Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 481 You are not extreme enough

Chapter 481 You are not extreme enough

New York is like all bustling metropolises. When many people first arrive, they are easily confused by the bustling Times Square in New York.

But when you go to other places, you will slowly find that most of New York’s vitality is concentrated in those few well-known places.

Outside of those places, New York is not very different from other cities in the United States.

This city has been around for some time, and many of its buildings can be said to have a historical feel.

Successive New York mayors rarely choose to develop this piece of land in New York, believing that infrastructure construction is time-consuming, laborious and expensive.

For New York, which has ballot-based politics, politicians must ensure that the interests of their voters are protected to a certain extent.

Not to mention that he will live up to all his boasts, but at least he will not deviate too far from the voters' ideas.

But David is different from those people. He is a political amateur.

Looking at the current New York, he feels that the infrastructure here is too backward and does not deserve the name of the world's largest city.

Therefore, he decided to build a high-speed rail first, which would not only provide serious jobs for homeless homeless people, petty criminals, and gang members, but also allow New York to develop better.

Just how to house people who abuse drugs.

David hasn't thought about it yet. He knows that the damage caused by drug abuse to the body is permanent and irreversible, and he can only stop the loss in time.

Unless the Lord shows His mercy again.

Otherwise, after those people quit smoking, their bodies will be much weaker than ordinary people. If you want to prevent them from relapse, you must create a bright environment.

It was hard to do those things, but David didn't want to give up.

In his view, the emergence of so many drug abusers does not represent the degeneration of a certain ethnic group, but represents the inaction of the city hall.

As long as the city hall does something real, instead of just talking and not doing anything, it will not put so many people into drug abuse situations.

He planned the future in his mind and looked out the car window. The streets were very clean. This was the first step in building a civilized city.

The vehicle drove into an African-American neighborhood in Brooklyn.

There are no welcome banners here.

David repeatedly emphasized not to get into a big fight or even alert others.

He chose to work at the grassroots level not because he wanted to show off, but because he sincerely wanted to know whether the decisions he made received good feedback.

David knew in his heart that his abilities were limited and he was a layman in terms of governance, so he had to go to New York at all times to see whether his decisions were actually implemented.

Have you received good feedback and made improvements to the deficiencies?

Because he is a layman with no experience in governance. It would be bad if he did bad things out of good intentions.

For example, he stipulates that every community has a labor party. After work, everyone in each community is encouraged to get together and learn some hobbies, such as playing basketball, watching movies, or learning music.

David dared them to gather after work, and it was he who raised New York's minimum wage to forty dollars an hour.

It is guaranteed that these people only need to work for eight hours to get wages that they might not have received even if they worked overtime before, and this will give those businesses a severe blow.

The price was that David was assassinated every now and then.

The reasons are varied, some claim to be religious, some feel that his treatment of pagans is not extreme enough, and some say they want to kill him to please Satan.

David didn't know whether it was true or false. He only knew that the assassinations did not change his mind about what he wanted to do.


The car was parked in the parking lot of the community. Before David could get out of the car, the guard opened the car door first and stood in front of him with a bulletproof and explosion-proof shield to avoid a sudden attack somewhere.

David is a strong advocate of gun bans.

But this is New York, and it's impossible to take away everyone's guns in just a few days.

And there are always people from other states and cities sneaking in here, where guns are not allowed at all.

Under their protection, David came to the community activity center.

This is an oval building. He opened the door and it looked very lively inside.

There was a comedy movie playing on the big screen. Some people looked up and others were sitting in the corner playing with their mobile phones.

Or just pick up snacks on the table and chat, while the children play with each other.

David glanced around and found that everyone's expressions and movements were very natural. They probably weren't acting, but were really happy.

"Mayor David!"

An African-American man spotted David at the door and immediately shouted, instantly attracting the attention of the people around him.

They abandoned the movie and the things at hand and gathered around here.

"Please bless my child!" "My child is the same." "I want to bless my child too!"

David had to push away the guard in front of him. He said with a smile: "I'm sorry, blessing people is the power of the Lord. I don't have that ability.

What do you think of tonight's labor party? "

He quickly ignored the topic of religion. He didn't like the so-called Holy Son and thought those people went too far.

God loves the world.

The identity of the Son seems to say that God has a special preference for people.

David did not want to turn the Lord's gift into arrogance. There was nothing special about him.

While he was chatting with these people and listening to their opinions, the secretary received a call from the city hall, quickly pushed through the crowd, and said in David's ear: "Mayor, the police station received a strange call.

Some people said that they saw a shadow soldier with red eyes emerging from the shadow on the ground, using his mobile phone to search for the name and address of the richest man in New York. " "ha? "

David blinked his eyes, with a trace of confusion on his face, and then turned around and asked, "Is that man okay?"

“The person who called the police didn’t have anything wrong, but when the police were checking the nearby apartment, they found three bodies.

Depending on the situation, there may be some improper behavior, possibly by the shadow soldiers. "

"Are they people from another world?"

David frowned, realizing that this was a problem that should not be underestimated.

He discerns things done by otherworlds and gods mainly by looking at good and bad.

If something is good, it must have something to do with the Lord.

If something is bad, it may be something from another world or a demon.

Like everyone else, David did not deny the existence of demons in his heart.

Of course, unlike those extreme believers, he did not believe that all heretics were demons and must be burned to death.

He repeatedly emphasized that everyone has the right to believe.

According to the ideas of those extreme believers, David should have gone to the cross long ago and let the fire burn him to ashes.

Before being empowered by the Lord, he was a 100% atheist, not believing in God or hell.

However, his gentle voice is always easily overshadowed by the more extreme voices online.

Fanatic believers who admired him as the Holy Son and regarded New York as a city of miracles used his banner everywhere to fan the flames and wanted to fight a so-called holy battle and kill all the heretics in the country.

A whole host of holy words that he had never heard became his words.

As a result, he had to refute rumors every day and had to deal with some people making trouble in New York.

It was clearly done in accordance with the law, but because of the identity of the violator, people interpreted it differently.

Even though he incurred various misunderstandings, he still did not give up refuting the rumors, nor did he change his mind and work steadily.

Keeping New York residents safe and reducing crime rates is David's top priority.

“Inform the public of this news.”

"Mayor, this kind of thing is not suitable to be disclosed to the outside world."

"It doesn't matter, as long as it is explained clearly, everyone can understand what happened in New York.

Tell them not to attack if they encounter that kind of creature. "

David didn't want to hide such things that would cause danger to the people below. He believed that if these things were stated clearly and clearly, the people below would be able to understand.

In the past, people didn't understand that it was because the city hall was really not a good person.

David knew very well that he could get support from everyone, both because of miracles and because he was really doing something.

Don't look at the overwhelming criticism on him on the Internet and crazily putting him on the altar.

But those who scold him and those who praise him are always in the minority, and the majority of true believers remain silent and trust him.

David didn't want to lose that trust by hiding it.

"it is good."

The secretary nodded in agreement.


Word quickly reached Air Force One.

Nate looked at the report handed over by the FBI. He scanned every sentence on it in detail, frowning slightly but not getting angry.

Anger has become a challenging thing for someone his age.

Whenever the anger that wants to destroy everything burns in the heart, it will quickly fade away due to the weakness of the body.

He rubbed his temples and sighed: "David is really nonsense. What do those people below know? Spreading the news will only cause panic among the people, and will also allow intelligence agencies from other countries to rush in like cats smelling fishy smell." New York."

The Secretary of State stood in front of his desk and whispered: "Should we give him an order to revoke the official information?"

"It's useless, he won't listen to us."

Nate leaned back. He met David and promoted David to be mayor, largely to increase his support among the people.

As a result, he got the support he wanted.

In this year's polls, he defeated his most favorable opponent for the first time, confirming the determination within the Democratic Party to elect him, and he is expected to be re-elected next year.

At this time, he definitely couldn't let that annoying guy catch the news that he was not getting along with David.

However, the gangsters below and some people in small and medium-sized groups often have different ideas from the top leaders. They have really been chopped down and want to kill David from the bottom of their hearts.

Nate felt like he was sitting on a powder keg that would explode at some point. He picked up a cup of coffee and asked, "What do you think of this?"

"The people formed by shadows may be a certain race from another world. Wearing armor means there are more advanced people above them. We should try to contact them."

"You're right, call Braulio and ask him to rush back to New York from Florida to see what those people want to do with him."

Nate made the decision.

(End of this chapter)

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