Chapter 16: Stand still
After three days of consideration, Uchiha Yu gave up the idea of ​​acquiring the Eight Gate Dunjia.

This forbidden technique is really painful to practice, and what's even worse is that there is no positive feedback, so forced practice is not something I can bear.

Uchiha Yuu has a very clear understanding of his own willpower.

The most important thing is that in the foundation building stage, his core pursuit is to let natural energy and physical body go hand in hand, so as to lay the solid foundation for entering the next stage of cultivation.

In Uchiha Yu's vague impression, practitioners of the Taoist system believe that the body of a practitioner is a treasure raft that can transcend the world. Once it is damaged,
Before the foundation building is completed, you must absolutely avoid injuries that cause physical damage, and you must not damage the original foundation. Things such as indulgence are unacceptable.

Just like the intensity of Metday and Metkay's exercise, it is simply more terrifying than indulgence. If someone else does this, hematuria will appear in just a few days.

Uchiha Yuu was able to confirm that Matt Dai had suffered from blood in urine at least ten times in the past ten years.

His body was riddled with holes, and the muscles in his arms, legs, waist, abdomen, and back all had traces of rhabdomyolysis, which had happened repeatedly more than once.

Otherwise, there will never be muscle fiber adhesion.

On the opposite side of him is Metkai. Although he is just 11 years old, his training intensity is already the same as his father's, and there is no hidden injury in his body.

Uchiha Yu was greatly surprised, and in the end he could only sigh: Matt Dai is an amazing physical arts expert and a great father.

It was impossible for the Matt family's intensity of exercise not to cause hidden injuries. There were no hidden injuries at all for Metkai, which was naturally due to Matt Dai's meticulous care and sufficient medicine.

Judging from the income of Dai, a ten thousand year genin, he spent all his money on his son, but he just gritted his teeth and didn't even have money to buy painkillers.

If he hadn't embarked on the path of cultivating immortals and successfully built a foundation, Yu Chiha might have made up his mind to spend a lot of money to hire Matt Dai, who would definitely be able to help him design the strongest physical training plan.

Moreover, hiring Matt Dai to supervise your execution of the exercise plan can also eliminate your laziness factor to the greatest extent.

But it’s no longer possible. Uchiha Yu’s body has undergone major changes. The changes brought about by foundation building are so exaggerated that they don’t even need to be inspected by Matt Dai personally. As long as he briefly describes it to the Taijutsu expert, Uchiha Yu will expose himself. secret.

The Uchiha should not have a self-healing ability that exceeds that of the Senju, nor should they have a chakra capacity that exceeds that of the Uzumaki clan.

These are deadly secrets.

Therefore, it is better to wait until the foundation building stage is completed before exploring and trying it on your own.

Supporting a load ten times his body weight, Uchiha Yuu walked step by step on his own path. After circling Konoha Village, he walked back to his home step by step.

Pushing open the courtyard door, he walked the last few steps tremblingly to the door. He glanced at the clock in the living room and felt happy.

"Seven:49, a full five minutes earlier than yesterday. Not only has it improved, but the speed of progress has become faster."

"I can't believe that such a stupid exercise method can have such a great effect."

Miwa Masashi walked on a catwalk and circled around Uchiha, carefully observing his upper body that had taken off his clothes, and exclaimed in surprise.

Therefore, after high-intensity exercise, the muscles were congested and bulged, making Uchiha Yuu look particularly strong.

It was not as miserable as the first day at all. Although Uchiha Yuu's brain felt very happy, his body showed signs of muscle spasms and foaming at the mouth, which frightened Masayo Miwa to the point of being at a loss.

It's not like yesterday, when I collapsed in the hall and my soul ascended to heaven happily.

Today, Uchiha Yuu felt an even stronger sense of refreshment, but he was able to take off his weights and vest soberly, standing and enjoying the natural energy repairing his whole body.

It was only the third day that he was able to finish the weight-bearing training while standing. The speed of his progress made him decide to try standing postures to see the effects of static exercises.

After a simple rinse, Uchiha Yu put on a pair of loose training clothes.

Under Miwa Masayo's confused gaze, Uchiha Yuu tried to stand upright.

With his feet shoulder-width apart, he slowly squatted down, shifted his center of gravity downward, and gradually squatted deeper.Then continue to spread your feet as seen in the short video, and then raise your hands to shoulder level.In just 3 minutes, Uchiha Yu frowned. He felt soreness in his thigh muscles just like in his previous life, and even experienced obvious shaking.

No, there is a problem.

He has seen people who can do horse walking. Those people are definitely not as strong as he is now, but they can do it for half an hour without any shaking in their body.

[By the way, they all said that the key to Zamabu is to relax and loosen your muscles and bones...]

[My thighs are as tight as iron pillars, and there is absolutely no possibility of relaxing them. What's wrong? 】

【Let me think...】

[By the way, Zama Step is not the first step of Zhanzhuang. The first step is what is called Hunyuanzhuang. I remember it is a very relaxing posture. Give it a try. 】

Hunyuan piles are really simple.

According to the impression in his memory, Uchiha Yu placed his feet slightly shoulder-width apart, adjusted his breathing, and relaxed his body.

With steady breathing and a calm mind, he began to bend his knees slightly, making a half-squatting and half-sitting posture. At the same time, he raised his hands shoulder-width apart, with his fingers spread wide and his palms facing inward.

relax, relax...

Gradually, Uchiha Yu found some feeling, and his posture changed naturally.

The hands rotated the wrists inward, making a posture of holding the arms inwards and supporting the arms outwards, and the shoulders became more and more relaxed, but there was no feeling of hunching down.

Uchiha Yuu felt it, and his feet really felt like they were rooted in the earth.

Slowly, he made the movements of lowering his shoulders, lowering his elbows, and lifting his back with his chest in his arms. His whole body seemed to be holding a big bell in his arms. He was obviously sitting backwards, but he was standing there steadily.

Miwa Masayo looked incomprehensible and found it very interesting. He curiously jumped up and down on Uchiha Yuu's body, but did not wake up the shit shovel who had fallen into silence unconsciously.

Being naturally still is not sleeping. The human spirit is alert.

If there is danger, the person who has entered tranquility can respond immediately, but will not wake up due to the touch of a familiar and reassuring creature.

After falling naturally into silence, Uchiha Yu's body relaxed, and his body posture continued to fine-tune as he relaxed.

Zhuang Gong does not seek to be low, but focuses on cultivating Qi and blood. The Qi and blood will be filled and flow spontaneously. Eventually, it will naturally transition to the stage of stretching muscles and pulling out bones, which means naturally becoming low Zhuang.

It is said that this is a basic skill, and normally it takes two to three years for the physical fitness to meet the needs.

However, Uchiha Yuu's physical fitness is very strong and is not at the same level as ordinary people. It can even be said that he is a different species. Naturally, his standing progress cannot be considered according to common sense.

Unknowingly, Uchiha Yuu's posture switched to the horse stance, and his knees were hanging down, naturally forming a low-structure horse stance.

Two hours later, he felt the presence of "muscles" and made them pulse.The body shakes up and down as the muscles and bones beat, and the thigh muscles are really in a relaxed state, similar to the resting posture in military posture.

After about a quarter of an hour of pulsating muscles and bones, Yuu Uchiha felt the energy and blood.

It was not real Qi and blood, but an indescribable mental state, but it felt like there was real Qi filling the body.

He even had the feeling of hanging himself for a hundred hours and sinking to his perineum.

Very wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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