Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 500 Please call me the Piercing Emperor

Chapter 500 Please call me the Piercing Emperor

Gunshots and explosions came one after another, and bullets drew arcs in the air. Accompanied by the excited shouts of the group army, the dead Shadow Legion formation was being broken through step by step.

Nate's breathing increased. Seeing this scene through the satellite reminded him of the excitement he felt for some pornographic publications when he was a teenager.

He grabbed the armrest tightly, his dry hands shaking unconsciously.

Nate didn't think those armies could easily achieve their goals, but he was also curious, what would the emperor do next?

Through military satellites, their perspective is different from that of the army group, and they can clearly know that the number of the emperor's shadow army has never been small.

I don't know whether the killed Shadow Clan can continue to live, or whether the forces in front of me are not the limit of the Shadow Legion, but the limit of the Shadow Clan that can reach this world.

To confirm this guess, we have to see what the emperor does next.

Having been breached to this distance, thousands of rocket launchers are preparing to fire. As long as they reach the right position, they will hit the tower one after another.

Nate's eyes widened, guessing the emperor's actions.

At the same time, Darko, who was in the middle of the battle, felt extremely excited. The distance between them and the emperor had narrowed!

Darko's position has also moved from the center to near the front line. He found that under their intensive firepower, the so-called Shadow Clan was nothing special.

After all, those guys were still holding medieval spears, and their technology was obviously quite behind this world.

If it's head-on, how can it possibly defeat a modern machine gun?

As long as it can be killed by a gun, there is no monster worth fearing.

Darko waved his right hand and said energetically: "Send all the rocket launchers to the emperor on the tower, lest he say we are stingy, haha!"

The order was quickly passed down, and the boys holding rocket launchers all aimed their muzzles at the tower.

In an instant, thousands of rocket launchers were fired together, fire and smoke filled the air, and the tail flames drew dazzling trails in the night sky, like the Leonid meteor shower lighting up the entire battlefield.

Qingze waved his sleeves.

An extremely dark shadow rolled up from the left side of the tower in a semi-arc shape, like a crescent moon rushing into the sky, blasting all the incoming rocket launchers.

Boom, loud explosions mixed into one sound in the air, and the fireworks produced by the explosion obscured Qingze's view below.

"Child's play, this is it."

Qingze's voice spread far away, and he knelt down and patted the tower below with his right hand.

The seemingly majestic city tower rushed downwards like a flood from a bursting embankment.

The rolling torrent of darkness drowned all the shadow soldiers, and the smiles on the faces of the army group that witnessed this scene froze.

Was it just child's play? !

They looked horrified and hurriedly pulled the trigger, but they could not stop the dark wave from rolling forward.

Shadow soldiers can be killed simply because they have heads.

True Shadow is immune to all firearms.


They yelled, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads after they discovered that the firearms were ineffective.

When they wanted to escape, darkness suddenly solidified in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, under Qingze's control, this mass of darkness quickly soared upwards for a thousand meters, connected from all directions, and enveloped everyone in the group army.

"Black coffin!"

Qingze read out this appropriate name, and the rising four-sided dark wall extended from the top and closed, blocking out the moonlight and the peeking eyes of the satellite.

Losing light, darkness makes everyone blind.

"What's happening here?!"

Darko shouted in horror, and then a familiar feeling came from underneath him, as if he had been pinned down to the ground by the uncle next door for the first time in his youth.

The sour taste hit his forehead with a strong sting, causing his feet to leave the ground and his whole body to fly into the sky.

Spikes shot up from the ground and ruthlessly penetrated the bodies of everyone in the group army.

The moment the darkness dissipates.

The images from the satellite made Nate and the top military officials gasp, shocked by the emperor's tyranny.


Under the moon, spikes made of shadows rose from the ground, forming a large forest of spikes, which was hundreds of meters long, with a person strung on top.

The severe pain prevented them from holding their guns, and beautiful weapons fell to the ground like heavy rain.

The spikes were only as thick as bamboo, but reached such a height, which looked extremely weird.

Qingze stood on the ground and looked at the spectacular scene in front of him. He felt the breath of art.

This is a miraculous workmanship created by man.

It was a pity that he could only enjoy such a grand scene by himself.

Qingze quickly used the time-stop skill, and a gray-white filter enveloped the entire world.

The next second, he used Schrödinger's Cat to appear directly at the National Palace in Mexico City.

He used the Shadow Emperor to gather shadow soldiers.

In this time-stop world, even the shadow soldiers he summoned cannot move freely, but they can immediately follow his orders to take people away after the time-stop ends.

Then Qingze left the National Palace and stopped at a diving shop in Mexico City to borrow respirators and cylinders.

The smell of blood at the scene was too strong, and he couldn't smell that smell.

You know, even when he went to the vegetable market, he felt bad when he smelled the fishy smell.

Not to mention, such a dense smell of blood.

In addition, there is a shadow covering his body, so there is no need to worry about others seeing that he is wearing a respirator and gas cylinder.

After finishing these things, nine seconds had not passed before Qingze returned to the original place.

When the nine seconds are up, the gray-white filter disappears from the world.

An idea flashed through his mind, and the shadow soldiers quickly tied up all the people in the National Palace. But his eyesight went dark, the prosperity in Mance's eyes disappeared, and he came to a dark place.

In front of it is a black high platform, on which stands a strange being wearing a dark coat like flowing water, wearing a crown to prove the identity of this distinguished person.

A small umbrella of shadows hung over his head.

Around the high platform, where they stood, was the deck, and the edge guardrails were all black.

Nine dark shadow dragons were pulling here in front, running quickly.


The shrill screams of terror could no longer be suppressed.

However, no one tried to stop the women from making that cry.

The men raised their heads blankly, looking at the scene in front of them, unable to react even when the wine glasses in their hands fell.

Spikes penetrated the sky and penetrated people, and their limbs were still struggling.

Dark crows flew across the sky, pecking at their flesh and blood.

"Ah, it hurts!" "Help!" "Mom, I want to go home!"

The shrill night wind made the army group wail.

One sentence per person.

The nearly 400,000-strong army group all wailed there, drowning out the sounds here.

Even if the women screamed at the top of their lungs, their voices would not reach three meters away.

The crackling rain of blood hit them all over, polluting the gorgeous clothes and expensive jewelry, the strong fishy smell in the air, and the wailing in their ears.

Nothing is like the world they live in.

There is no champagne, no food, no soft music, it is simply hell!

Mance sat dumbly on the deck and opened his mouth in shock. The blood that fell down instantly poured in. The fishy smell made him vomit outside. His eyes were so sticky that he dared not open them. The feeling of nausea prompted him to vomit continuously.

My hands and feet were cold, and my heart was trembling.

Mance felt like his brain was buzzing, as if it was about to burst.

He couldn't even maintain the normal functions of his body, and he kept vomiting up and down.


Jiulong pulled them forward quickly.

A thick layer of blood soon covered the shadow, and only the place where Qingze was was still so dark.

He stood at the highest point and stared at the scene in front of him. The sound in his ears was too noisy, so he blocked his ears with shadows.

Only a slight sound reached his ears, and he watched the dragon chariot running in the tall spiked forest, with blood raining all over the sky.

He raised his head and could see the bright starry sky divided by shadow spikes.

What a spectacle!

If netizens were to watch it through the screen, they would definitely call the special effects awesome.

With this thought flashing through Qingze's mind, he let the dragon chariot run, its wheels running over the ground and splashing pools of blood.

From beginning to end, stretching for dozens of miles, all the screaming and shouting stopped at this moment.

The stabbed person no longer struggled, his limbs drooped downwards, and he did not react to the shadow crows pecking at the flesh.

Qingze looked at the desert in front of him, and his eyes turned down.

Everyone around the high platform was covered in blood, and their original appearance could not be seen.

It’s just that their movements are almost the same. They kneel down to the high platform, and their posture is like puppies lying at the feet of their owners.

After reactions such as panic and numbness, they are left with only obedience, such as fearing Satan and fearing the emperor.

Only one person is still standing there.

Even if he couldn't see his face, Qingze knew that the man was Ned.

The earplugs formed by the shadow disappeared, and he said condescendingly: "What do you think of this scene?"

"I want to ask you this question, how do you feel about killing so many people?"

Ned stared at the emperor on the high platform.

Qingze asked curiously: "Do you sympathize with them?"

"No, I have no sympathy at all. They are all scum, demons that breed from corruption. It doesn't matter if they are killed, but they need to be judged through justice instead of lynching. Such behavior will verify that their methods are correct."

Ned was also frightened by this scene at first, but the belief in his heart gradually allowed him to regain his courage and choose to stand here.

He firmly believes that only by using the correct method to govern a country can we get the right answer. Even if we use incorrect methods to get the right answer for a while, it will eventually be counterattacked.

Qingze smiled. He naturally understood the truth, but he just didn't care.

He glanced at the man lying on the ground and said slowly: "He will be the president of Mexico from now on. Does anyone have any objections?"

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

Mance yelled this sentence, how could he dare to say no?

The corpses were still hanging in the air.

"What you do next is your business."

Qingze did not have the time or interest to slowly transform a country, so he turned to Ned and said: "I will send you back to reunite with your family first.

As for you, you should know what to prepare. "

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

Mance and others responded in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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