Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 54 Girls also have illusions

Chapter 54 Girls also have illusions
The Shinjuku Ishida incident task force launched an investigation.

On the other side, Qingze was thinking about what to eat for lunch.
He doesn't want to eat.

Maybe he often eats ramen, bread and other foods at school at noon, which makes him not used to eating at noon.

Pizza, burgers, teppanyaki, ramen...

Aozawa strolled through the commercial streets of Ikebukuro, and finally stopped in front of a maid cafe.

He planned to drink a cup of coffee and eat dessert for today's lunch.

Qingze raised his hand and pushed open the door of the maid coffee shop.

Ding bell, as soon as the door was pushed open, a clear bell rang.

The young waitress guarding the side of the door bowed and said: "Welcome, master. Is there anything you need from us?"

The sweet voice, the sweet smile, and the black and white maid uniform show the professionalism of this maid cafe.

Qingze silently praised in his heart and asked: "What is there to eat?"

The waitress turned and shouted: "Lizi, please entertain this master."

"Hi~" A soft voice sounded. When her name was called, the maid with long black hair turned around and saw the "master" at the door. Her heart skipped a beat and the smile on her face almost froze.

Why can I meet my classmates in Ikebukuro?
The girl screamed in her heart, swallowed her saliva, and comforted herself, don't worry.

Her current image is completely different from that in school. Her braided hair has been untied, and her black-rimmed glasses have been replaced with contact lenses.

With such a distinct change, I believe no one would recognize her as the rustic monitor.

It doesn't matter, she comforted herself again.

Qingze looked at the maid who came over. She was dressed in the same black and white maid uniform as other store employees.

She has picturesque features, long hair reaching her shoulders, and her chest is much more spectacular than other maids.

Definitely the number one maid cafe.

"Master, please sit here."

Qingze frowned slightly and said, "Have we met somewhere?"

"Master~ It's not popular to strike up a conversation like this now~"

The squad leader waved his right hand casually, his face showing three parts casualness, four parts teasing, two parts politeness, and one part slight alienation, trying to hide his true identity.

She didn't want her part-time job at the maid cafe to be exposed. When the time came, her classmates would definitely talk about it.

What can I say, the squad leader looks like a good girl on the outside, but secretly her part-time job is calling her the owner of the opposite sex everywhere.

What a shameless Bichi!

The image of a literary girl she created in the class will collapse.

"You're right, I'm indeed a little behind the times."

Qingze shrugged and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window.

He likes to drink coffee by the window.

Looking at the pedestrians on the street who seem to be busy with endless things, but having the leisure to drink coffee here, I feel particularly happy.

Although such thoughts are not good, thinking like this really makes him feel happy.

It also made his life goals more clear.

Because I can be so lazy in the future, I will definitely be admitted to the University of Tokyo and become a tax thief.

"Master, what do you need?"

The squad leader saw Qingze looking out the window and had to remind him.

She felt very awkward. She had called her master many times in the maid cafe, but she had never called her classmate master.

This is the first time.

The squad leader felt a sense of shame as he just entered the industry.

When she was looking for a part-time job last year, she didn't want to work here because she didn't think it was a serious job to call someone of the opposite sex whom she didn't know as your master.

But the manager of the maid cafe was too generous.She couldn't refuse a job that paid [-] yen an hour.

"Bring me a latte, and some blueberry cake, tiramisu, strawberry daifuku, and donuts."

"Please wait a moment, master."

The squad leader wrote this down and turned towards the kitchen. She breathed a sigh of relief. It was great that she hadn't been discovered.

Qingze took out his mobile phone and started to browse short videos on Douyin to pass the time.


After a while, the squad leader brought the lunch and placed it on the table. She put her hands on her chest and said sweetly: "I will cast the magic of love on my master. Please enjoy it slowly."

Qingze's mouth twitched and he said, "Monitor, I didn't expect you to work part-time as a magical girl."

The smile on the girl's face froze at this moment, and her fair cheeks were quickly filled with blush, like the sunset on the horizon.

"Squad leader, I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Don't hide it. From the time I asked you just now, I have already discovered that you are the squad leader Rena Arakawa!"

Qingze was so sure that the other party was the rustic and inconspicuous squad leader, so he naturally recognized the three moles on the other party's right chest.

One mole can be called a coincidence, but not all women can have three moles.

Plus some familiar facial features.

Qingze's inability to recognize the other person is the strange thing.

Arakawa Rena didn't expect that she could be exposed in such a state, her face became even redder, and her voice was a bit pleading: "Qingjun, can you please help me keep the secret?"

"Our school should not prohibit students from taking part-time jobs."

Arakawa Rena's face turned redder, she stood at the table, lowered her head, and whispered: "This job is a bit unspeakable."

“I think it’s a good job that makes people happy both physically and mentally.”

Qingze slowly stirred the coffee in the cup with a spoon and said with a smile: "For example, when I accepted the monitor's love magic, the cakes in front of me became extra delicious."

I want to die!
Arakawa Rena blushed so much that she was about to smoke.

"However, what really surprises me is that the squad leader with pigtails and glasses is actually such a beautiful girl in private. Why does she deliberately act ugly in class?"

I really want to kill someone!
Arakawa Rena slowly twisted her neck, her cheeks turned red, her bright eyes became a bit broken, and she stammered: "Qingjun, [-], let's die together!"

"Monitor, don't say such misleading words."

Qingze complained, but did not continue to tease her, and said seriously: "I promise not to reveal to anyone that you work part-time here."

After receiving this guarantee, Arakawa Rena's rationality gradually returned, with a trace of doubt on her face: "Really?"

"Of course, this is a secret between us and no third party will know."

"Thank you, Qingjun."

Arakawa Rena bowed, turned around and left. Her colleague immediately came forward and asked curiously: "Riko, what is your relationship with that handsome guy?"


"Hey, I've seen how you looked in class, and you are completely different from the one you are now, and he was able to notice that.

Is it possible that he has been paying attention to you? "

"follow me?!"

Reina Arakawa was awakened by her colleague and realized that something was wrong.

That's right, if you don't pay much attention to her on weekdays, how could you discover that "Pear" is her in the first place.

Normal people would not be so convinced when hearing different names.

Qingze turned out to have been secretly in love with me? !

Rena Arakawa panicked.

 ps: Thanks to Huaixu Shishi for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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