased dramatically and reached an unbreakable level.

She became a fanatical believer of Uchiha Yuu, and a fanatical believer of the Lucid Sect.

Ancient proverb: Only superior wisdom and inferior foolishness cannot be changed.

Among the clergy there will be the most unbelievers, but among the same group of people there will also be the most devout believers.

Especially when the god served by the clergy is the true God, the clergy who have a thorough understanding of the god and believers will become the strongest believers.

No matter death or suffering, no power or money, not even honor and slander, they can shake their faith.

Uchiha Yuu stood in front of the miko Maitreya, quietly guarding her transformation, and at the same time carefully feeling every detail of her change of faith.

After a long time, Maitreya opened his eyes, his eyes bright and sharp, and his whole body was like a newly polished sword, sharp and sharp.

But after seeing Uchiha Yuu, the miko smiled sweetly and shouted at the top of her voice: "Uchiha Yuu-sama..."

This sound immediately made Uchiha Yuu's body crawl, and it even made Miwa Masayo, who had also been accompanying the whole process, furious. She rushed forward with a "ouch".

Maitreya's strength has greatly improved, but this cannot change the reality that she is weak in close combat.

Facing the attack of the civet cat, Maitreya's panicked parry was meaningless, and his face was instantly covered with dense red paw prints.

The witch was frightened and screamed: "Surrender, I surrender, I don't dare to do it anymore!"

Seeing that the "enemy" had given up, Masato Miwa stopped, snorted coldly, and jumped back on Yu Chiha's shoulder.

Maitreya felt his face burning, and quickly summoned a water mirror to examine it carefully.

As a woman, no matter how old she is mentally or how profound her wisdom is, she cannot care about her appearance.

It's nature.

After careful inspection, the miko finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Her face was densely covered with paw prints in a criss-cross pattern. Although it looked scary, it was actually not serious.

The Cat Immortal didn't have any killing intent. He paid great attention to the strength of his attack when attacking. He only scratched the surface of his skin lightly, and no blood even flowed out.

An ordinary person can recover from this kind of injury in a day.

It only takes half an hour for the miko to recover.

After clearing the water, she shrugged, as if nothing happened, and said to Uchiha Yu: "Master Uchiha Yu, I just forgot to ask, what exactly do I need to pay?"

"Also, what should I do in the future?"

Maitreya didn't seem to care about anything, but her voice changed to a cold tone, obviously not wanting to provoke the civet cat again.

If she had used such a voice and the same cool expression from the beginning, Uchiha Yuu would definitely find it very eye-catching.

But after hearing that clipping sound and then hearing that ice-cold voice, Uchiha Yuu just wanted to laugh.

Miwa Masayo was also dumbfounded and couldn't help but let out a "poof" and muttered: "This woman really...makes Meow hate me more and more."

However, Uchiha Yuu was very serious on the surface. He answered the miko's question seriously: "His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven also wants your stone, and the power of faith attached to the stone."

"In the next 100 years, the faith of the Kingdom of Ghosts will belong to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, and you will need to manage the Kingdom of Ghosts for His Majesty, including all secular and religious affairs."

Maitreya expressed his sincere gratitude: "His Majesty, the great Emperor of Heaven, is so generous!"

(End of this chapter)

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