I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 205: Turn the Kingdom of Sichuan into your own theocratic territory

Chapter 205: Turn the Kingdom of Sichuan into your own theocratic territory

The volcano will have a strong eruption every once in a while, spewing out massive amounts of magma and rocks, seriously threatening the capital of Sichuan.

Yuu Uchiha stayed outside the harbor of Sichuan Capital, and the Ring of Zhurong was constantly opening, protecting the Sichuan Capital behind him with the powerful Senjutsu Sword of the Sun and the Cart of Kagutsuchi.

Because of the eruption of the volcano, a strange phenomenon was formed on this sea where the natural energy of the fire spirit was dominant, which happened to be the best way for Uchiha Yu to replenish himself.

He absorbed the natural energy of the fire spirit in nature, circulated and nourished it in his meridians, tamed it into his own power, and then used it to deal with the disaster caused by the volcanic eruption.

The main thing is a cycle.

Natural energy can be used cyclically, and spiritual power can also be supplemented by the power of faith. In theory, the battle between Uchiha Yu and Volcano can continue indefinitely.

But in fact, Uchiha Yuu is still a human being, and his fatigue is uncontrollable. As time goes by, the fatigue gradually accumulates, making him feel great pain.

The eruption of the volcano lasted for a long time, but a truly violent eruption that could threaten an eruption dozens of kilometers away could not last long.

On the third day, the volcano's activity began to weaken significantly, but Uchiha Yu did not dare to relax.

Lava rain appeared in the sky from time to time, forcing him to concentrate on dealing with it. Even a small amount of these things that could cause fires could burn the capital of Sichuan to ashes.

On the fifth day, due to the continuous eruption, thick volcanic clouds dropped thick volcanic ash, and the seawater was completely polluted into gray-black mud, with billowing white smoke rising.

Even the Sichuan Capital was not having an easy time. It was covered with a thick layer of scalding volcanic ash, but to the surprise of the ninjas present, the reconstruction work of the Sichuan Capital was already underway.

Those people from the Kawa Country who had just believed in the Southern Fire Spirit God worked hard to clean up the ruins, regardless of the falling volcanic ash.

They also built temporary shelters, cleaned up dead bodies, and rescued injured citizens.

When they are too tired to stand it anymore, they will stand up, look at the bright golden sun on the sea, and shout slogans praising God to cheer up their spirits.

"The hymn of humanity is the hymn of courage!"

"Be brave and clear all obstacles!"

"My Lord promises heaven, bravery leads to heaven, cowardice leads to hell."

“Wherever the fire shines, there is civilization.”

In these short five days, Uchiha Yuu made great progress on the path of god. He adjusted the thread of faith for his god clone and returned it according to the quality of the power of faith.

The quality of the power of faith is purity and accuracy. The worship of God is mixed with the least prayers, and the knowledge of God is the most accurate.

The higher the quality of the power of faith, the less it consumes for digestion and absorption, and the higher the proportion that can be returned.

The returned spiritual power is not the original power of faith, but the spiritual power that has been processed by Uchiha Yu and contains the effect of magic.

Because the person specifically responsible for processing is the mind monkey, it has obvious fire attributes.

It can make people feel energetic and courageous. At the same time, it can also make people's body temperature rise slightly, making the whole person more excited.

In addition, the returned spiritual power can also convey information. When Uchiha Yuu realized this, the worship of flames and courage, as well as the image of the heart monkey, were conveyed to the hearts of believers and became the unchangeable image of Zhu Rong.

The helpless Uchiha Yuu could only accept this unexpected setting and changed the appearance under the Zhurong vest mask into the monkey face of Ape Heart.

It also changed the teachings of the Southern Fire God, and formally established the worship of fire and the worship of courage.

It's just that the image of the monkey is a large golden monkey, which doesn't match the most handsome monkey in Uchiha Yu's mind. The most important thing is that even the name doesn't match.

The most handsome monkey name is taken by the damn Four Tails!

He made up his mind to kill the Four Tails in the future, take back the name of the Monkey King, and then officially change his name and image.

At this point, Zhu Rong, the Southern Fire Spirit God, established the basic belief framework and officially embarked on the Shinto path.

Uchiha Yu successfully maintained his own path of cultivating immortals, and at the same time used the heart shape to be compatible with Shinto, achieving the goal of cultivating both immortals and gods, and successfully fulfilled his vow of "I want them all".

With the basic framework of Shinto in mind, Uchiha Yuu followed the trend and did more work, such as setting holy names and making up prayers.

They even made reference to the religious system of the previous life and established a contract between man and God, promising the temptation of heaven and the terror of hell.

The advanced and complete religious system showed overwhelming advantages, and the organization belonging to the Southern Fire God developed explosively.

The Daimyo of Kawano Country felt the danger. He also heard about the rampant cult in Yuno Country, which led to the collapse of the Daimyo's rule.

So he launched his own force and issued a mission to the Konoha ninja and Sunagakure ninja, demanding the elimination of the "Fire Spirit Cult".

However, after a brief investigation, the Konoha ninja and Sunagakure ninja knew that this was the organization that believed in the immortal outside the harbor. They all took a breath and gave up the mission.

What these people believe in is not an illusory evil god, but a real shadow-level immortal who can really jump out and hit people.

The most important thing is that if this immortal is attacked by him, will he stand on the other side?

The terrifying Fire Release Immortal Technique he used would only be called terrifying if it was used not to deal with the sea, but to fight ninjas on land.

Even if the Sunagakure ninja decides that this immortal is an enemy, they will have to wait until the war is over before they can consider how to deal with him.

To directly stimulate this sage now would be to do the Konoha ninja a big favor.

The Sunagakure ninja is not that stupid.

Moreover, this immortal is protecting the capital of Sichuan. If he annoys him, not to mention that he can light up most of the capital of Sichuan with a single fire escape spell. Even if he leaves directly, the capital of Sichuan will erupt in the next time. were burned.

Can the Daimyo of Kawa no Kuni stop being so heartless?

After receiving the feedback from the Konoha ninja and Sunagakure ninja, the Daimyo of Kawanoguni was also shocked. He was so frightened that he dropped the folding fan in his hand and canceled the mission in a hurry.

And a few days later, the daimyo, who had been hiding in a safe basement, was carried by his subordinates to the seaside that smelled of sulfur, and saw with his own eyes the dazzling immortal like the sun.

In just a moment, the daimyo was conquered.

And then the daimyo saw the immortal displaying great power, raising his lightsaber across the sky, intercepting the rain of fire that filled the sky, rushing forward with thousands of cars, and destroying the tsunami that destroyed the world.

The Daimyo of the Kawa Country no longer cared about the filth on the ground. He prostrated himself on the seaside and devoted himself to his faith devoutly.

Confucius said: Only superior wisdom and inferior foolishness remain unchanged.

The Daimyo of Kawanoguni is a typical wise man, not that he is so wise, but that his background and education are high enough.

The daimyo has enough insight and knowledge, and the combination of the two forms enough wisdom to understand most things in the ninja world.

Therefore, he understands the importance of power very well, and is so wary of cults that he must eliminate them as soon as they are discovered.

But when he understood that this was a real immortal, a being with power comparable to a true god, and definitely not a great being that he could deal with, he would not hesitate to embrace him.

What's more, at the same time as he was worshiping, the daimyo felt the courage and warmth brought by the faith feedback mechanism, which filled his heart to the fullest.

For daimyo who are completely lacking in material things, spiritual emptiness is always inevitable.

After inheriting the position of daimyo, he discovered that he actually did not have much real power. At best, he was the lord of the city of Sichuan.

However, this city was too prosperous and generated too huge benefits, so all the management work was divided between Konoha Village and Sunagakure Village. Even Kirigakure Village could get involved, but he had no part in it.

In fact, in addition to passively collecting money, the Daimyo of Kawanoguni could only stay in his own manor and live a life of eating, drinking and having fun.

After living an enviable and boring life for a long time, people become numb and their hearts become empty.

Whatever a person lacks most, the feedback will be the strongest after it is satisfied. The higher the level of satisfied needs of different people, the more powerful the feedback will be.

After feeling the enrichment brought by the faith feedback, the daimyo immediately became the most devout believer.

His leap in faith seemed to come out of nowhere, and even Uchiha Yuu was taken aback.When Uchiha Yuu followed the thread of faith and confirmed that the person facing him was the Daimyo, he felt even more surprised.

But soon, Uchiha Yu discovered that the benefits of becoming the most religious person were not too many.

First of all, as the nominal supreme ruler of the Kawa Country, the daimyo naturally has a strong demonstration effect.

As the saying goes: what is good at the top will be worse at the bottom.

The daimyo himself has become a believer in the southern god of fire, and his officials and people will naturally follow him, even if they are only casual believers who know the name of the god.

Secondly, although the Daimyo of Kawanoguni is an empty frame with no real power, this frame can also become the basis of the believer organization, which can save at least ten years of fumbling time.

Finally, when the original empty frame of the daimyo is enriched with the help of faith, he can control the state power from another level and form a theocratic state.

The organizational form of a theocratic state lacks endogenous driving force and is a very backward state form in a world without the driving force of a true god.

But even in Blue Star, the theocratic country is quite capable in terms of execution and can easily crush the feudal country.

When there is really a true God behind a theocratic country, and it is a very enlightened and broad-minded true God, it can even become an empire that surpasses the centralized system. After all, God has no lifespan limit.

Even though Yu Uchiha is not a real god, he still feels that he can play the role of a true god. In this way, Kawakuni will become a very suitable tool for developing the ninja world and exploring and managing resources for cultivating immortals.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Yu suppressed his excitement and said to the daimyo himself: "Your piety surprises me. In view of your piety, I will give you the title of 'Pious One'."

"Pious man, are you willing to accept my test and many tasks?"

As a superior, the daimyo knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Although he did not know what the benefits would be, he still replied without hesitation: "I am willing, my lord, I am willing to accept all your tests and tasks."

Uchiha Yu admired his keenness and determination, so he praised him: "Very good, in this way I will give you the power to manage believers."

"Now, you have to go to the city, go to the streets, lead believers to chant my name, clean up the ruins caused by natural disasters, and save injured believers and non-believers."

So Yuu Uchiha told him the name of his vest and the holy words about courage that he made up on the spot.

The famous man was overjoyed when he heard this.

He never expected that this God of Fire would turn out to be a benevolent god and grant him such great power. This is really... great!

Afterwards, the daimyo naturally took to the streets with his cronies, regardless of the danger or the dirty environment, and led the people to save themselves.

At this moment, all the people in the capital of Sichuan are believers. As the Vulcan's instructions are conveyed to everyone's heart, the feedback to the daimyo's organization and command is extremely fast, and the execution power is also surprisingly powerful.

The disaster relief operation in Kawazuto was very effective, earning Uchiha Yu and the Daimyo great fame.

All this is under the watchful eye of the ninjas, but the Konoha ninja and the Sunagakure ninja are trying to frame the Daimyo of Kawanogoku. This is not a conscious act in the first place, it is purely a by-product of snatching profits.

After seeing the daimyo's behavior, some ninjas felt baffled, while others thought the daimyo was good. Only a few noble-born ninjas found the daimyo embarrassing.

But no matter what they thought, no ninja saw the need to intervene.

As a result, the daimyo gained greater power than the real daimyo through the newly established theocratic organization, that is, the theocracy that combined politics and religion.

However, the daimyo of Kawanoguni could not resist the Leaf Village and Sunagakure Village.

Because no matter how powerful a political power is, it essentially relies on violence to ensure its existence.

As long as the theocratic organization does not cultivate strong enough ninjas, the daimyo can only control some political power, but cannot obtain full national power.

However, the lack of political power does not prevent the daimyo from serving Uchiha Yu and exploring and developing the Kawa Country and the southern seas for him.

Uchiha Yu is very satisfied with this harvest.

But no matter how satisfied he was, it could not relieve his mental fatigue. After five consecutive days without sleep, Uchiha Yu began to feel that his eyelids were heavy.

Fortunately, on the fifth day, the volcanic plume changed color again and became gray.

Uchiha Yu learned from the feedback from the natural energy of the earth spirit that the volcano's energy had been completely vented and there would be no more possibility of an eruption.

Feeling deeply tired, he finally relaxed and couldn't help but sigh: "It's finally over."

Uchiha Yuu's voice was very low, but due to negligence, this sentence was transmitted to all believers along the thread of faith.

Shunajin, the capital of Sichuan, fell silent, and then burst into cheers. The extreme joy and rejoicing in overcoming the disaster made the whole city boil.

Because of the continuous attacks with the Burning Sun Sword, the volcanic cloud on Uchiha Yuu's head was the thinnest, and it completely dispersed at this time.

A ray of sunlight fell from the sky, forming a huge beam of light, shrouding Yuu Uchiha in the center after he had dissolved the Ring of Zhurong.

"Miracle! This is a miracle!"

"It's my lord, my lord!"

"Thank you for the rescue!"


The two ninjas in the Ninja Village were startled by the fanatical atmosphere, but they could not say anything. The immortal had indeed saved the capital of Sichuan, and it seemed natural that he would be worshiped by the ignorant citizens.

The only question is, how did these ordinary people know the information that the volcanic eruption was over earlier than ninjas like me?
Joy and fanaticism are the ultimate goals of a large-scale mass. The power of faith shows an explosive growth, and it is difficult for the monkeys to digest it.

Fortunately, fanaticism has purified the power of faith to an extremely high level, and even if it is temporarily hoarded in the Zifu world, it is not unacceptable.

When Uchiha Yu carefully examined the changes in his body, he unexpectedly discovered that the goldfish-shaped river god kept in the Yunshang Temple was quietly stealing faith.

The power of faith he ate was transformed into a special power in his body.

It's divine power!
The divine power used by the gods native to the ninja world!
Uchiha Yu was overjoyed. He did not show up to stop the River God from stealing food. Instead, he quietly approached and tried his best to observe and examine the difference between divine power and the power of faith.

And carefully study how the power of faith is transformed into divine power.

Just when he gained a little bit, an extremely sharp stinging forcefully pulled him out of the Zifu. It was [Whim] that suddenly activated with all its strength, informing him that the fatal danger was about to come, and clearly pointed out for the first time. source of danger.

Uchiha Yu suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky. The danger came from the sky, from the danger conceived in the volcanic clouds.

When he saw the swirling cyclones and the blue-purple lightning pulled out, he understood that the disaster of the wind and thunder combination was about to come.

"The timing is so accurate at this time, it doesn't give me any chance to breathe."

When muttering quietly this time, Uchiha Yu carefully cut off the communication between himself and the line of faith, and did not pass this sentence to the believers.

Just now, he was still thinking about when to use the flying thunder god technique, leave the current position, go to the position he had chosen long ago, and use the arranged sealing array to resist the catastrophe.

Because he was mentally depressed, Uchiha Yuu was not very sure about using the Flying Thunder God Technique, lest the so-called catastrophe manifest itself in the form of a space disaster.

He has no confidence that he can rely on his own strength and body to resist damage such as space tearing.

After all, Uchiha Yuka's Thunder God Technique was just a replica of the Second Hokage's ideas, and it did not mean that he had any real understanding of space.

For the sake of safety, he decided to wait for his mental state to recover and not leave until he made a mistake while performing the Flying Thunder God Technique and killed himself.

Who would have known that after just such a short wait, the huge electric charge bred in the volcanic cloud would block his perception of the Flying Thunder God's mark, causing him to lose the ability to teleport through space.

Without the movement of space, relying on his own running speed, he would not be able to outrun the volcanic clouds in the sky.

I can only stay where I am and endure the baptism of wind, thunder and disaster.

(End of this chapter)
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