I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 127: Use some yellow phosphorus to attack the enemy in the ninja world, no one cares about i

Chapter 127: Use some yellow phosphorus to attack the enemy in the ninja world, no one cares about it
Many of the Kirigakure ninjas who rushed up in this wave bent down and disappeared under the water like fish. It was obvious that they wanted to take advantage of their familiarity both above and below the water to carry out a pincer attack on the Konoha ninjas.

Uchiha Youhe sneered, and they will feel what disappointment is later.

Sure enough, before the two sides started fighting, the Kirigakure ninjas who were hiding in the water and attacking jumped out one after another. They spit out the mud in their mouths and complained: "What the hell are these things? How come there is such a thing underwater?" Dead-smelling sludge?”

Another Kirigakure ninja also returned to the water with a bah bah bah, and said strangely: "It was obviously not there before the water came over, why is it popping up now?"

Kirigakure ninjas have great advantages in fighting on the water. After detailed analysis, Uchiha Yu found that there are three advantages: familiarity and habituation to the water environment, the power of water escape is doubled faster, and the ability to move freely underwater.

The first two advantages are natural and cannot be eliminated by Uchiha Yu, but the third advantage can be weakened by setting up underwater obstacles.

But he still needed to keep the ground flat when there was no water to avoid becoming a bunker for enemies to avoid the flames, so he thought of compressing the silt.

In fact, it is a kind of dry fiber that absorbs water and swells. It absorbs water and swells very efficiently, but it also has little strength. It can only block the ninja's underwater sight, but cannot block the ninja's activities.

So he added a stink agent to it, and now it really worked. Even the Kirigakure ninjas couldn't stand the pervasive smell underwater, so they came to the surface one after another.

But among so many people, there are always brave men who endure the stench and insist on fighting underwater, which brings huge trouble to the Uchihas.

Fortunately, there were not many such warriors. Fortunately, as the Kirigakure ninja entered the battle, the number of people using water escape decreased, and the water level dropped rapidly. These warriors were exposed and were hacked to death by the Uchihas of the Tiger Force.

"It's too fast, the water level has dropped too fast, and people can't stay underwater at all, and the advantages of ninjutsu and the environment are not enough." Kaguya Sakuyue said: "I remember the hillside where Kubota Village is located, and the surrounding area is only a few meters away. The drop, the speed of launching into the water, is very wrong.”

Ling looked at the vague vertical and horizontal water patterns on the entire highland and guessed the problem. He pointed to the location of the rapids and said: "The water speed in some places is obviously abnormal. It should be that the Konoha ninjas dug drainage channels in advance... …”

Gui Deng Shuo Yue couldn't help but gritted his teeth at this time: "They are very well prepared..."

"In any case, the strategy of flooding is correct. Look, all those hidden Konoha ninjas have come out."

Ling stood up and said coldly: "Let the ninjas below continue to let go. Now that these rats have been forced out, it is my turn to appear. I will lead the ninjas of the Snow Clan to kill all those Konoha Ninja."

"This battle is really terrible. It's better to end it as soon as possible."

After saying that, Ling led the ninjas of the Snow Clan and rushed towards the location of the Tiger Troops.

Ghost Deng Shuoyue also stood up and looked to the southeast of the battlefield, where a big snake stood blankly.

He smiled and said to Kaguya Ren: "I didn't expect Orochimaru to come too. I don't know if he came alone or with a large group of ninjas from Konoha. I also moved around to stare at that snake."

Only then did Kaguya Ren notice the snake in the south. He immediately clenched his fists and asked fiercely: "How about we go over together and kill Orochimaru."

"Hahaha, a ninja from the Kaguya family, if Orochimaru can be killed so easily, how can he survive to this day?"

"Neither I nor Orochimaru can die easily."

"Our Oniden family's secret skills are afraid of ice escape and thunder escape, but Orochimaru, a slutty snake, really doesn't know what he is afraid of. No matter how he kills him, he will only take off a few layers of his skin in the end."

"Let's not waste our energy on this deadbeat snake. I'll just keep an eye on him so that he doesn't have the chance to interfere in the battlefield."

Before leaving, Gui Deng Shuo Yue made a special statement: "Don't go there on impulse."

"What if Orochimaru sets a trap over there and ambush hundreds or even thousands of Konoha ninjas? I can turn into water and escape, but you kid will have to be trapped there."

He murmured something that everyone could hear: "The ninjas of the Kaguya family will die if they die, but if you die, our subsequent retreat will cause countless troubles and dangers."

Kaguya Ren muttered, and in the end said nothing or did nothing. He stayed alone at the temporary headquarters.


At this time, Uchiha Yuu led the tiger troops, blocking their noses and strangling the Kirigakure ninjas splashing in the stinky mud, but the progress was very unsatisfactory.

Although the Kirigakure ninja was dizzy due to the smoke, in this swamp-like environment, the bonus received by the water escape ninjutsu was too strong.

Even if the Kirigakure ninjas use the water prison technique to protect themselves, they can still be replenished by water continuously. The Uchiha have to expend great effort to peel off the water balls and kill the enemy.

The most important thing is that as the environment changes, the fire escape ninjutsu they are best at has been weakened, the gathering speed of the flames has slowed down, and the power has been greatly reduced.

The Uchiha ninjas quickly realized the problem, gave up using ninjutsu, took out their own weapons, and relied on the advantage of Sharingan to engage in close combat with the enemy.

Fortunately, the first batch of Kirigakure ninjas who rushed up were not of high quality and their combat effectiveness was average. Although the Tiger troops spent a lot of time, they finally defeated the enemy without paying any price.

There was no time to clean up the battlefield, and the next wave of enemies had already rushed over. The tiger troops could only bite the bullet and continue fighting, and more Kirigakure ninjas were also approaching quickly. Seeing that the tiger troops were about to be trapped, they were absolutely attacked. The superior enemy laid siege.

Uchiha Yu even noticed that a group of about 1200 ninjas in uniform uniforms were quickly approaching Kubota Village.

The characteristics of the group of ninjas headed by them are quite obvious, with their slender and voluptuous bodies, long and straight black hair, graceful walking movements, and most importantly, the cool aura that can be felt from a long distance away.

Although he couldn't see his face from a distance, Uchiha Yu could guess without even looking at his face that these must be those cute boys from the Snow Clan.

Uchiha Yu suddenly felt horrified. On the one hand, they were very good at fighting, but on the other hand, the damage of the ice attack against the fire attack was too high, and it was easy to cause damage to the tiger troops.

The most important thing is that this family is the enemy of fertility. If they are defeated by these guys, it is better to die.He Yuu Uchiha is definitely not the Invincible Dongfang, let alone Liu She.

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered.

Uchiha Yu didn't dare to hesitate any longer and blew the sharp copper whistle.

Upon hearing the order, the Uchiha ninjas of the Tiger Force used the Universe Throw at the same time. The detonating talisman was wrapped around the kunai, and they were thrown at the enemy in large quantities. The overwhelming bombardment defeated the enemy at lightning speed. .

Then the Tiger Troop followed Uchiha Yu and rushed out of Kubota Village, rushing in the opposite direction of the group of ninjas who looked very difficult to deal with.

As the tiger troops moved into action, the battlefield suddenly became chaotic.

"Konoha ninja ran away!"

"Chase, catch up and kill them all. They have killed so many of us, we cannot let them go!"

"Ah, the Konoha ninjas are coming to us, haha, my chance has finally come, let's see how I kill..."

With a click, the Kirigakure ninja excitedly raised his sword. Just when he was declaring that he wanted to kill someone, Yuu Uchiha suddenly appeared and chopped into four pieces with his sword.

Then he swung his straight sword and lightly tapped the throats of every Kirigakure ninja around him, cutting off their trachea and arteries.

Because the artery wound was open inside, the high-pressure blood did not splash out, but flowed directly into the trachea, filling the lungs.All Kirigakure ninjas felt the fatal suffocation. They instinctively grabbed their necks with both hands and slowly fell down with a strange gurgling sound.

Uchiha Yuu ignored them, but bent down to pick up half of the sword that fell on the ground. After checking it, he threw it away in disgust: "Hey, I thought it was the decapitating sword of Kirigakure's Seven Great Swords, but it turns out it's not."

A spark flew towards him and expanded into a fireball. Miwa Masayo's graceful and soft body jumped out of the fireball.The tabby cat turned over and found that there were no living enemies around it. It put away its white flame claws angrily and jumped back on Uchiha Yuu's shoulder.

"Don't be angry, haven't you already killed 20 Kirigakure ninjas?"

"It's not 20 cats, it's 23 cats!"

"Okay, okay, 23, Lihua-chan is so awesome!" "Huh, hypocritical, meow! You have killed at least 40, meow?"

"Haha, it seems there is..."

"Yu, you said that the combination of my flame jump and pure white claws is an unrivaled tactical system in the world, but why can't I compare to you, meow?"

Uchiha Yu blew the copper whistle and directed the tiger troops to turn with a changing rhythm to avoid the pursuit of the enemy Snow Clan, and then explained: "Your poor performance today is related to the environment. In this muddy muddy water, Almost every flame is emitted by you, and the display space of the flame jump is greatly affected, so of course it cannot be used well. "

"No wonder I hate Kirigakure-nya."

"What about the sea?"

"The sea doesn't hate cats. There is big~big~ meat to eat in the sea, and it's delicious cats."

"Haha, you helped me a lot just now. Now hold on, let's set some more fires and show it off!"

"Okay meow."

Uchiha Yu watched as the tiger troops turned, and the group of ninjas from the Snow Clan also changed direction. They pursued closely, and they happened to be face to face with Uchiha Yu in the direction of travel.

Uchiha Yu took a deep breath, his whole chest expanded like a ball, and chakra boiled like a tide, gathering in his mouth. This time he did not dare to control the release with his hands.

Miwa Masashi jumped on his head, and took a deep breath as well. His body was arched as high as an arch, his tail was as straight as a flagpole, and the fire spirit gathered in the mouth of the cat.

The chakra that Uchiha Yu spewed did not form a flame, but turned into a bright yellow lotion 15 centimeters away from his mouth, exuding an inexplicable smell.

Miwa Masayo was still spitting out a thread of flame as white as a snake, which gently wrapped around the jet of lotion and instantly ignited into a raging stream of fire.

This fire stream looks particularly fierce. The flames appear in complex colors of gold, white, red, and orange. The flames are wrapped in thick black and white smoke. They roll and ignite everything along the way, whether they are stones or stones. Human bodies, even moving water, are burning.

After the Kirigakure ninja's body was stained with flames, they still used water escape to extinguish the fire. They even ignored the stench and simply got into the water to extinguish the fire. But this time they found that the fire could rekindle itself.

They tried various methods and were able to extinguish the flame easily, but it would burn again in the blink of an eye, again and again, until it burned through the skin, muscles, and even bones, and the burning continued deep in the body.

The Kirigakure ninja panicked, which also aroused the ferocity of the ninjas in the blood mist. Most of the Kirigakure ninjas pulled out their sharp blades and cut off the ignited flesh. Even the torso area was gritted and the flesh was gouged out.

The ferocity of this colorful flame is not that great. When the Kirigakure ninjas understood the horror of the flames, they deliberately jumped over the flames. When they passed through the floating white and black smoke, they were dizzy in the pungent and choking smoke. The man fell unconscious into the water.

The Kirigakure ninja screamed: "The smoke is poisonous!"

Ling's heart from the Snow Clan was beating wildly. He almost walked through the thick smoke and quickly turned around to avoid the flames and thick smoke.

After several twists and turns, he led the ninjas of the Snow Clan to escape the threat of the flames, only to find that the Konoha ninjas had already gone around to the other side of the battlefield, defeating one team after another of Kirigakure ninjas.

Ling Yin's teeth squeaked loudly, but she could only wave her hand and continue the pursuit with her clansmen and vassals.

On the battlefield, the Tiger Troops chased ordinary Kirikage ninjas, killing them. The Snow Clan ninjas chased the Tiger Troops and couldn't catch up no matter what.

The two sides were playing a game of eagle and chicken, but the old hen of the Snow Clan was too unqualified. They could only watch as the tiger troops rushed left and right, eating the Kirigakure ninjas in piles.

The queue training and physical training that the tiger troops received showed great value. With the help of the ruins of Kubota Village and several vicious flame areas ignited by Uchiha Yu, Kirigakure's elite troops were tricked into spinning around.

It's not that Uchiha's ninjas can't defeat the elites of Kirigakure Village, but it takes too much time to fight them. Once delayed, they will be surrounded by more Kirigakure ninjas and eventually get into trouble.

Now what the Tiger Force pursues is speed, so they specifically hunt down those civilian ninjas who are about to collapse, disrupting all organizations on the battlefield, and plunging the entire Kirigakure ninja into increasing chaos.

The more chaotic the battlefield, the Tiger Force can rely on its organizational advantages to fish in troubled waters freely.

After defeating a group of Kirigakure ninjas for an unknown number of times, Uchiha Shigenobu discovered that Uchiha Yuu was not far away. Driven by curiosity, he asked: "Brother Yuu, what ninjutsu is that colorful flame?"

Uchiha Yu thought for a while and replied: "It shouldn't be considered a ninjutsu, but a category of senjutsu."

"I used chakra to create an oil-like substance and a sugar-like substance. After mixing them together, I wrapped them in finely divided yellow phosphorus."

"The cat sage then charges it with natural energy, turning the chakra into magic chakra and then igniting it."

"I named this oil Hell Oil, and the flame should naturally be called Hell Fire."

In the ninja world, using phosphorus as a weapon to attack enemies should be out of the question.

Uchiha Yu looked at the Uchiha's eyes and knew that they did not understand how vicious the phosphorus oil made by Uchiha Yu was.

The Uchiha people really didn't understand. They all thought that natural energy and magical chakra were the key. Although they didn't understand these contents, they just thought it was very powerful.

Seeing these younger brothers unaware of their superiority and looking at Miwa Masayo above him with envy, Yuu Uchiha laughed secretly. This was his purpose.

As Yuu Uchiha's identity, it is best not to have anything directly to do with senjutsu. He can only use senjutsu by cooperating with the Cat Sage. This explanation can prevent many people from becoming hostile.

I finally made a vest before, so I’d better keep the settings of immortals and magic for this vest.

Now, Kubota Village has been completely occupied by the enemy, but the water level cannot completely submerge the entire village, and the battlefield remains a semi-dry and semi-wet swamp.

This results in a lot of cover that can be used, and can even be used to set fire to create obstacles, ensuring that the tiger troops can be active on the battlefield and constantly create chaos for the Kirigakure ninjas.

If there were not these obstacles, the Snow Clan would have walked on the inner line and traveled less distance than the Tiger Troops. They would have caught the Tiger Troops long ago before the battle stalled.

Ling gave up after chasing a few times. He asked his deputy to continue the pursuit with his tribe, but he found Kaguya Ren and asked: "How many ninjas use water escape now?"

Kaguya Ren also knew what the problem was and replied: "Everyone has been sent out. Even the Kaguya clan members are working hard. The water is not flowing out at the right speed!"

"You're right, there's something wrong with the water flowing away. It shouldn't be so fast." Ling looked carefully at the water around him and finally discovered that the direction of the water was different from before.

At the beginning, the flood caused by the Kirigakure ninja flowed in all directions along the drainage canal, but now all the water is flowing to the southwest.

"It's over there. Come with me to see what's there. How come you still can't get enough of it?"

After a few minutes, the problem was found. It was a deep puddle. The water flowed here and poured into the puddle, but it was swallowed up by a huge crack at the bottom of the pit.

Water surged from all directions and converged into this 400-meter deep pit. Then, two large waterfalls facing each other were formed on this crack that was 30 meters long and 6 meters wide.

The Kirigakure ninja worked hard to create a flood, but in the end, it disappeared into the endless darkness of the black crack.

The Kirigakure ninjas who saw this scene looked at each other with disbelief on their faces.

One of the Kirigakure ninjas was covered in cold sweat and tried to explain: "There was no such big crack here before, absolutely not, I swear!"

His tone was sincere, trying to make people believe him, but there was no kindness in everyone's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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