I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 120: Which is the strongest blood succession limit, Corpse Vein or Sharingan?

Chapter 120: Which is the strongest blood succession limit, Corpse Vein or Sharingan?

Uchiha Yu released a lot of information through the whistle, which of course cannot be described in two words. He assigned attack targets to each detachment and designated the type of ninjutsu based on his own experience.

Then, according to the order and combined with the situation of his own team, the captain of each team decomposes the specific tasks and conveys them to the four teams.

Finally, the team leader assigns the task to the specific ninja, and then reports it back upwards.

The whistles in Kubota Village were ringing one after another and the whole village was in chaos. The ninjas of the Kaguya clan were confused when they heard it, but those keen ninjas among them felt a hint of danger and began to be on guard.

But no one thought of dispersing.

In the village, Uchiha Yuu received feedback that he was ready. With his strong energy, he directly issued an order to everyone: attack time, three-second countdown!
After hearing this order, the Uchiha began to form seals. There were only two ninjutsu they wanted to use, which were C-level fire release and fire bomb, and B-level fire release and high fire bomb.

Unlike Go Fireball, these two techniques are not the most powerful, but they are the fastest, and they are extremely popular among the Uchiha family.

Who uses which ninjutsu is designated by the squad leaders. In fact, whoever is stronger will use more powerful fire bombs, and those who are weak will use smaller fire bombs.

Just when Kaguya Kaguya couldn't make up his mind on how to attack, the whistle of the tiger troops suddenly stopped. He felt a terrible murderous intention, and a cold air rushed up from his back.

This ruthless Corpse Vein ninja couldn't help being chilled, and shivered violently.

But he sensed carefully, but he didn't notice even a trace of murderous intent. Where did this frightening sense of danger come from?

Of course he didn't feel murderous intent, because the Uchiha followed orders and fired fire escape and fire bombs at the same time in fixed directions and angles.

They couldn't see their attack target at all, and they were completely focused on controlling the details of the ninjutsu to ensure that the angle and time of the launch were correct. They couldn't even think about killing people.

Under the training of Uchiha Yuu, when the Tiger Troops perform this kind of long-range attack mission, it is like driving screws seriously. All their energy is used to fight against boredom, and there is no trace of murderous intent. .

The only person who can see the enemy and know that he is operating the Tiger Troops to kill is Uchiha Yuu, and after repeated training with the heart, he has long been trained to be as calm as the heart.

Even though huge casualties were about to be caused by himself, his heart was still calm and there was no murderous aura emanating from him.

Kaguya Kuye can feel danger in the dark, which can be regarded as absolutely sensitive, but no matter how sensitive he is, he can't feel the murderous aura that does not exist at all.

Kaguya looked around, not knowing why. Just when he was about to order an attack, he saw more than 100 large and small fire bombs rising into the sky. They turned slightly in the air and rushed towards the Kaguya ninjas.

"Enemy attack—!"

But it was too late. The speed of the fire bomb was second to none among fire escapes. Only two jounin and dozens of senior chuunin could respond in time.

More than 400 ninjas only had time to raise their hands to protect their faces, half-crouched and bent down, and the fire bombs hit their targets.

None of the fire bombs fired by the Tiger troops were aimed at people, but there was a dense crowd of people standing on the ground at the target. Naturally, some unlucky ones were hit by the fire bombs, and the impact detonated fire bombs blew their bodies to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, most of the fire bombs hit the ground and exploded, emitting hot flames and igniting everything within a five-meter range. All ninjas who were close were not spared. They were either turned into torches on the spot, or were beaten to pieces by the shock wave.

After the first round of fire bomb strikes, curtains of water appeared in the Kaguya ninja group, and some people subconsciously used the Kirigakure Jutsu.

Uchiha Yu was very satisfied with this and said contemptuously: "A mob of elites."

Then the copper whistle was blown, the coordinates of the attack were fine-tuned, and the tiger troops were directed to launch a second attack, then a third, and a fourth.

The continuous attacks made the Kaguya ninjas furious. Standing there feeling beaten was unbearable for anyone.

However, the Kaguya ninja's spontaneous water escape ninjutsu counterattack was messy and sparse due to the lack of unified command, and was defeated by concentrated fire bombs.

Although Kaguya ninjas are also good at water escape, the elite among them are not good at water escape, because they are blood successor ninjas who have awakened the corpse vein, and almost all their energy is spent on pondering the blood successor limit and secret techniques.

The influence of the corpse vein on the character is more powerful than the Sharingan. Kaguya, who has awakened the blood succession limit, has an unusually impulsive and irritable temperament. It is only because of Kaguya Kukiye's forced order that they wait for the order.

But after the sixth round of covering attacks, the elites of the Kaguya family still exploded. Ignoring the order to prohibit attacks, they activated their bone veins one after another, put on skeletal armor for themselves, and rushed towards Kubota Village in a swarm.

When the other Kaguya ninjas saw that others were charging, they naturally followed suit. There were no real calm ninjas here.

Kaguya Kukiye's roar was drowned in the explosion of fire bombs and the crazy roars of Kaguya ninjas. Finally, he became angry, and with the last Kaguya jounin and a dozen quick reactions, With luck again, the chuunin rushed to the front of the team and was the first to rush into Kubota Village.

However, they rushed into the village, but could not find even a hair of the Konoha ninja.

Uchiha Yuu is well versed in the essence of guerrilla warfare. He will not let the tiger troops engage in the most dangerous hand-to-hand combat with the enemy when the enemy's morale is high or even crazy.

Seeing the Kaguya ninja attack, Uchiha Yuu immediately retreated with the tiger troops and slipped out of Kubota Village in one breath.

During the retreat, they disarmed the traps and left the explosives, pits, and spring mechanisms to the Kaguya ninjas so that they would not have nothing to do.

After leaving the village, the Tiger troops did not stay away. They stopped less than 1000 meters away, listening to the explosions and vague roars in the village, and patiently waited for the enemy to react.

Uchiha Yu even deliberately educated the team members, pointing to the village and preaching: "Unplanned and unorganized actions will lead to this end."

"When I told you this before, it was all in a dry way, and you wouldn't have a deep impression. Now looking at the actual examples the enemy has demonstrated to us, you should be able to understand what I mean, right?"

"I understand, Brother Yu."

“I was so impressed that I will never make the same mistake in the future.”

"Haha, this is not something you can avoid if you don't want to. Whether the ninjas under your command can understand and enforce the orders and prohibitions is the most critical condition."

"So, although queues are meaningless in ninja wars, they are crucial to the development of ninja obedience. That's why I pressed your heads and forced forward the 20 days of training."

"I'm very satisfied with everyone's performance today."

"A great military strategist concluded that the best military performance should be 'as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as aggressive as fire, and as motionless as a mountain.'"

"Today I saw how motionless it was at the beginning, and how fast it was like the wind when it retreated. Next, I hope to see everyone's aggression when attacking, like fire."

Uchiha Kazuji asked: "Brother Yu, what about Xu Rulin?"

Uchiha Yu replied with a smile: "This is the most difficult point. It means that when marching at a normal speed, the entire unit is well-organized, moves unhurriedly, is quiet and smooth, and is full of dynamic beauty."

"This requirement is too high. Everyone in the army knows what they are going to do. When something unexpected happens when they are determined to execute it, everyone can adapt to handle it immediately without any hindrance."

"That is to say, everyone has a sense of the overall situation and a sense of obedience at the same time. Everyone is qualified to serve as a team leader or even a team leader... It is too difficult and we cannot expect you to do it in a short time."

The team captains were dumbfounded at how much extra hardship they had suffered after being selected by Uchiha Yu as the team leader.

When the team members are training, the team leader trains twice as hard. When the team members are resting, the team leader has to recite various tactical instructions. When the team members are sleeping, the team leader has to patrol checkpoints. The team members even have twice as much time to eat as the team leaders.

Is everyone a team leader?
Everyone was shaking their heads. They couldn't imagine what such a force would look like. Maybe only a force composed of pure jounin could do it.

Uchiha Yu has actually never seen it with his own eyes, but he has seen it in movies. However, when he first saw it when he was young, he didn't know how powerful it was. He still thought that there were tens of thousands of people walking around, what was there to see?

It wasn’t until I served as a soldier, worked as a film police officer, passed middle age, experienced all kinds of polishing, and interacted with people to the point of getting deep into my bones, that I realized what the realm of "Qixu Rulin" and that kind of ordinary walking means.

That's simple - invincible.Because of Uchiha Yu's words, the Uchiha brothers in the Tiger Force lowered their heads, feeling that they had let their elder brother down.

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "Don't bow your head, you are already very strong now, really, very strong."

"As soon as I gave the order, the 101-man troop left the village without hesitation. No one held back. During the retreat, they were able to disarm the trap as planned. I am really satisfied with this kind of execution."

"If you don't believe it, you can wait and see what it will be like when the Kirigakure ninja leaves the village."

"Sometimes you still have to watch the performance of poor ninjas to know how good you are."

After a few minutes, several Kaguya ninjas came out of the village. They saw the Uchiha lined up and retreated in panic.

But it took another ten minutes before more than 100 ninjas came out of the village in a mess. By this time, their anger had faded into depression, and their desire to fight had almost disappeared.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

The Kirigakure ninjas couldn't even do this. Just one failed attack and trap harassment brought their morale to the point of exhaustion. This was something Uchiha Yu didn't expect.

His previous plan was to continue flying kites and harass them two more times to induce the Kirigakure ninjas to further divide their troops. When they faced less than 100 enemies, they would then turn around and deliver a fatal blow.

Uchiha Yu wanted to form a sweeping force and defeat the 500-strong Kirigakure ninja force in one fell swoop.

But now it seems that there is no need to be so troublesome.

Uchiha Yu blew the copper whistle in his mouth, driving the tiger troops to attack.

After giving the order, he stood at the command position of the unit he commanded and controlled the team's attack speed in order to create the greatest sense of oppression.


Kaguya Kuye stood at the front of the family ninja, but his heart felt cold. He had never thought before that there was such a huge gap in obedience among the ninja team.

He was coerced by his subordinates to launch the attack. After entering the village, more than 400 ninjas disappeared completely like water absorbed by a sponge.

After learning that the enemy had fled the village, no one responded to his orders, and the troops could not gather together.

It took a lot of effort and more than ten minutes for Kaguya to assemble more than 100 ninjas. They were still in a state of incomplete organized chaos teams. There were more than 100 Kaguya ninjas in total, but they belonged to more than 80 teams.

The remaining 200 or nearly [-] ninjas did not respond, and no one knew where they had gone.

In fact, Kaguya knew that all the ninjas were in this village, but the explosions and traps disrupted the Kaguya ninja organization and they could not gather in a hurry.

If he had another half hour, he believed that he could get all his subordinates to return to their homes. If the time was extended to two hours, Kaguya ninja would come back on his own without him having to do anything.

But there is no time now. The ninja who reported said that the enemies are all gathered together and they may launch a counterattack at any time.

Kaguya knew that he and his men were in danger, and he had to quickly gather enough ninjas to stop the enemy's attack outside the village.

The Konoha ninjas gathered together and faced the scattered Kirigakure ninjas with an absolute numerical advantage. Those with a large advantage could not resist at all. In the end, the Konoha ninjas would be swept away repeatedly, and the Kirigakure ninjas suffered heavy casualties.

With these more than 100 messed-up ninjas, Kaguya Kukiye only felt angry and disappointed with himself. All he thought about was that after defeating the Konoha ninjas in front of him, he must not kill them all, but must keep enough prisoners. .

He wants these prisoners to help him train Kaguya ninjas, and he also wants to command the ninja troops like arms and fingers.

As for the issue of victory or defeat, Kaguya Kaiye never thought that he would be defeated. With him here, victory can only belong to the Kaguya clan.

This is the confidence of a ninja who has awakened his corpse veins.

He looked at the Konoha ninjas who were rushing towards him in an orderly manner, and said softly to himself: "It is said that the third generation Raikage of Kumogakure Village is the strongest shield in the ninja world. That's just because Kirigakure Village didn't have the opportunity to show it properly. Own."

"After this war, the title of the strongest shield will only belong to the Kaguya family, and it will not only be the strongest shield, but also the strongest spear."

Kaguya took off his upper body clothes, and bone spurs grew out of his back spine, and then branched out continuously. The sharp bone spurs were closely arranged together, forming a pair of bones on his back. A folding fan-like bone fan.

The strongest ninja in Kaguya's army set an example and expressed his will to fight to all his subordinates. The ninjas of Kaguya's clan suddenly became excited, and their morale gradually increased, but more importantly, their madness began to show up. .

They want to kill people.

The other Kaguya ninjas behind Kaguya also took off their shirts, and the bone spurs grew out from different angles, forming different structures.

More Kaguya ninjas just pulled up their sleeves, and bone spurs grew out of their arms. They were weapons that were sharper and tougher than steel.

But under the skin of all ninjas who have awakened the Corpse Vein, their bones grow abnormally with the support of chakra, forming a strong periosteum to protect their fragile bodies.

If you peel off the skin of Kaguya ninjas at this time, what you will see is a group of insect men with exoskeletons.

The bone spurs of the Corpse Vein Ninjas are sharper and tougher than the Ninja Swords. It can be imagined that the defensive power of these periosteum is definitely comparable to steel armor, and the defensive power must be very amazing.

When these ninja bone spurs were exposed, a crazy atmosphere spread out, and all Kirigakure ninjas were affected. Their faces were ferocious, their eyes were wide open, and they burst into crazy laughter.

Seeing these Kaguya ninjas acting like this, Uchiha Yuu knew that something was not good. These were not ordinary Kirigakure ninjas, but ninjas from the Kaguya family. Those leading ninjas had even awakened the bones of the corpse veins.

It’s not like he doesn’t know that the Kaguya family wears retro clothes, has retro hair accessories, and even has chubby eyebrows.The problem is that such costumes are very popular in Kirigakure Village today. Seven out of ten Kirigakure ninjas encountered on the battlefield look like this.

At the beginning, Uchiha Yu was quite frightened. Why did he meet a Kirigakure ninja who was from the Kaguya clan? There were so many people in the Kaguya clan?
Over time, after he knew the truth, he became numb to such attire, and regarded it as the main characteristic of Kirigakure ninjas, just like the turban and blouse combination of the Sunagakure ninjas.

When the leading Kirigakure ninjas take off their clothes, bone spurs emerge from their bodies. Such characteristics are the most clear characteristics of the Kaguya family.

Uchiha Yu didn't waste any time. The copper whistle in his mouth blew out a long and sharp sound, which lasted for three seconds without stopping, and the sound continued to rise.

At the same time, he speeded up and rushed in front of everyone, and behind him were the other five team captains. After hearing the long whistle, they also left their command positions and came to the first row. .

Uchiha Yu spit out the whistle he had been holding in his mouth and said, "In front of you are the ninjas of the Kaguya family, and they are the elite who have awakened the Corpse Bloodline."

"It is said that they are dissatisfied with the title of the first ninja in the Uchiha family, and dissatisfied with the title of Sharingan, the number one blood successor in the ninja world."

"Then let's show them how awesome we are!"

"Yes! Brother Yu!"

"What bullshit Corpse Bone Pulse, you actually want to be on par with our Sharingan, let them know how powerful it is today!"

Uchiha Yu finally shouted: "The first person is mine, you can choose one of the others."

He took a deep breath, opened his three magatama sharingan eyes, and yelled: "Kill!"

The five team captains also opened their single Magatama Sharingan eyes and shouted: "Kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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