I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 208 Swallowing 1 Golden Pills, My Life Is Up To Me

Chapter 208: A golden elixir is swallowed into the belly, and my fate is up to me.
Although he knew what Uchiha Yu was going to do, his jump still frightened Miwa Masashi.

The civet cat rushed to the crater in a few clicks, braved the hot eruption air, looked down, and felt relieved after just one glance.

It turns out that with the complete exhaustion of the eruption, the lava in the crater is gradually lowering its height. Inside the spacious crater, many platforms formed by the solidification of lava are left, layered like oyster mushrooms.

Through the twisted eruption heat and billowing volcanic ash, Miwa Masashi saw Uchiha Yu, who was on a platform near the middle.

Uchiha Yuu did not sit cross-legged but stood with his legs slightly apart, his hands hanging down naturally, and his posture upright, shaped like a green pine on the top of a mountain, appearing and disappearing in the billowing gray smoke.

Seeing that the shoveler was fine, Miwa Masashi breathed a sigh of relief and quietly left the crater.

She takes the words of the poop shoveler very, very seriously. Since she said she should keep herself alert and at the same time start to develop a sense of familiarity with her own abilities, Miwa Masayo will implement it to the letter.

The tabby cat thought for a moment, then turned its head and licked the base of its front paws. Eight special cat hairs hung down from its barbed tongue, each one as straight as a needle.

The kitten's tongue is very sensitive, and she knows the quantity when licking. She then activates the natural energy she has accumulated for a long time and injects it into these eight special cat hairs one by one.

Under the guidance of Uchiha Yu, Miwa Masashi also began to accumulate natural energy in his body, and natural energy was divided into two types.

The vast majority of it is the natural energy flowing in the meridians, which she usually draws from nature bit by bit and gathers it together.

With a sufficient amount of natural energy stored in the body, there is no need to temporarily draw it from the environment during combat, and the efficiency of use is naturally greatly increased.

In fact, this is an ability that only the three great immortals in the three holy places and the Six Paths Immortals have.

Except for these four great sages, Myokiyama Fukasaku and Shima sage, the three sages Tianjinjinhime, Ichikijimahime, and Tsunjinhime of Ryuji Cave, and the Nekoyu sage of Cat Castle, they all can't do it.

Natural energy and chakra have a strong affinity. When natural energy is gathered to a certain extent, it will transcend cells and chakra and aggregate into senjutsu chakra.

If you fail to practice senjutsu and cannot control senjutsu chakra, this extremely active and extraordinary power will convert the released cells into specific substances, such as stones.

For beings with chakra, natural energy is far more dangerous than any poison.

Miwa Masayo referred to Uchiha Yuu's meridians isolation method and completed the internal storage of natural energy in advance, which greatly surpassed most immortals.

Moreover, she also got tips from Yu Uchiha to refine the stored natural energy in the way of Xiaoyue, and extract the natural energy that is completely under her control.

And it is stored in the core of the meridians, which is approximately between the chest and abdomen of the civet cat.

This natural energy is not much, but it has incredible and wonderful effects.

For example, Miwa Masayo is performing magic.

Immortal Technique: Hair Clone Technique

Eight cat hairs with excellent elasticity and as straight as needles were filled with natural energy. They suddenly bounced off Miwa Masashi's tongue and began to expand and change in the air. When they landed on the ground, they turned into eight identical civet cats.

Unlike the Clone Technique or the Shadow Clone Technique, the Hair Clone Technique does not have chakra fluctuations, and like the Shadow Clone Technique, it has a real entity and can use all the Ninjutsu and Senjutsu of Miwa Masayo.

The vellus hair clone technique not only has the ability to move independently, but can also communicate and accept the entry of the body consciousness at any time, and handle various emergencies in a timely manner.

There are not many weaknesses in this magical technique, that is, the strength of the body is quite different, and the toughness to resist blows is insufficient.

But for guarding, there is absolutely no problem.

He ordered the eight good cat clones to go in eight directions to defend the island on the periphery, while Miwa Masashi himself found a depression.

There is a lot of lava accumulated here, and because the amount is large enough, it has not solidified yet.

The civet cat pulled open the solidified black rock shell, revealing the red lava underneath.

When she saw the lava at close range and felt the hot radiation, her instinctive reaction was to bounce up high and instantly fall to a dozen meters away.

After Miwa Masayo landed, it took half a minute to regain her composure, and she finally realized the problem that the shit shovel officer said.

As an immortal who controls the natural energy of fire spirits, her body has long been unafraid of flames.

Now he can freely control pure white flames, not only as an extension of his claws, but also as a body protection.

You know, pure white flames can reach temperatures as high as over 2700 degrees.

How could Miwa Masato, who could touch and use such high temperatures without any problems, be harmed by lava at a mere 900 degrees?
This is of course impossible, but she still instinctively avoided the lava, which shows that there is a serious deviation between the body's instinct and physical ability.

This is indeed a problem, but the problem must be solved.

Miwa Masashi returned to the depression, once again peeled off the thin rock shell, and then jumped up again in fright.

Just by practicing again and again, I gradually eliminated my fear of lava that should not exist.

Finally, when Masashi Miwa opened the rock shell, he controlled his body's instinctive reaction and stayed in place without jumping up.

The civet cat's body was trembling, but she smiled happily.

Finally succeeded in subduing his instinct.

The instinct of life is the most basic ability engraved in genes to protect the continuation of life.

Some instincts are protective and are designed to ensure basic survival abilities, such as breathing, swallowing, feeding, etc. that must be mastered from birth.

Some instincts are protective and are designed to avoid fatal injuries as much as possible, such as cats' bouncing reaction to green strips and humans' instinctive defensive reaction to suspected snakes.

Without instinctive operation and protection, the possibility of life's survival will be greatly reduced.

But the protective instinct matches most life levels. When life itself undergoes an essential improvement, instinct will in turn become a shackle that restricts the evolution of life.

This is the situation Miwa Masashi faced. Uchiha Yu's advice to her was to break the shackles and modify the threshold of life instinct in repeated attempts.

After a day and a night of hard work, Miwa Masashi was finally able to calmly face the sudden appearance of lava while peeling off the rock shell.

After satisfying the problem, the civet cat hesitated for a long time before finally further dipping its paws into the lava.

But at the moment when it was inserted, the civet cat couldn't help but let out a scream of "meow", and at the same time turned around, relying solely on the strength of its body to throw itself several meters away.

"Haha, another instinct that needs to be overcome..."

Miwa Masashi stood up. She looked at her paw with a wry smile. She had just inserted it into the lava and did not suffer any damage. Even the soft hair was not ignited by the lava.

She understood that her body had completely adapted to flames and was immune to flame damage within a wide range of temperatures.

Even the most flammable hair is no exception.

This is the result of natural energy being stored in the body for a long time. In the process of being exposed to natural energy, the body slowly adapts and becomes a fairy.

The other great immortals came into contact with the chakra of immortal arts, and relied on a long period of time to slowly transform their bodies, and then they became immortals.

As the immortal transformation continues, more peculiarities will appear, such as an extension of lifespan, a decrease in the rhythm of life status, and an increased affinity for the natural environment.

These all take a long time. Immortals will naturally adapt and get used to all changes, and even the time scale will become longer. This is a unique feeling of immortal species.

Miwa Masayo's path was completely different. After she solved the problem of natural energy storage, she actively adapted her body to natural energy through Xiaoyue practice, and achieved the evolution of a fairy in advance.

The speed of her body's immortalization was so fast that it took only one year to complete the progress of other immortals for hundreds of years. Therefore, the speed of adaptation of her consciousness could not keep up with the speed of her body's immortalization.

The constraints of consciousness on the body are real. In this case, it will have an impact on the continued evolution of the body and have a dragging effect.

Of course, the effect of this drag is very, very weak now, and it may not manifest itself in all aspects until three or four years, and then be noticed by Miwa Masayo.

Uchiha Yuu, who happened to have just completed the three disasters, missed the kitten and immediately used his psychic technique to make Miwa Masayo appear in front of him.

At that time, he was in the post-tribulation period when his senses were most acute, so he was keenly aware of Miwa Masayo's problems and discovered the subtle drag on his consciousness.

This is the advice before entering the crater.

Miwa Masashi took a deep breath, returned to the depression, inserted his claws into the lava again, and continued training to overcome his instincts.

...While the Neko Sento was making all-out efforts, Uchiha Yuu had already been immersed in the changes in his body.

On the first day, he did nothing and had to do nothing.

His body was like a greedy glutton, ruthlessly devouring all natural energy from the outside world, and even significantly accelerated the decline of the volcano.

Uchiha Yu never imagined that his body could contain such a large amount of natural energy.

And such huge natural energy can be condensed and harmonized in the body's meridians, and quickly transformed into natural energy that one can accept.

The process of absorption and transformation continues throughout the day.

In the evening, Uchiha Yuu felt the pain of tearing through his meridians. He even felt the illusion that his body was beginning to expand, but the body's devouring of natural energy continued.

This made him panic, but his instincts gave no warning.

Uchiha Yu could only comfort himself and said: "There is no problem, the instinct of life will not seek death, only intelligent creatures will."

"no problem……"

After dark, the pain began to intensify, and the ubiquitous tearing feeling consumed Uchiha Yu's physical strength, so that he could no longer stand and had to sit down.

The pain prevented him from sitting cross-legged and could only lie flat on the rock. The heat from the rock behind him spread to his body, making him feel slightly better.

But the severe pain continued, coming in waves, and each wave had a significantly stronger feeling.

Moreover, the impact force is moving toward the core point of the body, and the natural energy is converging on the Dantian, which is between illusion and reality, and is trying its best to squeeze inward.

After realizing this, Uchiha Yuu's spiritual light flashed. He no longer endured the pain, but sunk his soul into the world of Zifu, and then fell downwards.

Following the mysterious connection that caused the dantian to rise and open up the Purple Mansion, Uchiha Yuu's consciousness fell into the dantian.

At this moment, the Dantian is no longer a puddle of clear water, but is filled with five colors of liquefied natural energy.

Because the red fire spirit accounts for the largest proportion of natural energy, the Dantian after the five colors are integrated will appear reddish gold as a whole, which is very beautiful.

It is precisely because of the coexistence of five colors of light that Uchiha Yu can detect the creepy pressure waves in the oscillations of different light colors.

But looking at it, Uchiha Yu couldn't help but muttered: "Why is it so messy?"

"This is a hammer and a stick here and there. There is no focus and no order. Although I don't know what the purpose is, no matter what it is trying to do, it will not work with such chaos."

Thinking that this is his Dantian, Uchiha Yu couldn't help but said: "I don't know if it can be tidied up. I should be able to control my Dantian, right?"

Suddenly, the chaotic pressure waves like Brownian motion disappeared, and then burst out at the same time, causing countless resonance and interference waves.

It really works!

Uchiha Yu was overjoyed. He immediately began to direct the generation of pressure waves, constantly adjusting the position, and judging the results of the adjustment through the interference patterns of the ripples.

He had already guessed what would happen in his dantian, but he didn't know which vibration wave could provide the greatest pressure. He could only keep trying based on the ripple interference pattern.

What Uchiha Yu suddenly thought of was pressure. All his body's original efforts could only achieve one goal, and that was to form a high-pressure zone in his dantian.

But he had no idea how high-pressure this high-pressure zone was. He could only try and see what limits he could reach.

According to Uchiha Yuu's understanding, the neater the interference pattern, the more precise the distribution of pressure waves, and the higher the central pressure generated.

As the number of attempts continued to increase, he found that the more circular the interference pattern was, the more powerful the central boosting effect was.

But it was these increasingly beautiful ring interference patterns that reminded him of the ignition method of a certain kind of mushroom. The implosion method seemed to be the strongest central pressurization method.

His mind was spinning, and without any further thinking, a spherical pressure wave impact was formed in his Dantian.

At first, Uchiha Yuu used natural energy to vibrate his dantian from the outside, forming a heart-shaped bell sound.

Now, according to his intention, the body introduces the natural energy into the Dantian. It first hits the surroundings, triggers the echo at the same time, and then hits the center along with the echo.

It was in this first attempt that a beautiful and flawless spherical interference wave appeared. The sphere was covered with hexagonal wave structures, and they were continuously generated inward layer by layer.

The spherical interference waves in each layer are smaller than the previous layer, but the hexagonal waveforms above are exactly the same size, which causes the shrinkage of the spherical surface to show a beautiful pattern.

Uchiha thought that a three-dimensional structure with a hexagonal shape on one side would eventually be formed, but he immediately realized that a hexagonal structure could not form a three-dimensional structure with one side.

Just when he was confused, what condensed in the center of the interference wave had appeared. Of course, it was not the smallest hexagonal interference wave, but a point that he could not understand.

This point is glowing, the light is not strong, but it conveys a huge amount of information that is incomprehensible.

Uchiha Yuu felt that this light spot was a pipe, and through this pipe, a huge information source was transmitting part of the information to him.

But he couldn't understand the specific meaning.

Just a moment after the light spot appeared, layers of interference waves were suddenly sucked in.

An extremely tiny bead appeared without any warning.

Under Uchiha Yu's engrossed gaze, he didn't even notice the appearance of the bead.

It just appeared so suddenly, as if there was no process.

With the beads as the center, the liquefied natural energy gathers crazily, and the beads grow rapidly visible to the naked eye.

As the size of the bead increased, its golden color became more obvious, making Uchiha Yu's eyes dizzy.

This is not because his eyesight is weak, because "seeing" at this time is just a habitual description, and now the senses can only perceive at the spiritual level.

Even Uchiha Yuu's dizziness was not because the golden light of the beads was too strong, but because his own soul was screaming crazily: "Golden Pill!"

Gold is something that is firm and indestructible; elixir is something that is perfect, bright and clean.

The golden elixir was originally used to describe the spiritual state of a cultivator who has reached the so-called stage of the true spiritual nature of enlightenment.

But in the system of cultivating immortals, golden elixir is a real and real existence.

The seed of the great avenue is formed by taking the heavenly rules contained in the cultivation method as the core and condensing the essence, energy and spirit of the cultivators of the Three Treasures as the base material.

The existence of the golden elixir is real, but it is not material. Just like the dantian, it is between illusion and reality and becomes the communication link between the cultivator and the great road.

The moment the golden elixir was condensed, Uchiha Yu felt as if he had an extra eye and saw another side of the world.

They are all kinds of world rules, densely packed, intertwined and connected with each other, like a snare, including all things without leakage.

Including Uchiha Yu himself.

He was extremely clear that although he didn't know how many rules there were in the world, every one of them was closely or slightly related to him, without exception.

One of the rules that is most closely related to him has the same characteristics as the information revealed by the light spot before the golden elixir appeared.

Obviously, this is the core rule of his golden elixir, but he doesn't know what it is.

But that’s not important. What’s important is that this golden elixir is really a golden elixir!

Uchiha Yu was ecstatic and chanted repeatedly in his heart:

A golden pill is swallowed into the belly, and my life is up to me.

Uchiha Yu knew that the original text of this poem was not Jin Dan, but he just felt that he had to say it this way because it fit his situation.

He is not Ziyang Zhenren, he is Uchiha Yuu!

(End of this chapter)
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