Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 495: You still say this is not a date?

Chapter 495: You still say this is not a date?

Thinking about this problem, Hojo Shinoko didn't say a word until she reached the station, just silently sipping her green juice pearl milk tea.

She glanced at the tram, turned around and said, "Senior Qingze, I'll go back first."


Qingze waved his hand.

Shinoko Hojo stepped onto the women's-only carriage. With a quick glance, she found an empty seat, stepped forward to sit down, and placed the food she bought at her feet.

She glanced at the green juice pearl milk tea in her hand, and found that there was still less than half of it.

Even if she drinks unconsciously, her habit of sipping prevents her from consuming too much milk tea every time.

Get used to it.

Hojo Shinoko thought to herself, her eyes scanning the surrounding carriages, where a group of beautifully dressed young girls were laughing and chatting.

There are also some elderly office workers sitting there silently to relieve the fatigue of work.

Hojo Shinoko looked away, suddenly having an answer in her heart.

Sure enough, it's still different.

To her, senior Qingze would only have a dull atmosphere and not experience the excitement of riding a roller coaster.

Her character is very rule-abiding, and in the eyes of the world, being observant is associated with boredom and boredom.

Being diligent and thrifty is not really an advantage.

At least, Hojo Shinoko is deeply aware of this. In the past, when you said that kind of thing to others, the other person's face would show an expression that they didn't understand what you were talking about.

Is this a topic that girls should talk about?

High school girls don’t get together to discuss what price is right for fish in the wet market or what kind of fresh meat looks like.

How much does it cost to buy vegetables that won’t be slaughtered as fat sheep?

Hojo Shinoko has tried to talk to many people before, but the feedback she received was not very good.

She also knows that her personality is boring.

But she had no intention of changing her mind.

The reason is that she is used to this and is insulated from trendy topics.

Get used to doing what you plan to do every day.

A plan that may seem boring to outsiders, but for Shinoko Hojo, she feels a small sense of accomplishment every time she completes one.

Occasionally she would envy those girls who dress beautifully, or girls who can laugh and chat without restraint in front of others.

Just the thought of having to do that, Hojo Shinoko would fall into inexplicable tangles in her heart.

That is, what kind of topics should we talk about so as not to affect others?

For example, she had no objection to the topics that young women were talking about, but she observed that the middle-aged office workers showed a hint of impatience towards the topics those women were talking about, but she didn't show any signs of it.

Shinoko Hojo wondered if she would disturb others if she also imitated those people's speech.

Thinking of this, she immediately took back the brave step she tried to take. Because of this, the beauty of the Phoenix Academy shined particularly brightly in the eyes of Shinoko Hojo.

That person and myself are the other extreme.

Every time she sees the beauty of the Phoenix Academy, Shinoko Hojo will feel a little envious in her heart, but she doesn't want to be that person.

Because she knew very well that she couldn't do that.

As the train moved forward silently, Hojo Shinoko lowered her head and drank green juice pearl milk tea, tasting the cold sweetness on her tongue.

That's it.

Hojo Shinoko repeated the words she had read countless times in her mind.


Return to Hojo's house.

Shinoko Hojo opened the door, and there was a pair of women's shoes at the entrance. It was obvious that her sister-in-law was here.

She closed the door with her backhand and shouted inside: "Unnie, is Sayuri Yoshikawa-senpai here?"

"Hi~ Shinoko-chan, it's me~"

Sayuri Yoshikawa poked her head out of Tetsuji Hojo's room, with a bright smile on her face and waved to her.

"Good morning, Yoshikawa-senpai."

Hojo Shinoko bowed, she was very fond of this future sister-in-law.

This person is more sincere than me, not the kind that is restricted by rules, but the kind of innocence that comes from the heart.

Say whatever is on your mind and treat everyone sincerely. Even if you know you will be hurt, you will not change your way.

In the eyes of Hojo Shinoko, this is a very powerful performance.

Sayuri Yoshikawa smiled and said: "Shinoko-chan, you don't have to be so reserved. Every time we meet, it's like it's our first time. Just call me Sayuri."

"This is too rude. If you are not satisfied with that title, how about calling me sister-in-law?"

Hojo Shinoko tilted her head and asked seriously.

Sayuri Yoshikawa's fair cheeks quickly turned red, and she stuttered a bit as she said, "It's, it's too early, we haven't received our certificates yet."

Hojo Tetsuji also hurriedly ran out of the house and shouted: "Shinoko, don't say that, please call Sayuri-san for now."

"Yes, yes, call me Sayuri-san!"

Sayuri Yoshikawa immediately straightened up and patted her flat chest, trying to show off the demeanor of a reliable big sister.

Hojo Shinoko looked at the two of them and thought, this method is different from the love imagined by Aosawa-senpai, right?

She felt that Oni and Yoshikawa-senpai were more like best friends.

The two people have the same interests and personalities, and they can talk about many topics. Only the occasional mention of the relationship between men and women will make them blush.

Falling in love is incredible.

Hojo Shinoko sighed in her heart, and the expression on her face was as calm as a lake without a trace of waves. "Yes, Sister Sayuri, do you want to go on a date?" "Yes."

Hojo Tetsuji nodded.

Sayuri Yoshikawa's face turned even redder, and she finally said, "Tetsuji, I'll go out and wait for you first."

She left here in a hurry.

Hojo Tetsuji scratched his head and said, "Shinoko, I drew six original manga manuscripts. Please color them."

"Hey, please leave it to me."

Hojo Shinoko nodded and watched her eldest brother and Sayuri Yoshikawa leave home.

When the door closed, she looked away and put the dishes in her hands into the kitchen.

It was still early, so she was in no hurry to prepare these dishes.

Shinoko Hojo went to her eldest brother's bedroom and found the manga manuscript that needed to be colored from the desk.

She read the plot.

Compared with the previous plots, after the relationship is officially confirmed, the comic plot of Big Brother is very sweet. It is the kind of sweetness that makes people can't help but curl up the corners of their mouths and want to roll on the bed after reading it.

The Galaxy Self-Defense Force has become the Galaxy Love Team.

This is also a wonderful change brought about by love.

A curiosity suddenly flashed in Hojo Shinoko's heart. If she fell in love, could she make any changes?

Or is it still the way it is now?

She thought for a while, but didn't get an answer, so she took out the comic manuscript, ink, and brushes and started coloring.


After finishing the coloring work, it was lunch time again. Since she was eating alone, she didn't do anything complicated. She just used the leftovers from the morning to make a shrimp fried rice.

Putting it on the table, she took out a pair of chopsticks, clasped her hands together and said, "I'm starting."

There was no response from the air, which was normal. She was the only one sitting here.

Hojo Shinoko lowered her head to eat without looking at her phone.

She doesn’t use Douyin, YouTube, or Twitter very much.

The most commonly used software on her mobile phone is LINE, which is also because of Xia Hua and Qing Ze.

Hojo Shinoko is one of those rare girls who can live her life without relying on her mobile phone.

She finished her shrimp fried rice and picked up a napkin to wipe her mouth.

Ding dong, the mobile phone screen on the desktop lights up.

Hojo Shinoko unlocked it and found that it was Natsuka's message, "Shinoko, have you just finished lunch now?"

"Hi, what's up with you?"

"No, I just want to confirm whether I guessed it right."

Yanagi Machi Natsuka's writing is as joyful and boring as ever, but Hojo Shinoko did not feel any boredom and patiently answered Natsuka's every question.

"Congratulations on your guess."

"It's not a fulfilling thing at all. Your daily schedule is as accurate as the calendar on the wall."

Natsuka Yanamachi complained, lying on the bed, surrounded by a bedroom decorated with a pink girlish atmosphere.

There are just various handsome photos of mature men hanging on the walls.

The cold air released by the air conditioner allows her to hug a bear of the same height in the summer. "This is not an activity that a girl should do in the summer. Get excited quickly."

Going to buy groceries on time every morning without any changes is not what we should do. "

"Xiahua, I can't say there have been no changes. I am now shopping for groceries with senior Qingze in the morning."

"Hey, I've never heard of such a thing. When did you and Senior Qingze develop a relationship like shopping for groceries together?"

Yanagi Machi Natsuka, who was still lying down bored at first, quickly became full of curiosity. She sat up, pressed the bear's head on her buttocks, and crossed her two snow-white legs. "Are you going to buy groceries hand in hand or shoulder to shoulder?" ?”

After such news was sent out, Yanagimachi Natsuka felt that words alone could not satisfy her strong desire to pursue gossip.

She initiated a voice call directly.

After being connected, Yanagimachi Natsuka said with curiosity on her face: "Quick, tell me honestly, don't hide anything."

"Natsuka, it's not what you think. It's just that Aozawa-senpai needs to buy groceries every day during his vacation. Then we agreed to go shopping at the Adachi Market in Kitasenju together. I would bargain for him and save some money. "

"Tch, is that all?"

"When it's over, Senior Qingze will buy me a cup of milk tea as a reward."

"Isn't this just a date?!"

Responding to Yanagimachi Natsuka's sudden shout, Hojo Shinoko blinked and said with some confusion: "Natsuka, I just went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables with Aozawa-senpai."

"Xiaozi, let me ask you, is visiting the vegetable market a place where you can relax and be happy?"


"Then the place where men and women go on a date is a place where they can relax and be happy. You still say that you and Senior Qingze are not dating?"

Natsuka Yanamachi swore falsehoods, and she had to push her from behind to make Shinoko Hojo realize that she was dating Aosawa-senpai.

Hojo Shinoko retorted: "But Aozawa-senpai probably has no interest in the wet market."

"But he doesn't hate buying groceries with you either. Treating you to milk tea afterwards is ironclad proof."

Hojo Shinoko was silent, and once again thought of Aozawa-senpai's view on love.

What are I looking forward to?

She was confused and didn't know how to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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