Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 473 The business world of winners and losers

Chapter 473 The business world of winners and losers

There was nothing wrong with Mike, except that when he ran away, his body was stained with mud and leaves, making him look a little embarrassed.

But he himself was not injured.

Because Mike never chose to confront the enemy head-on, but only shot each other with guns from a distance.

If you are not a sharpshooter, it will be difficult for the enemy to aim at a high-speed moving object, let alone an underground boxing champion who is famous for his positioning.

With the help of cover and positioning, he held the strong white man and the man in black from a distance and circled in the forest. Then he called the other bodyguards to come over for reinforcements and successfully solved the two men in the forest.

There is no need to try to fight one-on-one if you can defeat the few with more.

Mike didn't just leave Phoenix Academy Princess and run away because he had professional ethics, but that kind of professional ethics was not enough to prompt him to ignore his own safety and choose to deal with the enemy as quickly as possible.

He chose to focus his fire to kill the white man and a man in black first, check the corpses, and confirm the identity of one of them as a ninja. Then he hurried back to the castle and saw a gap in the wall.

The door was intact and opened with a creaking sound.

Mike subconsciously pointed the gun inside. When he saw it was Qingze, Phoenix Academy Meiji and others, he put away the gun, whistled and said: "Wow, you guys are really dressed up. Have the enemies been eliminated?"

"Of course, all three have been killed."

"Teacher Mike, are you okay?"

"Well, it's okay."

Regarding Sayuri Yoshikawa's concern, Mike replied, then scratched his head and said: "The attacker is said to be related to Ninja Agency, and may be hired by someone. I want to report the situation to my wife now."

"it is good."

Phoenix Academy Meiji nodded and sighed inwardly, fearing that her mother would call her back to Tokyo after discovering what happened here, which would affect this stay together.

Before making the call, Mike scanned Aozawa and Tetsuji Hojo and said, "Did you kill them?"

Hojo Tetsuji said truthfully: "Qingze will kill two people, and I will kill one person."

"Well done."

Mike nodded, knowing how to report to Hu Die above.

When it comes to work, you must report in detail and not appear too sloppy.


Tokyo, the high-rise area of ​​Shinjuku.

As usual, Hu Die stayed in the large office at the top of the group, processing documents for various companies under the Phoenix Family.

As long as there is no unexpected incident, she will basically not leave this office.

She is a woman who is very obsessed with power.

To her, power was more enjoyable than any play.

So she is essentially a workaholic. She does not have the desire to delegate power like other leaders, but instead controls everyone below.

Everyone is required to obey their own decisions and do things according to her decisions, and never allow things to happen on their own initiative.

Her workload every day is even greater than that of the head of state, but she never says she is tired.

She drank a cup of coffee and watched the stock price war with Takizawa Group. She believed that it would not be long before they could completely defeat Takizawa Group and severely defeat this rising star in the business world.

The existing cake has been divided, and Japan does not need new dividers on the table.

She licked the coffee on the corner of her lips. The bitter taste was very refreshing.

When Hu Die drinks coffee, she never likes adding sugar and prefers drinking 100% original coffee.

The bitter feeling spread from the tip of her tongue to her brain, making her feel very awake.

Ding ding, the cell phone on the table rang.

Hu Die swiped the screen with her index finger, connected, and said in a deep voice: "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Ma'am, this is what happened."

Mike on the other end of the phone explained what had just happened on the island.

After Hu Die listened to his story quietly, her face was like a sky covered with dark clouds and she said, "You have done a good job. I will transfer one million US dollars to your account as your reward."

"Thank you ma'am."

Mike's tone sounded a little surprised.

Based on his previous work experience, he thought he could only get a sentence such as "Well done" or encouragement to do a good job, without any actual action.

The bosses naturally classified what he did into the salary given.

The sad thing is, he thinks so too.

But Hu Die is obviously not the kind of boss with shoddy tactics. She knows that when employees achieve great results, they must provide actual rewards instead of writing blank checks.

No matter how much I say, the word "add money" never makes employees feel warm.

"This is the reward you deserve. Meiji's safety needs to be protected by you. I'll go there later."

Hu Die hung up the phone, with a trace of contemplation on her face. She quickly dialed Gray Secretary's phone number and said in a cold tone: "Tell the boss of the Ninja Agency who hired three ninjas to come to my island and try to kidnap my daughter.

I need a good explanation from him. "


The gray secretary is equivalent to the middleman of the consortium, specializing in contacting Hu Die with people living in the dark world. All kinds of illegal activities, and gray business are communicated from him to the following. The advantage of this is that if anything happens in the future, Hu Die can take care of herself without affecting her reputation as a philanthropist.

The gray secretary only needs to go to the private prison run by the Phoenix Institute Group to enjoy herself. After coming out, she will still be a member of the Phoenix Institute Group.

So he is absolutely loyal to Hu Die.

This is not a job for a lifetime, but a job for generations. As long as the Phoenix Family survives, his descendants will not be unemployed.

He quickly flipped through his address book to Ninjie's phone number and dialed it with one click.

After a beep, the call was connected. He couldn't see Kamei Bunta's person, but he could read the flattering tone in the other party's voice, "Hello, Secretary Kanehara, what do you need from our Shinobu Agency?"

"Mr. Kamei, you are so brave, you actually dare to send someone to kidnap the eldest lady of the Phoenix Academy!"

"What?! It's unfair! Give me a hundred courages, and I won't even dare to kidnap the eldest lady."

Kamei Fumio's tone was shocked, full of grievance and innocence.

But Kanehara's expression was very cold and he said: "The corpses of three ninjas from the Ninja Agency are already lying on the island. Who gave this commission?

Madam wants you to give an explanation, but if it doesn't satisfy her, I can't put in a good word for you.

Our long-lasting friendly relations will be interrupted. "

Kamei Bunta suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his face and said anxiously: "I-I really don't know about this. That guy was talking about making money. I thought he was engaged in that kind of smuggling business. How could I know? I'm really sorry.

You also know the nature of our business. "

"Mr. Kamei, you don't need to explain to me, you need to give an explanation to Madam."

Kanehara interrupted him, knowing in his heart that even though Kamei Bunta looked weak, this was just the old man's disguise.

This old man was more cunning and cunning than anyone else. Jin Yuan didn't believe anything about this order. He was more inclined to this old guy. He knew that there was something wrong, but he still pretended to be confused and took risks to make money.

Of course, there is no need for Jin Yuan to expose it. The existence of Ninjie Institute is indeed convenient for serving people like them.

"Okay, I will definitely give Madam a satisfactory explanation."

Kamei Bunta wiped the sweat from his hands and hung up the phone. There was no respect on his face anymore, only gloom.

What a bad time.

I originally wanted to make more money, but now, I'm afraid I don't want to pour money into it.

Kamei Bunta was angry. He really didn't know that Shindo Katsuhisa hired people to do that kind of thing, and thought that the other party wanted to secretly smuggle flour to subsidize the Takizawa Group's plight.

He originally thought that Takizawa Takaya was a smart man, but he didn't expect that he would do such a stupid thing.

Just do it, and do it so roughly.

Takizawa Takaya was so shrewd in the past, but now, he seems to be in a daze, and he doesn't think about it. With the strength of the Phoenix Academy family, what kind of splash can the people he hires make?

Kamei Bunta really wanted to yell, her mortgage was about to be overdue, and she would not have bought that villa if she had known it.

But when he has money, he wants to buy a house. He has properties in Okinawa, Kanagawa, Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Sendai.

Hey, if that doesn't work, take one to the bank for mortgage first.

He was thinking in his mind that he called to mobilize manpower and prepared to send Takizawa Takaya to Phoenix Academy Hu Die for processing. Only in this way could he calm down that person's anger.


Da da.

The clock on the wall chimed softly, ticking by. Takizawa Takaya sat on the sofa and poured himself a glass of red wine. On the table was his favorite Kobe steak.

Stacked on a full plate, it looks unsightly.

But he and Katsuhisa Shindo like to eat this way.

Takizawa Takaya did not use a knife and fork, but picked up the steak with his hands and brought it to his mouth to bite.

The cell phone on the table never rang.

How is Katsuku's progress?

He didn't know, it was just the slow flow of time that gave him a bad feeling.

If everything went well, Katsuhisa should have sent a message to his phone.

Procrastination means failure.

Regarding failure, Takizawa Takaya had expected it. Most of the desperate attempts in the world ended in failure.

Reality is not a movie after all.

The defense of the Phoenix House is unknown, and the specific deployment of the island is also unknown. When nothing is clear, it is very difficult to rashly kidnap the eldest lady.

But if you don't take action, it will just be a slow death.

Takizawa Takaya swallowed the steak in his mouth and remembered that when he was a child, his family was poor, his mother was a girl from Kabukicho, and his father had no trace.

In such a family environment, he did not choose to become a gangster. Instead, he studied hard and relied on knowledge to change his destiny.

He used the contradictions between politicians and underground industries to accumulate initial capital, and keenly grasped the trend of the times. From scratch, he built a company that was not inferior to the six major consortiums and the Phoenix Institute.

After starting from scratch and reaching this point, he would rather die than fall from the high platform praised by thousands of people.

Click, a soft sound came, Takizawa Takaya looked back and said: "People from the Ninja Institute, it seems that Katsuhisa's operation failed."

He sighed, picked up the goblet with his oily hands, and drank the bright red, poisonous wine.

(End of this chapter)

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