Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 44 This is the victory of saliva

Chapter 44 This is the victory of saliva

Walt's orders were quickly implemented.

A phone call from the headquarters told Colonel Javier Maldonado, who was still on leave in Shinjuku, Tokyo, to end his leave.

He is a standard white man, with blond hair and blue eyes. His tall and strong body bulges out of his suit, and he has a powerful silhouette.

"Okay, boys, our pleasant vacation has ended due to the commander's emergency order."

Javier clapped his hands and spoke in English. The six people who had put their hands into the woman's arms a second ago quickly pulled their hands away.

Everyone stood up, the smiles on their faces faded, and their expressions were a bit cold.

The ladies accompanying the drinks didn't understand and thought they were being offended. They could hardly keep their smiles on and wanted to shrink their bodies.

Although the US military eats, drinks, has fun, snatches women, fights, etc., it does not mean that they have poor military discipline.

It’s just that the military discipline of the US military does not include committing any crimes against the people. It emphasizes obeying orders from above. Just like during the Civil War, with a military order, soldiers could annihilate all life and completely destroy a city as quickly as possible.

The various bad performances of the US troops stationed in Japan can only be said to be barbaric and cruel, but not to the corruption of military discipline.

Javier turned and walked outside the house and gave the order: "We will split up. I will take the three of them to the Shinjuku Police Station to find the police officer named Oda Nobutsu.

Jack, you lead people to capture Miki Fujii and control all the corpses in his hands. "


The man named Jack answered easily.

The team began to carry out the order.


Around five in the afternoon.

The streets of Shinjuku were still not enveloped by the afterglow of dusk. Qingze was strolling on the streets grabbing milk tea in one hand and a hamburger in the other.

He didn't continue to use his superpowers to cause trouble.

The rare vacation time cannot be occupied entirely by those guys.

After trying to kill the group of people in the nursing home with a combination of skills, he went to the concert stage of a well-known idol group, evading tickets from time to time, and went on stage to experience the perspective of the big stage with the idols.

However, those idols are very pure and shiny on the outside, but they are dark on the inside.

There were also tattoos and words with special shapes on some parts, which made him sigh, it was really fun.

I also stopped by the Shinjuku Police Station from time to time and made a cup of "apacha" for the professional police officers.

This sense of freedom of being able to break into any place at will with the ability to stop and stop makes him intoxicated.

Qingze swallowed the hamburger meat in his mouth, rolled up the paper, and planned to throw it away in an empty alley.

As long as the trash can is more than one street away, it will shake his morality of not throwing garbage anywhere.

He doesn't want to carry a lot of garbage with him, so he can only throw it in places where no one is around.

Anyway, aside from the few trash cans, Japan also has very few surveillance systems, so you don’t have to worry about being discovered.

He glanced around and was about to throw the garbage in his hand into the alley.

"Senior Qingze~"

The soft voice was no less than a thunder at this moment. Qingze was startled and secretly lamented that his moral bottom line of not throwing garbage everywhere was too high.

So much so that if someone discovers you secretly throw away garbage, you will be shocked.

"Shinoko, are you getting off work so early?"

Qingze turned around, and behind him was a familiar girl, but she was wearing an unfamiliar outfit.

It was a large white T-shirt with a bear on it. The cute bear was torn from side to side, making it look a bit ferocious.

Below are ultra-short jeans that are just covered by a T-shirt. The first impression people have of her is that there is only a pair of light pink stockings underneath.

Her black hair that covers her ears is combed smoothly, her eyebrows are curved, and her almond-shaped eyes are bright and energetic. "Mom won't let me work so late. I must go back before dinner."

Hojo Shinoko explained the reason why she got off work early, and said curiously: "What a coincidence, I met Aozawa-senpai here by chance."

"This is fate, I'll give you a ride."

"Do you have a car?"

Hojo Shinoko's eyes showed a bit of surprise.Qingze was embarrassed and coughed: "No, I meant to take you to Shinjuku Station."

"I see, please don't worry, I will be careful about those idiots on the tram."

Shinoko Hojo took out the anti-wolf stun device from her bag and said in a very confident tone: "Anyone who dares to attack me will be shocked."

"That thing is just to scare people. If you are really threatened, you have to run if you should."

Qingze shook his head and glanced at her thighs tightly wrapped in pale pink stockings. The faint marks highlighted the sensuality of the legs, "Never underestimate a beast whose brain is controlled by astringent energy!"

“Senior Qingze’s words always feel very convincing.”

Hojo Shinoko actually started to think seriously.

Qingze wanted to complain.

She put away the anti-wolf electric shock device and said solemnly: "Then please ask Senior Qingze to be my flower protector and send me home, please."

Hojo Shinoko clasped her hands together and bowed. Her bulging chest made Aozawa unable to refuse, taking care of her sister for her absent friend...

I always feel a little weird.

"I reject."

Qingze shook his head, saw the other party sighing, and then smiled: "Unless you call me Oni-chan, and then say please take me home."

"Onii-chan~ Please take me home."

Hojo Shinoko had almost no hesitation, and her marshmallow-like voice had a magical charm that almost made Aozawa's bones brittle.

"You really called?"

"Hi, Onii-chan~ I used to think this title was cute, but Onii-san refused, saying that adding the word "chan" would be detrimental to manliness."

Hojo Shinoko pouted her little mouth enough to hang a soy sauce bottle, and said with a smile: "It's great that Aozawa-senpai likes to be called Onii-chan~"

"and many more."

Qingze raised his hand to stop him, saying in his heart that it was so scary.

Moreover, he was so relieved to be called Ouni-chan by such a soft voice, and he felt a strange sense of shame and guilt welling up in his heart, as if he was coaxing the lollipop out of the hands of an ignorant little girl.

"You should still call me Senior Qingze."

"Hey, Onii-chan is such a cute name."

Hojo Shinoko blinked, not understanding why he suddenly hated Onii-chan's title.

Qingze changed the subject and said: "Let's go and take a bus quickly to avoid the evening rush hour."

"Hi." Hojo Shinoko nodded obediently, walked to Qingze and said, "Let's go."

Qingze looked at the milk tea in his hand and said casually: "Do you want some milk tea?"

"Haha, senior Qingze, how can you give a girl half of her milk tea?"

Hojo Shinoko burst into laughter, and before Qingze could reply that she wanted to buy another cup, she reached out and grabbed the milk tea.

The white thumb covered Qingze's index finger, like a heated marshmallow.

The girl's fingers were as soft as her voice.

"Don't say such rude things to other girls."

Hojo Shinoko took the milk tea, bit the straw with her small mouth, and took a sip of the milk tea.

Qingze was stunned and said: "Xiaozi, this is an indirect kiss."

"Senior Qingze, please don't have perverted delusions."

Shinoko Hojo lifted her mouth away from the straw. According to this theory, breathing the same air would mean entering each other's bodies.

"There is just a little bit of saliva on the straw, and the saliva is colorless and odorless, just like water."

"Isn't it just the exchange of saliva between lovers when they kiss?"

Qingze doesn't think he thinks too much.

(End of this chapter)

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