I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 170 It turns out that Orochimaru also wants Shimura Danzo to die.

Chapter 170 It turns out that Orochimaru also wants Shimura Danzo to die.

As the spirit body of the River God was completely stuck, an extremely bright but also extremely complex soul actually emerged from the stuck spirit body.

The soul of the River God has no specific image, it is just a huge glowing light source. The colorful, complex and changeable light represents the essence of his suture monster.

In addition, there are the divine skills, faith, faith communication, dedication and bestowal contained in the essence of the soul that Uchiha Yu most hopes for.

Uchiha Yuu smiled, and he couldn't help but say: "This water god is really lucky. It is obviously my first time to try it, and all the four skills I want are displayed."

He stared closely at the light ball-like soul of the River God, and asked jokingly: "Is it you and me who are so lucky, or is it that you, the River God, have given birth to a super-ego will through the fusion?"

"If yes, it will flash three times. If not, I will not leave you as a hidden danger."

Ling Lie's murderous intention made the River God's soul shrink suddenly. It seemed that he spent 2 seconds in thinking and hesitation, and the soul flickered three times.

Sure enough, the river god, the suture monster, has re-integrated. Perhaps it was Yu Uchiha's process of breaking him into pieces and then reassembling him, which helped him complete the key step.

But it is not important.

The important thing is that the river god with unified will is controllable and is no longer a time bomb that will get out of control at some point.

In this way, Uchiha Yu can tolerate him to survive in his own purple house, instead of excluding him and being obliterated by the natural rules in the natural environment of the ninja world.

Gods are gods. Although chakra changed the rules of the ninja world and passively became an extraterrestrial demon, their essence is still very high.

If the River God remains in an uncontrollable state, he may cause irreparable damage to the Zifu world at the cost of self-destruction in front of the five heart shapes.

In comparison, although Xiao Ke, the cave octopus, is very weird, his essence is just a product of human madness, and he is not qualified to cause huge losses to the Zifu world.

Grabbing a corner of the membrane and tugging gently, the river god was pulled off the surface of the temple and transformed into a small fish again.

But the image of the river god has changed drastically. He no longer has four heads and several times the number of fins. Now he is just a normal red-tailed goldfish.

Today's harvest has been a lot, Uchiha Yu no longer delayed, threw the goldfish back into the water tank, and left the world of Zifu.

After returning to reality, Uchiha Yu's first feeling was dizziness, just like the feeling of darkness and dizziness before his eyes after squatting in a dry toilet for two hours.

Uchiha Yu, who is familiar with the human body and his own physical condition, understands that this is caused by his excessive energy consumption.

But he didn't have any worries. Instead, he was secretly happy.

Entering the world of Zifu is indeed a lot of consumption, but today's duration is not long, and it is impossible to consume it to the point of making him dizzy. This is naturally caused by the extra consumption.

But the only extra cost today was what was done to the River God, especially seeing the four major skills of the god in the end. Using Zifu Memory, a skill that involves the original rules of the world, is itself a peek at the original rules of the world, which consumes a huge amount of money. Isn’t it natural that our energy is taken for granted?
Uchiha Yu felt happy. Although this huge consumption was a bad thing, it also proved that the four skills he saw were real, and they were all magical skills involving the original rules.

This also shows that the newly born superego consciousness of the river god who turned into a goldfish is either very naive or extremely smart.

If He is very naive, you can develop feelings from scratch and make Him your right-hand man.

If he is extremely smart, he can become his capable subordinate through the coordination of interests.

Uchiha Yuu concluded that the River God had great potential, not just pure fighting power.

Even though the River God's current identity is that of an extraterrestrial demon, his essence is after all a locally born god. As long as he can adapt to chakra with his own help, it is entirely possible for him to change his identity and become a new god that integrates into the new rules of the ninja world.

By then, the river god's survival will no longer be a problem, and there will be no obstacles to his development.

As the controlling controller of River God, Uchiha Yuu can naturally gain huge benefits from it.

In any case, since ancient times, gods and immortals have not been divided into different families. They are all high-level beings that exist based on the rules of the world.

Gods uphold control rules, turn rules into divine authority, and serve the world.

Immortals suddenly understand the rules of evolution, turn themselves into rules, and pursue transcendence from the world.

There is no strict dividing line between gods and immortals.

If the divine power is strong, the immortals will be forced to become gods and the immortals will be trapped in the rotation of the world.

If the immortals are tyrannical, they will turn the gods into slaves and turn the world into a laboratory for observing rules.

Since Yu Uchiha was so ambitious that he wanted to establish a divine court and proclaim himself the God Emperor, he naturally didn't mind accommodating the River God in his organizational system.

In any case, with the existence of the River God, when establishing an organization, it is better than being alone and pretending to be a ghost.

After resting for a while and thinking wildly for a while, Uchiha Yu's dizziness disappeared, and he was once again immersed in the study of the gods' skills.

It wasn't until the sky was getting late and the tabby cat was satisfied with hunting and returned with a bunch of prey that Uchiha Yu stopped studying.

He and Miwa Masashi barbecued together and enjoyed a rather wild dinner.

At night, the early summer moon rose, and Miwa Masashi stood on the roof of the shed, facing the bright moon and absorbing the natural energy, precipitating the blood instinct that was unleashed during the day.

After practice, Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi discovered that the best way to practice cat immortals is different from that of humans.Cihuahua cats need to play and hunt. By liberating their own nature, they can tap the wild power from their blood and establish a more effective connection with nature.

In other words, Miwa Masayo's progress along the so-called path of demon immortals is much more effective than Uchiha Yuu's calm stance.

The Neko Sennin is not without its bloodline origin. From the existence of the Two-Tail Mata Brigade, it can be inferred that there were also powerful cat demons in the ninja world.

Reverse the bloodline, go back to the origin, and finally surpass the ancestors and become the new ancestors. This is the new path set by Miwa Masashi.

However, there are also disadvantages to releasing the instinct. Doing so will strengthen the instinct of the civet cat and weaken her rationality and wisdom. It is necessary to refine oneself through various methods to avoid falling into the trap of instinct.

Yuu Uchiha suggested the method of absorbing natural energy in the moon. Although he didn’t know the specific principle, Miwa Masashi found out after insisting on it for three months that this method is really useful, at least it is better than imitating Yuu Uchiha. Zhanzhuang is much more effective.

Therefore, whistling the moon at night became the daily practice of Sanlun Yashi. No matter it was windy or rainy, or the moon was clear and bright, the moonlight was still shining.

There's just one problem, the cat fairy is also a cat.

Except when cats meow at people, they will make a clipping sound of "meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow."

To Uchiha Yuu, Miwa Masayo's Xiaoyue was either swearing a lot or screaming tragically.

The main theme is an unpleasant sound.

But he has no choice. This is determined by the physiological structure of the ninja cat. As a Taoist monk, he can only endure it. When he really can't stand it, he can also close his five senses and hide in the world of Zifu to polish Yunshang Temple. details.

But when he returns to Konoha Village and frees the wild Miwa Masayo and the civet cat that howls at the moon all night long, will he become a disaster to Konoha Village?

It's fun to think about.

[Well, when the time comes, I don’t want to harm my neighbors, so I will move to the center of the village, close to where the Sarutobi family lives, and let these guys feel it. 】

[If that doesn’t work, move to the Shimura family...]

[The Shimura family should forget it. 】

[After all, they won’t exist for long. 】

Yes, Uchiha Yu concluded that the Shimura family would not exist for long.

Uchiha Yu's strength is growing day by day, and his strength drives his courage and temper to expand.

In the past, Uchiha Yuu was weak and cautious in his actions. Even if he was wronged in the mission team and the police force, he would endure it by himself and never cause trouble.

After a hundred days of building a foundation and embarking on the road to immortality, his courage and temper changed qualitatively. The next day, he killed four root ninjas because they doubted him.

After he broke through the foundation building and proved that his strength was not weak in actual combat, Uchiha Yuu's temper and courage gradually improved.

If the root ninja dared to follow him, he would dare to design a trap to kill all 15 root ninjas.Now, his strength has grown greatly, so his temper has become even bigger.

Uchiha Yuu expected that he would be transferred back to Konoha Village. He himself was no longer interested in Yunokuni and Donghai for the time being, which meant that he also wanted to return to Konoha Village to enjoy a comfortable life for a few days.

But as long as he thought that this transfer was the suppression of him by the F4 headed by the Third Hokage, Uchiha Yu felt very uncomfortable.

Just these four guys can actually decide my fate. I need to prove to myself that I can also decide your life.

So, it’s time for Danzo Shimura to die!
It has to be said that Uchiha Yuu's current temper and courage are so great that he himself would be stunned last year.

Especially the outburst of temper had the greatest impact. Uchiha Yu found that many things felt different. Although some things had passed a long time ago, and although he felt that he could accept them for granted at the time, now he just feels unhappy when he thinks about them.

Damn it, Uchiha Yu suddenly lost his mind.

He knew that this was not a good thing. In the final analysis, the various negative emotions towards Shimura Danzo had accumulated and settled over a long period of time, forming a malicious obsession.

Originally this was nothing, who wouldn't have some malicious obsession in their heart?

Any boy who sees a three-foot-long elastic bamboo branch will pick it up. If he encounters a clump of half-tall wormwood that is standing still...

The human heart is very complex, and human nature is not purely kind.

But under normal circumstances, malicious obsessions will be suppressed by reason and the rules of human nature given by society, and will not be put into practice, so they will not cause substantial harm.

In other words, small and innocuous obsessions such as whipping mugwort will be allowed to be indulged because they will not cause serious consequences.

But Uchiha Yuu's situation is a little different. After the last breakthrough in the foundation building period, he entered a period of rapid growth.

The rapid physical development during adolescence will make teenagers less restless and more sensitive, irritable, impulsive and passionate.

In the rapid growth after the breakthrough, Uchiha Yuu's obsession and malice surged deep in his heart, most of which were suppressed, except for the malicious obsession against Danzo that was always active.

Obsession made Uchiha Yuu constantly recall the past when he was targeted, including the discomfort that Shimura Danzo on the piece of paper made him when he was reading comics in his previous life, and Uchiha Yuu also recalled it.

Finally, he stopped trying to suppress it and even suppressed other random thoughts by indulging in this one obsession.

Through this reverse operation, Uchiha Yu successfully solved his psychological problems, but he also left behind a real obsession.

The solution to this obsession is very simple. Just kill Danzo Shimura and everything will be fine.

Anyway, this bitch Shimura Danzo has disgusted me for so many years, and he had the audacity to attack him when he first arrived in Yuno Country. Killing him would not only solve the problem of obsession, but also make him feel better, so why not do it.

What's more, Orochimaru actually had a small, inconspicuous piece of paper tucked into the scroll of the Jutsu of Earth Reincarnation that Orochimaru traded, with the location of the root clearly written on it.

Functional areas such as dormitories, laboratories, and warehouses are marked on the coordinates, and Shimura Danzo's office and lounge are marked with bold strokes.

Orochimaru has such a meticulous character. The fact that he included this thing in the scroll cannot even be regarded as a hint. He is clearly telling Uchiha Yuu: I know you want to kill Danzo, go ahead and do it boldly. That's what I helped with.

Uchiha Yu even saw the reward given by Orochimaru from it, and the location of a laboratory. He noted in fine strokes: First- and second-generation cell samples were stored here.

Orochimaru gave Uchiha Yuu all the most critical resources for practicing ninjutsu after learning the art of reincarnation in the dirt as a reward.

But if you want to get this reward, you have to kill Shimura Danzo according to Orochimaru's wishes.

Because this laboratory is extremely confidential and is located next to Shimura Danzo's office and lounge. Only when this guy is gone and the roots are in chaos can it be possible to infiltrate and get the rewards you want.

Orochimaru's calculations are really... accurate.

He wanted Senju Hashirama's cells, but Uchiha Yuu was in more urgent need of Senju Tobirama's cells.

Therefore, in his mind, he had already begun to think about what would happen after Danzo Shimura's death.

The first is that the demise of the Shimura family is inevitable. Shimura Danzo is not just targeting the Uchiha family. There is no ninja clan in Konoha Village, big or small, who has not been disgusted by him, even because he has suffered heavy losses.

Moreover, Danzo was also very cruel to his own family. A large number of Shimura family ninjas joined the root, but they were actually sacrificed by him without distinction.

Today, there are only three jounin in the Shimura family, one of whom is over 60 years old. It can be said that the entire family is already on the edge of decline.

It's no wonder that this small ninja clan rose because of Shimura Danzo, but also completely declined because of his excessive demands.

Now it is entirely dependent on Danzo Shimura's reputation to continue to occupy excess resources.

As long as Danzo Shimura is dead, how can the Shimura family, which is extremely rich but has no strength and no power to support it, still survive?

Do you really think that the Yamanaka, Nara, and Aburame ninja clan are good gentlemen, and they are not angry when their outstanding children are taken away and disappeared without any reason?

The key is not to be angry or not. There are just three or two jounin in your Shimura family, and they have more resources than the three Ino, Shika, and Chonin families combined. Is it fair to say that?

No, do you still want to live?

Perhaps there are wise ninjas in the Shimura family who are willing to give up benefits beyond their own strength to ensure the survival of the family.

Uchiha Yuu didn't mind letting them go, after all, things couldn't be done forever.

However, Uchiha Yuu didn't care whether other ninjas would take the opportunity to attack them and vent their resentment over the murder of their relatives.

Anyway, he made a prediction: three years from now, there may still be ninjas named Shimura, but the Shimura family will definitely not exist anymore.

As for whether his prediction will be wrong?
Uchiha Yu sneered and looked at his hands. The palms were wide, the fingers were slender, and every joint looked masculine and powerful.

His long, slender, white hands were clean, and there was no stain between each nail. If he could look like this in his previous life, he would definitely try to play the piano.

But Uchiha Yu knew that his hands were already stained with blood, so sometimes even a little more blood wouldn't make it dirtier, right?


When the purple energy rose in the early morning, Miwa Masayo and Uchiha Yuu stood on the roof of the shed, breathing in the morning sun's purple energy.

Although it was a cloudy day with dense clouds today, Yu Chiha's experience told him that no matter how thick the clouds were, even on those days when snow fell in winter, the rising purple energy would not weaken at all.

But it didn't weaken at all, it just weakened a little, and the purity and activity of the purple energy also slightly increased, which can completely make up for it.

Uchiha Yu's heart moved, and his intuition told him that this change was not simple, and there must be a very profound reason behind it.

Therefore, he kept every detail of this change in mind.

When the sky dimly lights up, it means that the sunrise has completely ended.

Miwa Masashi felt the dullness and pressure in the air, and soon determined that it was going to rain. She regretfully gave up the idea of ​​hunting, and lazily returned to Uchiha Yu's shoulder.

She rubbed her head against the cat owner affectionately and asked, "Yu, help me make a cat nest. The one you made last time has become moldy and rotten."

Uchiha Yu looked up at the roof of the shed and found that there was enough hay to be dried in advance, so he agreed: "No problem, Rika-chan, please come and help."

"Okay meow."

Uchiha Yu took the tabby cat to comb it together and prepared a lot of clean and slender grass stems.

When the materials were ready and they were starting to weave the thread, Miwa Masayo noticed that Uchiha Yuu was staring at the ground with a strange expression.

"Yu, what happened nya?"

"Something happened, but it's not urgent. Let's make the cat's nest first."

"Okay meow."

 Wrote one more chapter a few days ago, more updates to be added
  Updates in the evening will be posted as normal
(End of this chapter)

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