Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 452 A mouthful of phlegm can destroy a country

Chapter 452 A mouthful of phlegm can destroy a country

AGM-158C long-range anti-ship missile, AGM-114 Hellfire missile...

The two F-35 fighter jets fired a total of eight missiles.

Brilliant tail flames slid across the night sky with twinkling stars, and eight missiles landed on Qingze at extremely fast speeds. He did not use the defensive force field. He simply wanted to test the hardness of his body when he expanded to tens of thousands of meters. How about it.

Those dragon scales cannot grow in vain.

He thought about how it was impossible to be killed by a missile at once. As long as the person was alive, he could be cured by his magical rejuvenation.

Qingze has the confidence to prove his strength by physically carrying missiles.


Eight missiles landed on Qingze's head, to be precise, they hit his eyes.

Even under such strong pressure, the two fighter pilots still maintained very good military qualities. They did not attack indiscriminately, but attacked selectively.

For such a huge target, priority must be given to attacking some of the more vulnerable parts.

Brilliant fireworks enveloped Qingze's eyes.

The dragon scales are not broken.

It's like an ordinary person hitting his chest with a fist, nothing happens, just a little sting.

Qingze wanted to yell and scare the other person, but considering his current size, once he roared, the people below him would be shocked to death by the sound waves.

Qingze doesn't care how many celebrities die, but those victims are obviously not within his killing range.

So he suppressed the idea of ​​roaring and instead spit out the water in his mouth towards the two fighters while using his infinite power.

The spitted water directly spanned thousands of meters, like a tsunami destroying a city, hitting the surface of the two F-35 fighter jets.

The strong impact of the sea water directly knocked the two fighter jets towards the sea.

Boom, it was not the sound of the fighter plane exploding. In the sea water, the fighter plane exploded without even a sound. It was just the heavy sea water hitting the sea surface, making a roaring sound.

The turbulent water swept the wreckage of the fighter plane and the pilot hundreds or thousands of meters to the bottom of the sea.

The sea surface is just a circle of waves.

After Qingze's test, as long as there is a real object, he can use infinite power to amplify it.

If it does not exist in reality, only his body can allow infinity to function.

Creatures created using the hypnotic world of Mirror, Flower, Water and Moon cannot be enlarged.

The life created using destiny weaving cannot be enlarged.

His attack method when he transforms into a dragon is to spit out water and destroy a city.

In Europe, it would destroy a country with a mouthful of phlegm.


The fate of two F-35 fighter jets.

Alexei witnessed it with his own eyes. He only felt that his hands and feet were cold. He stood in front of the door of the private jet, but was unable to take the step up the steps.

When the plane takes off, it's not a ticket to escape, it's a ticket to hell.

Realizing this, he stepped back hastily.

Wood is not slow either.

He never had any problems with his hands and feet. He pretended to use a cane and walked slowly, just to enjoy the power of making others wait for him.

At the critical moment of life and death, that kind of disguise was abandoned by him, and he wished he could return to being as flexible as a teenager.

"Two of the most advanced fighter jets were destroyed by monsters. What should we do?"

"Don't panic, let's call the U.S. military to come over and use a large group of U.S. troops to attract the attention of the monsters. Then we'll take a plane and leave."

"Zhang San" in the American legal community quickly came up with ideas. He has studied law all year round and devoted his life to lowering the age limit for sexual consent. He can be called a model figure in the United States who unites knowledge and action.

At this critical moment, he quickly turned his brain and immediately came up with a great idea.

As for whether the US military is completely wiped out, it has nothing to do with him.

Alexei also reacted quickly, nodded and said: "Let's go back to the round table quickly and call the US military to come for rescue!"

They can do things that ordinary people can't do.

You know, their deaths will cause shock to all walks of life in the United States.

The group hurriedly returned to the hall.

Qingze watched this scene and decided to release the red dragon form. This size was too big for him to accurately eliminate those celebrities.

He used elemental displacement to turn himself into an invisible wind, then released infinity and used Schrödinger's cat to jump to the round table in the hall.

Qingze originally wanted to stir up some dust, but found that the scene was extremely clean, with no dust at all. He could only let the wind spin twice, and then he turned into Dior and sat calmly on a high-backed chair.

He supported his chin with his hands and looked at Alexei and others who hurried into the hall with calm eyes.

The golden light shone on the blond hair, making it shine even more brightly, and the fair complexion was also coated with a light golden color.

Brown eyes stared at them coldly.

Alexei stopped in a hurry, looked at the man sitting on the round table, and examined this man's appearance. His heart disease almost frightened him, and he stammered: "You, you are Dio?!"

As soon as they heard this name, the other people's expressions immediately changed.

It can be said that the people who can participate in this core gathering are among the top circles in the United States. Naturally, they have heard of Dior's deeds and know what kind of attitude this man took towards the powerful.

Poof, Wood knelt down and cried bitterly: "Lord Dio, this matter has nothing to do with me. This island is owned by Alexei, and I did not interfere in it!

I am a good person!

I have been committed to charity all my life. If you don’t believe me, you can check it out on Wikipedia! "

Alexei's expression changed drastically, and everyone else also reacted and quickly explained.

"Yes, I am not familiar with this guy at all. I hate the kind of powerful people most in my life. From a judicial perspective, I have made many valuable suggestions for the advancement of the rule of law in the United States.

Six of the justices of the Supreme Court are my students, and every president has asked me to be their legal advisor. It is impossible for me to know the law and break it! "

Listening to their pleas for mercy, Qingze showed no expression. He was not a judge. The trial never needed to see any past evidence, he only believed in the facts before him.

Qingze smashed the wine glass, then pointed the sharp opening in their direction, flicked it, and activated Infinity.

The wine glass fragments became huge in an instant. From front to back, Qingze turned into a breeze to avoid physical damage.

Those at the door could not do this. The sharp broken glass suddenly tore their flesh, and blood rolled into the transparent cup body.

With a bang, the huge broken wine glass hit the ground heavily, but it did not break again.

The broken wine glass is now as big as half the hall.

The people who were split into two did not die immediately, but instead let out hysterical wails and screams. Many of them had half of their bodies cut off.

People like Wood who knelt down and begged for mercy ended up having their heads chopped off.

For a person standing like Alexei, his thigh was simply cut off, and blood spurted out from the fracture. The severe pain made him jump around like a fish falling into a mud pit.

Qingze released his infinite power, and the broken wine glass returned to a small piece and fell on the table, which was blown to pieces by his mark blast ability.

He did not stay here any longer and turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared into the hall, heading to the banquet below.


The huge dragon disappeared into the sea.

The shadow disappeared from the banquet venue, and Walter, who was so frightened that his hands and feet were weak, finally calmed down his racing heart.

He thought of the alien world, monsters, and the Holy Son in New York that had been circulating on the Internet recently.

Walter quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead. So are those things real?

To be honest, he thought it was just a lie concocted by the higher-ups.

Walter had seen things like this man-made god many times.

In order to stabilize their votes, some politicians like to associate with people of a certain religion, and then spend money to hire media, etc., to continuously build momentum for that person, and then target local and even foreign people.

Walter has seen with his own eyes that some people who are not very religious have become doubtful under various propaganda.

Three become tigers.

Especially when a master has appeared on a TV show, the credibility is higher.

In the eyes of those who don't believe it, the kind of person who sprinkles holy water on the air and shouts "XX disease disappears! Get out, get out!"

This is simply stupid behavior.

In the eyes of those believers, this is proof of the master's authority.

The master is already on TV, can he still be fake?

Walter has seen such marketing methods, so he doesn't really believe in the propaganda of the TV media.

But the facts he had just seen with his own eyes convinced him that alien worlds and monsters were real, and that creatures of that size were not something the earth could possess.

He was thinking in his mind, and noticed something strange in his pants, and then glanced at Soledad next to him.

The little girl's face looked normal.

Such a performance made Walter immediately furious, slapped her harshly on the cheek, and shouted: "What are you laughing at?"

"I-I didn't laugh."

Soledad was immediately stunned.

"How dare you say no? You are clearly laughing at my performance!"

Walter did not allow her to have any rebuttal, and raised his fists to continue to inflict violence on her, using the other person's pain to regain the dignity of peeing his pants.

There was another abnormal sound, which made Walter's feet weak and he almost didn't kneel down.

He quickly turned his head and saw a burst of lightning shooting out from the top of the hill. The electricity condensed from all around converged into an extremely majestic thunder giant.

As he breathed, thunder filled the sky above the island, just like Zeus in Greek mythology who wanted to destroy the world.

He waved his right hand, and lightning bolts fell on the crowd.

Screams and wailing sounds suddenly sounded, and people attending the banquet began to flee in all directions, trying to avoid the lightning attack.

"What, what is this?!"

Walter's face turned pale with fright, but he did not stay there as before. A glimmer of hope of escape urged him to stay away from the scene.

Soledad didn't run, she just stood on the road, looking at the adults running around and screaming, and she actually felt a little happy in her heart.

Kill, kill, the more you kill, the better.

Soledad didn't care whether he lived or not, as long as he could kill them all, it didn't matter if he went to hell.

(End of this chapter)

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