Chapter 105: Go back and gain weight
As the body of the tentacle emerged from the sea, Yuu Uchiha confirmed that it was okay and gave it a false alarm.

The tentacles outside the bay did not belong to the jinchūriki, nor to a certain tailed beast, but to a round eight-clawed octopus, but this octopus was very huge.

The head is like an eight-story building, and the tentacles change in length and thickness. When stretched straight, they can extend to a hundred meters away. At their thinnest, they are several meters in diameter.

With such a huge body, the electromagnetic barriers of the squids are not enough to stop them.

The swordfish has proven to Uchiha Yu that the roe of the squid is more valuable than the squid, so it goes without saying that the target of the giant octopus is also the roe.

Of course, given its size, it certainly cannot eat just the belly of the squid like the swordfish. It can only catch dozens or hundreds of squid with its tentacles, and then eat them in one bite.

But its goal at this time will also give priority to catching magnetic squid. When it eats a mouth full of squid, it can also eat a full mouth of fish roe.

When the female squid finishes laying her eggs, the tiny roe sinks to the bottom of the bay and mixes with the thick sand.No matter how flexible the octopus's huge tentacles are, its huge size determines that it is impossible to pick up the fish eggs mixed with the sand.

So the octopus worked hard to get closer to the bay, and tried hard to put its tentacles into the bay, trying to catch the squid that gathered together.

No matter how hard the squid group tried, they could not resist such a behemoth, so the male squids reunited and swam to the entrance of the bay. They tried their best to emit brighter fluorescence and erupted with a more powerful magnetic field.

The giant octopus is unusually huge and exudes chakra unique to tailed beasts, but it still has a common problem with octopuses, that is, each tentacle has an independent brain and does not obey the command of the brain.

Every time its tentacles pass over a group of male squids, they are attracted by the photoelectric signals emitted by the male squids, and against the wishes of the brain, they capture the male squid at the nearest location.

The octopus tried its best to reach out its tentacles into the bay again and again, but was diverted halfway by the efforts of the male squid, and it only caught male squid with little nutritional value.

These male squids that have completed mating use themselves as bait to ensure that the females in the bay can safely complete the spawning process.

By the time most of the male squids died under the attack of the tentacles, the annual gathering of fluorescent squids was coming to an end. The fluorescence on their bodies began to extinguish, the fanatical desire to reproduce began to subside, and the survival instinct took over again.

The squids dispersed in a hurry, leaving the octopus with a tentacle diameter of more than three meters helpless. It could only raise eight tentacles and slap the sea surface to vent its anger and unwillingness.

Miwa Masashi suddenly said: "Yu, do you think this big guy is delicious?"

Uchiha Yuu was stunned. This habit of first considering whether it is delicious when seeing an unknown creature is not the thinking of a neon spirit, but the first of the three instincts unique to the Yanhuang culture.

The corners of his mouth widened. Although the bloodline of the Yanhuang civilization is the purest among the Blue Star civilizations, we really don't distinguish between outsiders and our own people based on bloodline.

Lihuajiang, if you have such an awareness, you are already a qualified cat of the Yanhuang family.

Uchiha Yu laughed proudly. He pointed at the big octopus and said: "Octopus is seafood. The more lively and fierce the seafood, the more delicious it tastes. It must be delicious!"

Amidst the laughter, Uchiha's surging natural energy and chakra emitted together, forming an extraordinary arrogance like a volcanic eruption, which attracted the attention of the extraordinary octopus at once.

"Come on, nine-headed octopus, come ashore and become my uncle's takoyaki!"

Feeling the strong chakra, especially the smell mixed with pure natural energy, the octopus's little reason completely disappeared, and even the instinct of survival was suppressed by the desire to advance in life levels.

It rubbed its hard beak and made a squeaking sound. The brains of the eight tentacles finally united together, holding up the huge round head like a hill, and climbed onto the coast with difficulty.

The diameter of the octopus's eyes is close to the height of a human being, and its large watery eyes reveal undisguised greed, staring straight at Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi.

The tabby cat is not as mentally stable as Uchiha Yu. Being stared at by the giant predator makes her feel uncomfortable all over. The hair all over her body explodes, her body is arched high, and her tail is as straight as a flagpole.

Miwa Masato, who was in a fighting posture, let out a threatening roar of "Ha--" and was fully prepared to attack.

Uchiha Yuu had a clear understanding and instantly understood the intention of the civet cat. He gave up the skewering ninjutsu he had prepared and changed it to the most popular ninjutsu of the Uchiha family.

Fire Escape·Phoenix Immortal Fire Art

Uchiha Yu didn't need complicated seals to perform this technique. Instead, he formed his hands into a trumpet shape, puffed up his cheeks and blew forward, and the dense flames flew out.

Thousands of flames shaped like phoenix tails surrounded the giant octopus. Flames as small as fists burned the octopus's skin, causing it to quickly dehydrate and carbonize.

But the damage doesn't stop there. The octopus's skin is full of water and colloid, and its thickness is more than the width of a human body. The small phoenix fire burns a fist-sized wound, which is not considered any harm at all.

After the octopus leaves the sea water, every time it moves on land, the skin under its body will be cut by the raised rocks on the ground. Huge gaps.

These wounds were extremely deep, with blue blood flowing out. They were hundreds of times more serious than the damage caused by Phoenix Immortal Fire.

But the three rounds of Masashi jumping through the flames are more lethal. Her four claws are wrapped with white light bands, which is the magic of the civet cat - pure white claws.

Miwa Masayo put all four claws on the octopus's body. With the infusion of Senjutsu Chakra, the ribbon composed of white flames suddenly lengthened, forming giant claws like ninja swords.

The civet cat quickly made a circle around the base of a tentacle, and a circle of wounds that exuded a burning aroma appeared on the huge tentacle.

There was no blood even flowing out of the fragrant wound, but it caused extremely severe pain. The octopus made a painful clicking sound, manipulating all its tentacles to round up the small enemy.

With the help of dense flames, the civet cat flexibly flashed in the attack of eight tentacles, spinning the eight tentacles around, and soon had a tendency to tie into knots.

Under the premise of ensuring his own safety, Miwa Masato focused his attacks on the roots of the injured tentacles, continuously deepening the wounds.

As the window continued to deepen, the pain became more intense, the sound of the octopus grinding its teeth became more harsh, and lightning began to appear on the eight tentacles, trying to increase the chance of capturing the enemy.

Uchiha Yu was surprised: "Thunder Release, why did you wait until now to use Thunder Release?"

Lightning arcs appeared all over the body of the mountain-like octopus, as if it were an angry thundercloud that was about to trigger terrifying thunder to kill the enemy.

But Uchiha Yuu is not worried about the safety of himself and Miwa Masashi.

Thunder escape is not a real natural lightning. It requires thunder escape chakra to establish an electric shock channel so that thunder escape lightning can be stimulated. The speed of lightning is the speed of light, but the speed of thunder escape chakra is not.

Flame shuttle combined with Cat Immortal's reaction speed is an unsolvable tactic.

Later, Iwagakure ninjas used dozens of lives to prove that if they don't have equivalent spatial abilities, they shouldn't try to challenge enemies who have the ability to blink in space.

The ninja who ruled the ninja world couldn't do it, and the large octopus couldn't do it even more. Its eight dozen knotted tentacles even sent out a lightning frenzy without touching a hair of Miwa Masashi.

It is impossible for Thunder Release to hit Miwa Masayo who is traveling through space.

After Uchiha Yu absorbs the natural energy of wind, he is always surrounded by the breeze, and can control the wind chakra into ninjutsu at any time.

If the thunder chakra extends to his side, it will be dispersed by the wind chakra immediately. If the wind chakra is used on the chakra beast, there will be no accidents.

As the attacks deepened again and again, the injured tentacle became frightened. It ignored the brain's attack commands and began to curl up in an attempt to protect itself.

But none of the eight tentacles could stop Miwa Masayo's attack. How could the defense of a single tentacle stop the cutting of the flame ribbon?
As the number of attacks increased, the wounds became deeper and deeper.

Finally, the burned wound was so big that it could no longer block the blood. A large amount of blue blood spattered out, and the injured tentacle was confused. Its crazy attack interfered with other tentacles, but gave the civet cat a chance to charge up its attack. .

Miwa Masayo took a deep breath, Senjutsu chakra gathered in the right front paw, and the white ribbon continued to extend, forming a giant flaming blade like a nodachi.The giant white flame blade cut deeply into the octopus's wound, and after making a "squeaking" sound from the iron plate, the giant tentacles were finally broken off.

The tentacles that were originally winding like a dragon shrank into a ball in an instant. Feeling the death, the tentacles struggled desperately and beat actively on the beach, like a gecko's tail that was broken off due to fright.

After evaluating the size, Uchiha Yu wanted to think that this one was enough to eat. He began to consider whether the remaining seven should be reserved for the octopus, which would at least keep it fresh for a long time...

But the octopus was controlled by greed at this time and had no intention of retreating. Instead, it waved its remaining seven tentacles and besieged the little Miwa Masayo.

Uchiha Yu saw his Taoist companion dodging between the gaps in the tentacles, and felt the octopus's determined greed, and he suddenly became furious: I gave you a chance, but not only did Yu not run away, but you also dared to fight back against Rika-chan?

Uchiha Yu clasped his hands together and made a clear sound of applause, but the next moment he froze on the spot.

It was only then that he realized that he had no technique suitable to deal with the giant beast in front of him.

The previously prepared skewering ninjutsu was limited in scale and could only bring enough pain to the octopus, but it could not cause a fatal blow.

Whether it was the earth escape technique used to deal with the root ninja in Konoha Village, the fire storm used by Kawanoguni to kill the Sunagakure ninja, or the psychic illusion that just killed 15 root ninjas, they could not be used to deal with such a huge monster.

In particular, mental illusions are indispensable against humans, and they may be good at dealing with tailed beasts, but it is meaningless against an octopus that has eight brains in addition to its brain.

Uchiha Yuu had already performed illusions, and with the help of the octopus's greed, he easily controlled the octopus's brain, but the greed of the brain on its seven tentacles suppressed the caution of the brain.

Moreover, the brain of the tentacle is different from the brain from the bottom up. As a human, Uchiha Yu is completely unable to understand it, and cannot even plant the seeds of suggestion.

Facing the inexplicable and peculiar thinking core of the tentacle brain, he was like a hacker facing a ternary alien computer, unable to find an entrance.

Uchiha Yu said mockingly: "We have another project that needs to be studied, a special technique for large or even giant enemies."

"If you think about it carefully, in the future ninja world, similar giant ninja beasts or puppets are not uncommon, and even if the Uchiha civil war breaks out, they can be used to deal with Susanoo."

As for the giant octopus in front of him, Uchiha Yu naturally has a way to deal with it.

There is no suitable Ninjutsu to deal with it. This does not mean that the giant octopus has strong defense and cannot break its defense at all like Susanoo, but it is just that it is large enough and the destructive power of a single Ninjutsu is not fatal enough.

"In that case, don't blame me for not giving you pleasure, just enjoy the beauty of Lingchi!"

Uchiha Yu put his hands together again, used the natural energy of wind to promote the wind escape chakra in the cells, built a complete structure of the technique, and then launched the ninjutsu.

Wind Escape·Wind Blade Continuous Cut·Extreme

A light cyan wind circle was born next to Uchiha Yu. Countless wind blades were squeezed from the wind circle, and then rushed towards the octopus like a group of swifts.

There were thousands of light blue wind blades soon, but each one was under the control of Uchiha Yu. They accurately bypassed Miwa Masayo who was charging ahead, scraping off pieces of the octopus that were so thin that they were almost transparent. slices of meat.

The sudden burst of pain frightened the brains on the seven tentacles. They wanted to run away, but their brains were completely disrupted by Yuu's illusion, and there was no way to coordinate the seven tentacles.

So the tentacles made their own judgments.

There is a unified consensus on running away, and there is no disagreement about where to run. Octopuses can't go up the mountain to avoid the enemy, but how to run is a big problem.

None of the tentacles wanted to sacrifice itself to complete the whole, so the seven tentacles stretched straight towards the sea at the same time, and the entire octopus lay upright on the beach, exposing its most deadly head to Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masato. .

What's there to be polite about? Miwa Masashi gathered some strength, extended the white flame ribbon, wrapped it around his whole body, and then jumped up.

Uchiha Yu disbanded the wind blade into a wind roll at the right time, and hovered in the air to provide a series of footholds for Miwa Masashi, helping her jump to a height of [-] meters, and using the strong wind to help her accelerate her dive.

The civet cat turned into a white flaming arrow, dragging a long tail flame and piercing into the root of another tentacle of the giant octopus.

Uchiha Yu controlled the wind blade group and rushed into the octopus's body along the gap opened by the tabby cat, accelerating the process of destruction from the inside.

The noisy battlefield suddenly became quiet, with only the gentle sharp sound of the light blue wind blade flowing into the octopus's wound.

Suddenly, a ray of white light broke through the base of the octopus's tentacles from below, and Miwa Masashi landed steadily on the beach. She was wrapped in white flame ribbon armor, without a trace of blood or dirt.

The tabby cat shook off the sand on its body, walked through the flames with a majestic and domineering cat step, and walked towards Uchiha Yuu.

Behind the civet cat, black ink and blue blood flowed out from the open wound, quickly contaminating a large area of ​​​​the beach.

Due to excessive blood loss, the octopus's head was like a deflated hydrogen balloon, slowly deflating a lot, and even its eyes looked withered and wrinkled.

Miwa Masayo walked to Uchiha Yuu's feet, disbanded the flame ribbon armor, stretched out a lot, and then rubbed it on the man's calf, soaked in the reassuring smell, and then jumped up , lying on your favorite shoulder.

She yawned loudly and said regretfully: "This big octopus should no longer be determined to fight us. This guy can't be killed all at once, otherwise it will be difficult for us to eat such fat meat." ”

Uchiha Yu continued to control the wind blade, dismembering the two broken tentacles that were struggling little by little. If the beating was too strong, the firmness of the meat would decrease, and the taste would be slightly worse.

Hearing what Cihuamao said, he agreed and said: "Yes, although it can be made into dried octopus and soaked in water before eating, octopus meat is not the scallops of shellfish, and drying it will not produce a unique flavor. .”

“It’s still like this, only freshly cut octopus meat can taste the most delicious flavor.”

After taking care of the two fallen tentacles, Uchiha Yuu took the civet cat and used the teleportation technique to get close to the octopus's head and placed a large crest on it.

The civet cat asked curiously: "What kind of cat is this?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "This is the mark I put on this big guy. With this mark, no matter how far it hides when it returns to the sea, I can find its hiding place."

"You can safely let it go now to keep the meat fresh."

Yuu Uchiha unlocked the control of the octopus's brain and activated the already implanted suggestion seeds, stimulating the octopus's fear and desire to survive.

Under the influence of suggestion and pain, the octopus completely realized that it was no match for its enemy, and even became its prey.

Driven by strong fear and desire to survive, the brain quickly persuaded the remaining six tentacles, and everyone worked together to alternately use force and rush towards the sea.

When they arrived at the beach, the octopus plunged into the sea water.

It swam toward the southeast without looking back, spraying water as it advanced, spraying out a large amount of ink, dyeing the seawater it passed completely black, and soon the huge beast disappeared into the dark seawater.

Miwa Masashi looked at the dark sea water and curled his lips and asked: "Didn't you lose me?"

Uchiha Yu pointed to the southeast, then slowly turned to the northeast, and replied: "No, I can clearly sense my mark. This guy is turning to the northeast. He is quite cunning."

Miwa Masayo yawned again, rubbed his eyes with his paws, and muttered: "I want to grow fat when I go back, we will look for your cats when we are greedy."

(End of this chapter)

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