I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 145 Konoha Tiger Troops and Kirigakure Village are ready for battle

Chapter 145 Konoha Tiger Troops and Kirigakure Village are ready for battle
Uchiha Yuu's words continued: "Today, Uchiha Takayuki also led the sixth squadron and successfully completed the first test mission. This means that the training of the second squadron is completed and it has actual combat strength."

"Uchiha Tadamichi, you have done a great job."

Uchiha Tadamichi was overjoyed and stood up suddenly. He obviously wanted to say something, but this fool's face turned red in anxiety, but he didn't say anything.

This embarrassment made everyone in the Tiger Force burst into laughter. Starting from the Miwa Masayo on Uchiha Yu's shoulder, everyone burst into laughter.

Uchiha Tadamichi became more and more embarrassed. He could neither stand nor sit. He was so anxious that he was sweating all over.

It was Uchiha Yu who gave him a step up and said loudly: "If you can't speak, drink a glass of water. Use water instead of wine. The words will be in the wine."

Uchiha Tadamichi drank a glass of water and sat back down to relieve his embarrassment.

Uchiha Yu continued: "Practice has proven that God helps those who help themselves. If God does not help those who help themselves, I will help!"

"But if you want to get my help, you must first not be decadent. One must have hope and look to the future, so that life can be enjoyable."

Uchiha Yuu's voice was like a bell, suppressing all the laughter of the Uchiha people.

Moreover, he used two real-life examples to talk about things, and his words were very persuasive. Hearing this, the Uchiha were excited and secretly decided to work harder.

Even the ninjas in the logistics squadron, who consider themselves rubbish, have their hearts racing.

Why can't he be the next one to awaken the Sharingan (double magatama)?
When the atmosphere at the venue reached its climax, Uchiha Yu waved his hand to IU and loudly ordered: "Eat!"

This command completely detonated the atmosphere.

Although only a few adult ninjas over the age of 20 can drink, the joyful banquet atmosphere itself is a stronger stimulant than alcohol.

When everyone was completely excited, Uchiha Yu quietly left with Miwa Masashi.

He doesn't like this atmosphere.

After he passed 30 years old in his previous life, he didn't like too noisy environments and always found them annoying.In this life, I have hated noisy people and noisy environments since I was a child.

After the hundred days of foundation building was completed, although he had no intention of escaping into the mountains, he became increasingly obsessed with the feeling of tranquility and became increasingly intolerable to the noisy environment.

Calmness and contemplation are all self-sufficient. Calmness generates concentration, and concentration generates wisdom. It is self-sufficient, and there is no need to seek externally.

Yuu Uchiha, who has been relying on the feeling of happiness to guide his cultivation since the beginning, has a very profound understanding of the truth that all kinds of happiness can only come from oneself.

As his cultivation deepens, he really becomes more like the legendary cultivator.

Miwa Masashi has followed him since he was less than one year old, and after being affected, he also hated noise, so much so that he couldn't get used to living in the noisy Cat Castle and Ninja Cat Fortress.

One person and one cat accompanied each other back to the mountain col. In the yard they built themselves, they laid out snacks and tea and quietly discussed their recent cultivation experiences.

Uchiha Yu has recently restarted his education work, once again promoting his own training methods to the Uchiha family ninjas, constantly collecting feedback and then revising them. He has gained quite a lot in the cultivation of energy and spirit.

Through the education of the new Uchiha, Uchiha Yu finally perfected his own exercise method and systematized it, forming three methods: body training method, natural method, and soul forging method that respectively target the essence, energy, and spirit. .

As long as many details are modified and perfected, a complete and systematic three cultivation methods of essence, energy and spirit can be formed.

After this system is completed, the ones who benefit the most are naturally the ninjas of the Uchiha family. After all, it was developed on them and has the highest degree of adaptability.

For Yuu Uchiha and Masato Miwa, it also has considerable effects. If it is further integrated into natural energy cultivation, it can even become the cultivation technique of the two immortals, completely ending their tragic history of barbaric cultivation.

Under the cold moonlight, the civet cat's blue eyes and Uchiha Yuu's red Sharingan reflected each other, discussing the human body, ninja cats, chakra, and natural energy.

As the discussion gradually deepened, the topic naturally turned to metaphysical philosophy.

The deeper this philosophical and mysterious topic was discussed, the more the civet cat felt a headache and itching, as if the brain had died and then a new brain had grown.

The headache and itching, the pain that couldn't be stopped even if scratched, made Miwa Masashi let out a meowing scream.

But she couldn't stop.

Her instinct told her that she had to move forward now and not back down no matter how painful it was.

Every bit of suffering you suffer by shrinking back and eating less now will come back millions of times in the future, and may even turn into an unbearable disaster.

Regarding the painful struggle of the kitten, Uchiha Yu deeply agreed. He comforted: "Rika-chan's intuition is so right. We are now determining the direction for the future. If we choose the wrong direction, the harder we work in the future, the more we will move towards it." The abyss moves faster."

"Even if I suffer a thousand times more in the future, I can't repay this mistake."

"Meow meow meow, this meow is going to die!"

"Then let's take it easy?"

"Keep going, meow, don't admit defeat, meow."

"it is good."

But Masayo Miwa finally couldn't keep up, and the conversation between one person and one cat gradually collapsed, and Uchiha Yu's voice became the only voice.

Unknowingly, Uchiha Yu fell into a state of enlightenment, with endless inspiration pouring out like a fountain. It can even be said that what controls his body now is the heavenly way of the ninja world, and what he preaches in his mouth is a truth that even he himself cannot understand.

In his epiphany, Uchiha Yuu was truly preaching. He was preaching to Taoist companion Miwa Masashi. At the same time, he was discussing and comparing the Tao of his previous life with his inner memory.

Sometimes Uchiha Yuu would even split into several people and discuss it with himself from different perspectives.

Miwa Masashi was even more dizzy after hearing this, his brain was so overloaded that white smoke curled up, and the whole cat was held up by his willpower.

By this time, she couldn't understand it at all, but she didn't know how serious it was.

So Li Huamao tried her best to remember, every word Uchiha Yu said, the tone when speaking, and even every expression, she kept firmly in her mind.

Under the bright moonlight, Uchiha stood tall and proud, talking endlessly about the lowest principles of the ninja world.And on the table in front of him, between the cups, plates, and teapots, there was a civet cat that melted like water.She held her head up stubbornly, her blue eyes widened, and she tried hard to remember the sounds of the avenue, regardless of the white steam that continued to evaporate.

Just when the Uchihas of the Tiger Force were rejoicing, their leader quietly completed his most important epiphany and found the way forward in the future.


Uchiha's epiphany ended at dawn. As the purple energy of heaven and earth evaporated, the manifested heaven was hidden in the invisible again.

After gradually waking up, Uchiha Yu discovered that the sun had completely risen, and the golden sunlight illuminated the small mountain col. The houses, walls, tables, chairs, people, and cats all seemed as dazzling as if they were plated with gold.

Uchiha Yu picked up Miwa Masayo, who was completely spread out into a cat cake and was so sleepy that her tongue was sticking out, and carried her to her exclusive little bed in the house.

Then he dragged his tired body out of the courtyard and headed to the beach with strong energy.

It is now morning training time for the Tiger Troops. For four months, Yuu Uchiha has led the Tiger Troops in training every day, rain or shine, and has never been late.

So, even though he was tired, he didn't want to be late.

But when he arrived at the beach, Uchiha Yu discovered that there were no tiger troops lined up on the beach, and the tables and chairs placed here yesterday were still there.

The table was littered with cups and plates, and under the table was the Uchiha ninja, snoring loudly.

Looking at their sweet sleeping postures, one could tell that they had just fallen asleep. The Uchihas' party actually lasted until dawn.

The veins on Uchiha Yu's head bulged one by one.

Although sentries were reserved last night and sufficient patrol forces were deployed, and most of the Uchiha did not drink, the fact that these guys were so noisy would definitely reduce their combat effectiveness.

If someone attacked last night, it would not only interrupt his enlightenment, but also easily cause huge casualties.

I just boasted last night, but today I can make a fatal mistake. It's really unwarranted.

【punish!Must be severely punished! 】

Uchiha Yuu would not spoil his brothers just because they were tired, and he would not let them go.

He directly gathered everyone together, and those who needed to be trained were trained, those who needed to be replaced on patrol went on patrol, and those who needed to be changed on guard went on duty.No matter who it is, as long as they dare to complain endlessly, they will double the training subjects, super double.

Discipline and rigor must be engraved into the marrow of the Tiger Troops, otherwise yesterday's agitation will have the opposite effect, causing excessive pride among the Uchihas and laying great hidden dangers for the future.

Soon, the beach was filled with the sound of training slogans, the sound of regular running steps, and all kinds of familiar sounds that made Uchiha Yu feel satisfied, and he left with satisfaction.

Well, go back and catch up on some sleep. (dog head)

It's rare for me to feel sleepy, immortal. If I don't sleep while my subordinates are working hard, what's the point of being a leader?

Mist Village

Kaguya Yoshi and his clan members knelt down on one knee respectfully and shouted in unison: "The Fourth Mizukage-sama!"

"Get up, everyone, get up." Goji Yagura, carrying a coral staff on his back, helped Kaguya Yoshi up with a spring breeze on his face.

He said happily: "It is really commendable that the Kaguya family can find its way back."

Kaguya lowered his head and said respectfully: "It's amazing that the Fourth Mizukage-sama can forgive us sinners. The Kaguya family will follow the Mizukage-sama to the death."

Behind the Kaguya clan leader, among the Kaguya clan members who were kneeling on one knee, there was a group of unruly guys. When they saw the clan leader groveling, their teeth were itching with hatred.

But they neither dared to say it nor glared at him, because Kaguya Yoshi was too powerful.

The first smiling tiger clan leader in the history of the Kaguya family, in fact, his authority has always been a bit lacking.

Legend has it that Kaguya Yoshi used dishonorable means to kill his father and eldest brother, and then ascended to the throne of the clan leader.He didn't even dare to compete with Goju Yagura for the throne of the Fourth Mizukage. Such a "weak" clan leader would certainly not be recognized by the better Kaguya clan members.

But last night, the always-smiling clan leader said that he would recognize Gou Tachibana Yagura as the fourth generation Mizukage, and asked the Kaguya clan to act according to his wishes.

After encountering fierce opposition within the family, the patriarch actually took action and killed all the clan members who opposed him in one go.

This is half of the Kaguya clan.

He just smiled and stabbed these people to death one by one with his own hands using the bones of the corpse veins.

During the process of carrying out such a terrible killing, Kaguya Yoshi's smile did not even change at all.

But in the hearts of the Kaguya clan, this smiling face has become the most terrifying expression. They can't help but make their muscles spin with fear when they see it.

The defection of the Kaguya clan represents the overall defeat of the three major ninja clans.

In fact, before this, the Snow Clan and the Oni Deng Clan had suffered a disastrous defeat. Their clan leader was killed by Goju Yagura, and nearly two-thirds of their jounin died, which was definitely a serious loss of vitality.

Now that the position of the Fourth Mizukage of Gotachibana Yagura is completely secure, all the ninjas who may be his enemies have died. After surrendering the Kaguya clan, the entire Kirigakure Village has been completely controlled by him, and his power even exceeds The first Mizukage Byakuren.

Goju Yagura looked at Kaguya Yoshi and said softly: "Kaguya Clan Leader, I have something for you to do."

Kaguya Yoshi immediately replied: "The Fourth Mizukage-sama, please give me your orders. The Kaguya clan will go all out to carry out your orders."

"Take your people, go to the sea, and kill all those nasty Konoha ninjas!"

"Use their blood to tell everyone that our Kirigakure Village is back."

Kaguya lowered his head, smiled and said, "As you wish."

However, Goji Yagura could not see any negative emotions in his smile, as if he had expected this extremely difficult task and accepted it without any trouble.

The Fourth Mizukage nodded. He actually didn't care what the Kaguya clan actually thought. As long as they could carry out their orders, that was enough.

After that, he arranged for other people to clean up the traces of the civil war last night, eliminate the spies that had infiltrated into Kirigakure Village and the Kingdom of Water, and repair the damaged important buildings.

It wasn't until all the ninjas were assigned tasks by Goju Yagura that they ordered the newly formed ANBU ninjas to invite the hidden Genshi.

Today is a rare sunny day without fog. Master Yuan walked slowly in the sunshine with a cane.

Along the way, he saw Kirigakure Village, which was restoring order, the villagers who were too frightened to show their faces, and the civilian ninjas and ninjas of the small ninja clan who were united.

Finally, he saw the fourth generation Mizukage, who was petite but shining golden in the sun, and Master Yuan smiled with satisfaction.

He said respectfully to Goju Yagura: "The Fourth Mizukage-sama, congratulations. Thanks to your efforts, Kirigakure Village has finally ushered in a new life."

Goji Yagura turned around and saluted with the same respect: "I also want to thank you, Master Yuanshi. Your unreserved trust is the prerequisite for me to be able to do all this."

"Please stop using honorifics. My age really cannot bear your honorifics."

"Speaking of thanks, in fact we have to thank Orochimaru of Konoha Village." Goji Yagura suddenly said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "If Orochimaru hadn't led the Konoha ninjas to defeat the Kirigakure ninja army and killed several people in one fell swoop, We, the ninjas of the Sensan Great Ninja Clan, do not have the strength to realize the rebirth of Kirigakure Village."

Genshi understood what Goju Yagura said and burst into laughter: "Yes, I have to thank Orochimaru. How is the Fourth Generation going to thank him?"

"I decided to kill all the Konoha ninjas running around in the sea and thank Orochimaru with their heads."

"Ah hahahaha, okay, it's great,... great, the old man finally sees this day."

The ninjas in the blood mist, with the mad dog ninja of the Kaguya clan as the vanguard, suddenly launched a crazy attack, and all Konoha ninjas called the police.

A ninja crow flapped its wings and flew very fast across the island where the tiger troops were stationed. The horns on its paws made a sharp and shrill whistle.

This is an attack alert for the Uchiha family and is very popular among the crow ninja faction.

When this shrill alarm sounded, all Uchiha stopped what they were doing, tried to arm themselves, and gathered to stand ready.

Soon Uchiha Yuya appeared in front of the crowd with complete equipment. He first arranged the island's defense deployment as quickly as possible, then arranged for others to enter the fortifications to rest, and finally found the ninja of the third squadron in charge of patrol to learn the information.

He asked Uchiha and Si Dao directly: "Tell me, such a high-level alarm was sent out. What happened?"

Uchiha Kazuji replied: "Brother Yu, the Kirigakure ninjas are out in force."

Uchiha Yuya was surprised and quickly asked: "Tell me more specifically."

Uchiha Kazuji took out the record document: "Sea area No. 22-19, the ninth team had an encounter with twenty Kirigakure ninjas."

"Just talk about the sea area, other information will wait."

"Yes, there are also sea areas 06-37, sea areas 17-17, sea areas 19-14, and sea areas 34-06. There are encounters in five sea areas in total."

After Uchiha Yu marked all the locations on the map, an arc appeared surrounding the westernmost island of the Land of Water.

He took a deep breath and said: "The Kirigakure Village is out in force. Other ninjas in Konoha should have also encountered battles."

"What are the casualties between the enemy and ours?"

"We won all five encounters. Only a few ninjas from Kirigakure's side escaped. We lost six ninjas."

Uchiha Yu was very dissatisfied and asked Uchiha Shigenobu loudly: "We lost six brothers? How come there are so many? Are they all members of the third squadron who encountered the enemy? I said the work should be distributed equally, right?"

Uchiha Shigenobu shook his head and replied: "The patrol tasks are distributed evenly. Among the ninjas who died this time, there were also members of the first squadron, and they were our old members."

"All the old team members who fought the siege of Kubota Village were sacrificed..." Uchiha Yuu's eyes were extremely white and sharp, and he asked: "Did they encounter the ninjas of the Kirigakure great ninja clan, or were they attacked by the enemy's elites?" Is Shinobu watching?"

Uchiha Kazuji replied: "They are the ninjas of the Kaguya clan. They rush to the front in all battles and catch us by surprise."

Uchiha Yuu marveled: "Awesome, it seems that the civil war in Kirigakure Village is over, they have organized a large-scale counterattack."

"We must knock down their momentum, otherwise we won't be able to stay here."

"Brother You, tell me how to fight."

"Yes, brother Yu, give the order."

(End of this chapter)

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