Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 89 Qingze waiting for the opportunity

Chapter 89 Qingze waiting for the opportunity

it is finally over.

Qingze sighed in his heart, he was now a crow, staying on the branch outside the meeting room of the Metropolitan Police Department.

At first he was attracted by the name Dior being discussed at the meeting, and turned into a gecko lying on the window frame to listen to the content of the meeting.

After listening for a long time, he felt very bored, so he climbed behind the tree again, transformed into a crow, and stayed on the branch to look at the lights of the conference room from a distance.

Qingze didn't fly away or go shopping somewhere, he just held a strong energy in his heart.

He wanted to see how long these people could hold the meeting.

The truth is that he underestimated their ability to hold meetings.

A very small thing, in the words of these elites, turns into a very complicated and convoluted statement.

Various professional terms and division of department responsibilities made Qingze deeply aware of his lack of knowledge.

But he didn't feel envious. He just felt that these people were really full and had nothing to do.

Something that can be settled in one sentence.

They just made hundreds of circuitous tests before that sentence. It's really speechless that smart brains are used to delve into this kind of thing.

Qingze flapped his wings and left.

His trip was not fruitless. Among the people attending the meeting, he still targeted unusual people.

That is Emily, who is wearing a dress and has a face like a doll.

It would be strange not to wear formal attire for such an occasion.

Not to mention, those elites actually let Emily speak on the stage.

Obviously, this person has a special status in the task force.


The fourth meeting officially ended.

Emily suppressed the anger in her heart and walked quickly outside the Metropolitan Police Department to where the car was parked.

The suppressed anger in her heart burst out, she kicked the wheel fiercely, and said angrily: "A bunch of idiots!
It was agreed to expand the size of the task force, but the result was that not a single word was mentioned, and they were all shirking responsibility!
Wasting my time! "

Regarding her irritable behavior, Okayama Taketa shrugged and said, "Okay, don't be angry, everything is moving in a good direction."

When Emily heard this, her blue eyes widened, and she said with astonishment on her face: "I thought you, like me, hated that kind of meeting.

Is it possible that you have a sexy physique, and the more painful you are, the happier you feel? "

"I don't have that kind of fetish. I just saw the purpose behind this meeting."

Okayama Taketa opened the car door while defending himself.

Emily got into the back seat.

Next to her is the tall Catalina.

"What's the point of this kind of kicking the ball around?"

Okayama Taketa heard her inquiry and patiently replied: “The person who wants to expand the size of the task force is Civic Party member Masao Yasuda.

He wanted to capture Dio to prove his majesty and let people know what would happen to those who offended his protection.

But our police chief is from the Liberal Democratic Party.

Rather than being able to solve Dior's case, he wanted to let Masao Yasuda take advantage of him and undermine the prestige of the Civic Party.

Masao Yasuda could not bypass the Inspector General of Police's expansion of the task force, and he also had to deal with the six people from the Public Security Committee questioning Yasuda's involvement in the Metropolitan Police Department.

In order to achieve these two conditions, Masao Yasuda must make the matter bigger and involve more people and departments.

Let them realize that once the Dior incident is exposed, they and others may become scapegoats for taking the blame and resigning.

Just watch, at the end of tomorrow's meeting, someone from the Civic Party will definitely express his willingness to take all responsibility for the Dior incident.

The premise is that the size of the task force must be expanded as soon as possible.

At that time, all departments will work together to help Masao Yasuda achieve the expansion of the task force in return for the goodwill released by Masao Yasuda.

The exchange of benefits and benefits.

This is the tacit understanding of politicians. "

After listening to Okayama Taketa's explanation, Emily curled her lips and said, "It's really troublesome!"

"As long as power is involved, there is no small matter." Okayama Taketa shrugged.

He was born into a police family, and his father had been teaching him since he was very young.

What is the purpose of those leaders meeting?

All meetings are not set up to solve problems, but to discuss how to allocate power to each other.

Solving problems is just something that needs to be solved smoothly after the distribution of power.

Of course, not all problems can be solved.

When it comes to things like people's livelihood and infrastructure, no matter how much power is allocated, no one will be willing to take it seriously.

If you want to benefit the public, you will inevitably destroy the cake of existing vested interests.

How can capitalism do something that revolutionizes itself?

And that kind of thing takes a long time, and it takes even longer to get the reward.

For the ruling party, it is better to directly draw the pie to win the support of voters than to bear the infamy and let the next leadership team sit back and reap the benefits.


Small talk all the way.

Okayama Taketa parked the car in front of Emily's house.

It was a two-story mansion.

The doors and windows are all lowered and sealed with heavy iron plates.

There are surveillance cameras and infrared alarm devices in the courtyard. They will not sound at the scene. Instead, they will alert Emily directly on her cell phone that there is an intruder.

As a detective prone to making enemies, Emily is very concerned about her personal safety.

The iron plates blocking the doors and windows are on the outside and can only be opened by remote control.

In order to prevent hackers from intruding and causing the embarrassment of sealing her off, a manual door opening function was added to the house.

This house is her safe base.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

"Okay," Emily sighed.

In order to expand the task force and catch Dio as soon as possible, she could only endure the nonsense of those people.

"You be careful."

Okayama Taketa reminded me.

Emily smiled and said: "Don't worry, no one can hurt me when I return to this safe house."

Catalina took out the control key of the door switch from her pocket, first turned off the infrared alarm device at the door, and then raised the iron plate blocking the door and windows.

Emily and Katerina walked inside.

In the sky above the safe house, Qingze transformed from a peregrine falcon into a mosquito and quickly approached the balcony.

His idea is simple. No matter what kind of security equipment Emily has, it only protects against people, but not against mosquitoes.

Unless a very hidden electrical grid is laid at the door.

Qingze took a look inside and found no dangerous equipment that could kill mosquitoes.

And the balcony was not closed.

The iron plate had been lowered before, so Emily really didn't need to close the door.

Qingze easily flew into the house, and when he got close to the corner, he turned into a gecko again.

The dark room was more conducive to the gecko's vision. He quickly scanned the living room on the second floor and explored again to confirm that there were no surveillance cameras in every corner of the house.

They probably think that the defense of the iron plate is very strong and no one can sneak into it.

Qingze quickly transformed into a Dior home appearance in front of the sofa, with his upper body naked and his top turning into a book with a complicated cover.

He sat down calmly, crossed his legs, and opened the book. The book was completely blank, and he waited quietly for the moment the light came on.

 PS: Thanks for the unreasonable tip.

  I’m going to Sanjiang. Thanks to everyone’s support, it will be on the shelves next Friday. Thank you even more.The next recommendation is to strongly recommend it on the homepage, and I hope you will follow it again.

(End of this chapter)

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