Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 491: The eldest lady doesn’t want to be a general conquering the barbarians

Chapter 491: The eldest lady doesn’t want to be a general conquering the barbarians

The dusk of the setting sun falls on the Prime Minister's official residence.

In addition to the iron walls, the construction of the Prime Minister's official residence also contains a bit of Japanese euphemism.

Outside is a delightful courtyard.

This was not the first time for Hu Die to see such a scene, but it was also the first time for him to sit here as a master.

She looked down at the outside through the bullet-proof and explosion-proof floor-to-ceiling windows, which had a unique flavor.

Inside the Prime Minister's Office on the fifth floor, in just one afternoon, the place became completely different from what it was before.

From the furnishings to the color of the walls, everything has become her interest, and there is no trace of An Daoxiong.

No matter how powerful the power is, it will lose its effect once death. This is why those in power are eager to pursue immortality and want to preserve their powerful power forever.

Hu Die leaned back in his chair and understood why some people were so obsessed with standing on the stage. In fact, it felt great to be in charge of a country and leave a name in history.

Click, the sound of opening the door sounded.

Hu Die turned around in her chair and looked towards the door.

"Prime Minister, you."

The blond girl stepped into the door and stopped what she wanted to say when she saw the woman on the chair.

A trace of shock flashed across the face of Meiji from the Phoenix Academy, as delicate as a porcelain doll, and she lost her voice: "Mother, why are you sitting here, where is the Prime Minister?"

Hu Die did not let Sanlun inform her daughter An Daoxiongsan of the death and his replacement because he wanted to see his daughter's shocked expression.

A gentle smile appeared on her face and she said: "An Daoxiong San is dead.

At noon, he was kidnapped by No. 9 and killed live in front of the public.

How do you feel about me taking over as the new Prime Minister? "

Hu Die rarely plays pranks, but sometimes, she wants to see her daughter's confused expression.

She crossed her hands, rested her chin, and said with a smile: "After I assume the position of Prime Minister, you will succeed as the chairman of the Phoenix Institute Group and control 80% of the shares."


The news that came one after another made Phoenix Academy Meiji unable to react immediately. Her brain turned, her face became calm, she closed the door with her backhand and asked: "Mom, can you handle so much work? "

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji thought about it for a while, and she didn't think that her mother would leave all the affairs of the Phoenix Academy Group to her at this age.

Even if she serves as the chairman, it is impossible for her to interfere in the group's affairs.

Hu Die was very satisfied with her daughter's reaction so quickly and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I can use the time I used to rest to deal with national affairs.

Even Nate can be president, and I have no problem being prime minister at such a young age. "

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji walked to the desk, pulled out a chair and sat down, saying: "Mother, didn't you always say before that it is best for the consortium to stand behind the scenes and lead the development of the country?

In this way, we do not need to take the blame for the rise and fall of the country and can develop freely. "

"These days are different."

Naturally, Hu Die would not talk about what he did to the chief of the intelligence section, so he could only use another excuse, "As the times evolve, the power behind the scenes is needed, and the power in front of the stage is also indispensable.

With this level of identity, it will be much easier for us to do things in the future. "

"That's it. Mother wants to borrow a few years to deal with the crisis."

"No, I intend to bind this country to the Phoenix Academy family."

Hu Die leaned back and revealed his ambition.

Since she chose to hold this position, she has no intention of continuing to adopt the electoral system, but wants to make this position a position that the family will inherit forever.

In terms of the group, Hu Die is not suitable for people from the Phoenix Academy family or some relatives.

But when it comes to running the country, she can place family members in various institutions.

She wants to make this country a property belonging to the Phoenix Family, which requires some negotiations with the five major consortiums and the support of the United States.

"Can the five major consortiums allow this to happen?"

Phoenix Academy Meiji was surprised. She stared at the mother in front of her, feeling that this person was a bit strange.

She doesn't think the people in the five major financial groups are fools. Those people know very well that they can influence the country behind the scenes through elections.

Without elections, there would be no need for election funds, which would reduce the financial importance of consortiums, making it easy to return to the past state of politicians suppressing consortiums.

"It doesn't matter, I will deal with them slowly and eliminate any influencing factors."

Hu Die replied lightly.

She is now willing to communicate hypocritically with the five major financial groups, but that is just because she is not strong enough.

When the right opportunity comes, Hu Die naturally chooses to fall out.

That opportunity is for her to fully master the power of the Self-Defense Forces, the National Police Agency, and the Metropolitan Police Department.

Most importantly, get the support of the U.S. military stationed in Japan.

Due to the re-emergence of the MacArthur family in the military, it is very convenient for her to communicate with the US military stationed in Japan, as long as this relationship is opened up and an unbreakable exchange of interests is established.

The five major financial groups can only recognize the current situation and work for her, and act as her tools to survive.

If it doesn't obey, just replace it. To be honest, Hu Die had not thought about such a situation at first. He only learned about Matsuda Jiichiro's plan after sensing the threat from the CIA.

She suddenly thought of such a way to deal with it, and then extended a series of ideas.

Everyone has to sit in this position, so why not change this position to a family inheritance?

The Tokugawa Shogunate, which conquered barbarians, lasted for two hundred and sixty-five years.

Then there is no problem if she builds the Phoenix House Cabinet and it lasts for three hundred years. It may even last for thousands or ten thousand years due to the alien world.

Phoenix Academy Meiji didn't know what to say. In her opinion, this method was undoubtedly not suitable for today's Japan.

In any case, Japan is a developed country.

But then she thought about it, her mother's move couldn't be considered a big change. It could only be said to tear up the original curtain and transfer the power of the prime minister from those politicians' families to the Phoenix Court family.

The essential changes are actually not that big.

"But the public will oppose it if they realize this."

"It doesn't matter. As long as I keep instilling the idea that when the alien world comes, excellent people will be needed to rule this country, there will be people who will praise me."

Hu Die answered with a smile. She was mentally preparing her next plan, which was to use the death of An Daoxiong San to arrest, jail and bury a large number of opposition party members.

She negotiated with the people from the Public Security Section 1 through the Minister of State.

If Hu Die wants to centralize power, the first step is to kill all potential opponents and devour the corresponding power.

An Daoxiong's three kills are a good pocket.

The people are very concerned about it, and everyone can accept that it involves a series of conspiracies, and there are even some thoughts that this is indeed the case.

Then he would throw the blame for Gao Tian's original plan to those people and wash away what An Daoxiong San admitted in front of the TV.

The people who really do bad things are the villains from the opposition party.

Number 9 also listens to the orders of those people.

This wave can be said to be a win.

Hu Die settled everything and did not intend to discuss it with his daughter. He only asked her to come over to explain one thing, "From now on, you will live in the Prime Minister's residence.

The living facilities here are a little poor, but I will slowly renovate it in the future and build a more grand and luxurious mansion where I can sleep for the time being. "


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji had no objection, knowing that such a move would allow her mother to control the defense of the official residence and inside and outside the residence, and concentrate the power of the Phoenix Academy family.

After all, what An Daoxiong San encountered was largely due to his lack of control over the people around him.

She sighed inwardly, always feeling that her family was rushing toward those infamous words in history.


A dark blue night enveloped Tokyo, with no stars or moon. It seemed that because of money, the goddess had to close her eyes and hug the old man in disgust.

Qingze stopped chatting with Chiyo Morimoto and said with a smile: "Chiyo, then I'm going out for a night run."

"Okay, don't exceed the gate time. You must come back to me at that time."

Chiyo Morimoto emphasized this.

The access control is the most unshakable bottom line she has drawn. If she exceeds it, she will definitely get angry.


Qingze stood at attention and answered, turned around and walked out of the door. He went to the shoe cabinet, took out the slippers from inside, and walked outside.

There was no intention of turning on the lights at the door, and the corridor seemed a little dim. He trotted to the yard where the car was parked, and the street lights outside illuminated the place.

Qingze opened the door and ran to the small park. The familiar street lights flickered beside the bench.

He used the catalytic sensor to observe the interior of the small park. He found no other pedestrians and entered the woods.

Qingze used Schrödinger's cat to turn his body into a translucent state little by little. The next second, he appeared outside Takahashi's house, turned into a wisp of breeze, and slipped in through the crack in the door.

What surprised Qingze was that in Takahashi's three-bedroom house, there was only one bedroom, the living room, and the bathroom that looked like there were people there.

The other two rooms were covered with thick dust, and it didn't look like anyone was sleeping in them.

Aren't Takahashi's parents in Japan?

Qingze frowned slightly and stared at the photos on the table.

He thought for a while, wasn't Takahashi Saeko at home at night, going out on a date with someone else?

Qingze left the apartment with an idea and went to the dark place outside. He used the Shadow Emperor, and pairs of red eyes emerged from the shadows, densely packed.

"Go find me the whereabouts of Saeko Takahashi, don't alert others, you are peeking in the dark."

Qingze didn't want the shadow soldiers to ask others where Saeko Takahashi was. He just wanted to use the huge number of shadow soldiers to conduct a quick and covert search in Tokyo.

From the fact that the shadow soldiers were able to directly search for things he knew, he judged that these people should also be able to recognize Takahashi Saeko's appearance.

The shadow soldiers quickly dispersed.

Qingze stood there waiting for news. If it took more than ten minutes, he would go into battle himself, using the catalyst sensor and the high-speed movement of the Shadow Emperor to search the entire Tokyo.

Saeko Takahashi will never leave Tokyo, right?

He thought to himself as he stood there, waiting for the report from the shadow soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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