Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 489 Hu Die reaches the pinnacle of power

Chapter 489 Hu Die reaches the pinnacle of power

The death of An Daoxiong San once again set off the Internet, and related news quickly spread on the Internet.

In order to get this wave of traffic, many bloggers who didn't even know much about the matter started to stop and start conspiracy theories.

News about human cloning experiments and human transformation have also been widely discussed, including the mysterious Gao Tianyuan plan.

A series of news caused a stir on the Internet, but the Japanese government did not make any response. The incident was so sudden that many people were unable to react.

There are also some remotely farmed Akitas crying to the sky and to the ground.

For example, an enemy who was worthy of respect for the country passed away.

A leader full of courage.

This is the greatest misfortune of mankind.

Then some people who are gloating about their misfortune are asked to reflect.

How could a huge country do such things as take pleasure in others' misfortune?

Apart from netizens, the top leaders of various countries want to know the details of the matter as soon as possible. Is it really as simple as live broadcast on TV?

How could a prime minister of a developed country encounter such a thing casually? Are there other forces behind it?

As Chief Cabinet Secretary, Matsuda Jiichiro can already see the surging wave of the times.

He sat on the chair in the office, his face turned ugly, even blue.

Things developed far beyond his expectation.

Matsuda Jiichiro knew that someone was secretly spying on the whereabouts of Yasuda Kumazo, and provided convenience to a certain extent.

But he never expected that the other party would have such a purpose.

He originally thought that for information about the other world, he would capture An Daoxiong San for questioning, and he would be able to put him back after a while. Then he could use this operation to make An Daoxiong San's reputation impossible to clear. of sewage.

Then he pretended to be concerned and suggested that it would be better for him to resign at this time, designate a temporary prime minister to handle national affairs, and start a new round of general elections.

Jiichiro Matsuda was able to position himself as a favorable candidate for prime minister.

He had planned everything, but he didn't expect that An Daoxiong San would actually die.

The seriousness of the incident rose to an unprecedented level.

Jiichiro Matsuda took a sip from his tea cup. He was thinking about how he could control the overall situation and eliminate some evidence against himself in the next cabinet meeting.

At this time, it goes without saying that the support of politicians and the support of financial groups are also indispensable.

As for how to cover up the scandal of Gao Tian's original plan, this kind of thing became less important.

He just needs to have someone hold a press conference and arrange for a few ministers to come forward and bow. If that doesn't work, he will solemnly apologize to people using the Doge seat.

Jiichiro Matsuda is very clear that under the impact of Western liberalism, the domestic trend is to ignore matters that have nothing to do with oneself.

Let alone human cloning, even if some people are used as experimental materials, it will not cause any problems.

As long as the knife didn't fall on their head, it wouldn't cause much of a reaction.

Matsuda Jiichiro's top priority was to wipe away the evidence he had left behind. He stood up and shouted outside: "Quick! Convene an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss this matter!"


The An Daoxiong incident was so serious that a group of cabinet ministers quickly gathered in the conference room on the fourth floor.

In the absence of the Prime Minister, the person presiding over this cabinet meeting is naturally Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuda Jiichiro.

He sat down and was about to speak.

The door of the conference room suddenly opened, and a group of police officers broke in and formed two rows.


Chiyo Morimoto's boots hit the conference room floor as she strode into the conference room.

Her long black hair was scattered around her shoulders, and she was dressed like a police director. The Asahi Shadow badge on her shoulders shone brightly in the light.

Matsuda Jiichiro sat there with a calm expression and said: "Director Morimoto, do you want to do the following?!"

"Jiichiro Matsuda, we now have reason to suspect that you are suspected of leading a rebellion conspiracy against the Prime Minister. This is an arrest warrant for you. Now please follow me back to the Metropolitan Police Department to accept relevant investigations!"

Chiyo Morimoto presented the arrest warrant for Jiichiro Matsuda, and her soft voice was filled with a chilling air.

As the police chief, she naturally couldn't continue to hang out when something like this happened. The chief of the police department immediately arranged to deal with the matter.

The investigation of this matter can be said to be a big one. If the investigation is not successful, he is likely to be impeached.

If the investigation is successful, there will be no reward. It is a thankless task.

Naturally, the Chief of Police did not want to get involved.

Matsuda Jiichiro said with a gloomy face: "This is slander. What evidence do you have to prove that I did that kind of thing against the Prime Minister?

You're just a police chief, stop slandering my reputation here, otherwise, when the truth of the matter is found out, I will never let you go! "

Hitting the table with his fist, Jichiro Matsuda put on a particularly angry expression, leaving the two policemen wondering whether they should step forward to arrest him.

If the evidence is wrong, they are likely to be liquidated by the other party afterwards.

Chiyo Morimoto said expressionlessly: "You should know Kogoro Ota from the Prime Minister's Residence."

At the mention of this name, Matsuda Jichiro's originally arrogant expression suddenly froze, and cold sweat broke out from his forehead. He moved his eyes guiltily and said: "You, what are you talking about? He and I don't know each other."

Which of the ministers here is not a human being? You can tell that something is wrong just from this person's performance.

Some people who were about to speak also fell silent.

The Minister of State even slammed the table and said angrily: "Jiichiro Matsuda, I didn't expect that you would do such a vicious thing!"

"I-I didn't expect things to develop like this!"

Matsuda Jiichiro shouted in panic, his heart skipped a beat, and he realized that he had said the wrong thing. How could he get this kind of thing mixed up with him?

"take away!"

Chiyo Morimoto waved her hand. The two police officers no longer hesitated and quickly stepped forward to handcuff Matsuda Jichiro and pushed him out of the conference room, dejected.

Morimoto Chiyo turned around and passed by a beautiful woman.


Hu Die walked into the conference room wearing a decent suit, her long black hair was tied up, and the buttons on her chest were barely buttoned up.

She wore light makeup, and her gait was not as light as before, like a knife being pulled out of its sheath.

The high heels hit the ground hard.

The Foreign Minister frowned slightly and said, "Mrs. Hu Die, this is the cabinet meeting room."

Large conglomerates control the political world behind the scenes and influence the choices of politicians. This is because politicians need the consortium to provide campaign funds and some private benefits.

The relationship between the two parties is that you are in me, and I am in you.

But this does not mean that politicians allow financial groups to directly interfere with their decisions.

It is an unspoken rule that the public's eyes must be focused on politicians, not those conglomerate bosses.

If you want to talk about anything, you can talk behind closed doors in private.

A smile appeared on Hu Die's face and he said: "On June 16 this year, in order to prevent Dio from beheading him, the Prime Minister made a decision. If something unexpected happens to him, I will be his successor until the next election."


There was a look of surprise on the Foreign Secretary's face.

The Minister of State nodded and said: "I was present at the time and this is the Prime Minister's appointment letter."

An appointment letter signed by An Daoxiong San was taken out. It was also stamped with the official seal. Looking at the time and date, it was indeed correct.

The expressions on the faces of the ministers at the scene were all very exciting. One glance at Hu Die and then think of the captured Matsuda Jiichiro.

The ministers were filled with suspicion. Was Matsuda really behind the scenes?

Maybe, this woman is the mastermind behind it, and she has been planning it from June to today.

Thinking of this, the ministers discovered that the lady in front of them contained a poisonous substance beneath her beautiful appearance.

The true cause of An Daoxiongsan's death has once again become uncertain.

The relationship between the Phoenix Academy family and the United States has always been close.

Hu Die didn't explain anything. She needed to maintain a sense of mystery. Otherwise, An Daoxiong San's identification alone would not be enough for her to succeed.

To formally take over as prime minister, she needs the approval of cabinet ministers and then parliament.

She has long been known as a member of Congress, but she has never been involved in it.

She pulled up her chair and sat down.

This time she chose to break the rules and stand on the stage. Naturally, she sensed the threat from the CIA.

In her opinion, the best way to save her life is to become the Prime Minister of Japan.

So she knew a series of actions of Matsuda Jiichiro, but she didn't remind Yasuda Kumazo, but prepared to pick peaches behind the scenes.

Of course, she didn't know who wanted to get information about An Daoxiong San. Once she chose to investigate, it would leave traces.

She chose not to move.

Anyway, the ultimate goal is to get the position of prime minister, and other things are trivial.

Hu Die also seemed very surprised by An Daoxiong San's death and No. 9's revelations, but she was always confident in her external performance and seemed to have everything under control.

Even though she is not a god and cannot control everything, she can make people think that she controls everything after something happens.

She made this gesture, which shocked the rest of the cabinet ministers, "Do you have any opinions?"

Hu Die asked softly, his eyes sweeping across the faces of each minister, looking scorching.

The Foreign Minister loosened his collar and said in a weak tone: "It's hard to take on the work of the Phoenix Institute Group concurrently."

"Please don't worry, I will let my daughter take over the position of the group."

Hu Die interrupted, not really wanting to delegate power, but just letting her daughter name herself to silence others.

There are twenty-four hours in a person's day. As long as you sleep for seven to eight hours, you can ensure your energy, and the rest of the time can be used to deal with official duties.

She believes that she can handle the affairs of the group and the country.

"Any other comments?"


Seeing that no one agreed with him, the Foreign Secretary acquiesced to this fact.

Hu Die said with a smile: "Okay, now it's the Congress's turn. I hope you can give me unswerving support and calm the public's panic as soon as possible."

"Yes, Prime Minister."

The Minister of State immediately spoke in agreement.

When the other ministers saw that he was so quick to flatter him, they also realized that the position of Chief Cabinet Secretary was vacant.

"Yes, Prime Minister."

(End of this chapter)

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