Chapter 5 Miracles
The chilly atmosphere in the room was accentuated by anger and a different kind of warmth.

The shock in Fujimura Yuuto's heart gradually subsided, and he pulled out the katana from his waist.

He was appreciated by the late old team leader. From an ordinary Ruozhong to the current Ruotou, he relied on his courage to fight and fight.

Of course, he had never learned kendo, he was in the actual combat style, and he despised the frivolity of kendo.

Based on Fujimura Yuuto's actual combat experience, it can be seen at a glance that the man in front of him is terrifying, but he cannot hide the fact that he is scarred.

The dying beast is the most terrifying in terms of momentum, and its strength cannot be compared with that of its healthy limbs.

"I don't know what grudges you have with Ishino, but if you dare to provoke the Yakuza, you must pay the price."

Fujimura Yuto held the sword in both hands, raised it, and assumed an offensive posture.

"Bullshit!" Takehiro Iwama roared, taking the lead in charging.

Fujimura Yuto looked calm, turned sideways, and walked forward quickly with the knife in his hand. The knife in his hand slashed horizontally, like lightning piercing the dark clouds.

The blade tore apart Takehiro Iwama's biceps. Instead of retreating, he pushed forward with force.

Fujimura Yuuto originally wanted to cut off the biceps and destroy Takehiro Iwama's right arm.

As a result, Takehiro Iwama cooperated too much and his entire right arm was broken.

A large amount of blood sprayed onto Fujimura Yuuto's face, blocking his sight. Takehiro Iwama took the opportunity to rush forward, clenched the switchblade in his left hand, and stabbed him hard.

The soft belly was immediately torn apart by the tip of the knife, and then the blade was rotated.

The stomach and intestines were torn into a ball.

Fujimura Yuto felt that all his strength left with the wound in his abdomen, like a deflated balloon.

With a bang, the knife fell to the ground. Fujimura Yongto looked down at the wound on his abdomen with a confused look on his face.

He couldn't believe he was about to die.

The old team leader's last wish has not yet been fulfilled, and the Misawa Team must not fall into the hands of a lunatic like Ono.

How can he die?


Takehiro Iwama took a few deep breaths, stared at Ishino with his remaining left eye, and said with a ferocious smile: "It's your turn now."

His voice is more terrifying than the devil.

Ishino jumped up and screamed: "Don't come over, you bastard!"

While roaring, he hurried around to the back of the desk.

Ishino opened the drawer, took out the gun that had been hidden inside, pointed it at Takehiro Iwama in front of him, and shouted: "If you dare to take another step forward, I will shoot!"

Fujimura Yuto sat down on the ground, sweating all over his face. He didn't even have the strength to stand up now.

The man in front of him was so seriously injured, but he was still able to fight.

What kind of medicine did you take?Or is his extreme will inferior to that of an ordinary person?
"You shoot," Takehiro Iwama said with contempt.

At this moment, he abandoned all fear in his mind, and his only thought was to take away the man in front of him.

He will never let go of Juzi's murderer.

"Bastard!" Ishino cried, as if he was the one who was forced into a corner and suffered all the grievances in the world.

Finger pulls the trigger.

boom!The loud gunfire echoed outside the office and was clearly heard by passers-by on the street.

"Hey, was there a gunshot just now?" "It must be a gunshot."

Young people on the street interacted with each other, expressing excitement in their words.

Qingze looked up at the office on the second floor, a look of contemplation on his face. Is it over here?

Takehiro Iwama is not dead.

Ishino's eyes widened as he looked at the scene in front of him, unable to understand why the other party had not fallen down even after being shot.The impact of the bullet only caused Takehiro Iwama to shake his body, but he did not fall down and continued to stare at Ishino with his bloodshot left eye.

"I won't die until I kill you."

Ishino collapsed completely. He screamed wildly and meaninglessly, and kept pulling the trigger.

Round after round of bullets rang through the house, Fujimura Yuto couldn't hear it, and he fell into a coma due to excessive blood loss.

Takehiro Iwama's body swayed and he slowly approached. The bullets made a few more bullet holes in his already broken body.

"You monster!" Ishino kept pulling the trigger with his finger, but there was no sound before he realized that the magazine was empty.

Takehiro Iwama saw the opportunity, his feet suddenly exerted force, and his leg muscles tore. He threw himself over the desk, and the huge impact carried Ishino and rushed out of the window.

Bang, the window broke, and pieces of broken glass reflected the light of the street lamp and scattered in the air. The two of them fell downstairs, causing pedestrians on the road to scream.

Amidst the screams, people made way for a wider space, but did not escape from here, staring at the movie-like scene with extremely excited eyes.

Qing Ze looked at Takehiro Iwama, who had lost his human appearance, and his eyes became deep.

"Help, help me, he's crazy, he's crazy!" Ishino yelled crazily, but couldn't get rid of Takehiro Iwama.

His spine was crushed and he could only twist his body as weakly as a maggot.

"Haha," Takehiro Iwama laughed, raised the switchblade with his left hand, and stabbed straight through Ishino's throat.

Ho ho, blood came out of his throat, Ishino could no longer say a word, his eyes widened.

Takehiro Iwama watched him die, and life was also leaving his body.

In a daze, Takehiro Iwama raised his head. In the past, he could not see anything in the night sky in Tokyo.

Today, the night sky lit up with light, and a little bit of starlight condensed into the shape of a chrysanthemum.

"Juzi, can you forgive me? Take me to heaven."

Muttering, Takehiro Iwama let go of the switchblade in his hand and raised his left hand toward the stars.

The light in his eyes extinguished, and his body seemed to have hardened and did not fall.

At this time, people around him noticed that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised with a smile. Unlike his blood-stained cheeks, that smile was so gentle.

"Amen." Some religious people immediately knelt down and prayed with their hands clasped together, thinking it was a miracle.

Without the blessing of God, how could a mortal achieve such a feat?
The bloody scenes become sacred.

Click, the flash of the mobile phone lighting up.

People took photos of this scene and came up with a touching story.

The whine of a police siren sounded in the distance. Qingze did not stay here any longer and turned around to leave.


Hypnosis has its weaknesses.

Aozawa recalled the appearance of Takehiro Iwama in his mind.

Hypnosis increases the opponent's ability to resist blows, but it cannot erase those injuries. It just makes the body ignore the pain.

This means that he must be extremely cautious if he wants to hypnotize himself.

Once hypnosis is excessive, it can cause physical damage without even realizing it.

This was a very dangerous matter, and he needed some time to think about how to grasp the scale.

Unfortunately, Qingze did not have time to find a second experimental material.

There is a tigress at home.

If you don't go back, you will face Chiyo Morimoto's fists and nagging.

Qingze thought for a while and set out on his way home. How to avoid Chiyo's anger was more important than exploring the power of hypnosis.

(End of this chapter)

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