I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 159 Don’t think that the legs of the giant octopus were chopped off in vain

Chapter 159 Don’t think that the legs of the giant octopus were chopped off in vain
Wan She, who was halfway through the rush, felt the huge chakra. Although the open mouth prevented it from seeing the front, it immediately knew that something was wrong.

Wan She closed her mouth, looked over with widened snake eyes, and immediately saw a bright red Sharingan.

Suddenly all the snakes were in bad condition.

Damn it, why are they ninjas of the Uchiha family? Why don't they deserve to wear the emblem of the Uchiha family? They are so strong, why are they not jounin?
How can there be such a disguise? Isn't this bullying an honest snake?

Regret and fear intertwined in Wan She's heart, and she twisted her body desperately, trying to get away from these terrifying Uchiha ninjas, but its body was so huge that it could not change the speed of its charge. It could only watch as it rushed towards 100 Multiple pairs of Sharingan.

The Uchihas of the Tiger Force would not let it go just because the snake curled up, not to mention that their ninjutsu was no longer a joint ninjutsu that could be stopped easily.

There are two squadrons of the Tiger Force, with a total of 10 detachments. Except for the two detachments responsible for security and defense, the other detachments used joint ninjutsu against the giant ninja beasts in the face of Wanshen.

Fire Release·Blue Flame Sword

The 17 ninjas of the squad leader extracted chakra at the same time and formed seals at the same time. The chakra gathered on the captain.

The captain with double Magatama Sharingan carefully manipulated chakra to outline the framework of the ninjutsu, then puffed up his cheeks and sprayed a dark red flame jet from his mouth.

After the flame left the ninja's mouth, it quickly glowed brightly and heated up. The color quickly changed from red to orange, and then continued to turn into yellow, gold, and white until it became a blue-white flaming sword like a laser.

This is a joint ninjutsu that the Uchihas have repeatedly practiced against giant ninja beasts. Six out of the ten teams have practiced it on giant octopuses.

When used at this time, these units seemed particularly smooth and fast. The Blue Flame Sword was forced in front of Wan She in almost the blink of an eye, leaving Wan She no much room for reaction.

At this time, Wan She was extremely frightened. Although it was good at ninjutsu such as shedding of skin to avoid death and avoid injury, those were all earth release ninjutsu and were most suitable for use on land or in caves.

In the vast sea, the shedding technique can also be used, but the speed is not as fast as on land. When hit by a ninjutsu like the Blue Flame Sword that pursues a one-hit kill, Wan She found that he was going to die.

Originally, it had a chance of survival, that is, when the Uchihas activated their ninjutsu, they took the initiative to cancel the channeling and quickly returned to Ryūchi Cave.

However, the snake's greed for flesh and blood and its confidence in the defensive power of its own scales made it unwilling to go back. Even if it was concerned about the power of the Uchiha family and could not eat Uchiha ninjas, the corpses of so many Kirigakure ninjas could still be eaten. You can eat all you want, why should you go back?

The difference between one thought and another can mean life or death.

Wan She's body was cut open by the Blue Flame Sword without any hindrance, just as easily as a bone-cleaver cutting through a large white radish.

At this moment, it was not dead, and its severed head was still shouting for help.

"No-! Orochimaru help!"

"Orochimaru, release the psychic quickly and send me back to Ryūchi Cave!"

"Asshole Orochimaru, what are you doing..."

Wan She's cry came to an abrupt end. Its body was cut into pieces by the blue flame sword, and its head was attacked by several blue flame swords, turning into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Wan Snake died like this, and his body disappeared in a burst of white smoke and returned to Longdi Cave.

I don’t know what the three immortals in Longdi Cave will think after seeing the corpses of ten thousand snakes turned into pieces.
Maybe they will be more disgusted with Orochimaru and have an even worse attitude?

After killing ten thousand snakes, the Tiger troops, under the command of Uchiha Shigenobu, quickly reorganized their formation, formed a dense formation for the purpose of attack, and launched a second attack on the previous battlefield.

On the battlefield filled with corpses, many Kirigakure ninjas jumped out of the sea. They looked around at a loss, which was the best target to attack.

Uchiha Yu was very satisfied with the Tiger Force's quick and correct response and the crisp and clear kill of Wan Snake.

He glanced at Orochimaru curiously and found that he was in a strange state of excitement, his whole expression distorted, like a drug addict who was high on drugs.

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but gasp.

It's too scary. Orochimaru's perversion is beyond imagination. You must be extremely careful when dealing with him in the future. Pervert's ideas are always different.

Suddenly, Uchiha Yu felt an abnormal accumulation of chakra.

When he turned his head and stared at the past, concentrating on perception, he immediately confirmed that it was the prelude to the Water Release Ninjutsu, and it was the Fourth Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura.

Unfortunately, the location where the chakra gathered was tens of meters away on the seabed, and Uchiha Yuu knew that he was too late to stop the activation of the ninjutsu.

Even though it was a water release ninjutsu with a whopping 44 seals, an exaggerated forward movement, and extremely low cost performance.

Water Escape·Water Dragon Bullet

The seawater was bound by chakra and took on the form of a dragon. It rushed out of the sea to an altitude of 40 meters, then turned around and rushed downward towards Uchiha Yuu.

Just when Uchiha Yuu marveled at the huge size of this water dragon, the second water dragon rose into the sky, then the third, and the fourth. It was not until the ninth water dragon rose that the fluctuations in chakra suddenly increased. becoming steady.

Uchiha Yu suddenly grinned: "It turns out to be the Great Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu. It can actually gather nine water dragons. This guy Goju Yagura is truly worthy of being a Mizukage."

Orochimaru chuckled and said, "I underestimated Gouju Yagura. This guy is a bit like your kid. He is also a secretive bastard."

The nine water dragons did not attack Uchiha Yuu concentratedly, but were divided into three parts.

Three attacked Uchiha Yu, three attacked Orochimaru, and the last three rushed towards the tiger troop's formation from a distance.

The fourth Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura, when he was besieged by two powerful enemies, he was still able to concentrate on taking care of his subordinates. He was really a qualified Mizukage.

The Uchiha members of the Tiger Force have all been brainwashed by Yu Uchiha. None of the ninjas among them are stubborn. While full of offensive spirit, they can also avoid unnecessary losses as the first principle of action.

When three huge water dragons rushed over, the tiger troops' attack was instantly suspended, and the tight impact formation instantly transformed into a loose formation to defend against air strikes.

Even if the Tiger troops were on defense, they would never be beaten without fighting back. The anti-air raid formation had just been completed, and the four-person team used the powerful fireball technique.

Almost in the blink of an eye, hundreds of fireballs with a diameter of more than two meters rose into the sky, densely blocking the path of the water dragon.

In the violent explosion, the two water dragons were blown to pieces in the air, leaving only the last water dragon, covered in thick white mist, weakly falling into the formation of the tiger troops.

At this time, the water dragon was already at the end of its power, with neither power nor speed. It only knocked three unlucky Uchihas away, and was not even able to cause direct damage.

But Goju Yagura is in a good mood, because his purpose is not to kill people, but to save his subordinates.

The tiger troops were halfway through the attack and were forced to stop to deal with the impact of the water dragon bombs. They completely lost their speed advantage. Moreover, their formation was loose and they were very close to the Kirigakure ninjas. Instead, they were in a very disadvantageous situation.

The Kirigakure ninjas are indeed the elite of Kirigakure Village. They react immediately and attack with various means including ninjutsu without hesitation.

The distance between the two sides was too close, and the Uchihas' positions were too loose, making it difficult for them to support each other. As a result, those ninjas who faced several ninjutsu attacks alone suffered casualties.

Uchiha Shigenobu did not hesitate, blew the copper whistle, and led the tiger troops to retreat quickly. After the two squadron leaders led their teams to counterattack and killed several Kirigakure ninjas who rashly pursued, the two sides broke away from contact.

When the Tiger Troops were attacked by the Fourth Mizukage's unexpected ninjutsu, they responded calmly with skillful tactical movements and escaped a huge crisis at the cost of only two lives.

The Uchiha's tactical response was brilliant, and the whole process was flawless. Orochimaru's face was filled with wonder and surprise after watching the whole process. He couldn't help but waved his hands and praised: "Wonderful, it's so wonderful, the Tiger Force has already He is undoubtedly the best in the ninja world."

Orochimaru noticed the Tiger Force very early. A few months ago, he also summoned his direct ninjas to train in the Tiger Force's model. Now they have made considerable progress.

Before that, he was very satisfied with the training results of this small unit, so he named the unit Snake Unit, and even thought of picking a suitable time to let Uchiha Yuu see it.

But today, when Orochimaru saw the tiger troop's on-the-spot reaction, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​showing off. His snake troop was far behind, too far behind.Even though the members of the Snake Force are all Chuunin and Jonin, and not a single Genin, in addition to personal strength, there are visible gaps in all aspects such as tactical literacy, discipline, obedience, communications, equipment, etc.

The disparity in all aspects combined is a world of difference. The Snake Troop is not qualified to be compared with the Tiger Troop.

If these two troops fight, the snake troops will definitely be wiped out, and they may even be shaved off by the tiger troops, without even a single victory achieved.

What amazed Orochimaru most was not the quality displayed by the Uchihas, but the complete and mature tactical system of the Tiger Force.

Their tactics are rich and varied, they can respond to various situations appropriately, and they have formed a complete set of strict systems.

Systematic tactics cannot be mastered by watching, they must be taught carefully.

Orochimaru sighed with a complicated mood. It seemed that he had to spend a lot of money to buy the complete training syllabus for the Tiger Force from Uchiha Yuu.

Orochimaru was impressed by the elite Tiger Force and worried about how to train a second similar force.

Goju Yagura, who was also watching the whole process, felt purely bitter. He planned it well and his timing was impeccable. In the end, he only killed two Uchiha ninjas and the enemy broke away from contact.

Moreover, in the process of trying to pursue, the Kirigakure ninja sacrificed five lives, losing everything inside and outside.

The Tiger troops are so powerful and flexible that the Kirigakure ninjas have no ability to deal with them. Perhaps only he can defeat them through a strong attack without interference.

But Goju Yagura believes that he can definitely defeat them, but he cannot destroy the Tiger Force, even if he goes all out.

They reacted too quickly.

Moreover, the leader of the Tiger Force is also a very difficult guy. As long as he is around, it is unlikely that he will fight with all his strength.

Thinking of this, Goju Yagura couldn't help but look at Uchiha Yu, and then he saw an iron-green face filled with murderous intent.

Goju Yagura: He is actually angrier than me?

Uchiha Yu was in a very unhappy mood, the murderous aura in his heart was so strong that it almost overflowed, and his face was naturally ashen and terrifying.

Firstly, it was because he lost two more brothers, and secondly, it was because he failed to stop Goju Yagura, giving him the opportunity to launch an attack against the Tiger Force.

Shame, so shameful.

Because of his own negligence, his two younger brothers died. This was the most serious mistake Uchiha Yu had made in his adult life.

Speaking of which, Uchiha Yuu is very strong. The physical strength alone can make Goju Yagura feel helpless and defeated.

However, because he was groping for immortality indiscriminately, Uchiha Yuu's strength was fragmented. Although Sora had a powerful body, massive amounts of chakra, even more powerful natural energy, and unpredictable supernatural powers, he could not combine multiple powers. Integrated to form shadow-level strength.

If the Fourth Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura wanted to kill Uchiha Yuu, he would be too exhausted to do it.

Uchiha Yuu in turn wanted to kill Gotachibana Yagura, but he couldn't do it either.

But the situation was different today, because Orochimaru, the leader of the Sannin, was also present.

Yuu Uchiha is the best tank, and he can also serve as a healer, while Orochimaru is enough to take on the responsibilities of a priest. Together, the two can form a battle, magic, and animal husbandry triangle, and there is absolutely no problem in killing Gouju Yagura.

Although after the main plot began, Orochimaru gave people the impression of being a snake skin with insufficient attack power and overwhelming survivability, but the Orochimaru at that time was not the same as the Orochimaru today.

Today, Orochimaru is at the peak of his life. He is powerful and can suppress Jiraiya steadily, even if Jiraiya has learned the magic of immortality.

Uchiha Yu then said loudly: "Lord Orochimaru, are you interested in letting Kirigakure Village get another Mizukage?"

Orochimaru immediately smiled and said: "Of course, I am the leader of Konoha ninja."

"But I have to be honest, Goju Yagura's strength exceeds my expectations. It's very difficult to kill him."

"Unless..." Orochimaru's snake eyes looked at Uchiha Yuu meaningfully, and then said: "Unless you can surprise me and hold this Mizukage to death."

Uchiha leisurely said: "You just said it will take a few hours? I'm telling you a big deal here. As long as you can kill him, I can guarantee that this Mizukage will not be able to escape."

Orochimaru's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "It won't take that long. If you drag him to death for four to ten minutes, I will definitely poison him here."

At this time, the fighting on both battlefields was over.

After seeing the situation clearly, the Kirigakure ninjas dived into the sea and fled in all directions.

The Konoha ninjas are working hard to pursue them, but the Kirigakure ninjas who retreated from the bottom of the sea are very slippery. The difficulty of pursuing them is too high, and there should be no gains in the future.

Goju Yagura watched his men retreat, and just when he felt relieved, he heard the communication between Uchiha Yu and Orochimaru, and suddenly felt creepy.

Thinking of Uchiha Yu's strong body and terrifying self-healing power, and thinking of Orochimaru's reputation as a poison expert, his intuition told Goji Yagura that his life was really in danger.

How to do?
There is also a Jinchūriki who is seriously injured and has a loose seal, is he going to die here today?
Suddenly, Jinchuuriki Onishi Kyohei grabbed Goju Yagura's ankle and whispered: "The Fourth Mizukage-sama, I have a way..."

He also heard the conversation between Orochimaru and Uchiha Yu, and knew that his fourth generation Mizukage was in danger, but he thought of a solution.

"You can lift me up and threaten them to break the seal of the three tails and make them move away."

Onishi Kyohei swallowed a mouthful of saliva and continued: "If they don't believe it, just unseal the three tails and retreat in the chaos."

"As long as you can go back, there won't be much danger in Kirigakure Village. Although the three tails will temporarily escape, we will definitely be able to find a way to capture the seal again."

Goju Yagura looked at Onishi Kyohei with a complicated expression. He opened his mouth several times, but nothing came out.

Onishi Kyohei smiled with relief and said: "Don't be sad for me. The seal on my body is getting more and more damaged. It is impossible to return to Kirigakure alive. I am very happy to be able to help Master Mizukage before he dies." .”

"Please tell Master Yuanshi that the seal cannot seal the three tails. After losing consciousness, its chakra is extremely poisonous, hopelessly poisonous."

"Before the battle started, I was actually controlled by the Three-Tails' chakra. Instead, the enemy destroyed the seal and I was able to wake up after the Three-Tails' consciousness awakened."

Onishi Kyohei was talking when several huge bulges suddenly appeared on his stomach, each as big as a human head, which made him roll his eyes.

The power of the three tails to break free from the seal became stronger and stronger. This move obviously caused severe pain to Onishi Kyohei. He was momentarily speechless and could only grit his teeth and hold on to prevent himself from losing consciousness.

After finally holding on until the seal was stable again, Onishi Kyohei was already sweating profusely and had uncontrollable muscle spasms all over his body.

The most shocking thing happened. Onishi Kyohei's body visibly lost weight. In just a few seconds, he completely lost his shape, like a skinned skeleton.

But his belly was unusually bulging, as if he had three or four watermelons stuffed into it, which made people shudder just looking at it.

Obviously, Onishi Kyohei's body has completely collapsed and it is impossible to survive the next struggle of the three tails.

Onishi Kyohei smiled bitterly and spoke. His strength had almost completely disappeared, and his voice was so low that it was almost inaudible: "Mizukage-sama, I can't do it anymore. The first plan won't work. Please help me unblock it."

Finally, he tried his best and said again: "Please remember, the seal of the three tails cannot be sealed."

(End of this chapter)

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