Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 92 Morimotoyo’s urgent mission

Chapter 92 Chiyo Morimoto’s urgent mission

Sunday, May [-]th.

Because of the holiday, Qingze did not choose to get up at six in the morning and slept until past seven.

"Ah," he yawned, put on his casual blue and white suit at home, and walked slowly out the door.

"Good morning, Chiyo."

"You little lazy boy, hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth."

Chiyo Morimoto's soft voice was a bit doting, but she didn't practice yoga as usual.

Sleeping until you wake up naturally is the way you should sleep and live during the holidays.

Therefore, she also went to bed late and was only preparing breakfast now.

The sound of steak frying came from the pan.

Qingze yawned and walked to the bathroom.

Looking at his sleepy self in the mirror, he used his tooth cup to collect water.

A week goes by so fast.

Tomorrow is Monday, I wonder what kind of super power will be refreshed?

It is also unclear how the transformation ability will be weakened, and how long the transformation will take?

Or is the type of transformation difficult?

Thinking about those things in his mind, he squeezed out the toothpaste on the toothbrush, picked up the tooth cup filled with water, rinsed his mouth, spit it out, and started brushing his teeth.

After he was done, he washed his face. The boy in the mirror became energetic and smoothed his short black hair.

Qingze washed the towel, hung it up, turned around and walked out of the bathroom.

There was no more sizzling sound inside the pot.

Chiyo Morimoto scooped out the steak and placed it on top of the lettuce.

Underneath the lettuce were slices of fried bread.

Today's breakfast is Chiyo Morimoto's homemade sandwich, using a knife to cut the bread and steak diagonally.

Two glasses of freshly squeezed juice are placed on the kitchen bar.

"Drink the juice first."

Chiyo Morimoto warned.

Qingze rolled his eyes and said: "Chiyo, sometimes you are like the old lady, always telling me the same things over and over again."

"If I don't tell you, you won't obey me."

Chiyo Morimoto replied angrily, saying that she knew Qingze's character too well.

If you don’t say some steps, then you just do whatever you want.

Qingze smiled and sat on a high stool. He suddenly discovered that Chiyo Morimoto opposite him was not wearing casual clothes today, but was wearing a police uniform.

"Chiyo, do you want to go to work today?"

"You brat, you're still making excuses when you say you have no conscience, but now you realize that my clothes are different."

Chiyo Morimoto picked up the juice and glanced at someone.

Qingze said with a playful smile: "I just woke up, my mind is a little confused."

Chiyo Morimoto took a sip of juice and explained: "The director called me in the morning and said there was an urgent mission and asked me to go to the police station."

"What urgent mission is it?"

"He didn't say anything. He didn't find out until he went there. It's really troublesome."

Chiyo Morimoto muttered, so that the director could urgently summon her, a professional police department on vacation, to explain that she was related to a certain big shot.

If it were a small person, there would be no need to send her out.

The police department of the professional group specializes in handling the cases of big shots at certain times.

Those police departments with low academic qualifications are responsible for handling the cases of ordinary people.

This is also an unknown unspoken rule within the police station.


Finished with breakfast.Chiyo Morimoto drove to Ayase Police Station.

She drives a moderately priced white Toyota.

Parking the car in the parking lot, Chiyo Morimoto locked the door and walked to the Ayase Police Station.

I didn’t say hello to anyone along the way.

Within the police station, she had some dealings with some female police officers.

Others are unfamiliar.

Chiyo Morimoto chose to fish and lie flat. Naturally, she had to refuse social interactions that made her unhappy, and she didn’t need to worry about whether the relationship with other colleagues was awkward.

She came to the director's office, raised her hand, knocked on the door, and shouted: "Director Kimura, I am Chiyo Morimoto."

"Please come in."

A rich voice came from behind the door.

Chiyo Morimoto opened the door. The director's office was not very large, but of average size, with simple furnishings. There was a fish tank against the wall on the right side.

The wrinkled old man sat in a chair, his hair turned black, and there was his name tag on his desk.

Director: Tadao Kimura.

He had a serious face, and his eyes were not as cloudy as those of an old man, but rather sharp. He looked like a smart and capable type.

The private reputation is not good.

Incompetent, arrogant, and likes men.

Almost all the handsome young men in the police station were harassed by him.

Slapping the butt is a common tactic.

Chiyo Morimoto doesn't care. The director is harassing men, not women.

"Director Kimura, I wonder why you came to see me?"

Tadao Kimura said solemnly: "Morimoto Police Department, a shocking crime is happening in Tokyo recently, and the Metropolitan Police Department wants to expand the task force to handle the case.

I have recommended you as a member of the task force. "

When Chiyo Morimoto heard these words, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes and she said, "Director Kimura, I'm afraid my abilities are a bit lacking."

"It doesn't matter. When you get to the task force, it's the same as working here. Don't feel any pressure."

The seriousness on Kimura's face softened and changed to gentleness. He chose Chiyo Morimoto to join the task force because he liked Chiyo Morimoto's ability to fish.

Masao Yasuda's plan to expand the task force has become unstoppable. The police chief has no choice but to find other ways to add obstacles, that is, to add a few fishermen or assassins to the task force, thereby indirectly hindering the handling of the case.

Kimura Tadao is the confidant of the Police Director, not from this generation, but from the previous generation, and the Kimura family has a good relationship with the Police Director's family.

The police chief wanted to pick that kind of person, so he naturally wanted to help. Looking around the Ayase Police Station, only Chiyo Morimoto was the most suitable person.

From a resume perspective, Chiyo Morimoto can’t fault anything at all.

The marksmanship course ranks first in the police department every year, as does the baton skill, and the unarmed combat skills are equally excellent.

Almighty in force, he is also a top student at Dongda University.

The elite of the elite.

Just looking at the data on paper, I am afraid no one can imagine that Chiyo Morimoto is a super fishy character.

All the tasks given by Tadao Kimura were often turned in late, and some were delayed until the deadline.

At a young age, he has already lived a retired life without fighting against the world, without any ambition for advancement.

"Director Kimura, I promise to work hard just like here, and never let down your expectations!"

Chiyo Morimoto was not a fool. He immediately figured out that the other party was still willing to send him to the task force even though he was fishing like this, because he did not want the task force to solve the case.

Tadao Kimura nodded with satisfaction. Talking to smart people saves your worries. He said, "If you have anything you don't understand, remember to ask me at any time. The Ayase Police Station will always have your backing."

The subtext is to let her work as an undercover agent in the task force.

Chiyo Morimoto complained in her heart that she was caught in such a situation and was also involved in the power struggle above.

Hey, people are in a system and cannot help themselves.

"Yes, I will definitely ask Director Kimura if I have anything to ask."

(End of this chapter)

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