Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 506 The unique Qingze in the world

Chapter 506 The unique Qingze in the world

Both the official residence and the public residence are surrounded by high walls. There is a circular courtyard between the wall and the building, as well as a large parking lot.

If you want to take a walk, the area inside is enough for you to take a leisurely stroll.

But Phoenix Academy Meiji wanted to take a walk just for an excuse. She left the mansion and walked towards the back door.

The current security force is only stronger than it was during An Daoxiong San's time.

In name, they are still a security SWAT team affiliated with the Police Protection Division of the Metropolitan Police Department's Security Department. Their appearance is completely different from the previous SWAT Team.

It turned out that most of the members of the SWAT team were dismissed by Hu Die as useless, so they were demobilized and sent to other places.

Some people who were directly responsible for An Daoxiong's three defenses were prosecuted for participating in the murder and were immediately thrown into prison to serve their sentences.

All members of the current SWAT team are the Phoenix Family's personal bodyguards.

They are equipped with American equipment and their training results are very good. How they actually perform can only be tested when they encounter danger in the future.

Phoenix Academy Meiji pretended to scan the scenery to the left and right, walked to the back door, and walked along the asphalt road to the path outside the official residence.

The back door of the official residence is a very rustic electric retractable door that is not closed. People from the SWAT team are guarding the intersection outside to prevent suspicious people from approaching.

Phoenix Academy Princess walked along the path around the official residence.

Gray-blue rocks are stacked upward one by one to form a towering wall that blocks the view of the mansion from the outside.

Trees sprouted from the wall, blocking the outline of the official residence.

But from some tall buildings not far away, you can still peek into the interior of the official residence.

In terms of privacy, the Prime Minister's official residence is not as hidden as the Phoenix-in family's mansion. Phoenix-in Meiji heard from her mother that she had people buy up all the surrounding buildings.

Just waiting for her new policy to be implemented, she asked that person to demolish all the buildings larger than the official residence to promote the Prime Minister's authority.

Not to mention that the entire Chiyoda District cannot build high-rise buildings larger than official residences. At least around official residences, high-rise buildings larger than official residences are prohibited.

She recalled her mother's expression when she said these words in her mind, and sighed slightly in her heart.

At this time, the breeze blew through the branches, and the cicadas kept chirping angrily, protesting that the wind was playing tricks on them.

A black-haired boy walked towards the path, holding two cups of milk tea in his hands.

"What a coincidence, Meiji, we actually meet here. Do you want to have a cup of milk tea?"

Seeing Qingze's expression of an unexpected encounter, Phoenix Academy Meiji wanted to laugh, but she suppressed that thought.

She glanced sideways at Mike behind her and waved, "You should step back a little first."

"it is good."

Mike shrugged and slowed down wisely to give the young couple some space. He felt sorry for Qingze in his heart.

In the past, the status gap between the two sides was very large, but now, the gap is even greater.

Hu Die has already become prime minister.

Mike really wasn't optimistic about the future of the two of them. He was just dreaming about it when he was a teenager. That was also the right that teenagers should have.

As a former teenager who was severely beaten by the United States and then deprived of his right to dream, Mike has a strong say in this matter.

So he didn't want to do anything like beating a mandarin duck unless Hu Die gave a direct order.

Who makes him a beater.


The afternoon sun shone slantly on the narrow path, coating it with a layer of golden color. There were not many pedestrians coming and going.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji drank the milk tea bought by Qingze and said with a serious face: "You can tell me now, what does infinity mean?"

"That's my power."

Before Qingze came, he had already thought about how to answer Mei Ji's question. After much thought, he still did not change Infinity into a move. That lame excuse obviously did not satisfy Mei Ji.

Rather than that, it is better to come up with a reason to deal with Chiyo and answer Miki's doubts.


Phoenix Academy Meiji paused, turned her head, and said with a bit of fierce eyes: "Then I asked you earlier if you were a superpower, and you still said you weren't!"

"I'm really not."

Qingze shrugged and said with an unjust expression on his face: "I am an apostle from another world. The power I possess is called power. How can I be a superpower?"

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji was slightly stunned. This guy actually played a word game with her. She pursed her lips and said, "Then you have nothing to do with Dio?"

"No, I traveled from another world to this world ten years ago. I don't know the specific reason.

If you don’t believe it, you can check my files. There is no record in this world related to me before I was six years old. "

Qingze took a sip of milk tea, moistened his throat, and continued: "When I traveled here, I was still very young and unfamiliar with the place. I was wandering on the streets of Adachi District and was picked up by Chiyo.

She was still a high school student at the time, and she was very kind-hearted. She picked me up and raised me when I was homeless. "

"I see."

Phoenix Academy Meiji believed what he said.

Because Meiji of the Phoenix Academy does not think that the incident in Mexico has anything to do with Qingze.

The emperor of the Shadow Clan impaled more than 300,000 people to death at once.

That kind of character, that kind of will, can only be made by an emperor who has been tempered in other worlds and does not take the humans of this world seriously. More than three hundred thousand people.

The number and pictures exceeded Phoenix Academy Meiji's imagination. It was so grand that for the first time, she had the idea of ​​cognitive poverty.

We can only guess how terrifying the scene was based on the fact that some people were frightened and went crazy.

Phoenix Academy Meiji was sipping her milk tea. She suddenly thought of something and asked, "Does that mean that you are riding two boats because of the customs of another world?"

"Yes, in our place, as long as it is sincere, it is reasonable for a man to marry several women."

Qingze was talking nonsense in a serious manner, patting his chest and saying: "No matter what, I am also an apostle. My physical fitness is excellent, and the extra acres of land are totally worth it."


The gaze that Princess Phoenix Academy cast on him was like looking at the snow-white and slightly yellow maggot that writhes wantonly in a pot of fragrant oatmeal.

What to say?

Qingze found that he didn't really hate such contemptuous eyes.

Perhaps when playing games with Chiyo, she always acted like a queen in the beginning and had everything under control, but in the later stage she completely surrendered and looked like she was at the mercy of the king.

The huge contrast between the front and back made him enjoy the feeling of being stepped on in the early stage and then making a comeback in the later stage.

"You are such a pervert!"

Phoenix Academy Meiji suddenly noticed that this person seemed to be enjoying her eyes a little.


Her face, as delicate as a porcelain doll, once again showed an expression of disgust, as if she had gone out on a date happily early in the morning and stepped on dog poop.

Qingze calmed down the expression on his face and said seriously: "Okay, I'm not teasing you. I just want to equally give happiness to every girl who likes me and who I also like. Is there anything wrong with this?"


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji recited this word, her eyes suddenly softened, she did not continue to say anything, but just took a few steps forward.

A strong wind suddenly blew over and rolled up the girl's golden temples. She turned around and smiled against the sunshine: "Qingze, if I like you, I don't want to share it with Morimoto and Qiuyue.

Please tell me, how should you deal with it? "

She walked backwards, letting the wind ruffle her golden hair, her hands still clasped behind her waist, her fingers clasped together nervously.

Qingze paused and said, "I will try my best to make you accept Chiyo and Iroha, and I will not give up on you."

"Pfft haha!"

Phoenix Academy Meiji suddenly laughed out loud, stopped walking backwards, spread her hands behind her waist naturally, raised her hand and patted his shoulder and said: "I hate it, why are you so serious? It makes me very embarrassed.

I'm just kidding, who would like a playboy like you?

Fool! "

She stuck out her tongue, turned around, and the smile on her face faded again, don't give up...

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji shook her head and jumped to another easy topic, "What is the other world like?"

"I don't know. I came to this world when I was very young. In my memory, I only remember staying in a very gorgeous castle. People around me called me Earl.

There were many servants, but I didn’t recognize them. Maybe it had been too long and I had forgotten them all.

Maybe you won’t be able to recognize those people when you meet them again. "

Hearing what Qingze said, Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy did not continue to ask about the other world. She walked on the path, looked at the road outside, and said: "Qingze, what do you think of Jia Tianxia?"

"No opinion, I don't really care about that."

Qingze shook his head.

In the past, he would have been furious with his family. Since gaining superpowers, his identity has naturally become different from many others.

The position he stands in is that of a person with superpowers who is more lonely and full of power than any emperor in history.

The only one in the world.

As a result, he has become less concerned about the country's system. Whether it is good or bad, it is just a matter of words.

"You really have your style."

Phoenix Academy Meiji complained, raised her head, and said with a bit of melancholy on her face: "I feel that my mother's desire for power has been stronger than ever recently. Not only does she want to be the prime minister, she also wants to return to the system of the world."

"Hey, if that's the case, wouldn't you be the future female prime minister?"

"Don't make such a joke. Although I am prepared to inherit the Phoenix Institute Group, when it comes to managing a country..."

After a pause, Phoenix Academy Meiji took a sip of milk tea and felt that such a thing was not worth worrying about.

After the power is transferred to her hands, she wants to return to the election, which is just a matter of words.

But before that, mother's wisdom can indeed lead the country to prosperity and leave a good reputation.

"Haha, this is called a fan of the authorities, Qingze, thanks to you, I now figure out what to do in the future."

"It's all your fault, I didn't say anything."

"Don't be humble. Without you talking to me, I will only get into trouble if I just rely on my own thinking."

Qingze looked at the smile of Phoenix Academy Meiji and thought, if Meiji doesn't like it, then it is necessary to beat Hu Die.

Naturally, Qingze couldn't do it. It was time to put on Dior's vest and let Hu Die fully understand what he could and couldn't do in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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