I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 164 The destruction of Kirigakure Village is Uchiha Madara’s will

Chapter 164 The destruction of Kirigakure Village is Uchiha Madara’s will

Uchiha Yu was extremely excited and tried more.

He found that the natural energies he could drive were different. The easiest to drive was the water spirit under his feet, then the thunder spirit in the sky and the wind spirit in the air.

The fire spirit was very difficult. Uchiha Yuu had to hold back his strength for a long time before he could squeeze out a ball of flame, which was about the size of a candle.

This is easy to understand. The natural energy of fire spirits is the least on the sea. After all, there are no natural fire sources such as volcanic islands around.

But Uchiha Yuu also had an unexplainable phenomenon. The seabed was about 40 meters below his feet, but he was completely unable to mobilize the natural energy of the earth spirit. Even if he dived into the seabed and stepped on the seabed, it still wouldn't work.

Just when he was thinking hard about the reasons and trying to design an experimental plan, Miwa Masashi came over.

She saw the thunder clouds where the natural energy of the thunder spirit gathered began to move, and judged that Uchiha Yuu's breakthrough had been completed, so she ran over immediately.

With a meow, the white tabby cat rushed to her special place. Her appearance startled Uchiha Yuu, and he asked: "Rika-chan, what is all this white stuff on you?"

"It's Salt Meow, help me wash it off Meow, I can't water escape!"

Miwa Masashi meowly begged the scavenger for help. Judging from her frowning expression and sticking out her long tongue, Uchiha Yuu guessed that the kitten must have licked the salt from her own fur and was beaten hard. Arrived.

Uchiha Yu looked at the embarrassed tabby cat and asked with a smile: "Rika-chan, why are you in such a mess? It's not an easy thing to get so much salt on your body."

As he spoke, he raised his palms flat, palms upward, and lifted them up slightly. He separated a ball of pure fresh water from the sea water, surrounded the body of the civet cat, and quickly washed away the salt stains on her body.

Miwa Masayo closed her eyes and enjoyed being washed by the water, and explained: "The waves today are too big, nya, it always makes my body wet."

"Yu, you know, nya, I don't like the feeling of my body getting wet, so I quickly evaporate the water, nya. Unknowingly, I left a lot of salt on my body, which is very uncomfortable, nya."

"I tried cleaning the salt particles with my tongue, but the salt is bitter and salty, and it makes me very uncomfortable when I lick it. And I can't escape from water, so I can only ask you for help."

"By the way, Miao, Yuu, did you succeed in breaking through?"

Miwa Masashi used a questioning tone, but her tone was very certain. She obviously had absolute confidence in Uchiha Yu's success. She asked just to confirm a result.

Uchiha Yu smiled and replied: "Of course it was successful."

"That's great, nya. You've become a lot stronger, nya?"

"Well, my strength is ten times stronger, my running speed is twice as fast, and my reaction speed has also been improved a lot."

"In terms of immortality, I have absorbed the natural energy of the water spirit. Now I have all five spirits in my body, and the natural energy is reintegrating, as if it is gestating something."

"Anyway, he has become a lot stronger."

Uchiha Yu combed the knotted cat hair with his fingers, and added: "By the way, I can also control the natural energy in nature."

"like this."

He stretched out his right hand and grabbed it forward. The scattered natural energy of the wind spirit in the air gathered and formed a small wind pillar.

Miwa Masashi and Uchiha Yu have been together long enough, and she understands what this means very well, so her eyes are full of stars when she looks at Fengzhu.

The civet cat admired from the bottom of his heart: "It turns out that heaven and man are one...it's so handsome."

Yuu Uchiha grinned and denied: "It is not yet certain that heaven and man are one, because the connection between me and the surroundings is constantly weakening, and the intensity of the natural energy that I can control is declining rapidly."

"I am now very doubtful whether it is an early experience benefit brought by the breakthrough, or a limited time trial version."

"In addition, when I have strong control, I can't control the natural energy of the earth spirit. I don't know why."

Uchiha Yu spread his hands and said half helplessly and half free and easy: "In short, I'm not sure yet. It's really annoying."

Miwa Masayo understood his pride, so he complimented him in a joking manner: "Although it is a worry, it is also a happy worry, nya."

Uchiha Yu nodded with satisfaction when he heard this, reached out and gave a high-five to the tabby cat's little paw, and then they laughed happily together.

Uchiha Yu has successfully taken a step forward, which means that everyone has chosen the right path, and they have a bright future, which is gratifying.

As for whether you can gain strength after the breakthrough, that's not important. It's gratifying to have it, but it won't be a waste if you don't have it.

After laughing for a while, Masato Miwa asked: "Yu, what will you do next, nya?"

Uchiha Yu turned his head and looked into the distance. There was a Taoist natural kunai that Miwa Masayo helped him nail, and there was the three-tailed Isobutsu.

He smiled and said softly: "Let's go back and see the result of Sanwei's self-inflicted blow."

After the breakthrough was completed, Uchiha Yu had greater confidence. He also had a full understanding of the strength of the three-tails, and naturally wanted to go back and see the three-tails again.

Not for anything else, but because there are still some good things about Sanwei that you can try to take advantage of.

He licked his lips and said to Miwa Masashi: "If I have the chance, I would like to taste the taste of Miwei's left eye, the essence of the wind spirit's natural energy. I haven't felt it yet."

Miwa Masato also drooled in dissatisfaction and made her own request: "Give me a share this time, nya."

Uchiha Yu said matter-of-factly: "Don't worry, it was all for my breakthrough before, so I had to eat it all. Next, I just tasted it. Most of it is pear jam. After all, it is the essence of the wind spirit's natural energy."

After receiving the promise, the civet cat began to worry about new problems: "Yu, my digestion ability is much worse than yours. Can I really eat cats?"

Uchiha Yu replied confidently: "How can there be something that cannot be eaten? Even if it cannot be eaten directly, I can help you process it into something edible and delicious."

"I just ground the octopus pearls into powder and processed them into cat cakes that you can eat. Have you forgotten the taste?"

"Meow, remember Meow, I believe in Youmeow the most."

With the activation of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Yuu Uchiha and Masato Miwa disappeared.


Although the battlefield was the sea, it was still a mess after the battle. There were three ice crystal spikes floating everywhere on the sea, and there were even a lot of still active tailed beast flesh and blood.

Uchiha Yu stood on the sea, holding a special kunai picked up from the bottom of the sea, looking around, but found nothing.

He sensed carefully again, but he also did not sense the distinctive chakra of the three tails.

After a long time, Uchiha Yuu said regretfully: "It seems that we have no luck today. The three-tailed Isofu has gone far away."

Miwa Masashi nodded with the same disappointment, but she looked around unwillingly and asked, "Are the things floating here useful, nya?"

"We don't have much hope. These are just the bits and pieces that were shaken off from the three tails when the tailed beast was about to explode. They are just like our fingernails and hair. They won't be of much use."

"That's such a shame, nya."

Uchiha Yu touched Miwa Masayo's head, trying to comfort her wounded heart.

Who knew that the raccoon cat suddenly stood up, and then jumped on Uchiha Yu's head. She stretched out her paws and pointed forward, asking: "What kind of cat is that? Is it a fish cat?"

Uchiha Yuu followed Miwa Masayo's direction and looked intently, and immediately saw two highly arched dorsal fins. They were two strange fish covered in sharp scales, swimming rapidly in the sea.

This sea area is full of debris dropped from the three-tailed body, and a large amount of the tailed beast's blood has been blended into the seawater. Therefore, the seawater is filled with the chakra of the three-tailed beast, which has a strong driving force against ordinary creatures.

Therefore, when Uchiha Yu returned with Miwa Masayo, this sea area was quiet and there was no sign of life at all.

These two strange fish completely ignore the tailed beast's chakra. They must have a special relationship with the tailed beast.

"Come on, let's go see if we can catch those two fish."

"Okay, Meow. If you can't eat the natural energy essence of the three-tailed wind spirit, let's see if these two fish can eat Meow?"

Uchiha Yuu couldn't help but laugh. He was so satisfied with Miwa Masayo's character that when he saw a creature for the first time, he defaulted to food and thought about whether it was delicious or not.

[This is what a Taoist monk who is in tune with me looks like,]

However, they were still disappointed. The two strange fish were very alert and timid. When they noticed that they were approaching, they immediately dived into the bottom of the sea and fled thousands of miles away without hesitation.

The shapes of these two fish are very strange. Their bodies are covered with dense spikes. Their fins are short, but they are incredibly fast underwater.

Uchiha Yu didn't even have a chance to get close, and the pair of strange fish ran away without a trace.Miwa Masato asked: "What kind of strange fish is this? It looks so strange."

Uchiha Yu carefully observed the three-tailed piece of meat that was bitten by the strange fish, and then recalled the appearance of the strange fish, and he came up with an uncertain guess.

He rubbed his chin and said to Miwa Masashi: "These two strange fish seem to have come here specifically to eat the flesh of the three tails. They are very special. Judging from their appearance, I think they may be Samehada."

Miwa Masayo asked in confusion: "Samega, what kind of fish is Samega?"

Uchiha Yuu emphasized his tone and said again: "The Great Sword Samehada. It is one of the great swords of Kirigakure Village. It is said that the raw material is a special fish called Samehada, which can swallow the flesh and chakra of ninjas."

Miwa Masayo was shocked: "I don't know, but this ability seems to be very powerful, nya, just like the star-absorbing magic you mentioned, nya."

Uchiha Yu said: "The chakra that devours the enemy is indeed very powerful, but even more powerful is Kirigakure. I really want to know how they make living creatures into living weapons."

"It's a pity that I couldn't catch Samehada."

"Otherwise, we can study it carefully. Maybe these characteristics are the characteristics of this kind of fish and have nothing to do with the ninja sword manufacturing technology of Kirigakure Village."

Miwa Masashi guessed: "Yu, what you said makes sense, nya. I think the great skill of Kirigakure Village is the ability to fish, nya."

Uchiha Yuu agreed: "Your guess, Rika-chan, is very likely. Kirigakure Village has been on the sea for decades. It must have a strong understanding of the sea and fishing skills."


"What's wrong meow?"

"The Orochimaru is here."



Orochimaru's aura is a bit weak, but his image is much better than that of Uchiha Yuko, that is, his hair is a bit messy and there are two rips in his clothes, but overall he is very neat.

This made Uchiha Yu very curious. Was the battle between Orochimaru and Goju Yagura a victory or a defeat?

Orochimaru looked at the sea area, took a deep breath to distinguish the smell in the air, and said with emotion: "Uchiha Yuu, it seems that I will have to use honorifics to you in the future, you actually beat the three tails Ran!"

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

Uchiha Yu subconsciously blurted out his denial three times in a row. Although he dug out one of the three tails' eyes, he did not fight back the three tails.

He tried to explain (quibble): "Lord Orochimaru, do you think I can defeat the tailed beast in this way?"

"Obviously I was beaten violently by the three tails."

Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Yu with a smile and said, "That's strange. Who did it if it wasn't you?"

"The smell of the Three-Tail is everywhere here, and its body materials are everywhere on the sea. Judging from the spread, the Three-Tail's injuries are not minor."

Uchiha Yu shook his head repeatedly and denied: "I persisted for a while under the attack of the Three-Tails, but then I was forced to retreat. I really don't know who beat the Three-Tails away. It was not me anyway."

[I'm not lying: first of all, I really don't have the ability to fight away Sanwei, and secondly, Isofu has wanted to leave from the beginning. 】

"You're right."

Orochimaru seemed to accept Uchiha Yu's explanation, he laughed, and then stopped talking.

But Uchiha Yu clearly saw that the light in Orochimaru's eyes was extremely deep. Maybe he also suspected someone else, but his suspicion of Uchiha Yu had definitely not diminished at all.

[Orochimaru is really suspicious. 】

Uchiha Yu asked in turn: "Lord Orochimaru, you must have caught up with the Fourth Mizukage. Have you captured him?"

When Orochimaru heard this question, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and he replied without looking: "I caught up with him, but I couldn't capture him."

"Tsk, the water mirror technique is so annoying."

"Ah, also, Wan She died too early, otherwise my chances would be greater."

Regarding Orochimaru's remarks about blaming others, Uchiha Yu just thought he was farting and didn't take it to heart at all. He continued to ask: "Orochimaru-sama is in a good mood. You must have gotten something from the Fourth Mizukage, right? ?”

"Hehehe, you are indeed Uchiha Yuu, you guessed it right."

"I forced the Fourth Mizukage to promise that within two years Kirigakure will never provoke any war."

"Lord Orochimaru, you are joking again."

"Haha, you saw through it. Goji Yagura didn't say this to me, but I killed more than half of the Kirigakure ninjas he brought. I deliberately selected the target to kill."

"I killed all the little ninjas and civilian ninjas who didn't have blood inheritance limits."

"I deliberately let go of the ninjas from the Oniden family and the Kaguya family, and then killed most of the ninjas from the Snow clan. The Fourth Mizukage should understand my painstaking efforts."

Uchiha Yu suddenly took a breath, Orochimaru's hand was really cruel.

Among the Kirigakure ninjas brought by the Fourth Mizukage, one-third are blood-succession limited ninjas, one-third are junior ninjas, and one-third are civilian ninjas who don't even have surnames.

Orochimaru couldn't take down Goju Yagura, but he should have the upper hand in the battle and had a lot of initiative, so he went to massacre the retreating Kirigakure ninjas.

If Orochimaru did not lie, according to his killing method, civilian ninjas and minor ninjas were severely damaged, and the blood successor ninja clan once again became a powerful force in Kirigakure Village.

In order to prevent the Fourth Mizukage from choosing to compromise, Orochimaru even deliberately weakened the Snow Clan, creating an obvious weakness among the three major ninja clans and tempting the Fourth Mizukage to attack.

It was too insidious, and the calculation was too careful. As long as Gouju Yagura still had some ambition to be the master of the family, he could only start the internal fighting in Kirigakure Village according to Orochimaru's vision.

You must know that Kirigakure Village has just experienced four months of internal fighting. After everyone was tired from fighting, they decided on the winner of the Fourth Mizukage, and then it calmed down smoothly.

If Kirigakure starts fighting within the village again, new and old grudges will be superimposed, and the level of violence will reach full.

Coupled with the fact that the defeat destroyed Goju Yagura's prestige, Kirigakure Village no longer had the constraints of authority.

The new round of internal fighting will definitely not subside in four months. It is estimated that it will take at least one or two years. After killing dozens of large and small ninja clans, the participants can no longer kill because of too much blood. will slowly calm down.

In this case, there is no need for the Fourth Mizukage to swear that he will take the initiative to shrink all the Kirigakure ninjas and solve internal problems behind closed doors. Within two years, he will definitely not have the time and energy to cause trouble to the outside world.

Uchiha Yu raised his thumb to express his conviction.

Orochimaru saw that Uchiha Yuu could understand all his calculations, and he suddenly felt like a confidant, and laughed proudly.

He even directly changed his title: "Yujun, it's great that you understand my plan."


The Fourth Mizukage returned to Kirigakure Village with the defeated soldiers, and the atmosphere in the entire village immediately became depressing. As the ninjas of the three major ninja clans went home, Kirigakure Village was soon destroyed by the Kirigakure Technique. The fog covered it up.

The murderous aura was brewing in the thick fog and became more and more intense. Both the ninjas and the villagers seemed to smell the smell of blood, so that some villagers fled the Kirigakure Village.

The Fourth Mizukage stood in his office, the light in his eyes constantly changing, obviously undergoing a fierce psychological struggle.

He is considering whether to restart the "Blood Mist Residence" policy, trying to give up the limited blood inheritance family, protect his power in Kirigakure Village, and strive for greater opportunities for the future of Kirigakure Village.

The continuous fierce battles had exhausted Goju Yagura, and the intense thinking had consumed a lot of his energy, and his spirit was gradually weakening.

"That boy Orochimaru did a great job, creating a perfect opportunity for me."


Goji Yagura shouted loudly, and reached for the coral staff leaning on the edge of the desk, but he stopped when he reached halfway. His whole body was as stiff as a sculpture, and his eyes became three-dimensional. Magatama's Sharingan.

He was controlled by Sharingan genjutsu.

(End of this chapter)

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