I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 186 Limb Regeneration Technique is Wood Release Ninjutsu

Chapter 186 Limb Regeneration Technique is Wood Release Ninjutsu
Uchiha Ayumi's three severed limbs were treated on the front line. After simple debridement, they were treated with healing techniques and the wounds were directly sealed.

Because the broken bones and stubble were not cleaned, the wound healed very poorly, but he finally saved his life.

By the time they were sent back to Konoha Village for better treatment, the three wounds had already gone through several rounds of inflammation and ulceration. Bone resorption, bone spurs, granulation growth, cyst abscesses and other minor problems were numerous, completely destroying the wounds. The healing wounds are pitted.

Because of the severe development of the wound disease, he even lost the chance of amputation and the possibility of installing prosthetic limbs, and became a complete waste.

Uchiha Yu used a scalpel to cut open the long-healed wound. When he opened the skin, he saw the messy structure under the skin. Various proliferated fascia, bone spurs, blood vessels and connective tissue were tangled together in a mess, with even random interspersed among them. Tangled nerves.

A mess is not enough to describe the chaos here.

Uchiha Ou took a deep breath and began to deal with it, combing through the mess bit by bit and smoothing it out as quickly as possible.

The quick-cut method is never suitable for treatment, unless the diseased tissue has to be removed to save life.

Uchiha Yuu has quick eyes and quick hands, as well as strong natural healing ability. With the help of the vitality of flesh and blood, he can quickly unravel this mess.

He removed the proliferated blood vessels and nerves and connected them to the missing parts. Only the completely missing parts would be regenerated at specific points using natural energy.

When the work is finished, the transparent nerves, red arteries and blue veins are lifted into the air by invisible natural energy, seeming to outline the outline of the arm.

Even the blood is already flowing and circulating in the blood vessels, showing a strange vitality.

Uchiha Yuu started the next step with satisfaction. He activated the Wood Release Chakra, tapped the cleaned broken bone with his index finger, and then drew it towards the far end.

With a slight creaking sound, the wooden bones grew out of the fracture, and gradually extended in the direction of the fingers as they moved.

After cutting off the humerus in half, Yuu Uchiha used his index and middle fingers to direct the wood escape to divide into the ulna and radius, extending forward at the same time.

When it came to the wrist, Yu Chiha had to use all five fingers to control the wood escape to form the wrist bones, metacarpal bones, and phalanges one by one.

In Chinese history, there is a legend about using willow branches to replace finger bones. Uchiha Yuu has verified that this is feasible, but it is only a temporary method.

But his Wood Release is different. Not only can it provide temporary support, it can also be replaced by calcium and quickly turn into a real skeleton under the movement of life.

In this way, the bones of the experimental dog were slowly replaced from wood to bone, and there were no flaws at all.

When the wooden bones had grown, Yuu Uchiha combined the previously cut fascia and connective tissue to cover each joint.

Using these flesh and blood as seeds, Uchiha Yu launched ninjutsu.

Wood Release·Limb Regeneration Technique
Along with the chirping sound, the buffers between the bones fused together, growing outward according to the human body structure that Uchiha Yu understood.

As the white fascia stretches, it gradually turns into red muscle fibers. Thousands of muscle fibers are like earthworms, extending forward until they contact the muscles on the opposite side, and they fuse together like glue.

The slender muscle fibers began to expand and contract, gradually becoming thicker, and gradually changed from a relaxed state to a taut state, making them look strong and powerful.

Finally, Uchiha Yu hugged the new, red-muscular, exposed arm with both hands, and slowly moved from the fracture to the end.

As he moved, Mudun chakra concentrated on the skin incision made by the scalpel.

Tiny plants that were invisible to the naked eye grew on the surface of the incision. They multiplied rapidly, expanded in size, and quickly transformed into human skin.

With the support of Wooden Chakra, plants reproduce so quickly that they can completely catch up with Uchiha Yuu's speed. In just 2 minutes, they can be reproduced between five fingers.

At this point, Uchiha Yucai took a deep breath and relaxed his nervous spirit.

The human body is much more complex and larger than that of a dog, and the workload is completely different.

The technique of limb regeneration is to use wood escape cells to reverse the characteristics of transforming these cells into big trees, and reverse the plant cells that can reproduce and grow rapidly into wood escape cells, and finally transform them into human cells.

Because the entire process is a reverse development and completely goes against the natural characteristics of Wood Release, the operator needs to control it closely throughout the entire process without any slack.

Even if Uchiha Yu bypassed the most difficult bone growth and separated the growth process of blood vessels and nerves, the entire regeneration process would be a heavy burden for him.

However, it is still within the range that he can bear, and he will not feel tired just because he regenerates an arm.

After resting for a few minutes to relieve his nervousness, Uchiha Yu also regenerated Uchiha Ayumi's legs.

When Masato Miwa woke up and came over with Yaeko and Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Ayumi was already standing on the ground with tears streaming down his face.

Although he had long been numb from the shock of all kinds of surprises and surprises, when he saw Ayumi standing on the ground with his own legs, Uchiha Shisui was still shocked to the point of being speechless and lost the ability to speak for a while.

However, he had been through shock and training, and he quickly got out of his dazed state.

When he saw Uchiha Ayumi's balance was unstable, Uchiha Shisui rushed up and supported him.

After getting closer, he saw the dividing line between old and new skin, and confirmed that it was newly regenerated. He couldn't help but reach out and touch the new skin, feeling the soft and sticky touch.

Shisui's training made his sense of touch more acute. During his touch, he even felt the beating of muscles and the flow of blood below, as well as quite strong chakra fluctuations.

All the feelings came together, making him feel a strong and surging vitality.

At this time, Uchiha Yuu just came back from taking a shower. When he saw Uchiha Ayumi standing on the ground, his sharp eyes swept over him like a knife. Ayumi was so scared that Ayumi hurriedly lay back on the bed.

Uchiha Yu reprimanded with dissatisfaction: "Humph, I told you, it has just grown out and is very fragile in all aspects. If you are asked to lie down in a stable state for another four hours, why can't you bear it for even 10 minutes? "

Uchiha Ayumi sheepishly explained: "Hey, I really can't help it, I'm so excited."

"Haha, do your legs, knees, ankles, and soles of your feet hurt?"


"Come down and try it again to see if I can cut it off and reattach it to you in three months."

"Yes, yes, I don't dare anymore, I won't dare anymore."

Uchiha Ayumi turned pale with fright, and repeatedly promised that he would wait for four hours.

Uchiha Yu made a brief inspection, moved the dislocated joints back to their normal positions, and used natural energy to nourish these damaged joints and ligaments.

After doing all this, he said to Uchiha Ayumi: "Ayumi, I'm not kidding you. Newborn legs, feet and arms, just like a newborn baby, cannot bear your weight at all."

"Before the condition is completely stable, your joints cannot even bear the pull of the new muscles. If you had dared to jump or even fall just now, the key ligaments would definitely be broken."

"Look, your nails haven't even grown. Do you want to grow round fingers that are incredible?"

Uchiha Ayumi didn't dare to say a word after being trained. The pain from his joints being pushed back to their normal positions also made him realize how serious it was, and he no longer dared to take any chances.

Uchiha Yu's hands and feet were quick to operate, and Uchiha Ayumi's body was quickly adjusted one by one, then smeared with a layer of octopus grease and wrapped in a thick bandage.

Finally, he said: "Be patient for a while longer, and by dinner time, you can return to a normal state, and you can start doing physical exercises tomorrow."

"So, don't worry, got it?"

"Yes, Brother Yu, I understand."

"Ha ha."

Uchiha Yu's eyes turned red, and the three magatama rotated rapidly. Uchiha Ayumi's face changed drastically when he saw it. He shouted in a panic: "No, I... don't... want..."

Before he finished his sentence, Uchiha Ayumi fell into a deep sleep involuntarily, as if he had been given an anesthetic.

Uchiha Shisui was a little curious, isn't it just hypnosis to sleep, what is Brother Aushi afraid of?

In the following time, Shisui discussed the optimization of basic techniques with Uchiha Yuu, and then he was sent out to buy a large amount of milk, pork liver, and half a bag of lime powder.

Then Uchiha Yuu began to prepare lunch. When he was cooking, his cutting, stir-frying and kneading movements were smooth and fluid, which was a pleasure to watch.He even created a platform in the kitchen to process pork liver.

Unlike Uchiha Shisui's imagination of making fried pork liver, Uchiha Yu smashed the pork liver and soaked it in water.

Then he used the Fire Release and Fireball Technique as a strong light source, and used pig skin as raw material to create several different esters.

Then he used the solubility difference of ester compounds to extract a large number of crystals from pig liver water, and finally generated higher-purity vitamin D3 through saponification reaction.

This stuff is also called cholecalciferol, which is the best calcium absorption-promoting element. It can regulate the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, induce bone calcium and phosphorus deposition, and can well promote bone growth.

Normally, people can meet their needs as long as they maintain the number of times they bask in the sun.

However, Uchiha Ayumi's bones must be completely replaced with bone first, and the amount of calcium required is very abnormal. Without the assistance of a large amount of vitamin D3, the amount of calcium ingested is enough to cause calcium poisoning.

As for the supplementary calcium, of course it is calcium carbonate made from lime powder.

Although eating too much can cause constipation, it is not a big problem.

When it was time for dinner, Uchiha Ayumi walked out of the ward with a dark face. He was startled when he saw Uchiha Yu and was in a daze for a while before returning to normal.

Uchiha Shisui asked curiously: "Brother Aushi, what's wrong with you? And why are you afraid of Brother Yu's hypnosis?"

Uchiha Ayumi smiled bitterly and said: "Shisui, you are a genius, you can't feel the suffering of us mortals at all."

He looked up at the sky, letting tears of fear linger in his eyes, and whispered: "Brother You is very dissatisfied with our learning progress. Every time he hypnotizes us, he makes us study in our dreams."

"Endorsement, problem solving, and exams..."

"You can't wake up if you fail the exam. A genius like you can't understand that kind of terrible despair."

Uchiha Yuu came over with a large basin of braised pork ribs, gave Aumi a fierce look, and threatened: "You still dare to complain? Believe it or not, I will let you learn mathematics in your dreams next time?"

Hearing this, Uchiha Ayumi's whole body turned into ashes. He trembled and begged for mercy: "Forgive me, Brother Yu, I really can't learn mathematics! I will die in my dream, I will definitely!"

"Hmph, if I had studied hard, why would I have developed the illusion and dream learning technique?"

"Have a meal!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Seeing the stack of bowls and chopsticks handed over by Uchiha Yu, Uchiha Ayumi subconsciously stretched out his hands and took it, then filled the rice pot with a full bowl of rice and gave it to Uchiha Shisui first.

At this moment, he saw the smiles on Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Yuu's faces, and was stunned for a moment before he realized that he was operating with both hands.

Not only did he not feel the pain and disharmony he felt four hours ago, he was not even affected by the habits of being disabled for the past few months. Everything was so natural.

In an instant, he understood that studying in a dream was not just torture, but also the best way to get rid of his wrong living habits. It made him painfully familiar with the state of sound hands and feet in the dream.

Uchiha Ayumi smiled brightly, distributed the rice bowls, including the special rice bowls for Miwa Masayo and Yaeko, and then sat down to eat.

Yuu Uchiha's kindness cannot be expressed in words, so don't say it anymore. Ayumi Uchiha has already made a decision. From now on, he will follow Yuu Uchiha's lead and will never say anything twice in his life.

Uchiha Yuu was very satisfied with Ayumi's attitude, and even more satisfied with his state.

During the six months of living with a disability, Ayumi showed a strong will and was not discouraged by life, nor did he suffer an emotional breakdown due to despair, which caused the three-magatama Sharingan to awaken early.

But after the battle, the two Magatama Sharingan that he awakened during training were full of power. Apparently he did not give up training even after being disabled, and even maintained his body at a very high level.

Ayumi Uchiha is indeed an outstanding talent, and his loyalty to Yuu Uchiha is clearly evident and unquestionable.

Although he is not actually a genius, there is no more suitable successor than him.

Uchiha Yuu decided that after Uchiha Ayumi completely recovered from health, he would accept him as a disciple, teach him the true method of cultivating immortals, and lead him on the path to immortality.

After eating and drinking enough, Uchiha Yu took out the prepared calcium supplement tablets and milk, stuffed them all into Uchiha Ayumi, and said: "You must take 30 calcium tablets and drink a liter of milk every day. Only in this way can we Help you recover quickly and avoid osteoporosis.”

"I understand, Brother Yu."

"Also, you can start exercising tomorrow, but the intensity must not be too high. If you add a new arm and two legs, you will inevitably have structural anemia. If you exercise too intensely, it will be dangerous."

"Yes, I must be careful."

"Okay, let's go."


Early the next morning, after Uchiha Yu and Uchiha Shisui absorbed the purple energy of the morning sun, they went to the study meeting which was said to be getting more and more chaotic.

Different from the original Caotai team when Uchiha Yu founded it, today's study club has built a brand new training ground and dormitories near the shrine, and even has functional buildings such as canteens, conference rooms, toilets, and bathhouses.

But when Uchiha Yuu arrived, the members of the study club were not training. Instead, they were scattered around the training ground, gathering together in twos and threes to chat and have fun.

There were old members among these Uchiha children. After they saw Uchiha Yu, they jumped up subconsciously and stood straight on the spot.

Some members also knew Uchiha Shisui, and when they saw him following Uchiha Yuu, they also realized that the person coming was the president who had not shown up at all since he took office more than half a month ago.

So these Uchiha also stood up quickly, imitating the behavior of their seniors and standing at attention.

The clever ones among the remaining Uchiha realized something was wrong from the atmosphere, so they stood up and stood upright.

Finally, there are the children who neither know Uchiha Yu nor are convinced by Uchiha Shisui. They are basically guys who come from a family of elders and have a proud personality.

It must be said that although they come from the elder's family, they are not direct relatives, but rather close nephews and grandnephews.

The real elder’s son and grandson will not appear here.

Uchiha Yuu smiled slightly, and the next moment his eyes shot out with a sharp gaze, sweeping across the entire training ground. All the Uchiha who stood up felt their hearts tighten and involuntarily stood up straighter.

Looking at the lying, sitting, and even tilted Uchiha, I felt as if I had been hit hard by a heavy hammer on my forehead.

Their eyes rolled upward and they fainted to the ground without saying a word.

Uchiha Yu said: "Shisui, come and lead everyone to start training. We will conduct queue training this morning."

Uchiha Shisui replied without hesitation: "Yes!"

Uchiha Yu walked towards the conference room and said as he walked: "Before the training starts, throw these fainted ones aside. I will decide where to stay after I come back."

Uchiha Shisui couldn't help but ask: "Brother Yu, don't you need me to punish them?"

Uchiha Yu turned around and smiled and said, "Have you forgotten what happened last night?"

Uchiha Shisui was stunned: "Huh?"

Uchiha Yu said: "I have already punished him."

Uchiha Shisui suddenly understood and said, "I understand, Brother Yu."

Afterwards, Uchiha Shisui began to shout, calling his friends, and led everyone to reorganize.

Amidst the crisp shouts of Shisui and others, Uchiha Yu strode into the study meeting room.

(End of this chapter)
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