I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 223: Masashi Miwa hates miko, not because she is jealous

Chapter 223 Miwa Masato hates miko, not because of jealousy
  Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "As long as you have made up your mind, now tell me where the demon is, what its current condition is, and all the information about it."

Maitreya said: "The monster is in the underground temple of the Swamp Country. In fact, it has not completely broken free of the seal yet."

Miwa Masashi asked: "I haven't completely broken free of the seal..., what does this mean?"

Maitreya replied respectfully: "Master Miwa Masashi, the relationship between shrine maidens and sprites is extraordinary, so the power to seal the sprites comes from itself."

"Because the power comes from the same source, no matter how tight the seal is, the power of the monster can penetrate through the seal."

"After decades of accumulation, the infiltrated power will gather together and condense on a certain human being, forming a part of the monsters that have escaped the seal."

Uchiha Yu laughed strangely, and he said, "Wait a minute, isn't this person the so-called Huang Quan?"

Maitreya lowered his head and replied softly: "You are right, it is Huangquan."

Miwa Masashi was stunned and Uchiha Yu laughed.

This is really interesting. The Kingdom of Ghosts has been passed down for thousands of years, and the legends with many ups and downs that are soul-stirring turned out to be the infighting of a super being.

Let’s just say there is nothing new under the sun.

In other words, urine in the same world is always the same.

The history of the ninja world in the past thousands of years, once you reach a certain height and look at it, you will find that it is all about internal fighting among relatives.

The overall battle in the ninja world is not a battle between the five major ninja villages or the five major nations, but an internal dispute within the Otsutsuki family over the treatment of their mother.

The Senju clan and the Uchiha clan have fought for hundreds of years, shrouded in the shadow of a battle between brothers' ideals.

The shadow even extends to the internal struggle of Konoha Village, like maggots attached to the bones, constantly consuming the lives of Konoha Ninjas.

The Kingdom of Ghosts even goes one step further and is the infighting of a life that splits itself apart.

The main part of the monsters wants to devour a small part of the miko, and the miko seals the irrational main body in order to protect herself.

The monster in the seal created the third part of the underworld, and worked tirelessly to help the monster devour the witch.

Uchiha Yu asked curiously: "Don't Huang Quan know that he is also a part of the demon? Doesn't he want to maintain his current independence?"

Maitreya replied: "I have had contact with Huang Quan. He firmly believes that he is a human being. He firmly believes that he can control the monsters after liberating them. He firmly believes that he can master the immortal power of the monsters and eventually dominate the entire ninja world."

Uchiha Yu praised: "Using desire to push the puppet's actions, the demon is very good at controlling Huangquan. How did it do it? Or did it form naturally?"

This time Maitreya shook his head and replied: "I don't know. In my impression, this matter seems to be an accident, not something the demon did intentionally."

I don’t know but I have an impression, and the witch’s explanation is even more confusing.

Miwa Masashi asked this question curiously.

Maitreya smiled bitterly and said: "This is also an accident, and it is also an accident that I don't know about."

Then she explained her situation to Miwa Masashi and Uchiha Yu.

The struggle between the three parts of the same life was originally very clear.

Monsters are immortal and can only be sealed but not killed.

The essence of a miko is immortal, but her body is that of a human being with a lifespan of only a few decades, and she is passed on through the birth of a daughter. All the powers of a miko, including memories and emotions, are perfectly passed on to her daughter.

The original shrine maiden appears to be passed down from generation to generation, but is actually just one person.

It is what is called I gave birth to myself.

The original Huang Quan was an ignorant puppet who only instinctively helped the main body to lift the seal, so it was easy to deal with.

Therefore, in the first few hundred years, the witches could always easily defeat Huang Quan and successfully seal the monsters.

But after thousands of years of continuation of simple things, several accidents inevitably occurred.

In several accidents, the first thing that went wrong was the monster.

It lost its own mind and turned from an intelligent life into a chaotic monster, running wildly on a crazy road. It could not even maintain its own existence and became a ball of energy.

This change allowed the sprites to successfully merge with the earth, and the difficulty of sealing skyrocketed. In recent generations, even mikos who were able to force themselves to die during the sealing process were able to do so.

The collapse of the demon's sanity led to Huang Quan's freedom. He deeply integrated with the human beings he was living in, and transformed from an ignorant puppet into a desire-filled and ambitious guy.

Finally, something went wrong with the miko's inheritance.

Perhaps due to the continuous deaths caused by the difficulty of sealing, the memory of the miko cannot be passed on to the next generation, and only vague impressions remain.

From then on, the two neighboring generations of shrine maidens had a mother-daughter relationship.

Nowadays, things in the Kingdom of Demons are already in a mess. Not to mention that outsiders Miwa Masayo and Uchiha Yuu can't figure it out, even the miko herself can't explain it clearly.

Maitreya smiled and said: "I know from the prophecy just now that you have the ability to deal with the demons and Huangquan, and I also discovered that even if I die because of the demons' death, Ziyuan will not die with him."

"My daughter will no longer inherit the power of the witch to seal monsters, completely escape the reincarnation of the witch and become a true human being."

"The fate of the miko in the Kingdom of Demons being trapped in the sealed demons will be completely over in her generation."

Maitreya stared at his daughter, his eyes filled with sadness, relief, and a hint of uncontrollable fear.

She is also a living person, and fear of death is a normal reaction.

Uchiha Yu was silent for a while and then asked: "You predicted the future, so you probably don't know your own fate. Why are you still afraid of death?"

Maitreya explained: "Because prophecies are never reliable. All the pictures I can see are only possible futures, not even the greatest possibility."

"From my experience, as long as you have a conflict with a demon, it may die, and I may die with its death."

Uchiha Yu nodded and agreed: "The future is never determined, and the past cannot be changed."

He admired Maitreya's attitude towards his ability to foresee very much. While he attached great importance to it, he was still cautious enough and never relied on superstition.

And this woman is also very good at dealing with people.

When he first met Uchiha Yu, Miroku destroyed the illusion field to show his strength, and at the same time talked to Uchiha Yu in a reluctant tone.

During the conversation, she maintained just the right amount of coercion, restrained to express her dissatisfaction and anger, and at the same time politely expressed her respect for the Leaf Village.

Miroku is the most difficult politician that Yuu Uchiha has encountered in the 19 years since his rebirth. The ministers of the Fire Country are all stupid sons of landlords in front of the miko.

Uchiha Yu was very uncomfortable being manipulated, but could not find an effective way to fight back.

Fortunately, he had already overturned the table in front of the Third Hokage, and if he was unhappy, he copied it directly. As a result, as soon as he showed the Mangekyō Sharingan, Miroku gave in.

Not only did she give in, she also mentioned the Eternal Eye just right in an attempt to seduce Uchiha Yu.

Realizing that Uchiha Yuu was not tempted, she sensed danger and immediately put her daughter down to gain sympathy.

Feeling that Uchiha Yuu and Miwa Masayo's attitude had softened, Maitreya even showed his complete surrender to Uchiha Yuyuki, regardless of his status as the leader of a country.

Then he told all the secrets he knew, frankly told his secrets, and showed his value.

Maitreya, the shrine maiden, can be said to be very knowledgeable and knowledgeable. She is worthy of being a shrine maiden with a thousand-year heritage.

After seemingly losing her memory but retaining her impressions, the shrine maiden has achieved a legacy that balances inheritance and renewal. Relying on her ability to metabolize, she can update her knowledge and insights to avoid being abandoned by the times.

Compared with this one, her daughter Ziyuan is too incompetent.

Although he saw through Miroku's intentions, Uchiha Yu no longer had any thoughts of punishment. Instead, he was full of appreciation and wanted to recruit this miko as his subordinate.

This man is a wild managerial talent with excellent management skills and strong personal strength. His reputation is deeply rooted in the Kingdom of Ghosts.

Through the shrine maidens and priests, Maitreya can even control a circle of small countries around him.

You must know that the place where the monsters are sealed is not in the country of ghosts, but in the country of swamp far to the west. Every time something goes wrong with the seal, no one comes out to protest, so you can know the prestige of witches in these small countries.

Such powerful comprehensive talents are definitely a scarce resource in the ninja world.

…    After Uchiha Yu got the location of the seal, he left the shrine with Miwa Masayo, then took off into the air and headed straight to the West of Numa Country.

While flying in the sky, Miwa Masashi suddenly asked: "Why don't you accept the miko's surrender, nya?"

Uchiha Yuu couldn't help but be stunned, and then replied with a smile: "Because the time is not right, even if I promise now, they won't really accept it."

"Meow? I see that she is bowing and kneeling, and she is also complaining to you. Isn't she asking for your protection, meow?"

"Haha, that's just a gesture. I just showed off a pair of beautiful contact lenses, but I didn't show the ability to deal with monsters. She was just preparing for what happened next."

"Besides, if I really kill the demon, she will die with her. When the person dies, the lamp goes out, and when the person leaves, the tea cools down. Only the three of us hear the promise. Will the people of the Ghost Country seriously fulfill it? ?”

"It's actually like this, meow!"

"She is indeed a hateful woman, meow. No wonder I feel disgusted when I see her, meow!"

"Lihuajiang, are you jealous?"

"Bah! There is no meow!" ((ˇˇ))

"Hmm~, jealous and shy Rika-chan is so cute."

"Meow meow? Meow meow, meow meow, meow meow?"

"It's not okay to pretend that you can't speak."

"Hate meow!"

The angry Miwa Masayo used the Cat Fist, with his small white claws and bouncing meatballs, hitting Yuchiha Uchiha's rough and fleshy head with a gentle touch.

Uchiha Yu laughed and sped up his flying speed.

Sure enough, with the company of civet cats, the boring journey becomes extremely interesting.

Especially flying, after the initial crazy excitement gradually subsides, traveling by flying becomes a boring and boring job.

After all, Uchiha Yu is the controller of the flight, not the rider and enjoyment of the flight.

At this moment, he suddenly understood those immortals. No wonder they didn't fly by themselves, either with their whole mounts or with a magic weapon.

There is even a magic weapon that contains embroidery and mountains and rivers in its belly. From the outside, it looks like it is flying at a high speed, but inside it is filled with carefree mountains and rivers, drinking happily, and singing and dancing birds.

God-like days, as expected, gods know how to live their lives.

Uchiha Yu secretly decided to get a similar magic weapon in the future, but of course it would not be used in the ninja world.

The size of the Ninja World is not large, only [-] miles in length and breadth. As long as it takes a while, he will carve the Mark of the Flying Thunder God all over the entire land of the Ninja World according to its longitude and latitude.

By then, no matter where he goes, he will only need to complete a short-distance flight of a few hundred kilometers at most.

The flying magic weapon will be used for more distant flights, such as... to the sky, and across the star sea.

It's not that Uchiha Yuu is too ambitious, but his own existence proves that the Otsutsuki clan is also a fact, and they will eventually come.

And Uchiha Yuu himself will also grow. With the blessing of infinite lifespan, one day he will be tired of the ninja world and can't find any fun.

At that time, except for a few existences around him, there will be no life he is familiar with in the ninja world. Carrying a partner who can live forever, leaving the cradle and traveling far away may become his only choice.

The flying speed is very fast, and the biggest advantage is that it can avoid the bad terrain of the Swamp Country. Uchiha Yuu quickly arrived at the sealing place.

High in the air, Miwa Masayo and Uchiha Yuu looked down and saw the densely packed earth figurines arranged in a neat formation. They vigorously waved their weapons and dug a path on the ground. criss-crossing ditches.

Ditches were used for drainage, but also for breaking seals.

Uchiha Yu keenly felt that with the hard work of the earthen figurines on the ground, the strange chakra seeping out of the ground was obviously increasing.

With the penetration of this gloomy chakra, the earthen figurines emerged from the earth like bamboo shoots after the rain, and then joined the army of earthen figurines.

As more and more earthen figurines join the army, the excavation progress on the ground is getting faster and faster, and the penetration rate of dark chakra is also accelerating.

Apparently the seal is about to be broken.

Miwa Masashi also noticed the change and asked: "The seal is about to be broken, nya, what should we do?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "When the seal is broken, my target will not be these clay figures."

"And there are too many of these mud figurines. If the monsters don't appear, I won't be able to find the underworld in the mud on the ground. I'd better wait."

Uchiha Yu was fascinated by the criss-crossing ditches on the ground, but his main focus was on the earthen figurines all over the ground.

According to the plot in his memory, these earthen figurines were called terracotta warriors by Huang Quan. They were immune to damage from ordinary people's weapons and were very powerful in combat.

It's just that such power only exists from the perspective of ordinary people. In front of ninjas, earthen figurines can be said to be useless and can be easily dealt with.

But Uchiha Yuu admires this method of large-scale control very much, even going one step further than the puppet master of Sunagakure Village.

The control method of the earthen figurines is very similar to the stone puppets of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, but in terms of quality and control, the two sides are completely different.

The rock puppet is a luxurious and powerful version, but the earthen figurine in front of you is the ultimate bankrupt beggar version.

It's just that Uchiha Yuu feels that he can use it better than the demons and Huang Quan.

Using wood as the skeleton and clay as the filling, creating and controlling a gigantic doll should be a bit of an undertaking.

The most important thing is that in the world of Zifu, there is no need to consider the issue of materials at all. Only the energy operation structure is reasonable, and the maximum theoretical enhancement can be achieved.

In particular, automatic operation and the ability to work automatically are what Uchiha Yu desperately wants to obtain.

In the Zifu world, there are only some buildings above the clouds. It's not that Uchiha Yuu likes his world to remain in a wild state, it's just because no one is responsible for the construction.

The world of Zifu is his spiritual world. Construction does not require physical strength and materials, but it requires Uchiha to use his imagination and energy to build it bit by bit.

No matter how efficient he is, he can't do it alone. No matter how long he has to work, he can't stand the tedium.

It would be wonderful if these earthen figurines could really be replicated in Zifu, taking the hard work of construction on their own behalf, and turning the construction of the Zifu world into an idle game.

Miwa Masayo was not interested in this. She quickly lost the motivation to watch and lay on Uchiha Yuu's shoulder and squinted her eyes to rest.

Fortunately, they were lucky, and the hard-working earthen figurines didn't keep them waiting any longer. By dark, the seal was completely broken.

A chaotic and evil chakra wave rose into the sky, and the new coordinates were about 20 kilometers away from Uchiha Yuu and the others.

When Uchiha Yu flew over, he happened to see Huang Quan walking out of the dug hole.

Under the light of the torch held by the earthen figurines, Huang Quan's beard and hair were flamboyant, and his expression was indifferent, revealing madness and arrogance. He stretched out his hand and pushed forward, and more earthen figurines stood up on the ground.

And these earthen warriors wearing helmets and armor and holding long-handled weapons look more powerful than the original black and white earthen warriors, and they can indeed be called terracotta warriors and horses.

Although there were no other living people around, only the terracotta warriors and horses watching, Huang Quan still announced loudly: "Today! This is the beginning of my conquest of the ninja world."

"Let's go! The target is the shrine of the Kingdom of Ghosts. As long as I swallow the miko, no one in the world can stop my army of terracotta warriors and horses!"

The sound of rumbling footsteps began, and the terracotta warriors and horses began to move, gradually gathering into square formations, and striding towards the east.

The former disgraced earthen figurines also changed their appearance one by one when they passed by Huangquan. They had thick armor and sharp weapons and joined the huge legion.

Miwa Masayo and Uchiha Yu looked stunned.

It's not that the Terracotta Army is very strong, but that they move too slowly.

The sonorous and powerful steps showed a strong momentum, but the legion's marching speed was only 5 kilometers per hour at most, which was really too slow.

No wonder the seal is about to be broken, the miko can still sit in the shrine with the old god present, calmly waiting for the ninja reinforcements from the three major ninja villages.

She really knew what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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