Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 94: One Stone, Three Birds

Chapter 94

McDonald's is located on the ground floor of the department store opposite Ayase Station.

Qingze thought about it and decided that the fastest place to fill his stomach was McDonald's.

He pushed open the door of McDonald's and was greeted by a blast of cool air, dispelling the heat outside.

Most of the seats inside the store were empty.

There was an employee standing at the front desk where the order was being placed. He had a spiky hair style common to male protagonists in hot-blooded comics.

He has sharp eyes, a beard, and a tall figure.

Qingze was slightly startled. He always felt that this person looked familiar. After looking at him for a second time, he still felt familiar.

"Qingze, what do you want to eat?"

"So it's Zheji. Without your sunglasses, I almost couldn't recognize you. You're so good, why did you take off your real body?"

"Don't add random settings to me, sunglasses are just a simple decoration."

"Haha, why do you suddenly want to work part-time?"

"The hourly wage is one thousand yen."

Hojo Tetsuji's answer is quite realistic.

Qingze felt a little sad that a famous delinquent actually went to work part-time at McDonald's. He always felt that he could see his friend's life after graduation.

"Is there anything you want to buy for your money?"

"The pocket money at home is just enough to survive. If I want to date Yoshikawa, I need money."

Hojo Tetsuji answered truthfully.

Qingze was silent. The two of them were thinking about dating funds without saying a word. In this regard, Hojo Tetsuji was very far-sighted.

"Okay, since you are here, I want to ask if this McDonald's is hygienic?"

Hojo Tetsuji was very surprised and said: "You have already eaten McDonald's, but you still care about hygiene?"

Qingze couldn't refute his words and said, "Then give me a value-for-money set meal for two."

"Okay, let's pay first."

Tetsuji Hojo is skilled in operating machines.

Qingze paid in cash and took the receipt.

He turned around and found a middle seat to sit down.

Several seats in the corner were already occupied.

Qingze took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Phoenix Academy Meiji, "I have already arrived at McDonald's, and I met Tetsuji working part-time here."

The message showed that it had been read, and the other party quickly replied, "Zheji actually works part-time? Take a photo and show it to me."

Qingze turned sideways, took a photo of Tetsuji Hojo at the front desk, and then clicked send.

"Haha, without sunglasses, Zheji looks like an ordinary uncle."

"Ordinary uncles don't have spiky hair."

Qingze typed a reply.


Chat for a while.

When Qing Ze heard Hojo Tetsuji calling him, he stood up and went to the front desk to get his set meal for two.

In addition to two burgers, two chicken wings, two Cokes, and a bag of fries.

The latter is obviously not included in the package.

Qingze sighed in his heart, it was different if there were internal connections.

Hojo Tetsuji pressed the tray with his hand and said with a serious expression: "I just thought of a question, that is, how should I date Yoshikawa after I work to make money?"

As expected, the "son" will not honor "the father" casually.

In order to get the free fries, Qingze thought for a while and said: "You rashly proposed a date, and Yoshikawa's character probably won't agree to it.

You need to slowly build a good image in Yoshikawa's mind and get closer a little bit before you can propose a date. "

"How to do it specifically?"

Hojo Tetsuji humbly asked for advice.

Qingze touched his chin with his hand and had an idea in his mind: "If you are positive, it will be difficult for you to achieve results. Someone needs to say good things about you in Yoshikawa's ears.

Make her feel a little curious about you. " Hojo Tetsuji was still very self-aware of himself, shook his head and said: "I don't know those friends of Yoshikawa. "

Qingze smiled and said: "You can ask Miji to join Yoshikawa's comics department.

If she becomes friends with Yoshikawa, won't she be able to put in a nice word for you? "

Qingze suddenly made such a suggestion because he thought that Mei Ji from the Phoenix Academy was often alone after school.

Qingze didn't know why she didn't go home, but the eldest lady must have a reason why she didn't want to go home.

He couldn't interfere, so he wanted to help Phoenix Academy Meiji find friends of the same sex so that she wouldn't be lonely at school.

Usually Qingze couldn't find a good opportunity to persuade her to make friends.

After being asked by Tetsuji Hojo, he suddenly felt that this was a good opportunity, not only to help Tetsuji chase Yoshikawa, but also to make friends with the Phoenix Academy Princess.

Kill two birds with one stone.

"The eldest lady will not agree."

"Don't look at Mei Ji's hard-hearted look. As long as you sincerely beg, she will definitely agree."

Hojo Tetsuji thought for a while to leave a good impression on Sayuri Yoshikawa.

He decided to try to beg the Phoenix Academy Princess on his knees, nodded and said: "Okay, I will go back and practice the earth seat to ensure my sincerity."

"You're not alone. I'll cover you."

"Qingze, you are indeed my good brother!"

Tetsuji Hojo clenched his fists and could already see the dreamy scene of dating Sayuri Yoshikawa on the beach in summer.

To prepare for that day, he must work hard to make money part-time!
Qingze smiled, the happiness of a single-cell man is that simple.

He picked up his lunch, turned around and walked back to his seat.


Three forty in the afternoon.

Ikebukuro, maid cafe.

Arakawa Reina sighed softly.

She feels very tired.

It has nothing to do with work, she has long been accustomed to working part-time in a maid cafe.

She is confident that she can smile sweetly at any time and cast the magic of love on her guests' meals.

Reina Arakawa is tired of her heart.

Since yesterday afternoon, Rena Arakawa has been constantly deducing in her mind how she should respond to Aosawa's visit, as well as Aosawa's possible reaction.

And that deduction kept escalating in his mind, but the reality was that Qingze didn't show up.

Rena Arakawa remembered how relieved she was at the end of work yesterday.

I started working this morning, and the anxiety continued again. Now, Rena Arakawa has changed from worrying about Aosawa showing up in the cafe to hoping that Aosawa will show up soon!

Otherwise, the constant worry that Qingze might come to her door would continue to linger in her heart.

Every time she heard the bell ringing to open the door, she would be subconsciously startled, thinking it was Qingze arriving.

Time and time again it was found that it was not.

This feeling is really excruciating.

Just like the sword of Damocles hanging above your head, it is not clear when it will fall, which is the most terrifying thing.

Rather than continue to worry, Arakawa Rena hoped that the other party would be happy and appear directly in front of her.

Wait, is it possible that this is also part of Qingze's plan?

Deliberately not coming, creating anxiety and panic in her heart, and then making her who originally resisted Qingze's arrival turn to hope that Qingze would appear in the store quickly.

The scumbag's scheming is too terrifying.

Arakawa Reina suddenly took a breath of cold air.


The sound of the door opening sounded again, and Reina Arakawa subconsciously took a look, and saw a familiar face walking in from outside the store.

It's Qingze!
Rena Arakawa was convinced that this was her in PUA.

(End of this chapter)

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