Chapter 7
Guanghui High School, Class C, sophomore year.

Leisure time after the first class.

Aozawa reached out and patted Tetsuji Hojo's shoulder beside him, and shouted: "Hey, Hojo, get out of class is over, wake up and talk nonsense."

Tetsuji Hojo wears sunglasses, so people don't know whether he has his eyes open or closed. Only when he raises his head and stretches greatly can people know he is awake.

"It's finally over. What a terrifying hypnosis."

Qingze complained: "Seriously, why did you come to class?"

Tetsu Hojo pushed up his sunglasses with his second hand and said with a very serious expression: "Of course it's for study."

The red mark on the hand still remained on the cheek, which was completely unconvincing.

Qingze shook his head. If he didn't like studying and still insisted on coming to class every day, there could only be one reason.

"Hojo, do you like a girl in your class?"

"How did you, you know?!"

Tetsuji Hojo had a very shocked expression on his face. He thought he had concealed his thoughts well, but he didn't expect them to be exposed.

Is it possible that this guy can read minds?

"Damn it, I was careless, you kid, don't continue to invade my brain!"

Hojo Tetsuji suddenly shouted, and remembered what the TV said. At this time, people can avoid the influence of mind reading as long as they enter a state of nothingness and empty their brains.

He kept chanting Namo Amitabha in his mouth, trying to divert Qingze's mind-reading attention.

Aozawa looked at his stupid scene and could only lament that Tetsuji Hojo, who was originally an idiot, encountered Japan's happy education, and the effect was not that one plus one equals two.

I will never be able to rely on my brain for food in this life.

Qingze didn't bother to explain to the other party that he didn't have the ability to read minds, and looked at the front table.

Her long blond hair cascaded down her back.

When the sunlight invades the classroom outside the window, this blond hair will become shiny and very beautiful.

It's not that time yet.

Qingze lay on the table, leisurely counting the girl's hair.

Phoenix Academy Meiji didn't leave her seat, and she knew she had no friends at a glance.

The circle of the class is often fixed on the first day of class placement. The girl who transfers to another school on the third day is so beautiful that no girl would want to get close to her.

In other words, she was lucky because she was not bullied.

Qingze thought and decided to be friends with the other person. He couldn't just lie here and count his hair every time after class. "Hey, Phoenix Institute, have you heard about Kita Senju?"


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji is reading a book, or pretending to be reading, so as not to make people think that she is just sitting here in a daze, looking pitiful and friendless.

Even though she was in such a state of desolation, she didn't want to talk to the people at the back of her desk, nor did she want to talk to her deskmates.

There was a strange guy at the back table who didn't know what he was thinking.

The deskmate next to me is an uncle wearing sunglasses and a beard. Is this guy really a high school student?
Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy felt that she was extremely unlucky to meet this pair of sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks.

What's even more unfortunate is that the person at the back table still wants to talk to her.

Her good upbringing prevented her from ignoring the harmless remarks from others. She turned slightly sideways and looked at the boys at the back table with her bright eyes.

The other person has a clean shaven head and a smile as clear as an unpolluted lake.

"I've heard about the incident in Kita Senju. Do you have any questions?"

"What do you think of Takehiro Iwama?" Qingze wanted to chat to kill time, so he had to choose the hottest topic at the moment.

"A reformed coward." Phoenix Academy Meiji gave her own evaluation.

She has read the follow-up police reports and has a different view of Takehiro Iwama's life experience.

Many religious people on the Internet tout Takehiro Iwama's transformation as salvation from God. If not, how could a gambler become so heroic and fearless?

In the eyes of Phoenix Academy Meiji, this is a coward who realizes that he has done something wrong and then tries his best to make up for it.

If you really have the courage, you should stay away from gambling shops like Pachinko before something happens.

Instead of crying and regretting that you shouldn't have done that after your family was destroyed.

Qingze showed a hint of interest and said with a smile: "People on the Internet say that he was inspired by God. Don't you think so?"

"I don't believe in God."

Phoenix Academy Meiji is a staunch atheist.

She believes that God is a virtual spiritual sustenance created by a group of weak and powerless people to escape their own powerlessness.

The church seizes on the weaknesses in people's hearts and uses them to seek benefits.

"If there is no god, how can we explain that Takehiro Iwama killed so many Yakuza by himself?"

Qingze turned into a gang spirit and continued to ask questions.

Tetsuji Hojo, who was almost asleep next to him, heard the topic he was good at and joined the conversation: "What's so difficult about this? I often beat dozens of people by myself."

"You are an exception. Not everyone can fight like you."

Aosawa just complained about Tetsuji Hojo's words without questioning them.

Because he saw with his own eyes that this man defeated dozens of people with his bare hands and was still a high school student.

In delinquent school comics, this guy is a proper male protagonist, but his dream is not to dominate the top delinquents in Japan, so he missed the lead role.

"Ha ha."

Phoenix Academy Meiji had a gentle smile on her face, but she didn't believe a word of it in her heart. Killing dozens of people by one person was too stingy to brag. It would be more domineering to say that killing a thousand people would be more domineering.

"I guess it's adrenaline."

Phoenix Academy Miki continued to express her views on Takehiro Iwama’s fight, “The strong hatred and anger caused Takehiro Iwama’s adrenaline to surge rapidly, like a stimulant, making him forget the pain.

However, this is my personal guess, and the specific results need to wait for the police to make a judgment on his autopsy. "

"It's impossible for the police to conduct an autopsy on him. Now a group of fanatical believers are gathered on the street, saying that they must protect his body. I saw in the video that the police's combat effectiveness is not as good as that group of believers."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji was silent for a while and sighed: "This is indeed a problem."

The inability to draw a specific conclusion and verify whether what she said was correct made her a little anxious. She wished she could transform into a forensic doctor and rush forward to conduct an autopsy.

But she didn't learn the relevant knowledge, so she could only give up that impulsive idea.

The topic has reached an insurmountable barrier at this point. Qingze casually changed the topic and said: "Phoenix Institute, where did you dye your hair?"

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji said truthfully: "I am of mixed British and Japanese descent, and my hair has never been dyed."

"I guess that's it, the hair color would never look this good if it were rendered."

"Haha." She smiled, not knowing whether to be happy or disgusted. It seemed inappropriate to comment on a girl's hair color in person.

However, she looked at Qingze's undisguised smile and felt that the other party had no ill intentions, so she took it as a kind compliment.

(End of this chapter)

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