I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 190 Masayo’s breakthrough and the fire on the Nanga River

Chapter 190 Miwa Masayo’s breakthrough and the fire on the Nanga River

Uchiha Yu held Miwa Masayo in his hand. Her body curled up into a ball, and her hair automatically swept back and forth in Uchiha Yu's hand.

In this small body, a force is erupting from the depths of the blood. It was just a trickle, but now it has turned into a torrent, and it is still growing.

But Uchiha Yu knew that this was just an illusion. Only information emerged from the depths of his bloodline, and the power was extracted from Miwa Masayo's body.

The information flow is so greedy that it devours everything without any scruples. Chakra, natural energy, and flesh and blood are all transformed into the power represented by the information flow.

This power is smart, lively, confident, and independent. It is obviously a supernatural power related to cats. While transforming Miwa Masayo's body, it continues to gather at the base of the civet cat's tail.

As we all know, there are limits to gene changes and expression.

For example, if the bone development is completed at 150, even if the genes are adjusted to 180 through magical technology, he will have no chance to grow to such a height again.

To break through this limitation of gene expression, more powerful force is needed.

As the new energy gathered at the root of her tail became stronger and stronger, Miwa Masayo's body began to be unable to bear it. She became noticeably thinner, and her hair gradually became dry and messy.

But the flow of information deep in the bloodline has no tendency to stop. If this continues, Miwa Masayo's life will be in danger.

But Uchiha Yu didn't dare to take action. He was worried that the evolution of Miwa Masayo must evolve naturally. Once it is interfered by external forces, it will bring unexpected consequences.

Just like a beetle chrysalis, the intervention of external forces is destined to make the beetle crippled.

So he gritted his teeth and endured, not daring to interfere.

Until Miwa Masayo's body muscles atrophied to the extreme, and the extraction of information flow was directed towards the internal organs, Uchiha Yu couldn't bear it anymore, and he carefully delivered a little natural energy.

The moment the natural energy entered Miwa Masayo's body, the information flow turned around and swallowed Uchiha Yu's natural energy, obviously relaxing the absorption of the internal organs.

The situation went smoothly, which surprised Uchiha Yutsu. He immediately realized that his worries were wrong. Sufficient energy supply was the key to the successful evolution of Miwa Masashi.

So he no longer held back, and poured the natural energy he had accumulated into the body of the civet cat, completely feeding the information flow.

A miracle happened. The full information flow began to overflow with energy. The energy transformed by the information flow nourished the damaged internal organs and dry muscles, and the civet cat's body recovered quickly.

Uchiha Yu was so inspired that he even tried to gather the natural energy in the environment in order to minimize the mixing of his own information.

As the natural energy of the Five Spirits gathered, milky white light spots visible to the naked eye appeared around Uchiha Yu. This was the luminous phenomenon produced by the full mixing of the natural energy of the Five Spirits.

The gathered natural energy fell like snowflakes, drifting into Miwa Masayo's body, and then absorbed and transformed by the information flow. After changing some of the structure of the cat's body, it condensed at the base of the tail.

At this moment, the Nanga River has become a dangerous place. The natural energy gathered by Uchiha Yuu has already appeared in Maruko's body and can be easily absorbed into the body.

If it is an ordinary person, his body absorbs the embodied natural energy, and at most he feels refreshed in a short period of time. There will be neither more benefits nor any disadvantages.

If a ninja passes through this place and his body absorbs natural energy, it will be a big trouble.

The evenly blended natural energy will be combined with chakra first in the ninja body and converted into senjutsu chakra, but this is not a good thing.

The vast majority of ninjas will only concentrate on practicing one or two types of chakra. When natural energy enters the body to produce the corresponding senjutsu chakra, other types of natural energy that are forcibly separated will lose control and reveal their destructive side.

The natural energy will alienate the ninja's body it comes into contact with according to its own characteristics, turning it into stone, statue, wood or simply hydrated.

Only ninjas who absorb natural energy are different. Not only do they have all five types of chakra in their bodies, but the amount of chakra is huge enough to be able to completely digest the natural energy incorporated into them, so that they can avoid life-threatening danger.

But misfortune lies on the back of blessing, and blessing lies on the back of misfortune

When a ninja really survives the intrusion of natural energy and his life is no longer in danger, he will have the opportunity to understand the magic of immortality.

But how could Uchiha Yu allow someone to get through it? The completely integrated natural energy manifested at this moment was specially prepared by him for the purpose of killing people.

If a ninja with all five abilities breaks in, he will immediately change the proportion of natural energy and kill this person.

The milky white light spots that are refined and harmonized by all five spirits will be filtered by Uchiha Yuu before penetrating into Miwa Masayo's body. Only the wind spirits and fire spirits will be allowed to enter to avoid harming the civet cat.

At the same time, just beside the river 120 meters away from Uchiha Yu, three big trees creaked up from the ground.

A white human face emerged from the roots of one of the big trees. It was Bai Zetsu who was active in Konoha Village and was responsible for monitoring the Uchiha.

It opened its mouth full of sharp teeth and let out a scream of unknown meaning, but the sound was quickly suppressed. Under the urging of natural energy, its pale body became completely lignified and became part of the big tree.

Uchiha Yu had long discovered that Shiro was monitoring him. Because the enemy was hidden and we were clear, he could not grasp the traces of Uchiha Madara, so he tolerated the existence of these monitors.

He doesn't mind Bai Jue observing his political activities, he can accept them monitoring part of his cultivation process, and even allows Bai Jue to occasionally monitor his daily life.

But when it comes to reincarnation in the earth, Yuu Uchiha will carefully choose the time when Shiro is not around.

As for Miwa Masayo's unexpected breakthrough during today's walk, what was exposed was a secret that he and his Taoist companions could not pry into. How could he allow Bai Jue to see it? Naturally, he wanted to kill him quickly.

Suddenly, the information flow in Miwa Masayo's body disappeared, because the energy flow it drove suddenly accelerated, rushing towards the root of the tail almost unreservedly.

Just when Uchiha Yuu didn't know whether he should continue to interfere, the tabby cat suddenly opened his eyes.
Miwa Masayo's originally very beautiful cat eyes became even more beautiful unknowingly, with bright stars shining in her gray-blue eyes, like a pair of bright sapphires.

In particular, there is a faint, slightly orange gold rim around the eyeballs, which makes the blue eyes even more dazzling.

The awake Miwa Masato moved her paws slightly, and then asked weakly: "Yu, I feel so uncomfortable, nya, will I die?"

Uchiha Yuu could clearly feel at this time that the changes in Miwa Masashi's body were moving from chaos to stability. Obviously this was an orderly evolutionary process.

As the orderly changes extend towards the root of the tabby cat's tail, her life level is rising steadily, just like... just like the feeling that Yuu Uchiha felt the moment he entered the foundation building period after completing the day's foundation building.

However, although the changes when Uchiha Yu broke through were intense, they did not involve direct changes in the body, and the energy accumulated in specific parts of Miwa Masashi's body was too great.

The power that the civet cat has tapped from the depths of its bloodline this time will definitely cause more than just changes at the energy level and genetic level. I am afraid there will be a strong and direct change in the physical form.

The risk is too great.

All Uchiha Yu could do was to comfort Miwa Masashi. He rubbed the kitten's head, then gently combed her hair from beginning to end, and encouraged: "Rika-chan, the critical moment is about to come. , as long as you pass this level, there will be no problem."

"But, I feel so uncomfortable, meow..."

"Lihua Jiang, don't be afraid. This is your body. This breakthrough is the result of your hard work. You must have confidence in yourself."

"Don't admit defeat, muster up your energy, try to control your body, control your energy, and control the process of breakthrough."

"Yu, I hear you, meow."

"It's great. Before that, let's eat something to replenish it. The support of natural energy alone should still be insufficient."


After being comforted by the Taoist monk, Miwa Masayo's mood became stable.

Fortunately, after barely eating a small dried fish, the tabby cat had a big appetite and ate several handfuls of octopus leg jerky in one go. Other snacks such as beef jerky, chicken jerky, egg jerky, etc., all Uchiha Yuu Eat everything you bring with you.

After vigorously replenishing her physical strength, Miwa Masayo's condition became more stable. She closed her beautiful eyes and tried to control her body.

The civet cat purred, and the vibration started from the throat and spread throughout the body. When the vibration reached the root of the tail, the vibration was like the last condition that had been awaited for a long time, and the most violent change began.

At the base of Miwa Masayo's tail, at the junction of the sacral vertebrae and the coccygeal vertebrae, a small bone bag suddenly developed.

When Uchiha Yuu noticed the bone bag on the left side of the sacral vertebrae, the bone bag was rapidly thickening and enlarging, pushing the original tail vertebra to the right.

The rapid growth of the bone package and the displacement of the tail vertebrae have torn apart the original flesh and blood and bone and joint capsules, and pain is naturally inevitable.But compared with the direct pain, when the new nerves grow rapidly from the spinal canal of the sacral vertebra, the pain, itching, and complex indescribable feelings are even more unbearable.

Miwa Masashi couldn't help but let out a scream.

As the bone bag grew to the same thickness as the tail vertebrae, it split into 21 pieces in a ring from large to small, and then began to grow violently like bamboo shoots. In an instant, it broke through Miwa Masayo's skin and popped out. outside the body.

There is no doubt that this is the second tail brought about by the breakthrough, a bone tail wrapped in translucent fascia.

Under the translucent fascia, you can see red blood vessels and pink muscles squirming and growing rapidly.

The fascia itself is also thickening rapidly and is no longer transparent. As hair stubbles emerge from the surface of the fascia, the tail completely changes into the familiar look of Uchiha Yu.

As the second tail was completely formed, the remaining energy suddenly counterattacked, sweeping every cell in the body from the bifurcation point of the tail, instantly activating the three rounds of Masato.

The kitten immediately regained its energy. No, it should be said that it was a convulsion.

She jumped down from Uchiha Yuu's arms and jumped wildly on the ground. Her two tails were waving and whining like two soft short whips, hitting small trees as thick as her arms. Breaking it with one blow is really quite powerful.

It just so happens that these two tails can also inspire magical powers.

Every swing of the tail on the left side can activate the wind blade, causing branches and leaves to fly in the grass and trees, and can even split the trunks of big trees.

Every time the tail on the right swings, it is a blue-white flame. Slender grass stems and twigs are instantly burned to ashes, and a large tree hugged by one person can be instantly ignited.

These two magical techniques are not only extremely powerful, but they are also Muyin techniques that are activated instantly, without even warning before activation.

Even Uchiha Yuu accidentally got hit by the blue and white flames. Although he reacted quickly enough and dodged faster, his hair and eyebrows were still half singed.

Miwa Masashi burst into laughter when he saw his creation.

Even so, this tabby cat still couldn't control her body. She could only apologize to the shit-sweeper while jumping around like a spring.

After several minutes, Miwa Masashi was finally able to control his body and stand firmly on the ground.

However, before she could relax, the power that activated Miwa Masayo's body began to leak out, in the form of flames and whirlwinds, from her claws, mouth, eyes, tail, etc. to the outside of the body.

At this time, Miwa Masayo can be said to be the reincarnation of the God of Fire. Wherever it touches, it will be ignited, and there will be fire points everywhere.

Even if she fell on the water of Nanhe River, the flames could not be extinguished, and even quickly boiled the river water, filling the river with billowing white steam.

In any case, there were finally no new fire spots. Uchiha Yu took the opportunity to activate water escape and extinguished the fire spots on the river bank one by one.

Just when Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi felt that the danger had passed, the white water vapor flickered a few times, and suddenly a dull thunder erupted, and the entire river was covered in faint blue fire.

In just an instant, hundreds of meters on both sides of the river bank were ignited simultaneously. The fire caused wind movement, and the strong winds boosted the fire. Soon both sides of the river bank turned into a huge fire field.

Fortunately, this place is very remote. The plants that were set ablaze were all ownerless plants. There were no residents or buildings nearby, so no loss of life or property would be caused.

It's also because it's remote enough that no Uchiha ninjas from the security department patrol here, and ninjas from the ANBU don't move here either.

But such a huge fire must have alerted the lookout posts. The alarms were transmitted from the Hokage Rock and the towers of the Death Forest very quickly. It wouldn't take long for ninjas from all walks of life to gather.

Uchiha Yuu ignored the hotness of the kitten's body, picked up the stunned Miwa Masato, stuffed it into his arms, and directly used the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave the scene.

The ninjas from the security department who came quickly were all Uchiha. When faced with the fire, they skillfully used fire to extinguish the fire, quickly burned out the isolation zone, and used the powerful fire ball technique to blast out the burning flames.

The ANBU ninjas who came later received the fire alarm, so many ninjas who were good at water escape came. The two cooperated with each other and quickly put out the fires on both sides of the bank.

However, when the flames on the shore extinguished and the brightness of the scene dropped, they finally saw the Nanga River burning with blue flames.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The water escape caused a big wave on the river, but the wave was actually burning.

Fire escape exploded into a sky full of water splashes, but the water splashes crackled like sparks, and blue flames flew everywhere. As a result, the fire on the river bank was ignited again.

Now no one knew what to do, so intelligence began to be uploaded, and more and more powerful ninjas gathered in Nanga River.

About half an hour later, the fire was still burning.

Finally, Orochimaru and the Third Hokage arrived.

The Third Hokage looked at Orchid's flames and asked solemnly: "Orochimaru, what do you think is going on?"

Orochimaru bent down and stretched out his left hand, scooped up a handful of burning river water, and watched the burning river water flow from his hand back to the river.

Until the last drop of water disappeared, he stretched out his hand and pulled off the burnt skin like a glove, revealing delicate and fair new skin.

"It's amazing. This is not a change in the nature of water escape chakra. The water has not turned into oil or wine."

"Oh, what ninjutsu caused such an effect?"

"It's the Wind Escape. The wind cuts the water apart, turning it into two different qi that can be combined and burned, but are restrained by the Wind Escape and flow like water."

Orochimaru's explanation made the Konoha ninjas exclaim:
"It's actually Feng Dun?"

"This is too amazing. Just how powerful is the control required to restrain the wind into water?"

"It's too scary. This kind of ninjutsu blurs the boundaries between wind escape, water escape and fire escape."

"The flame-burning wind escape, this, how should we deal with this?"

Orochimaru looked at the ninjas around him and found that they seemed to be very shocked, so he said to the Third Hokage: "Teacher, for such a water-like wind escape, the most suitable ninjutsu should be earth escape."

"You know me, I am not good at Earth Release. Please show the power of Earth Release Ninjutsu to the Konoha ninjas."

When the Third Hokage heard this, his eyes lit up. He immediately formed seals with his hands and quickly performed ninjutsu.

Tudun·Yellow Spring Marsh

The soil on both sides of the Nanga River suddenly began to flow, rushing towards the river like a mudslide, covering the river water below, and the entire river instantly turned into a mud river.

Just like Orochimaru said, when the mud covered it, the wind escape chakra contained in the river water was washed away, the river water was no longer decomposed, and the blue flame was not replenished and quickly extinguished.

When the Konoha ninja saw the problem that the Third Hokage could easily solve with one action, their morale immediately returned to its peak. They shouted loudly: "Long live the Third Hokage!"

"The third Hokage is the strongest!"

After the death of Shimura Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation has been hit repeatedly, and he has not heard praise for himself for a long time.

His heart was racing with excitement, and he waved his habitual wave to greet the Konoha ninjas, causing even greater cheers.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was enjoying the cheers of the Konoha ninjas intoxicatedly, feeling the long-lost love and trust, and even his eyes were slightly red.

He couldn't help but said to Orochimaru: "Orochimaru, good, very good."

Orochimaru responded with a smile: "Teacher, this is what it should be."

The master and apprentice met each other and smiled, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

(End of this chapter)
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