I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 202 You bastard who killed my son, I finally found you!

Chapter 202 You bastard who killed my son, I finally found you!
The Capital of Sichuan, Tanchu Street, Casino.

Tsunade, who lost everything again, left the casino with a dull look on her face, staggered towards the izakaya, and decided to spend the remaining time and the money refunded to her by the casino on drinking.

Tsunade suddenly cheered herself up and said: "Drink enough, sleep well, and borrow money to make money tomorrow. I will definitely answer it tomorrow!"

Suddenly the ground shook from side to side. This was a seismic transverse wave caused by a volcanic eruption, and it was also the most destructive impact.

All of a sudden, houses collapsed in the streets, smoke and dust were everywhere, and screams could not be heard.

Of course, Tsunade was not knocked down, and she immediately launched rescue operations.

Fortunately, the houses in the neon culture absolutely emphasize the concept of being lightweight and earthquake-resistant. The building materials of the houses are all light wood boards and paper, and even the roofs are made of grass.Although this kind of building is very easy to collapse, it is also very difficult to crush people. Most of the buried people can even get out on their own.

Just as people were braving the coming longitudinal waves and desperately trying to rescue themselves, an alarm bell rang from the tallest building in Sichuan Capital, and soon the shouts reached everyone's ears from high places.

"Fire rain! Tsunami!"

Tsunade immediately put down the wounded in her hands, and after a few bounces, she arrived at the building with the ringing bells. She stood on the roof with tiles scattered everywhere, and only the beams and rafters were left, looking into the distance.

Sure enough, there was an orange pillar of fire rising into the sky in the distance, and lava balls trailing black smoke in the air hit the sea like a torrential rain, covering an area that was quickly heading towards the capital of Sichuan.

In addition, there is an obvious ridge on the sea surface, sweeping up like a low slope.

Ships of all sizes on the sea are accelerating crazily, rushing towards the port and the shore. Even if they are stranded on the shore, it is much safer than being involved in a tsunami in deep water.

At least it's possible to preserve the body intact.

Seeing this scene, Tsunade couldn't help but gasp.

This is the lava rain and tsunami caused by the volcanic eruption. It is absolutely a disaster for the Sichuan capital standing on the seaside.

Even as a Kage-level ninja, Tsunade couldn't think of any solution.

She couldn't even run on the road like ordinary civilians and shout: "Run! The tsunami is coming!"

Because she knew that this was meaningless. Ordinary people could not escape the tsunami, let alone the overwhelming lava rain.

But Tsunade didn't want to be like those ninjas, carrying large and small bags of scrolls and money, running madly through the ruins, which was really embarrassing.

At this moment, Tsunade saw a little golden light on the increasingly dark sea.

She couldn't help but squinted her eyes and looked over carefully, guessing what it was?
Or rather, a human being?

After running on the ice field for a few minutes, Uchiha Yuu arrived at the edge of the ice field and stepped onto the rolling sea.

He estimated the distance he had walked, and couldn't help but laugh at himself: "It's still a long way off after all. Ying's ninjutsu looked so powerful at the time, and the entire world as far as he could see turned into an ice field."

"But after walking around, I realized that the ice sheet only covers 28 kilometers, which is really not enough to see."

After walking for a while, we entered the area covered by volcanic ash. Dense lava rain and volcanic rock bombs fell from the sky. The tsunami in the distance was even more majestic. The roar of squeezing air could be heard from far away.

Uchiha Yuu looked at the outline of the city on the coast in the distance, then looked at the position of himself and the tsunami, nodded with satisfaction, and said to himself: "This is it, the location is quite suitable."

After speaking, he looked up to the sky again and said with a smile: "We also need to intercept the rain of fire and volcanic rock bombs from the sky. Does this count as completing the heavenly and earthly calamities at the same time?"

Intuition clearly told Uchiha Yu that he was overthinking.

Uchiha Yu curled his lips and stopped talking. His expression became very serious. He pushed his right hand forward slightly, and the golden halo surrounding him suddenly became extremely huge, covering an area of ​​several kilometers.

Immediately, golden flaming swords shot straight into the sky, smashing the high-speed flying lava rain and volcanic rock bombs into pieces, and causing their trajectory to be slightly upward.

Further fragmentation and upturned trajectories caused the wind resistance coefficient of these lava rains and volcanic bombs to increase dramatically. Dangerous objects that could have crossed twenty kilometers and fell into the capital of Sichuan fell into the sea after a few kilometers.

Although Uchiha Yuu worked hard to control the volcanic rocks from falling into the sea area with the lowest density of ships, there were still some unlucky ships located in this falling area that was a hundred times denser.

These ships no longer had a chance to escape. They were instantly shattered by volcanic bombs and turned into burning driftwood on the sea.

For these unlucky people, Uchiha Yu just glanced at them and said silently in his heart: I'm sorry.

He is not a perfectionist and has never had any delusions of saving everyone. He is here to prevent disasters just to prevent the disasters caused by himself from destroying a city and causing terrible disasters.

In the process of suppressing the disaster, Uchiha Yu didn't have such a big psychological burden on people who died due to various reasons.

He didn't care even if it was death or injury caused by his own hands.

The so-called train paradox does not hold true for Uchiha Yu. He will only save his own people without hesitation. If they are all his own people, then he will choose the side with more people without hesitation.

Uchiha Yuu's moral requirements are divided into objects, and there is a very clear distinction between near and far.

He cares and loves those close to him and can be regarded as a moral role model.

For the people of Konoha and Fire Country, he is willing to lend a helping hand whenever he can, and he does not hesitate to do his best.

For strangers, the only thing you can do is not take the initiative to kill, and stick to the moral bottom line without crossing it.

Uchiha Yuu was beaten in his last life and understood that as long as he did not try to stand at the apex of morality, he would not have any unnecessary psychological burden.

You will not be taken advantage of by some people. It is obvious that you tried hard to provide help, but because the completion was not perfect, you became the person who did the wrong thing.

How can anything be perfect in the world?

With just a glance, Uchiha Yu put aside the casualties in the splash zone and turned his head to look at the tsunami roaring in front of him.

It was a huge wave that stretched across the sea, with a width of more than 30 kilometers and a height of [-] meters.

The height of the artificial tsunami frozen by Ying was only 16 meters. After extending for only a few kilometers, the height of the tsunami dropped to 5 meters.

"Haha, this is the power of nature. The tsunami caused by the Kirigakure ninja really looks like a cute little wave now."

Uchiha Yuu looked at this real seawater mountain range and couldn't help but feel glad that he let Ying leave. His earthy body was unable to freeze in such a huge wave.

Even if it freezes into a huge ice sheet, it will be shattered by a more violent tsunami. The broken huge ice blocks will float in the sea water and become weapons that can cause damage and destroy urban buildings.

Uchiha Yu touched his nose and said hesitantly: "Oh, do you want to continue to maintain the vest of the natural current Zhu Rong?"

The most appropriate way to deal with a huge tsunami is of course to use the natural energy of earth spirits to soften the earth's crust and pull down the seabed, creating a 'deep pit' on the seafloor that is large enough to accommodate the tsunami, and eat it directly.

Uchiha Yu has done specific operations in the East China Sea, so he is considered very experienced.

The second is to use the natural energy of water spirit to gather the sea water on the beach to form a reverse tsunami to directly offset it.

The point of this method is to gather enough seawater, and the seawater between the two tsunamis must be drained to create a hedging rather than wave transfer.

But the vest Yuu Uchiha is wearing now is the natural sage Zhurong. He should be a powerful sage who controls the natural energy of fire spirits.

So how does the natural energy of the fire spirit deal with this natural tsunami?

You know, this is a tsunami with a width of hundreds of kilometers. If the width of the breaking wave is not enough, the seawater on the left and right will surround it, completely submerging the capital of Sichuan.

After Uchiha Yu calculated and confirmed the specific data, he couldn't help complaining: "It actually needs to defeat waves of at least 24 kilometers."

"This is very challenging work for me."

"Ah, the Ring of Zhurong has been unfolded, so let me start the most gorgeous explosion."

The natural energy of the fire spirit exploded, and the fire escape chakra also exploded at the same time. The magic chakra formed by the combination of the two increased a hundred times.

The Ring of Zhurong, which represents the culmination of Uchiha's Youhuo Spiritual Art, suddenly expanded to a diameter of 1200 meters. In the seemingly slow but urgent rotation, ancient chariots condensed.

It was a war weapon evolved from the fire god Kagutsuchi, a flaming chariot that could run on its own without being pulled by the god's horse.Immortal Magic, Fire Spirit, Kagutsuchi's Car

With the completion of the magic, chariots rushed out of the Ring of Zhurong one after another, and formed a neat impact queue during the rapid march.

The frontal width of the large formation reached an astonishing 24 kilometers, and the golden chariots launched a brave and fearless impact towards the huge waves of the tsunami.

And the chariots were not just one row. As a steady stream of chariots were generated from the Ring of Zhurong, and then quickly launched a charge, a total of five rows of chariots were formed before the end of this grand magic.

There was neither the neighing of the war horses nor the fearless shouts of the warriors, but the rumble of the impact of the chariot still resounded throughout the world. Everyone who saw this scene felt excited and wanted to follow this miraculous chariot to attack together. .

Most people can only stand on the roof or on the boat, waving their fists and shouting helplessly.

But Kawazuto is one of the most prosperous and huge cities in the ninja world, and there are huge ninja legions nearby. Naturally, there are ninjas who are powerful enough to get closer and watch the attack more intuitively.

As for walking to the front and attacking the tsunami with the stranger, that was impossible.

This is not what people do!


Chiyo was the leader of the Sunagakure ninjas. After she received the information that the ninjas were fighting at the beach, she immediately organized the ninjas to come to check the situation.

When she arrived with her people, the two warring parties had already left, leaving behind a shocking ice battlefield and the corpses of hundreds of Kirigakure ninjas.

Just when Chiyo and her subordinates were looking at each other in confusion, she received another report that an undersea volcano had erupted, triggering a massive lava rain and tsunami.

Moreover, the capital of Sichuan is within the hardest hit area of ​​this volcanic eruption.

Due to the signing of the agreement, the Sunagakure ninja had an obligation to rescue Kawazuto, so she could only rush over with the Sunagakure ninja.

As soon as they arrived, Qianyo saw the Ring of Zhurong and saw an even more shocking scene than the battlefield just now.

Some people are fighting against the massive volcanic eruption disaster on their own.

Are you a human?

Chiyo was a little hesitant about whether to get close to the past, but just when she was hesitant, the Sunagakure ninja noticed that a Konoha ninja was approaching the golden halo.

So she no longer hesitated, took her younger brother, Ye Cang and several elite jounin, approached the golden halo from the west, and formed a confrontation with the Konoha ninjas.

On the tallest building, Tsunade saw this scene. Even though she was far away, she recognized who the Konoha ninja and Sunagakure ninja were.

She originally wanted to run away when she saw the Konoha ninjas, but after recognizing the personnel on both sides, Tsunade stopped in her tracks. She frowned, thinking and hesitating.

Yamanaka Kanuchi suddenly raised his palms and shouted in the minds of his teammates through secret techniques: "Stop, there are Sunagakure ninjas, Chiyo, Ebizo and Hayakura!"

Nara Shikao clicked his tongue: "Three Kage-level ninjas, we don't have equal combat power, and there is no numerical advantage... we are in trouble now."

Akimichi Dingyuan asked: "Can the three of us deal with Chiyo if we join forces?"

Nara Shikao shook his head and said: "It's difficult. The old woman's poison is too troublesome. We can deal with Ebizo alone at most."

As the captain and commander of this operation, Yamanaka Kanuchi asked: "Shikao, what is your suggestion?"

Nara Shikao said without hesitation: "Stop advancing, retreat slowly, and keep a distance from the Sunagakure ninja."

Yamanaka nodded and gave the order: "I will follow your suggestion. If the enemy continues to approach, we will retreat."


Chiyo also discovered that not only did the Konoha ninjas on the opposite side have no advantage in numbers, but there was not even a Kage-level ninja present. Naturally, her heart became alive and she began to move closer to these Konoha ninjas.

She hasn't decided yet whether she wants to fight, but if she has the chance to take a bite, of course she won't let it go.

If one of the Ino, Deer and Butterfly combination can be eliminated here, and seven or eight elite jonins can be killed, the situation in the entire Kawa Country will become more favorable, and it will also be very conducive to the next plan.

The small teams of more than a dozen people on both sides were facing each other, slowly moving their positions.

The atmosphere is becoming increasingly tense, and a conflict is about to break out.

At this critical moment, a thunderous roar sounded, and the sound of Kagutsuchi's chariot beginning to impact attracted everyone's attention.

Although there is no war horse, the impact of the flame chariot has a more powerful momentum, instantly eliminating the murderous intention between the Konoha ninja and the Sunagakure ninja.

After seeing this magical technique, the ninjas on both sides finally intuitively felt the power of the mysterious man. When he had the ability to eliminate two ninjas in one fell swoop, it was best for him to stay calm and not offend the other party.

If the flat-headed brother and the wild dog fight when they are around elephants, wouldn't it be disrespectful to the strongest creature on land?
After realizing that the crisis of the conflict had been resolved, Tsunade, who had already reached the beach, stopped.

She chose the tallest sailboat mast nearby, jumped on it, and continued to observe the situation ahead.

The roaring chariot rushed forward at high speed and reached the wave trough at the foot of the tsunami. Instead of following the curve of the wave upward, it plunged into the sea water.

In the clear sea water, the chariot advanced tens of meters with difficulty and turned into a dazzling plasma fireball. The golden and almost white fireball tore a huge hole in the sea water and evaporated a large amount of sea water into water vapor.

Water will expand 800 times in volume when it reaches water vapor, evaporating seawater with a diameter of more than 30 meters in an instant. Water vapor cannot be vaporized at all, but can only exist in the form of superboiled liquid water with a temperature as high as 600 degrees.

If it is on the deep seabed and is squeezed by the pressure of thousands of meters of seawater, let alone 600-degree seawater, even 800-degree seawater will not be a problem.

But in the middle of the tsunami waves, the top of the 600-degree high-temperature seawater was less than 30 meters thick, and the location where the tank rushed in was less than 20 meters away. It was impossible to withstand the pressure of boiling water.

The water vapor molecules push each other and work together to push the seawater outward, and then vaporize, enlarging the volume 800 times.

An explosion inevitably occurred. Pure white water vapor carried an unknown amount of sea water and rushed into the sky, forming a huge hole with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters in the tsunami waves.

Before the seawater spread to eliminate the hole, the same explosion broke out on both sides of the hole.

Then the explosion extended all the way to more than ten kilometers away on both sides.

The dense explosion actually removed a layer of seawater of 40 to [-] meters from the front of the tsunami wave. The impact of the explosion affected the waveform of the tsunami and caused huge turbulence.

Even the speed of the tsunami was reduced due to the explosion, and an obvious depression was formed in the circular tsunami wave.

But the destructive power of this explosion is still not enough for this tsunami. It only takes a few seconds for the chaos of the waveform to disappear and the tsunami to regain its rounded streamlined outline.

At most, the height of the huge waves in this section is reduced by one to two meters.

However, Yuu Uchiha's Kagutsuchi chariot was not a one-time deal. Before the huge waves could resume their waveform, the second round of chariots rushed into the waves, triggering a second round of explosions.

Then came the third and fourth rounds.

When the fifth round of explosions sounded, the seawater brought up by the first round of explosions had already formed a hot rainstorm, covering the sea area.

Whether it was Konoha ninjas or Sunagakure ninjas, everyone who stayed in this area was hit by the scalding rain. Dense blisters formed on their hot skin, and they had to run away with their heads in their hands.

Only a few of the most powerful ninjas used various methods to block the heavy rain and still persisted here.

Among them, Ebizo seemed to have lost his soul, approaching the mysterious man step by step.

He murmured in his mouth: "Is it you? It's you, it's you! Natural Immortal!"

"The bastard who killed my son!"

"I finally found you!"

(End of this chapter)
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