I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 188: Second Hokage, you don’t miss me either

Chapter 188: Second Hokage, you don’t miss me either...

Senju Tobirama's eyes were extremely complicated. The Uchiha in front of him had just grown up, but he clearly understood that interests were the essence of politics.

He can analyze the interest disputes in Kirigakure Village extremely skillfully, can easily seize the most critical institutions in the Uchiha family, and can bring half of the elders under his command without letting Uchiha Fugaku notice.

He even has the foresight that makes Senju Tobirama amazed. He can make plans in advance and easily obtain ten percent of benefits with just one minute of effort.

The most important thing is that he is full of disdain for the high-level ninjas and daimyo nobles, and has great respect for the ninjas and lower-level villagers who are fighting on the front line.

He was even full of sympathy for the ordinary people of the Fire Country, but he was able to kill those bandits.

It has to be said that Uchiha Yuu's behavior is just right for Senju Tobirama's taste.

Even his different ways of handling the distinction between upper and lower levels within the Uchiha family greatly inspired Senju Tobirama. At first, he viewed the ninja clan as a whole, which was far less sophisticated than Yuu Uchiha's method.

Senju Tobirama felt that if he had known this method ten years before his death, the Uchiha clan would have been able to completely integrate into the village, and then there would be no need for the Hyuga clan to stay.

His opinion of the Hyuga clan was even worse, and he was particularly disgusted with the clan system that was indistinguishable from slavery.

However, after the Senju clan retired, Konoha Village was really dominated by the Uchiha family. Even Uchiha Madara's departure could not change this reality.

In order to prevent the situation from getting out of control, Senju Tobirama set up a security department to appease Uchiha.

He also deliberately accepted Uchiha Kagami as a disciple, and at the same time supported five other children of the middle ninja clan. He even gritted his teeth and tolerated the Hyuga clan in order to check the Uchiha clan.

Senju Tobirama felt more and more that Yuu Uchiha was really a great candidate for Hokage.

After proposing this idea again, Uchiha Yu refused again without hesitation: "I don't have this ambition, so let's forget it Naruto."

Senju Tobirama frowned and asked, "What exactly do you want?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and replied: "My pursuit is very similar to Orochimaru's. I will live forever in the ninja world."

Senju Tobirama was very surprised, and he categorically denied angrily: "Immortality? This is impossible!"

"Nidaime, immortality is possible."

Uchiha Yu counted his fingers calmly and said: "The Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo from the Pure Land, the Great Toad Sage Gamaru from Mt. Myoboku, the White Snake Sage from Ryūchi Cave, and the Slug Sage from Shiggou Forest, aren't they all immortals? "

Qianju Tobirama said disdainfully: "Hmph, the Six Paths Immortal has long been dead, and the other three Immortals are not human beings."

"Besides, the examples you gave are all immortals, you..."

Uchiha Yu stretched out his hands and turned them upwards. There was a ball of chakra in his left hand, and the natural energy that could not be felt in Senju Tobirama was in his right hand.

He then clasped his hands together and the chakra and natural energy merged into senjutsu chakra.

This time Qianju Tojian could feel the fluctuation, and he was very familiar with this fluctuation.

Uchiha Yu deliberately used the Wooden Chakra as the basis, and the senjutsu chakra he fused was exactly the same as when the first Hokage Senju Hashirama became a sage.

Senju Tobirama immediately guessed a possibility. He looked at Uchiha Yu and asked stammering: "伱, you brat, you brat, you can actually do magic. Wait, you, you can also use wood escape." ?”

He stared at Uchiha Yuu dumbfounded, and asked in disbelief but full of expectation: "Do you still have the blood of the Senju clan?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "I would rather have the blood of the Senju clan, but my parents are both of the Uchiha clan, and the bloodline is still very pure."

"However, I did master Wood Escape and also mastered the Immortal Technique."

"Nidaime, you don't want me to betray the Leaf Village and become a rebellious ninja who can destroy the Leaf Village...so you have to keep this matter a secret for me."

Senju Tobirama was silent, Uchiha Yuu could always shock him, and as he got to know him more and more, the worry in his heart became more and more serious.

Uchiha Yu is a ninja of the Uchiha family. He possesses the three Magatama Sharingan at the age of only 18.

The most important thing is that his pupil power is clean and pure, and there is no hint of coldness or evil in Qianju Feijian.Obviously, he has his own set of theories and methods for awakening the Sharingan, and does not need to exchange his tragic fate.

In this short month, Senju Tobirama clearly felt that Uchiha Yuu's pupil power had steadily increased by 20%. Maybe it wouldn't be long before he could awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Today, Uchiha Yuu showed Tobirama Senjutsu and Wood Release. Although he didn't know how powerful it was, and although it was definitely not as powerful as his good brother, his skillful control proved that his Wood Release was definitely not weak.

The symbolism of Mudun is too strong for the Leaf Village. If the Mudun ninjas defect and attack the Leaf Village in turn, the morale of the Konoha ninjas may suffer a fatal blow.

Coupled with Uchiha Yu's mature thinking, keen political sense, and amazing war wisdom.

Senju Tobirama was shocked to discover that if Uchiha Yu defected and joined any ninja village, he would really be able to destroy Konoha Village.

It's just crazy.

Senju Tobirama is a pragmatist. He quickly figured everything out and said, "Don't worry, I won't reveal your secrets."

Uchiha Yu smiled, raised his thumb and praised: "As expected of the second generation, you figured everything out so quickly. I believe in your promise."

"Huh, I just have to do this for the good of Konoha Village."

"Hehe, I know you are here for the Leaf Village, that's why I trust you so much."


"I feel now that if you had been born 20 years earlier, I might have killed you very early."

Senju Tobirama was saying that Uchiha Yuu's words were too annoying, and if he had the strength, he would hit people.

Uchiha Yu stopped talking. He brought back a goat from outside, left it in the center of the sealing array as a sacrifice, and then began to form seals quickly.

Chakra spurted out like a tide, pouring into the sealing array, activating hundreds of seals, using this as a basis to start communication with the Pure Land.

Senju Tobirama's eyelids twitched. This was the first time he saw Uchiha Yu performing ninjutsu with his own eyes. Different from the small fight in the previous experiment, the chakra fluctuation this time had exceeded the standard of A-level ninjutsu.

But there was no trace of reluctance on Uchiha Yu's face. His focus was entirely on the sealing technique, and he controlled chakra very casually.

Based on his rich experience, the Second Hokage estimated the range of Uchiha Yuu's chakra amount, which was almost the same as his peak chakra amount.

He couldn't help but mutter to himself: "With such a large amount of chakra, he looks like a member of my Senju clan or the Uzumaki clan."

"Really, why does he have an extra pair of Sharingan?"

Ninja Technique: The Art of Reincarnation in the Dirty Land
The space in the center of the sealing array suddenly collapsed. It did not collapse downward, but opened a crack to an unknown dimension.

The material of reality leaked out, and at the same time a large amount of flakes of dirt rushed out, circling and flying around the goat.

The terrifying aura from the world of death spurted out, scaring the goat so much that it didn't dare to move. Its whole body trembled violently and it made a shrill bleating sound.

As soon as the goat's cry sounded, the flying dirt seemed to have found its target and swarmed onto the goat's body, wrapping it layer by layer and forming a small mound.

Soon, the mound of dirt began to deform, becoming taller and thinner, and then took on the outline of a human being, even taking on the appearance of clothes.

As the last piece of dirt stuck to the human figure's face, its facial features suddenly became clear, and even the clothes had the texture and color of cloth. Ying, the leader of the Snow Clan, returned to the human world.

He slowly opened his dark eyes and saw Yu Uchiha. After being stiff for a few seconds, he turned to observe the environment, and was stunned for several seconds when he saw Senju Tobirama.

Ying finally observed her body and then asked: "Uchiha ninja, I remember you. You should have killed me. What's going on now?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and explained: "This is an incomplete resurrection. How do you feel as a witness?"

Ying reached out and touched the cracks on her body and face, and said: "Incomplete resurrection, I don't feel alive at all. It seems that there are layers of seals restraining me."

"I'm afraid this technique is not a resurrection technique, but a puppet technique." Ying's words made Uchiha Yu giggle, while Senju Tobirama was horrified, but the two of them had exactly the same idea: This Yuki The leader of the clan is so smart.

Ying then asked: "You use this shameless ninjutsu to control me. What do you want me to do?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "I am deeply impressed that you were able to develop joint ninjutsu alone in the chaotic Kirigakure Village, so I want to get your help and use your wisdom to help me analyze and explore the depths of the ninja world. secret."

Ying looked at the Konoha mark on the iron guard of Senju Gate and sneered: "Why?"

"I was beaten to death by you, why do you think I am willing to help you?"

"I'm already dead, why do you ask me to help you?"

"Haha, this is very simple."

Uchiha Yu smiled and introduced the situation in Kirigakure Village to Ying, focusing on the suppression of the three major ninja clans, especially the blood successor limited ninjas.

Ying flatly denied: "This is impossible!"

"The Fourth Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura-sama is not so superficial. Even if his trusted ninjas suffer heavy losses and the power of the ninja clan rises, he will not reach such a point where there is no room for him."

Uchiha Yu said: "You are right, the Goju Yagura you know is not that stupid, but the problem is that the current Goju Yagura is not normal."

He pointed to his head and said: "His brain must have been affected by the hints exerted by the powerful illusion, causing him to involuntarily use excessive force when making any decision."

"This is impossible!" x2
Qianju Feijian and Ying said in unison, Feijian's speed was even faster.

Uchiha Yu curled his lips and said, "How is this impossible?"

Seeing his determined attitude, Senju Tobirama couldn't help but waver in his confidence, but he still frowned and expressed his reasons: "Although I haven't dealt with Goju Yagura, I know He is a true water escape genius."

"Since he has become the Fourth Mizukage after 20 years, he will definitely become a great, out-and-out Kage-level ninja, and must be an excellent Mizukage."

"How can a Kage be controlled by genjutsu? Even your Uchiha's Sharingan can only affect him for a short time at most, and it is impossible to control him for a long time."

Ying also sneered and said: "If even the Fourth Mizukage can be controlled by genjutsu, then how powerful must this guy who casts genjutsu be? Can he conquer the entire ninja world by himself?"

Uchiha Yu suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Yingxu with his five fingers, sealing off all his sensory abilities and forcing his will into a coma.

This is the power that the caster of the Reincarnation Technique has over psychic objects, so Ying is very correct in saying that this is a puppet technique.

Uchiha Yuu said: "The Kirigakure ninja is not suitable to know what is going to happen next. I am not confident enough to restrain him and ensure that he does not reveal the next major secret."

Senju Tobirama's frown deepened. He had already deduced from Uchiha Yuu's attitude that what this kid said before was true, but he couldn't figure out what kind of ninja could use illusion to control a shadow. .

Just like the ice escape ninja said, if such a powerful ninja really existed, the ninja world should have been in chaos long ago.

Uchiha Yu took a deep breath and gently said a name: "Uchiha Madara."

Senju Tobirama was stunned, but as if his mouth didn't belong to him, he couldn't help but ask: "Who?"

Uchiha Yu repeated: "Uchiha Madara."

"This is impossible, he is dead!"

"Obviously, he's not dead."

"This is what the elder brother said!"

"The First Hokage was deceived."


"The Uchiha family has a secret technique, which requires the loss of sight of a three-magatama Sharingan and the consumption of all the power of the eye. The illusion can deceive the world and death."

"This, this, how could there be such an outrageous secret technique?"

"No matter how miserable the death is, even if there are no bones left, it can be like reversing time, returning to the time when the illusion of Izanagi was cast. Except for the consumption of chakra and eye power, everything can be restored."

Senju Tobirama no longer had the energy to question, he just looked at Uchiha Yu, waiting for him to give more evidence.

He believed that with Uchiha Yu's caution and suspicion, he would never be sure that Uchiha Madara was not dead just because he knew the Uchiha family's secret technique.

Uchiha Yuya knew what the Second Hokage was waiting for. His biggest source of information was the plot, which he definitely couldn't tell.Fortunately, it is always easier to deduce clues and evidence from the results than to determine the truth from seeing the clues. He quickly thought of a convincing clue.

Uchiha Yu said: "A few months ago, after I killed the leader of the Snow Clan, in order to assist Lord Orochimaru in hunting down the Fourth Mizukage, I fought with the Three-Tailed Jinchuuriki of Kirigakure Village."

"The sealing technique in Kirigakure Village is very immature, and it actually allowed the tailed beast to escape. I had to risk using the Sharingan illusion to control the three-tails. Deep in the three-tails' mind, I bumped into the mangekyo sharingan's pupil power. Illusion."

Uchiha Yujiu told the truth about the battle at that time, then pointed at his eyes with a wry smile and said: "Just once, my eyes were severely injured and I became blind at that time."

"Fortunately, the blindness is only temporary, otherwise I would be finished."

"I saw the pattern of the kaleidoscope, which is different from Uchiha Madara's kaleidoscope in the records, but..."

Senju Tobirama had already shaken off the shock, took over Yu Chiha's words, and continued: "But except Uchiha Madara, no one can control the Mangekyo Sharingan. It is so powerful and precise that it will not be affected by the fog." An illusion discovered in the Hidden Village.”

Uchiha Yu nodded repeatedly and said, "I think so too."

No one can absolutely guarantee that more than 20 years after the death of the Second Hokage, the Uchiha family has not awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan, such as the current patriarch Uchiha Fugaku.

But both Uchiha Yuu and Senju Hashirama are sure that although the ordinary Mangekyō Sharingan can control tailed beasts, it cannot do so to an unknown extent.

Only Uchiha Madara can do it, so this clue can be used as evidence to prove that Uchiha Madara is not dead, at least he did not die in the Valley of the End.

Senju Tobirama's eyes became sharp, but when he looked at Uchiha Yuu, he looked a little more understanding. He asked: "Did you know that Uchiha Madara is not dead, so you asked for my help?"

Although the reason was not at all like this, Uchiha Yuu's brain reaction speed was very fast. The moment he realized that Senju Tobirama had misunderstood him, he had a new plan.

Moreover, Uchiha Yuu has an extremely strong face. When he was harboring evil intentions, not only did he look normal, he even smiled as if he was relieved.

He calmly nodded to Senju Tobirama and said, "You can finally trust me."

Senju Tobirama had a complicated expression, sighed, and said: "No wonder you have done so much work to convince me, you have worked so hard..."

"However, if you want to deal with Uchiha Madara, you should reincarnate my eldest brother, the First Hokage."

Uchiha Yu shook his head repeatedly: "No, you are all deceased heroic spirits. Apart from spiritual inspiration, you should not directly interfere with the world of the living. Helping me increase my strength is the limit I can accept."

Senju Tobirama's trust in Uchiha Yuu was not low at this time. It could be said that he was completely deceived. Therefore, after hearing Uchiha Yuu's words, he was deeply moved.

He said: "You are right, the dead cannot interfere too much with the living."

"However, Madara Uchiha is also an undead soul who deserves to die but is not dead, so I can help you improve your strength and deal with him indirectly."

Uchiha Yu was overjoyed and said, "That's great. I'll ask for your advice in the future."

Now that everything was settled, Senju Tobirama's face turned cold.

This is the nature of the Second Hokage. The real Senju Tobirama will always have cold words and a cold face.

Because he believed it, he no longer had to fight with Uchiha Yuxu, and there was no need for him to put on various expressions and complicated emotions to scheming.

There is only one person who can really make Senju Tobirama's expression break through, and that is Senju Hashirama.

(End of this chapter)
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