I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 192 Orochimaru’s overtures will never be pure

Chapter 192 Orochimaru’s overtures will never be pure

Uchiha Yu said helplessly: "So, you deliberately sold yourself to the Third Hokage?"

"Well, that's true." Orochimaru said as he lazily picked up the last piece of fried octopus leg and gently put it into his mouth, showing a satisfied smile, "This fried tempura is so delicious. , some more.”

"This is fried octopus legs, not tempura! Also, Orochimaru, how can you eat it so well?"

"Oh my, you used to call me Orochimaru-sama, but now you just call me by my first name. It seems like you are getting more confident."


"No, Orochimaru, you came to my house early in the morning, ate and drank, and said these things in a weird way. What do you want to do?"

"Humph, were you the one who caused the trouble last night?"

"I didn't do it." (Confidently)


"Do not lie to you!"

Uchiha Yu put the freshly fried fish on a plate and served it.

Orochimaru wasn't afraid of being burned, so he took out a piece and made a crunching sound while looking at Uchiha Yuu doubtfully.

He could detect that Uchiha Yuu's attitude was very calm and there was no hint of lying at all.

The fact is that what the raccoon cat did has anything to do with him, Yuu Uchiha?
As for the further interrogation of Uchiha Yu, Orochimaru did not have such reckless thoughts. Just sitting here, he could feel the slightest hint of fatal threat.

This is not because Uchiha Yuu has murderous intentions towards Orochimaru, but because of the White Phosphorus Orochi's intuitive sense of powerful enemies, which proves that Uchiha Yuu's strength is enough to threaten Orochimaru's life.

Of course, this is just the intuition of White Phosphorus Orochi, and Orochimaru is dismissive of it.

In this ninja world, there are many ninjas who can defeat Orochimaru, but there are no ninjas who can threaten his life.

After eating several pieces, Orochimaru was surprised to find that he was full.

His current physical condition is inhuman, like a python. He can go without eating for a long time, and he can also eat an extremely large amount of food in one go.

Therefore, Orochimaru's appetite is very terrifying, and he almost never feels full.

But today, he only ate a plate of fried meat with a few pieces of fried meat at Yu Uchiha's place, and it made him feel full, which proved that these meats were different.

Orochimaru took another piece of meat, stuffed it into his mouth, tasted it carefully, and chewed it slowly.

This piece of meat is rich in fat, has a dense texture, is soft and elastic, but you can't feel the fiber of the muscle.

He couldn't tell what kind of animal meat it was, but as he chewed it slowly, he tasted a hint of chakra, and it was not ordinary chakra.

Orochimaru asked hesitantly: "Is this... the tailed beast's chakra?"

Uchiha Yuu was mentally prepared since Orochimaru started chewing slowly, but he was still surprised when Orochimaru said the correct answer in one breath.

So he gave a thumbs up and praised: "It's incredible. I've processed it to this extent, and you can actually taste it. It's amazing."

Now it was Orochimaru's turn to be shocked, and he asked: "Is it really the meat of the tailed beast?"

Uchiha Yuu shook his head and replied: "Of course it's not a tailed beast. This is an octopus from the East China Sea. It's obviously not a tailed beast, but it has the chakra of the Eight Tails in its body."

"Is this why you chose to station yourself on the island in the first place, and why the Tiger Force has remained entrenched at sea and has not retreated to this day?"


"really not bad."

Orochimaru did not ask for a share. The thing was of course a good thing, but it already had an owner, and the owner was not weak in strength and power. He did not want to take the risk of snatching it.

As long as the relationship between the two can be maintained, if necessary in the future, they can obtain it through trading. This is much safer than taking risks and plundering.

Seeing that Orochimaru was almost full, Uchiha Yuya got down to business and asked: "You came to me specially, what's the matter?"

Orochimaru said: "I have something to ask you."

"Please speak."

"In two days, I will go to the Country of Rain and spend a few days inspecting the situation on the battlefield."

"and then?"

"Actually, I have other things to do and need to leave for a few days."

"I will leave a special clone to handle the specific work. There will be no problems, but the strength of the clone is very problematic. I need a strong enough guard."

Uchiha Yu pointed at himself and asked: "Shall I be your guard?"

Orochimaru nodded and said, "I can't think of anyone else except you."

Uchiha Yu asked in confusion: "Orochimaru, you have so many subordinates, and there are many powerful ninjas among your confidants. Why do you need me?"

Orochimaru also said helplessly: "I have many subordinates and many powerful ninjas, but there are not many people who can accept my private work."

"But the problem is, this time my escort requirements are very high."

"The clone I left behind is very special and is strong enough to deal with ordinary Jonin. However, the situation in the Land of Rain is very complicated, and the possibility of being attacked by a Kage-level ninja is not low."

"So I need a guardian who is strong enough and can keep my secret."

Uchiha Yuu said helplessly: "To be able to hold back the guards of Kage-level ninjas, I also need to be able to keep you secret. It seems that I am the only one who meets the conditions."

"It's not impossible. What's my reward?"

Orochimaru smiled and said: "There must be mission records and bonuses, but I don't think these two are enough to impress you, so I prepared these two things."

He took out a stack of white paper and a scroll from his arms and placed them gently on the table.

Orochimaru said: "The scroll records several loopholes in the barrier of Konoha Village. You can leave and return to the village through here, ensuring that you will not be discovered."

"This stack of task books has been signed and sealed by me, and the task content is specially marked as confidential. You can fill in the time at any time."

"How about it?"

Uchiha Yu smiled. He stretched out his hand to put the things away and said to Orochimaru: "Lord Orochimaru, when will you set off? There is no problem with me here and I can start the mission at any time."

Orochimaru said with a look of disgust: "You guys, as long as the benefits are satisfactory to you, you call me with honorifics?"

Uchiha Yu didn't take Orochimaru's ridicule seriously. He said matter-of-factly: "Of course, I must maintain respect for such a generous employer like you."

Facing such a shameless guy, Orochimaru could only shake his head helplessly. He stood up and said: "We will set off at 9 o'clock the day after tomorrow. By the way, I am very satisfied with today's breakfast. I hope I will have the opportunity to taste it next time."

Uchiha Yu's smiling eyes disappeared: "No problem, as long as you are as generous as today, you are always welcome in my home, and my dining table is your dining table."


Miwa Masato, who had been lying on the dining table, watched Orochimaru leave, and then asked: "Did Orochimaru really not think that I lit the fire in the river?"

"Who can be sure? Orochimaru's thoughts are harder to guess than a woman's."

Uchiha Yu sat down and began to enjoy his own breakfast, and then said: "Just like today, I never thought that he would reconcile with the Third Hokage at this time."

Miwa Masayo became interested. She walked slowly to Uchiha Yuu with her four legs and asked: "The reconciliation between Orochimaru and the Third Hokage will have an impact on Yuu, nya?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you said before that Orochimaru and the Third Hokage will eventually conflict, and you plan your future strategy based on this idea."

"Don't worry, reconciliation is just a temporary strategy of Orochimaru. He has no intention of compromising with his teacher."

"Meow? Why meow?"

"Some time ago, Orochimaru suppressed his teacher so much that the Third Hokage had no chance to show his abilities."

"This is not good. No matter how good Orochimaru is, if there are no others to set him off, everyone will soon get used to it and think that Orochimaru's doing so well is a matter of course."

"And Orochimaru has done enough things. If he continues, he will always make mistakes." "Actually, it's okay to make mistakes, but there are also things that are beneficial to most people and harmful to a few people. , there will be things that will bring huge benefits to the future but have to endure pain now. These are things that are obviously done right, but will also cause resentment."

"If there is too much resentment and the Third Hokage takes advantage of it, he will make Orochimaru look bad and force him to leave. Even if people will definitely regret it in the future, what's the point?"

"Just like Hatake Sakumo, the situation in Konoha Village was extremely bad some time ago. How many people miss Konoha White Fang, but does this mean anything to him who has long since died?"

Miwa Masashi shook his head and asked: "In other words, Orochimaru and the Third Hokage are easing their relationship, but instead they are dealing with the Third Hokage?"

Uchiha Yu clapped and praised: "Rika-chan is so smart, you are right, that's it."

"Orochimaru is really smart. He was keenly aware of his danger, and then made a choice that can be called a conspiracy. He pulled the Third Hokage and his classmates to the stage and showed them to the Konoha ninjas with him."

"As the saying goes, if you compare goods, you will be thrown away, but if you compare people, you will die."

"With the hip-stretching performance of the three generations of Hokage as a background, Orochimaru can prove to the Konoha ninja that he is the best candidate for Hokage through comparison."

Miwa Masayo was surprised and sighed: "Even such a warm thing as easing the relationship between master and apprentice has all kinds of calculations hidden behind it."

"Humans... are so scary, nya."

"Haha, the top beings among humans are indeed quite scary. Especially Orochimaru, his overtures are never that pure."


Uchiha Yu ate breakfast quickly, then packed up all the sundries, and ran to the study meeting with Uchiha Shisui who came to the door.

When he appeared in front of the Uchiha brothers, even after so long discipline training, everyone still let out a scream of despair.

"It's fatal!"

Uchiha Yu sneered: "Haha, you don't welcome me! I have to give you a good dose today!"

This sentence made all the Uchiha take a breath of cold air. They panicked and begged for mercy in a panic:

"Please let us go!"

"Brother Yu, big brother! You are our eldest brother! You can't be so cruel!"

Despite the various shouts, no Uchiha left their position, and no one even looked around. After all, the concept of discipline was deeply engraved in their hearts.

Uchiha Yu nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay, for the sake of everyone's discipline, we will have a No. [-] training package today."


Hundreds of people breathed a sigh of relief in unison, and there was a clearly audible wind sound, which made everyone stunned.

Uchiha Tomino, the grandson of elder Uchiha Kumaichiro, was the first to burst out laughing, and then everyone was amused, and the tension on the training ground was swept away.

Uchiha Yuu had a high sense of humor. This kind of small scene would not have amused him, but considering the feelings of his brothers, he laughed deliberately.

Then the laughter became even louder.

With the Uchiha in a relaxed mood, Uchiha Yu started today's training. Next to him was Uchiha Shisui, who had just turned five years old.

Uchiha Yuu asked: "What do you think? Let everyone start training in a happy mood. The effect will be much better than when everyone is gloomy, right?"

Uchiha Shisui followed hard and replied breathlessly: "Brother Yu is right, everyone is very excited today, and under the influence of each other, they run much faster than usual."

Uchiha Yuu praised: "Shisui is so smart. You should understand now that individual practice and group exercise are different. Individual practice pays more attention to doing every action calmly, but group exercise is about discipline first and spirit second. .”

"I understand, Brother Yu."

"I'm going on a mission the day after tomorrow. I'll be away from Konoha Village for several days. You have to lead everyone while I'm away."


Uchiha Ou suddenly thought of a question and asked: "Shisui, if I hand over the study to you, will it affect the curriculum of the ninja school?"

Uchiha Shisui shook his head and said: "The things taught in school are very basic knowledge, and the training intensity is also very low. To me, it is a waste of time."

"So I submitted an application and was exempted from training and practical classes. I only had to take the exam. There is no problem in terms of time."

Uchiha Yu frowned and said: "Shisui, if you do this, you will spend a lot less time with your classmates. Will it affect your relationship with your classmates?"

Uchiha Shisui said indifferently: "I can't get along with those kids. We haven't been able to talk to each other since the beginning of the school year. There is no communication at all, so it has no impact."

Uchiha Yu touched his chin and said nothing.

Making friends has nothing to do with age. Uchiha Shisui's talent is too high, and his mental age has grown rapidly under his own guidance.

He doesn't get along with 5- and 6-year-old children of the same age, but he gets along best with children who are in the rebellious stage from about 12 to 15 years old.

It is not easy to directly interfere with this kind of thing, and there is no need to force Shisui to make friends of his own age. It would be best if he is lucky enough to meet a genius of his own age, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't.

Uchiha Yuu is very confident. Under his care, Uchiha Shisui will not be like Uchiha Itachi, who had no one to explain to him when he encountered a problem in his thinking. As a result, he got into trouble and turned into a cold-blooded madman. .

However, Uchiha Itachi may have problems himself. Normal people and normal geniuses will not lose their basic logic no matter what kind of terrifying problems they encounter.

Like this, he spreads his tenderness to the entire Ninja Village to the outside world, and concentrates it on his younger brother internally. He rewards his blood relatives and clan members with the most vicious coldness and cruelty in the world.

From any perspective, this is not the logic that the human brain can operate.

So, should this child be humanely destroyed?

Uchiha shook his head and rejected this sudden idea.

If he started to obliterate Itachi Uchiha because of his future crimes that he had not yet committed, then he would probably be one of those with a broken brain.

It's better to wait until he commits the crime before dealing with it.

This is not for Uchiha Itachi, but for his own mental health. As an immortal, Uchiha Yu must carefully maintain it.

Through high-load training, all the Uchiha brothers were exhausted. After seeing the satisfactory training results, Uchiha Yu announced the news of a break and a big meal.

"I brought the meat given to you by the Tiger Army, the kind of meat that can be eaten for five days of training!" Uchiha Yu shouted loudly: "Today, I will make you a stew! "

The Uchihas who were lying on the ground and killed immediately became energetic. They jumped up, cheered and loudly praised the brothers of the Tiger Force and the president in front of them.

They have tasted the astonishingly large octopus legs. Just a small piece of meat can make them full, and it will significantly increase their physical fitness and chakra amount.

It's like food that can only be enjoyed by gods in legend. It's really touching that my brothers traveled thousands of miles to send it back from the front line.

And the president’s cooking skills... just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

In the evening, when everyone was enjoying the delicious food, Uchiha Ayumi quietly came to the study meeting and submitted an investigation report to Uchiha Yu.

Uchiha Yu took it and glanced at it briefly before putting it away. He said to Ayumi: "I will look at the report carefully when I get back. Now you can give me a brief summary."

"Tell me about Uchiha Obito's experience this year, and tell me what you think of him."

Uchiha Ayumi nodded and said, "Okay."

"Uchiha Obito has been active in the Rain Kingdom battlefield this year. His team performed well and was very lucky. It successfully completed many tasks."

It happened that Uchiha Shisui brought a bowl of broth and placed it in front of Uchiha Ayumi. He quickly thanked him and said: "Ah, thank you, Shisui."

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "This is octopus leg meat. It is a rare ingredient in Konoha Village. It tastes best when eaten hot. Eat it first."

Bu Shi took a bite and said with great surprise: "It's so delicious!"

He swallowed the octopus meat in two mouthfuls, then drained the broth in one mouthful, wiped his mouth and shouted: "I'm finished."

Then he continued: "Uchiha Obito's strength is not bad, but his character is very problematic, and his brain is even more problematic. He simply doesn't know what to say."

"Thankfully, his teammate and captain was dignified enough to suppress this idiot, so he did not encounter fatal danger on the battlefield."

Uchiha said quietly: "So that's it, Shinichi is still working very hard."

(End of this chapter)
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