Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 471 Qingzejun is really a natural born killer

Chapter 471 Qingzejun is really a natural born killer

Phoenix Academy Meiji is not afraid at all.

She leaned against Qingze's chest simply out of shyness.

The sudden princess hug made her a little confused.

And the position of Qingze's right hand was very subtle, which made her want to remind him, but she felt it was inappropriate to do so.

Maybe it was unintentional...

Well, Phoenix Academy Meiji admits that the possibility of unintentional is very low.

Qingze's five fingers passed through her armpits and reached the top of her chest. The three fingers pressed slightly, causing the bright red dress to appear as if it had swallowed part of her fingers.

Due to the summer weather, the dress she wore was quite skimpy, including the bikini underneath.

The two pieces combined were probably a little thicker than paper. With such strength, she seemed to be able to feel the fingerprints between Qingze's fingers.

The always tough eldest lady is like the belly of a hedgehog exposed after falling down, so soft that she has no offensive power at all.

Let Qingze decide.

Phoenix Academy Meiji rested her head on Qingze's shoulder, and her breath became hotter and more infuriating than the sunshine outside.

If the situation was not inappropriate, Qingze would have to walk slowly to the door, but in order to ensure a tense atmosphere, he still quickly walked to the castle door.

Sensing someone coming forward, the huge door slowly opened.

Aozawa ran into it, followed by Tetsuji Hojo.

"You can't open this door without seeing anyone!"

Among the five, only Nomura Manami was thinking about how to prevent the enemy from invading.

Unlike the two people hugged by the princess, their brains have completely lost the ability to think.

Let alone hugging people, there is no enemy figure in my mind.

Phoenix Academy Meiji woke up from her dazed state and quickly jumped out of Qingze's arms.

Like tender tofu slipping from his hands, Qingze wanted to grab it, but he still resisted the urge and felt a little regretful.

If he had known that the eldest lady had this attitude, he should have lowered his hand further down instead of testing it above.

This wave of blood loss.

"The defense system can be activated at the door."

Phoenix Academy Meiji explained to a few people, then strode to the left, entered the password, and put the castle into a defensive state.


The door slammed shut and banged, and the stained glass was covered with iron plates.

Thick door locks from top to bottom secure the door.

During this trip, Phoenix Academy Meiji's security force is not weak. Including Mike, there are twenty-one people, well-equipped, but they are arranged to patrol outside, and they will not be able to count on them for a while.

"It stands to reason that this should be able to stop them, but we still don't want to stay here."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji waved to the maids again and said: "Don't gather here, everyone hide at the top of the castle."

"Let's go to the castle's arsenal and get guns for self-defense."

"Gun? I never thought I would have a gun one day!"

Sayuri Yoshikawa's face was full of excitement, imagining that she was like 007 in the movie, holding a gun and going deep into the tiger's den.

With a few clicks, you can defeat a large group of bad guys with perfect shots.

Nomura Manami raised his hand and knocked her on the head and said: "Don't fantasize about impossible things. Are there rocket launchers or something?"


Phoenix Academy Meiji rolled her eyes at her.

Even if you are a rich man, you cannot hide rocket launchers in your home at all times.

The lethality of that thing is too strong.

If there is a bodyguard who is unhappy with the rich man, even the bulletproof vest will not save him.


Shindo Katsuhisa did not forget the main purpose of his trip. He was not to kill people, but to kidnap the eldest daughter of the Phoenix-in family.

He asked the strong white man and a jounin to deal with the troublesome bodyguard, and he took the other two jonin to the front of the castle.

Katsuhisa Shindo put down his backpack and took out the military C4 explosive that the seller said he bought at a high price from the US military stationed in Japan.

With this alone, it would be a bit difficult to blow up such a thick iron door, but he could blow up the wall directly.

Rocks are obviously not stronger than iron doors.


Stone chips were scattered in the impact of the explosion, and smoke and dust billowed out from the gap, as if the entire castle was shaken at this moment.

The loud sound impacted every part of the castle, and the ground beneath my feet shook.


Sayuri Yoshikawa lost her balance and fell forward.

Hojo Tetsuji grabbed her shoulders in time to prevent her from falling to the ground and said, "Are you okay?"

"Oh, no, it's okay!"

Sayuri Yoshikawa blushed and replied, then ran forward quickly, hoping to use the wind generated by running to dissipate the heat on her cheeks.

Seeing this, Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy wanted to complain, but then she suppressed the idea. She was in a very conflicting mood. On the one hand, she wanted to try to make Qingze stay as a queen.

This would prove that he was no ordinary person, but he was worried that Qingze would be in danger.

If Qingze has nothing to do with Dio and is not from another world, wouldn't staying here mean he is going to die?

After much thought, she decided to fight together.

As for guns, Phoenix Academy Meiji has still practiced, but she is not old enough to get a gun license.

She skillfully ran to the armory on the second floor of the castle and entered the password that only she knew.

Wow, the thick iron door opened, revealing various weapons placed inside, from high-explosive grenades to flash bombs, sniper rifles, automatic rifles, and a Minimi 7.62 Mk3 machine gun. "Wow, that's cool!"

Sayuri Yoshikawa's face was full of excitement.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji is also a bit dazed. She only knew from her mother that there is an arsenal in the castle to protect herself when danger occurs.

But Phoenix Academy Meiji had never opened the arsenal before. She stepped forward, took out four items from the tags on the bulletproof vests and threw them to them. "Put on the bulletproof vest first, and then put on the helmet."

Equipped from head to toe, Sayuri Yoshikawa held a cool sniper. She imitated the cold expression of the movie killer and said solemnly: "We will definitely annihilate any enemy."

Within two seconds of being handsome, she pulled a face and complained: "It's so heavy!"

"Don't think about using a big sniper. Use this pocket pistol to defend yourself. The recoil of that gun is not something you can afford."

Phoenix Academy Meiji still knows that most people can't even withstand the recoil when they get a gun.

"Then I'll use this."

Qingze picked up the Minimi 7.62 Mk3 machine gun.

With his physical fitness, he doesn't need to worry about the impact of the firearm at all, and he just carries an ammunition box on his back so that he can change ammunition at any time.

If paired with sunglasses, it will look like a cold-blooded killer.

Sayuri Yoshikawa's eyes lit up and she said, "So handsome!"

When Tetsuji Hojo saw this, he also chose a large sniper with a cool appearance to carry. The caliber of the gun was the kind that could break an elephant's legs with one shot.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji equipped herself with a mini submachine gun and a row of grenade belts hanging around her waist.

The configuration of Nomura Manami is no different from that of Yoshikawa Sayuri, they are both pocket pistols.

Then several people put on thermal imaging cameras.

Wearing it on Nomura Manami and Yoshikawa Sayuri is to prevent them from panicking when they see blood.

Wearing a thermal imaging camera, the killing scene is not as scary as killing a chicken.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji waved her hand and said: "It's time to start hunting!"

"Oh, Meiji, your words sound like a movie protagonist!"

"I did it on purpose."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji smiled and strode outside with a gun.


After entering the castle, Saburo Hattori, his employer and another companion dispersed and began to search for targets here.

The roads inside the castle are complex.

Each door represents a room. As a searcher, Hattori Saburo had to open every door and check the situation inside in detail.

Even if there is no one around, you must open cabinets or under tables, sofas, etc. that can hide people.

Hattori Saburo ran to the second floor, feeling distressed.

I feel that the employer's preliminary investigation work this time was too lax. He did not understand the internal structure of the castle in advance and did not know the location of the target.

When will he find such a big castle?

Hattori Saburo thought to himself, stopped in front of the stairs, and carefully looked in the mirror to confirm that there was no one in the corridor.

He quickly stepped forward and approached a door. This kind of smart door lock only requires a swipe of the door card containing the virus.

Wow, the door opened directly, and Saburo Hattori rolled inside. After scanning the surroundings, he found that this was a study room.

Rows of bookshelves were arranged, and the stained glass windows made the fallen iron panels block the sunlight, making it look very dim.


Hattori Saburo stepped forward and searched around, feeling quite disappointed.

Damn it, is it necessary to build such a huge fortress for a mistress?

Doubts flashed through Hattori Saburo's mind, but he quickly put them aside. Ninjas didn't need to think about those things, they just needed to complete the mission.

Hattori Saburo wanted to exit the room, but when he heard footsteps, he stopped immediately and chose to place the mirror on the ground to see if the person coming was the target.

Hattori Saburo stared at the mirror on the ground. The angle of the mirror allowed him to clearly see the boy walking out of the corner.

His facial features were regular and he looked fully equipped from head to toe, with a machine gun hanging and an ammunition box on his back.

Nani? ! Seeing the enemy's equipment, Saburo Hattori suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, as if he saw his dead brother Hattori Takayuki waving to him.

This kind of firepower is simply incredible.

But he quickly discovered an opportunity, that is, the opponent's helmet was equipped with a thermal imager, but he did not wear it.

Abdomen Saburo made a quick decision and must kill the boy with the machine gun.

Now he has no way out.

The windows are covered with iron plates, and being huddled indoors is like a turtle in a urn.

The only way he wants to stay alive is to try to defeat his enemies.

The opponent's fierce firepower was one thing, but the awareness of combat was even more important. He quickly took out a flash grenade from his backpack, pulled out the safety pin and threw it out.

A gray-white filter enveloped the entire corridor, and Qingze pressed the thermal imager down in front of his eyes.

When the pause is lifted, a blazing white light shines.

Saburo rushed out quickly and was about to shoot.

Qingze pulled the trigger.

Bang, there was a burst of machine gun fire, and the ground and human body were like the surface of a lake where stones fell, splashing with waves.

However, what was splashed here was mud and blood.

Saburo's abdomen was beaten into a sieve and fell down.

Qingze whistled and said, "Kill one of them and keep walking."

Sayuri Yoshikawa said in surprise: "Aozawa-kun, you are really a born killer."


Qingze answered humbly.

(End of this chapter)

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