Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 80 Akizuki Iroha is anxious about being trafficked

Chapter 80 Akizuki Iroha is anxious about being trafficked
A few more days passed.

May [-]th, Saturday.

Public schools have the whole day off on Saturdays, and only private schools still have classes in the morning.


Akizuki Iroha let out a long sigh and sat on the bench in the atrium, holding a thermos cup filled with vegetable juice in both hands.

Since tomorrow is a holiday, we can't deliver vegetable juice to Qingze.

Qiuyue Caiyu never thought that she would actually look forward to a time when school would not be on holiday.

As long as the school is not on holiday, she can deliver vegetable juice to Qingze every day.

The journey from the club building to the teaching building and then to the classroom was the only place where she communicated with Qingze at the end of the day.

During recess time, lunch break, and afternoon after school time, she always stayed with Takahashi Saeko and others.

Mainly because during those times, she had no reason to look for Qingze and was afraid that she would be too obvious.

According to what Saeko Takahashi said before, when you are in love, the one who confesses your love first will often be in a weak position.

If you want to gain a dominant position, you must do everything you can to get the other party to express his feelings first.

Secondly, if a girl is too clingy, it is easy for the other party to feel disgusted, so the privacy space of both parties must be preserved.

It's really hard to chase boys.

Qiuyue Caiyu looked up at the blue sky and found a white cloud that looked like a marshmallow.

It tastes absolutely delicious.

She stretched out her right hand. The marshmallow cloud seemed very close, but in fact it was far away. It was impossible to catch it and taste it.

I can only imagine the taste of clouds in my mind.

Her mind was wandering.

A timid voice floated from the side, "Qiuyue-san, good morning!"

Qiuyue Caiyu looked away from the clouds and glanced at the girl who said hello.

Two black braids hang on her shoulders, the bangs on her forehead cover her eyebrows, and she wears very rustic glasses.

The girl is a bit hunchbacked and seems to have a socially anxious personality.

"Good morning, Arakawa-san, what can I do?"

"Um..." Arakawa Rena pushed the frame of the mirror with her hand, glanced at the ground, not daring to look directly at Qiuzuki Iroha and said, "Are you and Aozawa-san dating recently?"

Qiuyue Caiyu's wheat-colored cheeks suddenly turned red, and she quickly waved her hands and said: "No! We are not dating!"

Hearing this, Arakawa Rena's eyes no longer wandered around, staring at Akizuki Iroha's cheek.

The panic and blush were suppressed by Qiuyue Caiyu in an instant. She leaned back, crossed her legs and said: "As for boyfriends, I have several.

But Qingze is either my boyfriend or an ordinary friend. "

After explaining this, Qiuyue Caiyu's eyes flashed with confusion and said: "Squad leader, why do you ask this?"

"I just saw that you and Qingze-san always go through the back door, so I thought you were dating."

Arakawa Rena explained with a smile, her eyes became guilty again, and she glanced at the ground left and right.

The reason why she wanted to ask Qiuyue Caiyu was to see if Qingze was a scumbag.

While holding on to her secret, he had a harmonious relationship with other girls.

Phoenix Academy Miki and Arakawa Rena can be understood as the relationship between the front and back desks.

Being close to Akizuki Iroha is a little different.

Rena Arakawa was worried.

If the two of them hadn't started dating yet, Qingze would have thought that he could use that weakness to take advantage of her and gain some leverage.

She could already imagine the sadness of her married life.

Things that are unilaterally squeezed will no longer be limited to imagination, but will become a reality not far away.

Therefore, Rena Arakawa must muster the courage to check whether things are as she imagined.

Fortunately, Akizuki Iroha and Aozawa are not in a relationship yet.

Rena Arakawa breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought that the phrase "we are just friends" is a mantra often spoken by scumbag men and scumbag women.Akizuki Iroha is a good girl who is willing to help her classmates, but she is very carefree when it comes to relationships between men and women.

She can easily talk about having several boyfriends, as well as an unknown number of ex-boyfriends.

Maybe the friendship she talks about can be treated sincerely.

A series of guesses flashed through Arakawa Rena's mind, and her body trembled slightly.

If Qingze gets tired of playing with Qiuyue Iroha, will the next step be to threaten her with secrets?

Force her to give in little by little.

In the warehouse of the gymnasium, on the rooftop, in the empty classrooms, in the health room beds with the curtains drawn...

Rena Arakawa's face turned pale as she thought about such a future.

No, she must not let Qingze threaten her all the time, she must resist his tyranny!


Qiuyue Caiyu found that the monitor's state was not right. His eyes were swaying from side to side, unwilling to look directly at people.

This is a lying expression.

"Monitor, are you lying?"

"Qiuyue-san, I'm not lying, I'm just a little curious. Think about it, Qingze clearly has such a good relationship with the Phoenix Institute."

Arakawa Rena subconsciously looked for reasons to defend herself.

The fire of the famous detective that had just awakened in Akizuki Iroha's heart was instantly extinguished.

She told Saeko and the others that she wasn't worried about the relationship between Qingze and the Phoenix Institute.

My real thought is that I am super worried!
I'm afraid that one day, the two of them will suddenly announce that they are dating.

Then she will face the first lovelorn in her life.

She felt horrified just thinking about it, and she had no intention of caring about whether Rena Arakawa lied.

"I heard from Qingze that he and Phoenix Academy are just ordinary friends, not like what his classmates say."

"That's right. Sorry, I have other things to do. I'll take my leave first."

Rena Arakawa bowed, ended the topic, turned around and ran towards the teaching building.

Qiuyue Caiyu didn't stop her, she clenched the thermos cup with both hands and murmured in a low voice: "It doesn't matter, I still have a chance!"

As long as he confirms his relationship with Qingze before the Phoenix Academy, there will be no problem.


As the time for class approached, Qiuyue Caiyu was standing outside the club building. When she saw Qingze appearing at the door, she raised her hand and said hello: "Good morning, Qingze."

"Good morning, Iroha."

"Here, this is today's vegetable juice."

Qiuyue Caiyu handed over the thermos cup, and the nails on the five fingers of her right hand shone light red in the sun.

Qingze smiled and said, "Thank you very much. I have to trouble you to make a trip every day."

Qiuyue Caiyu said in a casual tone: "It doesn't matter, I can't bear to drink two bottles of vegetable juice. I really can't stand the taste."

She stuck out her tongue and made an intolerable expression.

"Yeah, I feel like it doesn't matter how many bottles I drink."

Qingze unscrewed the lid and drank heavily.

Qiuyue Caiyu looked at his raised neck, and his Adam's apple swallowing vegetable juice looked so tempting.

She also swallowed, then looked away with guilt, and glanced left and right.

During this time, there are no other students outside the teaching building.

It was so quiet that there seemed to be only two people in the school.

Qiuyue Caiyu looked at the two figures on the ground, very close to each other, and couldn't help but secretly smile.

Hehe, they look like a couple.

(End of this chapter)

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