I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 150 In the Tiger Army, your own life is the only important thing

Chapter 150 In the Tiger Army, your own life is the only important thing

The attitude of the Uchiha members of the Tiger Force towards Uchiha Yuu has changed. In the past, everyone was closer to him, but today there is a lot more fear in them.

Respect both.

This is Uchiha Yu's status in the Tiger Force today.

This status stems from his identity. He is the founder of the Uchiha Ninjutsu and Tactics Learning Association and the founder of the Tiger Force, which naturally makes the Uchiha look down upon him.

Uchiha Yu taught his brothers seriously and helped them awaken the Sharingan, which made the Uchiha extremely grateful to him.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Yuu led them to defeat the Kirigakure ninja army and achieved an incredibly brilliant record, which made the Uchiha people worship him crazily.

The last link was the side effect of his ruthless treatment of Uchiha Goro, making the Uchiha fear him like a tiger.

Today, Uchiha Yuu's control over these Uchiha has reached perfection.

Even if he leaves the Tiger Force, no matter who takes over, as long as he gives an order, the Tiger Force will immediately abandon its commander and implement his orders.

Uchiha Yuu followed the procedure very formally and took over the command from Uchiha Shigenobu. Then he sat down and asked: "Detailed information on the enemy?"

Uchiha Kazuji, who was in charge of intelligence, stood up and introduced the specific information.

Uchiha Yuu saw the coordinates of a series of enemy encounters marked by Kazuji, and immediately judged that these ninjas set off directly from Kirigakure Village, and they were heading for the Tiger Force.

But there is a question that makes Uchiha Yuu difficult to understand: "The scale of this ninja army is too small. Even if they are ninjas from the Snow Clan, what can only 500 people do?"

Uchiha Yuu's question also made everyone else a little confused.

Recent battles have proven that the Uchihas of the Tiger Force are very strong. As long as a full squadron is dispatched, 500 Kirigakure ninjas can be easily eliminated.

As long as the Uchiha of the Tiger Force are not careless, the team members can effectively implement the established tactics, and the team captains can effectively contain the enemy's jounin, victory is certain and there will never be any surprises.

Everyone was puzzled, so someone laughed and joked: "It can't be given to us to eat, right?"

After hearing this, Uchiha Takayuki said: "It's not impossible to give it to us to eat..."

Uchiha Tadamichi couldn't believe it and asked: "How could it be possible? If we eat these 500 Kirigakure ninjas, it will not be of any benefit to Kirigakure Village."

Takayuki, who is over middle-aged, said with a smile: "It is definitely not good for Kirigakure Village, but it may not be good for some people in Kirigakure Village. It may even be of great benefit to some individuals."

The 18-year-old boy couldn't understand it even more, and he exclaimed in shock: "Huh?"

Uchiha Yuu, who is also an 18-year-old boy, waved his hand and said: "No, if it is a conspiracy against the Snow Clan, 500 ninjas are too many."

"And the intelligence shows that among this group of Kirigakure ninjas, there are more Kirigakure ninjas from civilian backgrounds. This is a ratio that is in line with the strength comparison of Kirigakure Village. It is obviously a carefully configured team and is not a team used to die."

Puzzled, Uchiha shook his head, trying to clear his head and change his thoughts.

Unexpectedly, his next thought was about Miwa Masayo. Only then did he realize that the civet cat was smart and avoided this meeting from the beginning, otherwise her head would be overheated again.

After being distracted for a while, Uchiha Yu decided to give up on this unclear question and asked instead: "Before I came, I heard you guys arguing fiercely. What issue were you arguing about?"

Uchiha Shigenobu replied: "Brother Yu, we are arguing about how to fight the Snow Clan."

Uchiha Yu couldn't understand why his brothers were arguing about this before. He asked: "I know that the Snow Clan is a bunch of ice sissies, but their Ice Release is suppressed by our Uchiha Clan's Fire Release. It should be good." It’s the right fight, is there anything special about this time?”

Uchiha and Tsukasa shook their heads with a wry smile and said: "Brother Yu, you guessed it right. The Snow Clan this time is completely different from the last war. They are fighting together."

"Oh?" Uchiha Yu's interest was aroused, and he asked curiously: "Explain it to me in detail."

Uchiha Kazuji replied: "This time there are only about 230 ninjas from the Snow Clan, but they did not adopt a small team fighting method. Instead, they gathered together and jointly performed a super large ninjutsu."

Uchiha Shigenobu then replied: "That is a huge blizzard pillar that has never been seen before. The strong wind is mixed with countless snowflakes, ice flakes and ice cones."

"This huge snowstorm changed the local weather in the sea area, not only cooling and snowfall, but even the sea froze."

"Our First Squadron is really at a disadvantage fighting in this environment. Even with the powerful fireball technique, it will be extinguished by the blizzard not far away."

When Uchiha Yuu heard this, he couldn't help but gasped. Isn't this what Iwagakure ninjas are best at, the so-called combined ninjutsu?

This is the top of the four assets of Iwagakure Village. With this skill, Iwagakure Village, which is best at earth escape, can fight against Kumogakure Village, which is particularly good at thunder escape, and even the Kumogakure ninjas who fought in the battle. The rat scurried away with its head in its hands.

The combined ninjutsu that can be mastered by all Iwagakure ninjas, compared to the best Explosive Ninja, the best Tailed Beast Jinchuriki, eliminates the Dust Release without any trace of blood, its reliability and stability are impeccable.

Konoha Village, Sunagakure Village, and Cloud Hidden Village all want to copy this ninjutsu, but so far they have all ended in failure.

The reason is that the ninjas in each village have strong personalities, their discipline and obedience are not up to standard, and they cannot coordinate each other's chakra.

Uchiha Yuya has been planning to implement joint ninjutsu within the Tiger Force. After many attempts, he has achieved some results.

For example, the Fire Release and Blue Flame Sword used by the Sixth Division is to gather the power of everyone to amplify the destructive power dozens of times, and can cut off the legs of a giant octopus with one blow.

But this ninjutsu is not mature enough, the tiger unit's coordination is not up to par, the speed of execution is not fast enough, and the power is not up to the level of the Iwagakure joint ninjutsu that Yuu Uchiha learned about.

It's good now. The Snow Clan in Kirigakure Village was the first to apply it in actual combat.

My dear, the Kirigakure Village, which was still a mess four months ago, actually started to play the joint ninjutsu first, and as soon as they started, it was the highest stage of my imagination, the weather weapon level joint ninjutsu.

This ninja world is so magical.

Uchiha Yu knew the history of Blue Star. The Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period all experienced a disastrous defeat that nearly destroyed their country before they became kings.

The State of Qin was defeated by the State of Chu to Lantian, less than 150 miles away from Xianyang; the State of Chu was captured by the State of Wu and its capital was conquered; the civil strife in Wei was such that the monarch was forced to flee; the State of Zhao was split by the State of Wei and became the Zhongshan State; South Korea was defended by its capital several times War; Yan State was almost destroyed by Qi State, and then backhandedly defeated Qi State with only two cities left.

It is definitely not a coincidence that the seven heroes can become strong and dominate after all the seven heroes are close to destroying the country.

The reason for the country's weakness is that the nobles occupy too many resources and all the power. The country is unable to save itself and can only slowly weaken.

While experiencing a crisis of national annihilation, the nobles were completely wiped out by foreign force, and there was no longer any power to hinder the development of the country.

As long as it can survive the crisis of national annihilation, a new country will naturally become stronger.

The last battle defeated the three major ninja clans in Kirigakure Village. Uchiha Yu expected that the potential of Kirigakure Village would explode, but the speed of this explosion was too fast, right?
Uchiha Yu couldn't help but start to think about a question: Is the Kirigakure Village on the eve of its prosperity really suitable to be the grindstone for the Tiger Army?

You won't break the Tiger Force's knife halfway through polishing it, right?
This was another big trouble. Uchiha Yu felt that his head was buzzing and the CPU was beginning to overheat.

"Forget it." Uchiha Yu quickly stopped this meaningless thinking.

The enemy is charging over. It is impossible not to fight and test the opponent's strength before running away.

Uchiha Yu knew very well that the most important thing on the battlefield was to seize the initiative, and he must not be led by the enemy. Since the enemy showed up with 500 people of the Snow Clan, he would be eaten.

It doesn't matter if the enemy has any conspiracy.

He hits his, I hit mine.

As long as the tiger troops destroy the enemy as quickly as possible and end the battle quickly, it will be useless no matter what conspiracy the enemy has set up.

After thinking about it, Uchiha Yuya made up his mind to fight. He said: "No matter what the enemy wants to do, since we don't feel a direct threat, let's fight according to our own ideas."

"Not only must we fight! We must also fight quickly and hard."

Uchiha Yu looked at Uchiha Shigenobu and said: "Although the First Squadron is missing a squadron, they are still our squadron with the strongest overall strength, so this time the First Squadron will take the lead, with Shigenobu in charge."

Uchiha Shigenobu suddenly stood up and gratefully accepted the task: "Yes! Thank you, Brother Yu, for giving me the opportunity to avenge the shame of the First Squadron!" Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "If we don't fight well this time, it will prove that You are not suitable to be a commander. Shigenobu, I will revoke your position as captain, and from now on you will serve as deputy and be responsible for the daily administrative affairs of the Tiger Force."

Then he continued: "The Second Squadron, as a reserve team, will follow Shigenobu with me and provide support or response at any time according to the specific situation."

"Whether the enemy has prepared a trap or not, you are responsible for handling all accidents."

Uchiha Hiroto stood up and shouted loudly: "Yes!"

"The Third Squadron strengthens the island's defense as usual and is responsible for responding after the battle."


The captain of the [-]rd Squadron, Uchiha Tadamichi, is a man who insists on knocking down the south wall when he hits it. Everyone will feel at ease if Tadamichi takes on the task of defense and response.

"Everyone else, prepare for battle. If our situation is unfavorable, we will retreat immediately."

"Everyone must remember that this island is not important at all, and your own life is the only important thing."


Finding that these captains were in a bad mood, Uchiha Yu could only explain a few more words: "Do you still remember the tactical principles I taught you after the Tiger Force was established?"

Uchiha Yu's voice was very low, and his words revealed strong displeasure.

The captains noticed Uchiha Yuu's mood, and everyone felt awe in their hearts. They stood up straight, like students being randomly checked by the teacher, and replied: "Remember!"

Then they recited in unison: "If you save the land, you will lose people, and you will lose both people and land. If you save the people, you will lose the land, but you will gain both people and land!"

"Don't you remember this very clearly?" Uchiha Yu said coldly, "Remember that our abandonment of this island is only temporary and is a burden for the enemy's defense."

"As long as we destroy the enemy during the campaign, the island will automatically return to our hands."

"Except for the houses we built, the flowers and plants we planted, and the pots and jars we made with our hands, we will lose nothing."

When they heard the words house, flowers, and pots, the Uchihas couldn't help but grin.

In four months, although only a small number of them started growing vegetables out of boredom, there were quite a few who grew flowers out of interest, and even more of them made various gadgets.

The key is that everyone has built their own house. Over the past few months, they have experienced wind and rain, repaired the leaking roof, and replaced the crooked beams.The Uchihas have put a lot of effort into these houses, and they are more or less sentimental. If they give up like this, they will naturally feel sad.

But Uchiha Yuu is right, everything is inferior to his own life.

So the Tiger Troops started taking action as ordered.


Above the sea, a huge storm was advancing rapidly. The storm was filled with countless snowflakes, hailstones and ice cones. The sea surface at the foot of the storm had been completely frozen, and the ice and snow accumulated in the center of the storm, forming a real iceberg.

The Kirigakure ninjas concentrated on the iceberg and formed a solid defense, but the feelings of these ninjas were very different.

The ninjas of the Snow Clan feel very comfortable. They like the cold environment very much. In such an environment, the power of their ninjutsu can be doubled out of thin air.

Because of the existence of the iceberg, the cost of maintaining the super-large Ninjutsu Blizzard has dropped a lot, and they can completely maintain it until they reach the target island.

The most important thing is that the ninjas of the Snow Clan do not feel cold even if they are wearing single clothes.

Ying, the new patriarch of the Snow Clan, was sitting on the highest point of the iceberg. Surrounded by countless snowflakes, he smiled and received the chakra from the clan members, and then through quick seals, turned the massive chakra into a super-large ninja. technique.

Ice Release·Combined Ninjutsu·Blizzard

A bright blue brilliance burst out from Ying's body and rushed straight into the core of the wind pillar, the core of the blizzard. It drove the huge blizzard faster and the range naturally became larger.

It is not difficult for Ying to maintain the blizzard now. It is like a huge spinning top that rotates very fast. It can maintain itself for a long time by relying on inertia.

He even felt that if he took a nap, the blizzard would not abate due to lack of energy.

Behind Ying, ten Jonin of the Snow Clan stood neatly in an arc, their long black hair floating in the air, and their faces full of proud smiles.

They marveled at the terrible snowstorm and sighed: "Master Clan Leader, I never thought that the ninjutsu of our Snow Clan could become such a powerful force in the world."

"Haha, we will definitely win. Why can Konoha's ninjas resist such a terrifying ninjutsu?"

"After this battle, our Snow Clan will become the strongest ninja clan."

Ying looked up and said, "To be honest, I didn't expect..."

No one knew that the leader of the Snow Clan, who had gathered the chakra of the entire clan and could easily control huge snowstorms and was as steady as Mount Tai, was feeling terrified.

He never thought that the combined ninjutsu blizzard would reach such a terrifying scale.

No one knew that this ninjutsu was beyond the control of the Snow Clan. At this time, it was like a monster with independent will, greedily devouring the water vapor of the ocean, and growing without any limit.

Although the storm created by this blizzard is still quite different from the storm created by nature, it can be regarded as a real storm and cannot be controlled by ninjas at the Jonin level.

Ying continued to use blizzard ninjutsu, but she could only maintain the low temperature attribute of the storm and slightly control the direction of the storm, which could change by about 0.3 degrees per hour.

Even this slight control is becoming increasingly difficult, and it won't be long before the storm really grows and gets completely out of control.

Ying could only be thankful now that she only had to control this monster for one more day.

When we arrived at the island where the Konoha ninjas were, we let the storm and the iceberg collide together, and we no longer had to feel the feeling of riding a tiger.

The ninjas of the Snow clan felt that the iceberg environment was comfortable, but the other Kirigakure ninjas were different. Without ice or fire escape, they were really freezing.

More than one ninja asked: How long will it take to arrive?
After getting the answer that would take another day, countless ninjas felt despair and then accepted the most risky forward mission.

Even if they have to face possible enemy attacks, they don't want to suffer on the iceberg.

But by that afternoon, their freezing nightmare was over.


Uchiha Yu originally followed the second squadron, but when he approached the sea area where the Kirigakure ninjas were, he saw the huge blue-white storm that was thousands of meters high.

The First Squadron, which originally advanced nearly five kilometers, retreated in embarrassment under the threat of the storm, but Uchiha Yuu praised Uchiha Shigenobu and all the members who led the team: "It's good that Shigenobu decided to retreat, you three The detachment retreated immediately, which is equally good.”

Uchiha Shigenobu pointed at Baofeng with a hint of fear and asked, "Brother Yuu, how do you deal with this thing?"

"Deal with the storm?" Uchiha Yu glanced at him and said angrily, "How stupid do I have to be to think of dealing with such a ghost?"

"And why am I dealing with this big storm?"

"Then how should we respond to the enemy's attack?"

Uchiha Yu looked at this huge irresistible storm, and he thought of the legendary torrent of steel and the irresistible giant mushroom.

He naturally thought of the great man's genius response strategy, and a confident smile naturally appeared on his face. He even said happily:
"Let's go back, open all the traps, and call everyone in the Tiger Force."

"Let's go and change homes with the enemy..."

(End of this chapter)

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