Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 510: It’s your lie that you don’t want to fall in love

Chapter 510: It’s your lie that you don’t want to fall in love

In the early morning, the sunshine dispelled the haze at Langley Airport, where fighter jets and the world-famous Air Force One were parked.

Nate lived another day.

He looked at himself in the mirror and spat out the mouthwash.

Elderly people don't sleep well. They often wake up in the middle of the night, stay up for a long time, and then continue to sleep.

Nate took a towel and washed his face. His wrinkled face and dry hands made him feel disgusted even across the towel.

In particular, he saw the photos of the mirror, and he saved himself when he was young.

If you look at yourself in the mirror again, you will understand how cruel the years are.

Nate put down the towel in his hand, turned and walked outside to the dining room of Air Force One.

There are fried eggs, ham and a glass of hot milk on the table. This is Nate's breakfast.

In terms of food, he did not show any luxury. The main reason is that at this age, his appetite is not as good as when he was young.

Nate sat down, picked up the knife and fork with both hands, and saw the Secretary of State coming from the entrance of the restaurant again.

"You all get down."

The Secretary of State waved the people around him to leave the restaurant. He walked to the opposite side and said: "Mr. President, news just came from the CIA branch in Japan.

Dio fought against the emperor of the shadow clan, and the reason for the conflict was about the altar. "


There was no surprise on Nate's face. He didn't think Dio and the Shadow Emperor could reach an agreement in peace.

Even an ordinary person like him, with a high position of power, would not compromise easily with others.

Not to mention, the Shadow Emperor took away Dio's altar without saying a word.

"How is the emperor's condition?"

"It is said that he was attacked by a sneak attack and fell into a disadvantage, but his life was not affected. Dio transformed into a giant of light and could not kill the emperor in the shadow world with a sneak attack."

The Secretary of State answered truthfully.

Nate cut the omelette open with a knife, put it into his mouth, and chewed it slowly.

He was thinking in his mind, would there be any bonus for the emperor to stay in the Shadow World?

This is a noteworthy piece of information.

Nate didn't want to fight against the Shadow Emperor, but he had to collect relevant information as much as possible. It wouldn't hurt to know more about him, "What information does Ned have?"

"There is no unusual intelligence. He is just dealing with domestic affairs. According to the news, his support among the people has soared to unprecedented levels."

Nate was not surprised by this news. In Latin America, if a country allows the United States to compromise and cleans up domestic groups, there will be a problem if the middle and lower classes do not support Ned.

"Let intelligence personnel choose fanatical supporters to get close to Ned and integrate into his core of power."


"What about other countries?"

"They all sent people to Mexico City."

The Secretary of State responded to the information he had, "People from MI6 are close to Ned on the pretext of investment."

"Humph, England."

Nate naturally knows that Britain's recent actions are just to increase its sense of presence. Once the three major countries truly unite, Britain will be able to praise the Prime Minister's diplomatic achievements.

But this move is indeed beneficial to the United States. Nate didn't want to knock that person and asked, "What about Gao Tian's original plan?"

The Secretary of State replied: "Recently, a smart armor project has achieved a major technological breakthrough due to the ghost's monster. However, according to Jack's news, there is still a big problem in terms of chips."

"Then transfer the relevant information to the United States and let the Noah's Ark experimental team conduct research."

Nate gave the order.

Gao Tian originally planned to conduct it in Japan, so Japan will naturally be blamed for any results achieved.

Nate hopes to be integrated into the Noah's Ark project, allowing them to publish it first, so that the project can be regarded as a product of the US-led Noah's Ark project.

This will allow countries to firmly believe in investing money in it.

Except Japan.

But it doesn't matter, America never blushes when it comes to stealing other people's work.


Thursday, August 10th.

In the morning, the summer morning breeze blew through the treetops, and the lazy cicada didn't make any sound, as if it had lost control of the wind.

Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy wakes up.

Her room was not as big as her home in Phoenix Courtyard, but the decoration still looked luxurious, using warm golden tones.

Phoenix Academy Meiji stood up, walked to the closet, and put on a light blue dress.

There was a knock at the door.

"Miss, it's already breakfast time. Is it convenient for us to come in?"


Meiji from the Phoenix Academy replied.

Miwa Kazuki opened the door and led the maids in.

After washing her face, brushing her teeth, and combing her hair, Phoenix Academy Princess washed away the hazy feeling of waking up from her first sleep. She looked gleaming and strode towards the dining room of the mansion.

To be honest, for her who was used to living in a luxurious house in Phoenix Courtyard, everything in the public residence seemed small.

The floor space is completely incomparable to that of my own home, but I just put more effort into the interior.

Part of it was decorated, and part of it showed that it was being renovated. She walked to the restaurant on the ground floor and saw Hu Die sitting on top.

A trace of surprise flashed across her face and she said, "Mother, don't you need to be busy today?"

"I can do work at any time, and it's rare that I have time to enjoy breakfast with you."

After encountering something like that last night, Hu Die suddenly realized that life is impermanent, and he wanted to see his daughter more often to avoid accidentally seeing her for the last time.

Of course, such thoughts will be put aside as she gradually works. The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

No matter what happens, Hu Die will never give up his desire for power.

What happened last night at most made her give up a little time and choose to sit here and have a meal with her daughter.

"From now on, you will eat three meals a day with me in the office."


Phoenix Academy Meiji nodded, not hating eating with her mother.

Even if the topic between mother and daughter at the dinner table was not about warm family matters, but about exam-like topics, it still made her feel like home.

Hu Die tested her recent homework and asked her opinions on some world events, especially the four-year plan proposed by Ned in Mexico.

Hu Die was very satisfied with Phoenix Academy Meiji's answer. He put down the knife and fork in his hand, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and said: "At ten o'clock this morning, I asked Iwasaki and the others to come over.

When the time comes, you will greet them on the tarmac for me. "

"Mom, what happened?"

Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy was quite curious.

This is the first time my mother has met people from the five major financial groups in the official residence since she became prime minister.

Hu Die smiled and said: "The plan regarding Gao Tianyuan has made some progress. In addition, I also want to tell them about the latest intelligence.

You're pouring tea there, just listen and don't talk nonsense, do you understand? "


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji nodded.


Kita Senju, outside Adachi Market.

Shinoko Hojo encountered an unprecedented big trouble. She stood under a telephone pole outside the market, clutching her bag in her right hand, wearing a white T-shirt and casual casual pants.

For the first time, the fair cheeks showed confusion and worry.

"Little girl, I am not boasting, but my grandson is really excellent. He graduated from the University of Tokyo last year and served as the section chief of the Public Security Section 1 in just one year.

He is 1.85 meters tall, handsome and responsible. "

An old woman who looked to be in her 70s or 80s stood in front of Shinoko Hojo. She was only as short as her neck.

I don’t know if it’s because I was born so short or if it has shrunk due to old age.

"It's just that he speaks in a dull manner and is not married yet. I have been observing you for a while. You go to Adachi Market to buy vegetables every day and you are very good at bargaining.

Every shop says you are a good woman who is good at life. "

"Um, old lady Tadokoro, I'm still a freshman in high school."

Hojo Shinoko weakly reminded this person that she was not old enough to get married yet.

Tadokoro said with a nonchalant expression: "It doesn't matter, they're still about a few years apart, you can talk first.

After you graduate from high school, you can marry him. "

Hojo Shinoko became more and more helpless. She respected her elders. Because of this, she was embarrassed to say some words. She said with a little distress: "But I don't have the idea of ​​​​falling in love yet."

"It doesn't matter, we will come up with ideas after chatting. I really like you. There are not many girls who are as diligent and thrifty as you.

If my grandson misses it, he will regret it for the rest of his life. "

"Hey, but I really can't fall in love with your grandson."

Hojo Shinoko truthfully stated her thoughts.

Tiansuo took out a photo of his grandson and showed off: "Look, I didn't lie to you."

Taking out her notebook and pen again, she said: "What's your phone number?

Otherwise, you can just write down his phone number. "

"No, no need."

Hojo Shinoko shook her head repeatedly, then saw Qingze coming, and said quickly: "I'm sorry, my friend is here."

Using this excuse, she quickly slipped away from the old lady, ran to Qingze and said, "Good morning, senior."

"Good morning, Shinoko."

Qingze replied and glanced at the old lady next to him, who was about to ask.

Tadokoro was the first to say, "What's your name?"

The fierce momentum made him slightly stunned, and he replied: "Qingze."

"Year old?"

"Sixteen years old."

"How many people are there in the family and what do they do?"

"Both of us, I am Shinoko's senior at school."

After Qingze answered her question, he glanced at Hojo Shinoko again and said softly: "Who is this old lady?"

"Old Granny Tansuo said she wanted to introduce me to her grandson, and I just met her."


Qingze suddenly realized, and knocked Tiansuo on the forehead directly, not hard, "I don't even know you, why are you blindly questioning your household registration? You made me think you are some elder!"

"You actually dare to hit an elderly person. You must be prone to domestic violence in the future."

Tiansuo turned around and said, "You must not like this kind of man."

"Please don't talk about senior like that!"

Hojo Shinoko replied angrily, and quickly pushed Qingze towards the vegetable market, not wanting to talk to this old woman who spoke ill of her senior.

When Tian Suo saw her reaction, he immediately understood that there was no hope for his grandson-in-law.

Any thought of not being in love is a lie.

(End of this chapter)

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