Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 447 Leniency for confession

Chapter 447 Leniency for confession

On the Shinkansen ride back, the excitement of everyone in the kendo club finally subsided, and everyone stayed in their seats, dozing off against each other.

Qingze didn't sleep, and looked out the window.

The vibrating sound of a mobile phone came from his trouser pocket. Considering that the minister and the others were sleeping, Qingze deliberately set the mobile phone to vibrate mode.

He unlocked it and found that it was a message from Phoenix Academy Meiji.

"Qingze, I have seen the short video of the competition. You are really amazing. You can be said to be a contemporary Japanese swordsman."

As soon as the compliment showed that it had been read, the eldest lady sent another emoticon, similar to Ania's smiling face.

It’s hard to imagine that the person who posted this obscene emoticon is a dignified and shining young lady.

"You are so awesome!"

Next, there is another strange sentence.

Qingze could sense from the words in the words that Phoenix Academy Princess was in a joyful mood. She was not celebrating him winning the Jade Dragon Flag, but was happy that he had caught Xiao Heizi's chicken feet.

Between the words and the emoticons, there is always a sense that you are still saying that you are not a superpower.

Qingze had watched the most-played short video and felt that the one who was hit was very dumb and the attacker seemed very fast.

It is impossible to detect anything unusual just by watching the video.

Even if a layman watches the video of a kendo competition, he won’t be able to tell how powerful he is.

After all, the short video of the match between him and Takashi Suunaga lasted just over a minute.

In the eyes of an outsider, it is not much different from other kendo competitions. It is all about ah ah ah and then the game is over.

The eldest lady obviously didn't think that his win was unreasonable based on the video. It's strange. Chiyo can be said to know Takashi Suunaga. Does the eldest lady also know the strength of Takashi Suunaga?

A trace of doubt flashed in Qingze's mind, and he thought that the side effects of Takashi Suunaga's body might be related to that medicine.

"Hey, thanks for the compliment."

He pretended not to understand the meaning of the eldest lady's words and started to sneer.

Such a statement naturally received a beating emoji.

It’s good to be rich, and you can even have more emoticons than others.

Qingze suspected that the eldest lady specially bought a set of emoticons that could express any mood at any time, so that she could accurately express her thoughts with emoticons at any time.

"Have you had dinner?"

He sent a message to change the topic, and the real need to deal with it would wait until we meet at the hotel.


It was dusk, and it was so late that Ishigami Kenta and others had to agree to prepare the jade dragon flag and trophies in the kendo club's activity room tomorrow.

Let Qingze take it back tonight.

He was holding a jade dragon flag, a certificate of daring to fight, a trophy, and a gold medal hanging around his neck. Dressed like this, he naturally attracted some attention while walking on the road, but was quickly moved away.

Unlike the enthusiasm in the Hakata area, here in Ayase in Adachi Ward, few people walking on the street know the Gyokuryu Flag.

There has never been any Koshien fire in the kendo circle.

This also makes the time in the Hakata region particularly precious. He can get preferential treatment wherever he holds the Jade Dragon Flag and the reward for daring to fight.

Qingze returned home and found two supercars parked on a disc in the yard.

He opened the door of the villa and let it close automatically. Then he walked to the main door and swiped the door with the door card in his trouser pocket.

Di~ The door opened, and he pushed it open and entered. Warm lights shone on the entrance.

"Chiyo, I'm back."

Qingze yelled inside, kicked the door shut with his feet, and with his hands free, he took off his shoes with telekinesis in front of the entrance, picked them up and threw them into the shoe cabinet.

Qingze walked into the living room.

There was a very rich and delicious food on the table, including four cooked Australian lobsters, two pieces of Kobe steak, hairy crabs, stir-fried eel, scallops, chicken soup and so on.

A table of delicacies exudes mouth-watering aromas.

Chiyo Morimoto is sitting in the upper position, her face as beautiful as a crown jewel is full of frost, wearing the uniform of a police chief, with her hands folded across her chest, without any need for words to express, the majestic temperament of interrogating prisoners has been radiated from the inside out.

When she saw Qingze entering the door, she crossed her legs. The short skirt and black stockings she put on made this action look very attractive. She said expressionlessly: "Qingze, come and sit down."

The voice is still gentle, but a little more serious, like a group of heavily armed American soldiers on a sunny Hawaiian beach.


Qingze put away the Jade Dragon Flag, the Dare to Fight Award, and the trophies, and then sat in front of her with his hands on his knees, looking very well-behaved.

Chiyo Morimoto stretched her feet forward, stepped on his knees, and said with a little force: "Qingze, you are not from this world, are you?"


Qingze answered truthfully.

Such a cheerful attitude made the words brewing in Morimoto Chiyo's heart suddenly become useless.

But she quickly regained her composure and said with sharp eyes, "Then why did you lie to me before?"

Qingze spread his hands and said, "What an injustice. You never asked me if I was from another world."

Exposure is inevitable. He can only choose to reveal part of the secret. If he can keep the secret of being Dio, he should try to keep it.

Men should always have privacy where they can move freely.

The alien world is so big, it is normal to have many apostles.

Chiyo Morimoto understood what he meant, retracted her foot, and said calmly: "Do you mean that you have nothing to do with Dio?"

"Chiyo, you know me. I came to this world ten years ago. How did I get here?

Even I forgot about it. I only remembered that I slept at home and then suddenly appeared on the streets of Adachi Ward. "

"Don't you want your parents in another world?" "I have no family there."

Qingze shrugged and replied, this sentence is the truth.

Chiyo Morimoto's sharp expression softened somewhat. She raised her hand and touched his head and said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask this."

"It's ok."

Qingze hugged her and said with a smile: "In my opinion, Chiyo is my family."

Chiyo Morimoto touched his head and said with tenderness between his brows: "At this tender moment, don't force me to slap you."

Qingze had to stop biting.

He just longs for maternal love.

Chiyo Morimoto retracted her move to hit him on the head. They were talking seriously here. All Ainsawa could think about was that kind of thing. It was indeed impossible to overlap with the image of Dior, and the feeling of tearing was too strong.

"Don't you know Dio?"

"I met him once. He wanted me to be his friend, but I refused. I have no interest in being friends with a guy of unknown origin."

Qingze changed his face and stopped moving, but his head still did not leave Morimoto Chiyo's chest.

Chiyo Morimoto was made hot all over by the hot air blowing on her chest. Even her thoughts couldn't help but wander off. She had to pat him on the shoulder and said: "Okay, I believe you. Let's eat and tell you what happened in the other world." Listen to me."

"it is good."

Qingze left reluctantly and said with a smile: "Chiyo, the Hanfu I ordered hasn't arrived yet?"

"Don't rush."

Chiyo Morimoto picked up the red wine and poured him a glass, then filled it for himself, ready to listen to Qingze's description of the other world.


Aozawa had already thought about how to answer Chiyo Morimoto's question. He made up the name of a country, and the living conditions could be slightly higher than those in the Middle Ages, giving him a more magical feeling of a single nobleman in the Middle Ages.

Needless to say, there are a lot of things to say. The age of six is ​​there. Is it too much to ask a six-year-old child about the history and national environment?

It can be argued that he cannot explain many things clearly and cannot remember them.

"I remember you were dressed in a very modern style."

"How is that possible? You must have remembered wrongly. I was sleeping at the time and must have been wearing pajamas."


Chiyo Morimoto did not remember what clothes Aozawa was wearing at that time, but only remembered the lonely temperament of being isolated from the world.

She forked a piece of steak at will and said: "You can defeat Su Yong, you must have used some power secretly, right?"

Qingze nodded and said: "Yes, I only awakened my power recently. I don't know why, but I named it Infinite."

He decided to regard the superpower that was refreshed this week as a power.

Chiyo Morimoto showed a hint of surprise on her face and said, "Infinity, can you let me see it?"

"it is good."

Qingze uses his super power a little, which is infinite.

The size increases instantly.

With a crackling sound, all the clothes and pants on his body burst into pieces and fell into pieces.

His body was so tall that it touched the ceiling, and his limbs became extremely strong.

Chiyo Morimoto looked at the thing that was almost bigger than her head and felt her legs weak.

"Not only can I make my body bigger, I can also make certain parts of my body bigger."

Qingze made himself shrink, except for a certain part that never shrank, still showing its teeth and claws like an Australian lobster.

He jumped off the chair and continued: "I can also make other people or objects huge."

As he spoke, he put his hand on Morimoto Chiyo's chest and used his infinite power.

With a crackle, the buttons on the back popped open, and the four buttons on the front flew off. The shirt that originally fit was like a primary school student's uniform when worn on an adult, suddenly appearing ill-fitting.

"Chiyomon evolves into Mengniu form!"

he shouted seriously.

Chiyo Morimoto raised her hand and knocked him on the head, expressionlessly saying: "Change back to your original state!"

The heaviness made it difficult for her to straighten her back.

Qingze released the infinite power, allowing Chiyo and himself to return to their original state, and said with a smile: "How about it, my power is very powerful, right?"

"You have the nerve to call me Infinity just like this?"

Chiyo Morimoto complained.

Qingze will naturally not show the full power of Infinity. In that case, it will be difficult to explain when it is weakened next week.

"The name naturally needs to be majestic. In fact, my power is to make my strength and body bigger."

"What an unreasonable power. Sit down and eat."

"Would you like to experience it later?"

"Do you want to kill me?"

Chiyo Morimoto replied angrily, and then said: "Let's control it and see how it works."

"Hey, I obey~"

Qingze looked expectant.

(End of this chapter)

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