Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 60: Secret Skills of Hot Girls

Chapter 60: Secret Skills of Hot Girls (please read more)

"Huh, huh."

Akizuki Iroha gasped for air.

Her motor skills are not very good and she rarely runs. If she has to do something related to sports, it's probably going shopping.

The only good thing is that since she never exercised, she still followed Madoka Doma's suggestion and bought a sports bra, which allowed her to suddenly start running without the pain in her chest making her want to die.

She held the school door with one hand and breathed in the cool morning air. When she exhaled it, it turned into a stream of hot air and dissipated in the air.

The buttons of the white shirt were being breathed so violently, and there was a feeling that they were about to move away from the shirt at any time.


The discipline committee member at the door scolded him sternly. He had a slicked back hair and wore a black uniform from Guanghui High School, which was somewhat similar to a suit, but without a tie.

"Akiyuki Iroha, I should have warned you again and again, wear your school uniform properly and don't tie it around your waist!
And don’t lift your short skirt up to expose your thighs, it’s simply shameless! "

Listening to the other party's scolding in the tone of a dean, Qiuyue Caiyu calmed down and glared: "What a waste of time, you four-eyed boy!

From the first year of high school to now, don't you feel annoyed?

I am who I am, and I don’t care about simple things like school rules. "

Kyouichiro Furuzawa pushed the frame of the mirror with his hand and said in a deep voice: "If you don't get me dressed at the stipulated time, don't even think about letting me enter the school today!"

"Haha, if you dare to touch me, I will report it to the teacher immediately. You are molesting me."

"As expected, the opposite sex is cutest only in elementary school."

Furusawa Kyouichiro's face was filled with annoyance, and he felt helpless against the big killer weapon offered by Akizuki Iroha.

It also made him miss more and more how cute and obedient girls in elementary school were.

Thinking about those girls who advance to junior high school, high school, or even university, they will evolve into such unruly and unreasonable women.

How cruel the years are!
"You lolicon is really disgusting, stay away from me."

"Nonsense, I just care about whether Japan's future flowers can thrive. No, flowers should always remain flowers. If they grow, they will be useless!"

Kyouichiro Furuzawa quickly changed his mind. In his eyes, graduating from elementary school represents the end of a woman's career.

It’s okay for women in the world to always be primary school students.

Akizuki Iroha just wanted to roll her eyes.

This was not the first time that she had resorted to a deadly weapon that would cause indecent assault whenever she dared to use it, but the other party had no choice every time.

Because Kyouichiro Furuzawa couldn't find a girl to help organize her clothes.

His perverted habits caused all the girls in the school to stay away from him.

No one wants to have anything to do with a lolicon and cause rumors.

Akizuki Iroha ignored Kyouichiro Furuzawa who was in self-pity and walked directly into the campus.

She did not continue to chase Qingze. The running just now almost made her exhausted, so she should observe from a distance.

Akizuki Iroha strolled on the campus road and found a bench near the playground. She sat down directly. A cool breeze penetrated the school uniform skirt and invaded the skin of her thighs.


Qiuyue Caiyu took a breath, then relaxed her body, leaned back, and stared at the playground in front of her.

The familiar boy ran against the morning breeze.

That kind of focus on the goal, in Qiuyue Caiyu's eyes, there is an indescribable handsomeness.


Qingze finished his morning run and entered the kendo club training in the club building.

Qiuyue Caiyu then moved his position.

She did not come forward to say hello, but still followed from a distance, and then looked at Qingze who was training inside through the crack in the door deliberately left by the kendo department.

"Noodles!" "Card!"

Qingze's powerful shouts coupled with the crisp sound of bamboo knives clashing with each other made Qingze look particularly brave.

No one in the kendo club could fight with him for more than a few seconds. Almost all of them were defeated in a few blows as soon as they entered the battle.

Qiuyue Caiyu outside the door saw her blood boiling with excitement, as if she was standing in the house killing everyone.She felt that Qingze was really outstanding, capable of both literary and military skills.

After all, for her who often fails, passing is a great achievement.

She thinks there is nothing wrong with Qingze Nengwen.

Not to mention the martial arts aspect, he is invincible in all the battles in the house, and his demon-like figure already shows how powerful Qingze is.

Qiuyue Caiyu watched Qingze train like this, not feeling bored at all.

As time passed, people from the Kendo Club began to leave the activity room.

They glanced at the hot girl in the corridor outside, said nothing, and pretended not to see anyone.

With Takahashi Saeko's advance greeting, they all knew what kind of feelings this hot girl had for Qing Ze.

I was also crying silently in my heart and scolding Qingze, damn him!
Everyone is a member of the kendo club. He is popular and has hot girls chasing after him, but the others are still single!

Even the occasional romantic encounters were only proposed because the other party wanted to find out about Qingze.

The boys in the kendo club felt their hearts bleed when they thought of Takahashi Saeko.

At first I thought it was just me having an affair, but when I got to the Kendo Club, I showed off to my companions a little about the affair during the holiday, and I realized that this affair was not limited to me, but that everyone in the Kendo Club had an affair!

And it's still the same object.

Saeko Takahashi is a little devil!

The boys were thinking about it, and they were full of attachment to that kind of devilish woman.

Unlike other girls, Takahashi Saeko can always find topics that allow them to talk freely.

In front of her, the boys were not as stiff as they used to be when facing other girls, and they talked endlessly.

I thought it was because of my extraordinary performance, but now that I think about it, I was completely toyed with by that demon girl.

The boys in the kendo club left dejectedly.

Only Qingze was left in the activity room. With his back to the door, he waved the bamboo sword in his hand. His shouts, moves, and vigor all seemed so perfect.

Even a layman, Akizuki Iroha, could tell that there was absolutely nothing wrong with this posture.

When the time was almost up, Qiuyue Caiyu did not lean against the wall, but chose to go to the side, pretending that she had just finished club activities.

The sliding door of the kendo club opened, and Qingze took off his protective gear and stepped out.

"Good morning, Qingze, what a coincidence."

"Good morning," Qingze wanted to complain. This guy was staring at him in the playground and the kendo department was waiting.

It made him want to redefine the meaning of true coincidence.

"Iroha, why are you here?"

"The club's seniors have something to do."

Qiuyue Caiyu answered vaguely and said with a smile: "So you are in the kendo club."


Qingze nodded and cooperated with her acting: "What club are you in?"

"I am a member of the Human Observation Society."

Qingze didn't know where to complain about this club. He thought about it and said dryly: "What a wonderful club."


Qiuyue Caiyu smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed into crescent shapes, she took out a thermos cup from her schoolbag and said, "I have vegetable juice here, do you want to drink it?"

No boy can refuse a drink offered by a girl when he is thirsty.

Being considerate is a great way to capture boys, and this is one of Saeko's tricks.

 PS: Thanks for the tip from Jumping Squirrel.

  The four rounds are settled, and the next one is Sanjiang. The collection is slightly lacking, but you have to give it a try. Please continue to read.

(End of this chapter)

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