Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 96 Detection Super Power

Chapter 96 Detection Super Power
Monday, May [-]th.

six o'clock in the morning.

The alarm clock on the bedside table rang on time, bringing Qingze back from his dream to reality.

He didn't open his eyes immediately.

Refreshing superpowers is much more exciting than opening a blind box. After several times, he still hasn't gotten used to it, and he can't face new superpowers calmly.

Qingze prayed silently in his heart for a while and slowly opened his eyes.

Superpower: Catalyst Sensing.

Looking at the words in the air, Qingze blinked, and the words gradually melted into the air.

He lifted the quilt, his eyes revealed a hint of contemplation, and the catalyst induction sounded like it had nothing to do with attack power.

With the idea of ​​​​trying, Qingze squatted down, put his right hand on the ceramic tile, and used the catalytic induction.

In an instant, he felt his sight suddenly rise, as if he had broken through to the outside of the apartment.

Picture after picture flooded into my mind, like a person suddenly faced with a room full of surveillance screens.

But he didn't feel dazzled, instead he felt a natural sense of comfort.

He can see all pictures clearly, listen to all sounds, and only needs a thought to make a certain picture clearer.

For example, downstairs.

Qingze thought for a moment, like invisible eyes and ears appearing on the tiles downstairs, staring at the two people fighting fiercely on the sofa.

He could see the expression on the woman's face that seemed to express how powerful she was, and he could also see the sweat flowing from her glistening neck to the mole on her chest.

The sounds of women and men were heard clearly, but they could not affect his mood.

At this moment, he had no desires and desires, like a god staring at humans in the dark.

Qingze stopped using the ability of catalyst induction, and the pictures disappeared.

His vision returned to normal range.

Qingze stood up with a look of surprise on his face, knowing what the ability of catalyst induction was.

That is, whatever he touches, he can sense what is around that object.

To put it more bluntly, if his hand touches the Apple camera, then the cameras of all Apple phones in Tokyo will become Ainsawa's eyes and ears.

He can peek into other people's lives through those cameras.

This is a superpower that is more convenient for spying on other people than clairvoyance.

It is also a super power that is very convenient for finding people.

With this superpower, he can easily find anyone he wants to find.

Who can I give it a try?
Qingze thought for a while and decided to find Masao Yasuda.

As long as the other party is in Tokyo, he cannot escape the tracking of his catalyst sensor.

To celebrate his new superpower, he decided to visit the congressman and have some heart-felt words.

Qingze made a decision in his mind, took off his pajamas and put on the uniform of Guanghui High School.

He opened the door and shouted out of habit: "Good morning, Chiyo."


A touching nasal voice came from Morimoto Chiyo's mouth.

Today, she is still practicing yoga, showing off her graceful body curves and soft figure.

It made Qingze want to poke holes in his yoga clothes.


Finished breakfast.

Qingze ran to school as usual.

Although the superpowers that are refreshed every week are powerful, they do not directly enhance the physical fitness.

In order to maintain his strong arm strength, he can do backflips easily and grab the horizontal bar and spin in circles without using his superpowers.

Make time to exercise every day.

You are tired, but a strong body can bring you confidence and firm will.After the kendo practice in the morning, Qingze was still the last member to leave and opened the door of the kendo club.

In the corridor outside, the girl was leaning against the wall. The color of her long hair ranged from blonde to multicolored, and she looked very gorgeous.

A bright smile appeared on her cheeks like baked bread.

"Good morning, Qingze, this is today's vegetable juice."

Qiuyue Caiyu smiled and handed over the thermos cup. Her wheat-colored fingers were covered with colorful manicure.

She likes to often do different manicures for herself. At least in Qingze's memory, she has replaced her manicures in as many as twenty colors.

"Thank you, I happen to be thirsty."

Qingze took the thermos cup from her and deliberately covered Qiuyue Caiyu's fingers with his palm.

That moment of contact made her heart beat faster, and she reluctantly took her hands out and held them behind her back.

Stimulate!Qiuyue Caiyu screamed in her heart, it was different from the last time they held hands while playing in the park.

The brief and inadvertent contact with Qingze every morning always made her heart flutter.

The blood flow seems to be faster.

The corners of her mouth curled up.

Qingze unscrewed the thermos cup, took a big sip of vegetable juice, and walked towards the door of the club building.

Akizuki Iroha put her hands behind her back and stepped forward with a smile, telling her what she had done over the weekend.

She just hid the fact that she made a short video. She just said that she went shopping with Saeko and the others, and was chatted up by others. She complained about Yuan's sexual indifference, and ran to KTV with the man in the middle.

Qingze listened to her patiently.

Those boring words spit out from Akizuki Iroha's pale pink lips, they are as beautiful as fairy tales, making people want to continue listening.

Occasionally, his mind would be sucked away by those two dimples.

Akizuki Iroha's smile has the magical power to infect others.


The morning class ends.

The ding-dong-dong bell rang, and Tetsuji Hojo stopped sleeping on the table and stood up.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji saw this scene, with a hint of surprise on her face and said: "Zheji, you actually woke up on your own?"

Hojo Tetsu pushed the frame of his sunglasses with his second hand and said with a serious expression: "Miss, I have something important to tell you. Let's go to the rooftop."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji blinked, not yet thinking clearly whether to agree or not.

Qingze patted her shoulder and said, "Don't be stunned, hurry up to the rooftop."

"I remember the rooftop should be locked."

Phoenix Academy Meiji is a little unsure.

It stands to reason that the school would lock the rooftop door to prevent students from breaking in without permission and causing any accidents.

Is it possible that all rooftops of Japanese schools are open to students?
Phoenix Academy Meiji didn't know much about this matter, so she went to the top floor of the school under the instigation of the two of them.

Just as she thought, the rooftop door was locked.

"Look, I said it was locked."

Phoenix Academy Meiji just finished saying this.

boom!Tetsuji Hojo violently opened the rooftop door with one punch and walked towards the rooftop.

"Is this really okay?"

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji turned her head, not understanding this behavior of destroying school property.

Qingze grabbed her shoulders with both hands and said, "I didn't see anything. You don't need to say this. Get out quickly."

"What the hell are you doing?"

Phoenix Academy Meiji complained, but she still didn't let her shoulders leave Qingze's hands and let him push her towards the rooftop.

Tetsuji Hojo in front took a deep breath, turned around, knelt down resolutely, put his hands on the ground, and kowtowed: "Miss, there is something important. I hope you can agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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