I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 100 If you can’t change the forbidden technique, then develop it yourself.

Chapter 100 If you can’t change the forbidden technique, then develop it yourself.
Uchiha Yu enthusiastically told Uchiha Shisui about the characteristics of "The Art of Darkness", "The Art of Flying Thunder God", and "The Art of Reincarnation in the Dirty Land", as well as the initial application direction - for everyone in the Uchiha family Ninja.

The art of Darkness combines wind escape, earth escape, and water escape, and uses illusion as the basis to create unbreakable darkness. It targets the dynamic vision of the Sharingan, visual illusion, and ninjutsu replication.

The Flying Thunder God Jutsu is a counter-spiritual technique performed with the help of sealing techniques. It achieves the effect of teleportation by traveling through space. It is also aimed at the dynamic vision of the Sharingan. Unlike the Dark Walking Jutsu, it is for offense.

Yuu Uchiha expanded on the Flying Thunder God Slash, an extension of the Flying Thunder God Technique. He also had the record of taking down the Mangekyo in Senju Tobirama's hand, which undoubtedly solidified the suspicion against the Uchiha family.

The art of reincarnation in the dirty earth can temporarily awaken the dead at the minimum cost. Before the life and chakra of the sacrifice are exhausted, the revived dead will become immortal.

Uchiha Shisui was dripping with sweat after hearing this, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Yu, this technique is not aimed at us, right? The immortal resuscitator cannot target the Sharingan."

Uchiha was overjoyed and said with a smile: "The Jutsu of Reincarnation is an auxiliary forbidden technique. The second generation Hokage developed this technique in order to cooperate with the forbidden suicide technique called 'Mutual Multiplication Detonation Talisman'."

The mutually multiplying detonating talisman is the ninja world's version of the Qiankun Throw. It combines psychic and sealing techniques to carve a mark similar to the Seal of the Flying Thunder God on the enemy, and then uses the detonating talisman to explode.

The key is that when each detonating talisman explodes, part of its power will be transformed by the psychic mark, generating two brand new psychic marks and stimulating them.

As long as the detonating talisman pointed by the spell is sufficient, such explosions with greater yields will always be able to destroy the target.

The reason why the mutual multiplication of detonating symbols is called a forbidden technique is because it occurs so quickly. From the time when the first detonating symbol is detonated to the time when the 64 detonating symbols in the seventh round explode at the same time, it takes just over one second. .

No ninja can escape the killing range in time. Even if the second generation Hokage uses the mutual detonation talisman, it will be a fatal act of suicide.

Therefore, a caster who cannot be killed is needed. This is the original purpose of the development of the art of reincarnation.

Uchiha Shisui frowned. According to the common sense of ninjutsu he learned, ninjas themselves are fragile and can be killed with shurikens and kunai.A powerful ninja tool like a detonating talisman would kill a ninja if it was attached to his body and detonated. He didn't understand why the Second Hokage would develop such an outrageously powerful technique.

Uchiha Yu naturally guessed what Shisui was thinking. He said: "After the Sharingan is promoted to the three magatama, there is still huge room for improvement, which is called the Mangekyo Sharingan."

"The pupil techniques of the Mangekyo Sharingan are ever-changing, but there is one unified technique - Susanoo. It is a giant composed of a mixture of pupil power and chakra. It has 'unbreakable' defense and can almost ignore All ninjutsu attacks."

The amount of information transmitted by Uchiha Yuu was so great that Uchiha Shisui's eyes were blurred when he heard it, and he murmured to himself: "How could the Second Hokage do this?"

Uchiha Yuu knocked Shisui on the head with a moderate blow, waking him up from his daze, and then scolded: "Idiot Shisui, haven't I taught you that when you think about what your predecessors have done, you must Should we consider it together with his historical background?”

"The first Hokage, the second Hokage, and Madara Uchiha were all born in the Warring States Period. They were life-and-death enemies of each other. They fought against each other for nearly a thousand years to compete for the rich land of the Land of Fire."

"I was born and raised in that environment. As a member of the Senju family, I worked hard to study the techniques for my Uchiha family. This is what Senju Tobirama-sama should have done at that time."

"In their generation, at least a thousand people from both sides died under the other side's ninjutsu, swords and kunai. Even the clan leaders of the two families died together in the battle."

"Going back thousands of years, the blood feud accumulated between the Senju and the Uchiha is as big as the mountains and the sea. It is simply unimaginable for the new generation like you and me."

Uchiha Yu said with emotion: "Under the influence of such strong hatred, Senju Hashirama-sama and Uchiha Madara-sama were able to abandon hatred, suppress the resistance within the family, and work together to establish Konoha Village..."

"I can only describe the two of them as great. Even the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama-sama is also a very great and great person."

"The Second Hokage restrained his hatred and devoted his whole life to building and protecting Konoha Village. He even allowed the Senju clan to integrate into Konoha Village before us, completely eliminating the object of hatred of our Uchiha family and ensuring that He is a truly great Hokage who has stabilized Konoha."

Uchiha Shisui was stunned, looking at Uchiha Yuu blankly, and then looked at Uchiha Shinyin who was taking care of him.

The old man nodded and said: "Master Tobirama is indeed a very remarkable Hokage. It was he who made us old guys completely let go of our hatred. By Fugaku's generation, we have completely forgotten the thousand-year blood feud."

"It's a pity that he doesn't have a good eye for people, so the Third Hokage he finally picked was..."

Uchiha Shisui nodded thoughtfully, Uchiha Yu squinted his eyes and smiled, very satisfied with Shisui's reaction.

But at this moment, he unexpectedly heard Uchiha Kumaichiro's words. He frowned and said, "Actually... I think Sarutobi Hiruzen is hateful, but he is not as bad as you think."

Uchiha Yu looked at Yuichiro in disbelief for a long time, then turned to Uchiha Ryunosuke and asked: "You think so too?"

Elder Ryunosuke hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "The worst is Danzo Shimura."

Uchiha Yuu: "..."

[Are these two elders serious? 】

Uchiha Yu soon thought that the two elders were the same age as Sarutobi Hiruzen. After remembering at the age of five, the environment they were in was the heyday of Konoha Village after its establishment, and the time they grew up happened to be the longest period of peace. This period is the honeymoon period for the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan to work together.

Perhaps it was the unprecedented happy childhood in the ninja world that created an indelible innocence in the characters of the elders. Although they have experienced cruel wars as adults, they still believe in the kindness of people's hearts.

There is nothing wrong with the two elders being a little naive, because they can be trusted in this way, unlike Setsuna Uchiha, who is full of uncontrollable paranoia and evil thoughts.

Uchiha Yu reached out and touched Uchiha Shisui's head. In fact, he accepted Shisui because the child also had the same innocence.

Only those who are innocent and kind at heart can accept his love in the future, and the Uchiha family they lead can become the force behind him and help rather than hinder him in his cultivation of immortality.

Therefore, the purpose of Uchiha Yu's education and guidance has never been to obliterate this innocence and pure kindness, but to add a layer of protection to stop the problem and prevent others from taking advantage of his innocence and harming his life and interests.

Why can't dragon slayers be kind?


The next day, Yuu Uchiha took a copy of the Shadow Clone Technique and embarked on a journey to the battlefield of Yuno Country with Masashi Miwa.

Uchiha Fugaku was unable to exchange even a copy of the forbidden technique from the Third Hokage, which caused his prestige in the Uchiha family to be severely damaged again.

Regardless of the reason, breaking one's word is a serious dereliction of duty.

As the leader of the family, Uchiha Fugaku has vast resources and powerful power. No one in the family controls him from a leadership perspective, and no one will listen to his last resort reasons.

If the war hadn't already broken out and the Third Hokage had begun recruiting ninjas from the Uchiha family, maybe someone would have started to protest or even propose removal.

Uchiha Fugaku also knew that his situation was not good. He worked twice as hard and even started to work in the security department all night long, unknowingly neglecting his family.

After Uchiha Yuu arrived in the Country of Yu, he learned about the subsequent development from the letter sent by Uchiha Shisui through the little ninja cat.

He was naturally dismissive of Uchiha Fugaku's efforts. In times of crisis, he chose to do his current job well. This was a typical subordinate mentality.

When a leader encounters a crisis, he should first conduct a comprehensive review of all recent affairs, rethink who is the most dangerous enemy, what are the most urgent matters, and focus on whether it is time to adjust the direction.

Once you understand it, you can naturally make targeted adjustments. At the very least, you can identify the person who caused the problem. Even if you can't solve the problem, you should solve the person who caused the problem.

For example: Uchiha Yu.

Therefore, the group of the Third Hokage and Danzo Shimura was still qualified. Following Yuu Uchiha, there were a total of 13 root ninjas, following them all the way to the Country of Yu.

If you say that they are not here for Uchiha Yu, you won't even believe it.

The only thing Uchiha Yu is curious about now is what kind of assassination plan Shimura Danzo has made.Is it a desperate attack, or is it to seduce the Kirigakure ninjas to attack, or is it to arrange a task that seems simple but is actually impossible to complete?
He smiled and said to Miwa Masashi: "We will see the outcome tomorrow."

Cihuamao doesn't care about these things. She believes that Uchiha Yu can solve the problem perfectly, so she is more concerned about the issue of ninjutsu.

"The forbidden arts we need are all good things. If we can get them, it will be very convenient no matter what we do. What should we do now?"

"It's very simple. Since Senju Tobirama can develop such a forbidden technique from scratch, why can't I reproduce it?"

"Meow? This is something that tens of thousands of ninjas in the entire ninja world cannot do. Can you really do it, meow?"

"Hey, old man Shinyin and the others jokingly call me Tobirama of Uchiha. I think I can do it."

"In any case, the difficulty I faced was simpler than that developed by the Second Hokage out of thin air. When he was developing these ninjutsu, he didn't know whether he could succeed."

"And now, Senju Tobirama has completed the most important part in the development of ninjutsu. He has proved that such magical forbidden techniques can be successfully developed. And I know the source of these forbidden techniques. Naturally, I can recurrent."

"Okay, meow, then your first development goal is..."

"The Flying Thunder God Technique, this forbidden technique refers to the psychic effect. It uses the sealing technique to achieve the psychic or counter-psychic effect, and summons the caster to the sealing position."

"We have experienced both channeling and reverse channeling, and we have also taken the opportunity to achieve remote transmission, so the focus of development is to study sealing techniques."

Uchiha Yuu patted the large and small scrolls on his back and said with a smile: "The sealing technique knowledge I copied from the Shouzang Room, the Shisui Family, and the two elders' families."

"The heritage of the Uchiha family really amazes me. They have been enemies of the Uzumaki clan for hundreds of years. The elders of the past generations have copied all the sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan with copy eyes."

"Coupled with the basic knowledge of sealing techniques disclosed by Shisui and the elders in Konoha Village, it can be said that our Uchiha family also has a complete inheritance of whirlpool sealing techniques."

"It's a pity that the elders of the past generations have worked hard to accumulate such important knowledge, but it was forgotten and ate ashes in the treasure room."

"Now this knowledge is of great benefit to me. As long as I master these sealing techniques, I will be fully confident in reproducing the Second Hokage's Flying Thunder God Technique and the Earth Reincarnation Technique."

"The art of reincarnation in the dirty soil...you really want to meet the Second Hokage, nya."

Uchiha Yu joked with a smile: "Of course. How could I, Tobirama of Uchiha, not meet the genuine Tobirama? Besides, I sincerely asked this genius to help me straighten my path to immortality. "

The raccoon cat tilted its head and asked: "It is said that the Second Hokage hates Uchiha very much. Aren't you afraid that this person will lie to you?"

Uchiha Yu replied confidently: "Of course I'm not afraid."

"I don't care what he says. I don't even care if he is lying. As long as the master of forbidden arts opens his mouth, he will definitely convey the inspiration that comes to his mind. That's enough."

"Rika-chan, I am not an idiot like the Third Hokage. I will only follow the path opened by my predecessors and tinker with the ninjutsu of his father and the Second Hokage."

"Meow, Yu, you can't beat the Third Hokage, how dare you look down on me like this, meow?"

"Tsk, it's not that I look down on his current combat prowess. What I look down on is his ability to research ninjutsu. Look at the shuriken shadow clone jutsu, which is an A-level ninjutsu that can be blocked by C-level earth escape and earth wall. , this is all rubbish."

"The technique developed by the Third Hokage, the Daigo Escape Continuous Bullet, is interesting. He can't even figure out the Blood Succession Limit."

"Only people like him need to worry about being deceived by Senju Tobirama."

Uchiha Yuu patted his chest and said proudly: "I am different. I am very confident in researching and developing ninjutsu and senjutsu. What I need is the inspiration and vision of Senju Tobirama, the master of forbidden arts. , even if he starts to ridicule me for doing something wrong, I will get the precious inspiration I want."

Miwa Masayo was shocked by the shamelessness of the shit-sweeper. He froze in the action of combing his hair, and murmured: "So you wanted to use Senju Tobirama-sama in reverse from the beginning, but you can still do it like this, nya? "

"No wonder you keep saying that the art of reincarnation is a magical skill. According to this idea, it is indeed of infinite value."

Uchiha Yu nodded in agreement: "That's it. Without any great price, we can temporarily resurrect the geniuses in history, form the strongest research group that belongs to us, and use their intelligence to overcome the many obstacles on the road to immortality. "

"The value of the art of reincarnation in the dirty soil is comparable to that of Kaguya Otsutsuki."

"Kaguya Otsutsuki...what the hell are you thinking about? That's a god!!"

"Haha, the so-called gods... are just very powerful chakra controllers. One day..."

Uchiha Yuu was not afraid of Kaguya Otsutsuki at all, but regarded her as the best and perfect research subject.

Although the Umatsu goddess is also his ancestor, the generation gap is too long, and the relationship between them is not as close as the enemies of Sunagakure Village. There is no ethical psychological burden at all in using her as a research subject.

As for the identity of the gods, Uchiha Yuu didn't care. In his opinion, if a god wanted to bring the end of the world, it would be extremely merciful not to kill him.

Moreover, Otsutsuki Kaguya has unimaginable realm and power, but does not have the matching mind and combat power. No matter how you look at it, he is a coveted prey.

Instead of wasting time sealed on the moon, it would be better to "freely" become the subject of Uchiha Yuu's research.After all, his research method is different from Orochimaru's. It is not the destructive method of peeling skin, removing bones, dissecting and slicing for research, but is a meticulous and thorough observation.

Use the real god as a reference, learn how she uses her power, and carve out a path that suits you.

Otsutsuki Kaguya was in the ninja world and ate the chakra fruit that condensed the power of the ninja world. The Blood Successor Snare made possible by this, her power must contain the power characteristics of the ninja world and embody the natural laws of the ninja world. There is a clear difference from other Otsutsuki trees.

Although the immortal path that Uchiha Yuu embarked on is completely different from the immortal path in the Five Elements World, the principle that immortals follow the earth, earth follows the sky, heaven follows the path, and Tao follows nature will never be wrong.

Immortal magic must come from nature, and nature is obscure, conflicting, and ever-changing. However, the natural rules manifested in Kaguya Otsutsuki will inevitably become clear due to the abundance of power, which is comparable to the manifestation of natural rules in extreme environments.

In the ninja world, there is no better reference for Taoism than the goddess Uno. Even if she cannot become a Taoist companion, she must become a close Taoist friend.

The phrase "Fellow Taoist, please stay" was the right time to shout for her.

Don't worry, we, Yuu Uchiha, don't want your life, fellow Taoist.


Uchiha Yu, who was dreaming about the future with his Taoist companions, was suddenly awakened. He felt someone approaching him, with vague malice and murderous intent, and a cold and sluggish stench came from a distance.

Miwa Masashi also smelled the smell, and she whispered: "It's the root ninjas, they are coming."

Uchiha Yu was deeply surprised: "You actually came to me directly in the camp on the front line of Konoha. It seems that Danzo-sama's plan is not sophisticated. Does he want to do it forcefully?"

When the root ninja appeared, Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi were so surprised that they were speechless.

They could understand it without the masks, but what was the reason for the almost identical, stiff, puppet-like smiles on the two people's faces.

It's too permeable.

(End of this chapter)

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