I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 136 There is a real evil god among the cults in Tang Country

Chapter 136 There is a real evil god among the cults in Tang Country

None of the three warring parties in Tang Country had the ability to launch an attack, but they had the advantage of preventing the other party from attacking, so the war was suspended.

The Konoha ninjas suddenly became idle and began to eliminate the gangsters and wandering ninjas brought by the war.

But this matter had nothing to do with Uchiha Yu. He left everything to Uchiha Nobushige, but he enjoyed life leisurely.

This is the biggest benefit of being the leader of a small ninja army.

It's not that no one questioned him, there were even ninjas around Orochimaru who couldn't stand him, but Orochimaru didn't care, and neither did the Uchiha brothers in the Tiger Force. These irrelevant ninja questions were meaningless.

He, Yuu Uchiha, was dedicated to cultivating immortality.

Although as a human being, before completing the final transformation of life, he must consider his own social attributes and anchor himself in a suitable social status in society, he must also give everyone a unique setting in advance.

The character chosen by Uchiha Yuu is: able to take charge at critical moments, able to fight, kill and persevere; usually lazy and not fighting for power, he is lazy and sleeps well.

Regardless of whether he secretly curls up while taking a break, his external appearance to the world must be that of an idler without ambitions, and in the future he will be able to seamlessly transition into a worldly person who enjoys the wind and the dew.

Of course, Uchiha Yuu is still trapped in the world, struggling and wallowing in the turbid world, causing trouble in the family, but he must prepare for this day to come.

Otherwise, he is worried that he will be blinded by power unknowingly, immersed in the boring game of fighting for power, and lose the courage to climb up.

Therefore, it is an illusion that Uchiha is leisurely and has nothing to do. He is indeed not busy with boring ninja tasks, but he is busy studying Kaguya's bones and bone beads.

When the two ninjas were confronting each other, Uchiha Yu bravely (and greedily) rushed forward and snatched Kaguya Ren's body back.Although he handed Nara Shikaku immediately, how could he not leave something behind after passing through his hands once?

Especially this old corpse, with loose skin, fragile bones, and was violently beaten by the Third Raikage. Uchiha Yu can inspect and take it out at will without considering the details of disguise, so he can be called a crazy follower. A large piece of meat was taken out from the waist, and it also contained three vertebrae.

Kaguya's refined meat was completely useless, almost like a mummy that had been stored for ten years, rotten and soft, almost like dust.

But among these bones, Uchiha Yu separated three bone beads and a section of gray bone. Naturally, this section of gray bone was what he valued most.

Kill the Gray Bones Together. As the name suggests, the color of this bone is gray.

But after several days of research, it can be said that nothing was found. This vertebral joint, which is less than one millimeter thick, does not have any corrosive properties, nor does it have any time attribute that can destroy all matter.

Even if chakra, natural energy, and magic chakra are input, this gray bone fragment will not react at all, and the hardness of the gray bone is particularly poor, just like the talc used for writing when I was a child.

The ground bone meal is also very fine and has no reaction when fed to other animals, just like real talcum powder.

"Tsk, I can't find the singularity at all."

In the end, Uchiha Yuu ran out of options and could only choose to give up temporarily.

He carefully collected the gray bone fragments and began to study the three bone beads.

This time, the effect is completely different.

After injecting chakra, Kaguya Ren's bone beads sprouted, and a dandelion seedling grew, which scared Uchiha Yuu and quickly cut off the supply of chakra.

Fortunately, the dandelion seedlings stopped at a height of 35 centimeters after losing the chakra. They did not develop a six-meter-diameter bone ball in one go like when Kaguya Ren attacked the Third Raikage. Huge skeletal dandelions grow up to 60 meters high.

If he really grew that big, there would be no way for him to hide it in the Konoha camp, and the matter of stealing would be made public, and both he and Orochimaru would be very embarrassed.

Yes, Orochimaru knew that he had stolen something. There was no reason or evidence. This guy was just guessing.

When leaving the battlefield, Orochimaru walked up to Uchiha Yuu, pointed at the scroll that sealed the body, and blinked at Uchiha Yuu three times.

The meaning was very clear, he acquiesced in Uchiha Yu's theft, but he had to share the results.

Seeing this dandelion seedling, Uchiha Yu knew that these three bone beads were the core of the Dandelion Dance, the seeds of dandelion.

Bones can actually have independent plant-like life. Plant seeds will germinate when exposed to water, and bone beads will germinate when injected with chakra. It's very magical.

Uchiha Yu picked up the skeletal dandelion seedling and said, "I will give this to Orochimaru as my achievement."

"The remaining two are dissected one by one to see the internal structure. I have to find a suitable place for the last one and plant it to see if it can produce new seeds."

Miwa Masashi came over from a distance and asked, "Yu, are you still in a state of quiescence, meow?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "Yes, I haven't moved for ten days and want to go out to sea for a walk."

"Lihuajiang, has the matter been resolved?"

"No meow."


Uchiha Yu's expression became serious. He even stood up directly, held Miwa Masashi on his shoulders, and asked: "Even you can't destroy this cult?"

Miwa Masashi shook his head helplessly and replied: "The so-called evil church was not troublesome at all to deal with. Brother Shigenobu and the others casually found the evil cult's lair. All the members were arrested or killed, and all the hostages and slaves were rescued. ”

"But the evil god is really troublesome. I can't find any trace of his existence, but there will always be a believer who suddenly becomes his high priest, and the church can be rebuilt in a few days."

"If you can't kill me, kill meow."

Uchiha Yuu became interested, and he analyzed thoughtfully: "So, this behavior is very much like the gods' enlightenment' of the gods' favored ones. It seems that the gods of the ninja world still have power left, which is really interesting. "

"Come on, let's go and see what's going on with the gods."

"Yu is very happy and excited, nya?"

"Yes, I'm very excited. The gods have always been parallel. When the immortal way has not yet been explored, it can be a good reference to look at the situation of the divine way."

Arriving at the Tiger Force's station, Uchiha Yu immediately heard the sound of interrogation.

"Tell me! How did you become a priest?"

"It's God's guidance, it's God's revelation, stupid humble ninjas, you guys can't understand the greatness of God!"

Then, accompanied by a burst of obscene words, there was a sound of slapping the body. It was obviously a beating, but what was conveyed in the sound was the irritability and helplessness of the torturer.

Uchiha Yuu smiled, opened the tent door and walked in.

As he walked along, every Uchiha showed expressions of surprise and relief, sweeping away the previous look of decadence, helplessness and self-doubt.

This is Uchiha Yu's status in the Tiger Force. In the hearts of the Uchiha brothers, as long as Yuu arrives, there is no problem that he cannot solve.

Walking into the tent, there were no scenes of flesh and blood flying or whipping, nor was there a strong smell of blood or burnt stench.

Uchiha Nobushige glared at a pair of Magatama Sharingan eyes, and worked hard to use illusions to impose cruel punishments. This was Uchiha Yuu's request for the Tiger Force.

On the one hand, he doesn't like to make the place where he lives bloody, and on the other hand, he doesn't want his brothers to have their minds twisted when they torture others.

After starting the garrison mission, the Tiger Troops will inevitably encounter tasks such as capturing criminals and spies, interrogating and imprisoning them.

This is different from an open and honest confrontation on the battlefield. It is the torture of the strong against those who are unable to resist. This kind of task is very unfriendly to the ninjas of the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, Uchiha Yu requested that no one should torture the captives, and no punishment would be allowed.

If you encounter someone who needs to be interrogated, use genjutsu to force them. If one genjutsu doesn't work, use two of them. If one Uchiha doesn't work, just use a group of Uchiha ninjas to take turns.

No matter how strong the enemy's mind is, as long as he continues to attack, there will always be a time when his mental strength is exhausted, and then he can do whatever he wants.This kind of imaginary cruelty is also cruel, but for the perpetrator, it is a layer away. Just like when playing a shooting game, few people will hurt them in reality just because they are used to shooting humanoid targets in the game. human.

In the past twenty days, the Tiger Force's interrogation methods have been perfect, and they have taken down many spies and villains, making them famous in Konoha.

As the saying goes, if a big tree attracts the wind and shakes the tree, if a person has a high reputation, he will lose the person.

As the Tiger Force's reputation for being infallible in interrogating prisoners spread, real trouble came to the door. The command assigned the Tiger Force the mission of the cult that other ninjas could not handle.

The Kingdom of Yu is a country where cults are prevalent. Due to the war and the complete powerlessness of the daimyo, the entire Kingdom of Yu is under anarchy with absolute freedom.

In the anarchic country of Yu, except for the country that still has some order, the entire country has become a hotbed of wandering ninjas and gangsters.

Coupled with the fact that there are zero public services and zero risk resistance, it is easy for people to die of their entire families over trivial matters. This is a hell country for civilians.

According to the noble law, the neighboring countries of Yuno Country do not allow civilians to flee. They can only struggle and die in this desperate hot spring country.When physical pain cannot be contained, human beings will seek spiritual comfort in order to live a less painful life and have at least a little hope, so faith becomes very easy to accept.

But there is no qualified religion in the world of tolerance, so cults came into being. When there was no one to manage them, cults grew wildly and the number could be said to be quite large.

Originally, this cult had nothing to do with the Konoha ninjas, and the two sides did not interfere with each other.

However, the leader of a cult also needs to eat. When the followers squeezed to the limit and there was no more money, the cults turned their attention to the Konoha ninjas who had a lot of resources.

It's not a direct attack on Konoha ninjas. After all, the vast majority of cult leaders are very smart and will not challenge enemies they cannot defeat.

But they launched attacks on ordinary people who worked for Konoha for meager wages and robbed their rations, leaving Konoha's ninja army with no one available.

The cult will also organize organized robberies of merchants' transport teams, causing the cost of guarding to increase dramatically and threatening the traffic safety of Konoha Village.

So the staff made calculations and found that the burden of protecting the village and caravan was too heavy, so it was better to attack the cult altogether.In any case, no matter how many cults there are, there are not as many villages as there are. The number of tasks to eliminate cults is two orders of magnitude lower than the number of tasks to protect villages and caravans.

But after the clearing mission was released, Konoha ninjas discovered that this C-level mission was very troublesome.

Cults are very weird. Even if they are very unreliable, they can still gather more or less fanatical believers, and the secrets are often in the hands of these fanatical believers.

The difficulty of interrogating these guys is staggering.

Often after being beaten to death, they feel that they are about to go to heaven/pure land/Garden of Eden/apple orchard, where they can enjoy endless wine and meat, as well as 72 holy virgins.

The interrogating Konoha ninjas were exhausted and angry to death. In the end, they could only use the stupidest method to search for the cultists, and the results were quite poor.

Later, these tasks were piled up in the hands of the Yamanaka clan. Searching the brain for information was indeed very efficient, but every search by the ninjas of the Yamanaka clan was a torture.

Every cult fanatic is a lunatic. It is tiring and dangerous to search for information in the souls of lunatics.

Fortunately, after the Uchiha ninjas took over the mission, they launched an unstoppable raid on the cult, killing numerous cult members in just five days.

But yesterday, they encountered big trouble. An evil god believed in by a cult actually had the power to project into reality.The minds of the followers of the evil god are sealed by strange powers. When hypnosis and illusions repeatedly squeeze their mental power, most of the fanatics will die.

This is a very abnormal situation. Normal life has a survival instinct. In order to maintain the continuation of life, the instinct will prevent the last bit of physical and mental energy from being lost.

And this believer of the evil god can squeeze out the last bit of mental power to fight against Uchiha's illusions. When the mental power is completely reduced to zero and the ability to resist is completely lost, the person will die suddenly.

Just as it is impossible for a person to suffocate himself to death by will without the help of tools such as water and plastic bags, there must be some powerful force involved in the process of fanatic believers resisting illusions.

The Uchiha brothers had no choice but to turn to Miwa Masashi to track the twisted chakra traces of these fanatical believers, follow the clues to find the cult organization, and destroy them all.

But then things became even more horrifying. A child who was a light believer at best suddenly became a high priest, and he also had powers different from those of ninjas.

Uchiha Yu walked in, patted the frustrated Uchiha Tadashi on the shoulder, then squatted down and looked at the monster in front of him.

He smiled and said: "Zhongdao, thank you for being able to endure it and slowly use illusions to torture such a monster."

The monster in front of him had the head of an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, but the muscles under his neck were knotted, his hands and feet were long, his nails were 30 centimeters long, and his body was covered with a layer of bony protrusions.

This is a real monster.

Uchiha Yu asked: "When did he become like this?"

Uchiha Tadamichi replied: "After we discovered that he was abnormal, during the capture process, his body gradually mutated from a normal boy to this ghostly appearance."

"That's it." Uchiha Yu nodded, "This is no longer a human being, and his soul fluctuations have no trace of humanity. I don't know whether it is the awakening of the ancient bloodline, or whether it is really a foreign soul that has taken over. "

"Seize the house?"

"Well, the body is like a house and the soul is like the owner. Invading the house and driving out the original owner is called seizing the house."

"Brother Yu, what should we do?"

"Go and end the mission. There is no need to report anything about this monster."


Uchiha Yuu was very satisfied with Tadamichi's execution. When he went to handle the delivery of the task, he would never report the monster to him, and the monster would belong to him.

After the child left, Miwa Masashi asked: "Are you interested in the power of this evil god?"

Uchiha Yu nodded. He grabbed the monster's only human-like head with his hand and replied: "Yes, this kind of power is beyond the scope of ninja power. Although it is not very powerful, I think it is of great reference value."

Just by touching the human head, Uchiha Yu felt the monster's mental fluctuations. The messy and changeable mental power was like a chaotic pile of tangled mess, making people want to stay away.

Uchiha Yu smiled, no longer doubting the connection between this monster and the so-called god.

This is a precious specimen. It can turn an ordinary little boy into a pure monster. This power is still somewhat interesting.

Of course, it's not that strong, otherwise the world would not be ruled by ninjas, and this world would not be called the ninja world.

What Uchiha Yu is interested in is the ability to enlighten people from a distance and the method of shaping fanatic followers, which is quite interesting.

He retracted his hand and said to Miwa Masashi: "Let's go to the cult organization's lair you found. I want to see what's there."

Miwa Masashi stretched himself and said: "It's an underground cave there. All you can find are some ordinary daily items. Maybe there's an altar that's a bit interesting."

She looked at the monster that had been shackled by Uchiha Yuu and fell into a coma, and said: "If you ask me, the things there are better than finding a monster that has a close connection with the evil god, nya."

Uchiha Yuu said as he walked: "Well, it is true that this monster has a closer connection with the evil god, but I don't dare to charge directly. I'd better investigate first, get some information in advance, and then deeply examine the monster's mind."

"Is this safer?"

"Rika-chan is so right."

"But I still feel unsafe, meow, that's the evil meow."

"Lihua Jiang thinks that the evil god is too high-ranking and I might be invaded and contaminated by him?"

"Yes, Meow, you told me that the sealing of corpses based on the God of Death is the most unsolvable sealing technique. If this evil god is an existence of this level, you will not send a sheep into a tiger's mouth if you go to investigate, Meow. ?”

"Don't worry, don't worry." Uchiha Yu said with a smile, "I will send monsters more evil than evil gods."

(End of this chapter)

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