Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 437 The Law of the World Collapses

Chapter 437 The Law of the World Collapses

The light in the Big Sheep Bar is warm in color, falling on the coffee-colored bar counter from above and also on the rim of the transparent square wine glass.

Emily's words made the atmosphere a little dull.

Catalina looked like she was wiping the wine glass, and her muscles were tense, ready to take action at any time.

Even if her strength is not worth mentioning in front of Dio.

But as a powerful martial artist, she knew she was outmatched and would never choose to back down when it was time to take action.

It's not scary to be shattered to pieces, but what's scary is that you don't even have the energy to take action.

The enemy's wheels will run over her, but Catalina will never choose to cry and beg for mercy, she will only punch.


Qingze smiled, picked up the square wine glass again and said, "I really did not misjudge the person. Frankness is an important factor in making friends.

You don’t believe that I can make the world a better place because of what I did to make you distrust me? "

Emily's clenched hands quietly loosened. Her palms were covered with cold sweat. It was by no means easy to communicate with a person who could control her life and death at any time. She had to figure out the other person's mind and then give the correct answer.

“Of course not, it’s just that I think everyone will make mistakes and no one can be right all the time.

If the peace and turmoil of the world falls on one person's shoulders and is decided by one person, it is definitely a very scary thing. "

Upon hearing this, Qingze drank the wine in the glass in one breath, put it down, and the two ice cubes collided with each other in the glass, making a crisp sound, "What you said makes sense.

The night is nice tonight, let's go outside and take a look at the scenery. "

Emily knew in her heart that Dio came to her door specially, not to chat with her.

"it is good."

Even though she still had a lot of doubts in her heart, she still chose to swallow it. As long as she got closer to this person, she would naturally learn more things.

Qingze grabbed Emily's little hand, which was as soft as a small piece of dough.

On the contrary, Catalina's hands looked particularly thick, a bit bigger than his own.

The ability to travel around the world was activated, and Qingze's vision suddenly rose. A blue planet appeared in front of him. Among the dense red dots, he chose one of them.


In an instant, Emily noticed the same change as last time, and her vision switched directly from the Big Fat Sheep Bar to the ice and snow scene.

Polar night covered the Antarctic sky, and she saw a large group of penguins walking awkwardly in the distance.

The chubby appearance made Emily want to take one back and raise it, but such thoughts disappeared in the cold that followed.

She was shivering all over from the cold, her legs were swinging, and the summer Gothic dress she wore was obviously unable to withstand the Antarctic chill.

Her upper and lower teeth were chattering, making it impossible for her to say a word.

Catalina was full of energy and was not afraid of the cold. She quickly hugged Emily in her arms to keep the little one warm.

"D-Dio, do you want to freeze me to death?"

She complained with chattering teeth that she was not given time to put on winter clothes. Suddenly she was in such a cold place, and her legs were shaking so much that they were going into cramps.

"Don't panic."

Qingze used the ability of elemental substitution to transform from human form into a humanoid furnace.

The blazing flames dispersed the coldness in the air and gradually melted the snow on the ground.

Emily felt that her body was much warmer. She let out a breath, glanced around and asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Let you see the laws of this world."

Qingze raised his head and stared at the north of Antarctica.

Emily also looked over there curiously.

The stars hidden by the city appeared in the Antarctic night sky. What made her regret was that there were no aurora now.

“What do you mean by the laws of the world?”

"As the word says, it is the law that maintains this world. The broken word means that the law of this world is about to collapse and go to destruction."

Emily said nervously: "You don't want to break the laws of this world, do you?"

Qingze spread his hands and said, "No, I won't do that kind of rough thing. There is someone else."

"who is it?"

Emily swallowed.

Qingze did not answer her question and said slowly: "I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry.

It will be here soon. "

I'm riding a horse... Emily had to clench her fists. She hated this style of half-talking, especially when she couldn't guess the answer to the riddle.

She raised her eyebrows suddenly and thought in her mind, who would want to do such a thing?

The unknown makes her feel irritable. She is witnessing the world gradually coming to an end, but where is the protagonist in those movies and TV dramas who can save the world?

Emily couldn't help but fall into a pessimistic mood. Until now, she was still just an observer. It could be basically concluded that in the future, she would be a supporting role, not a savior who saves the world.

She couldn't see where the savior of this world was. She could only see monsters sitting on the table one after another, dividing everything in the world wantonly.

The Eagle of Light mentioned by Griffith, can that light shine into this world?

Or is it that the light of the Eagle of Light is extremely poisonous to the people of this world?

While Emily was wandering in her thoughts, fate came to her at the time of watching that scene.



There was a loud noise in the sky, which scared Emily's heart. She subconsciously clamped her legs to avoid another accident. She stared upwards, and suddenly a large piece of the shining stars was missing. From the dark hole, an extremely huge monster stepped out.

Long tentacles flew freely in the air, faces hung on the upper body, and countless legs joined together to form two huge legs.

It seems to be supported between heaven and earth, like a walking world tree.

Emily recognized this monster.

It was a huge monster that appeared on the coast of England. Her mouth was wide enough to swallow eggs.

He fell directly to the ground, and the cold snow penetrated through the thin Gothic dress, making his buttocks feel cold.

Catalina had cold sweat on her forehead. She was almost suffocated by the huge pressure, and whispered: "What kind of monster is this?"

"The Terror Emperor tramples all laws. It was once an apostle, but in pursuit of power, it devoured countless monsters, and eventually it became the demon world itself."

Qingze spoke softly.

He wanted to take advantage of the last day of destiny to try to write a big scene, with Emily as the protagonist, and write what she would encounter next.

Originally, he was worried that Destiny Weaving would not be able to create such a huge creature as the Terror Emperor. Facts have proved that Destiny Weaving is unreasonable in creating creatures as long as it does not involve the fate of humans.

However, this Terror Emperor just looks huge and has no special abilities. It is also a target in front of the fighter planes and can only be used to scare people.

The visual effects are full, giving Qingze a sense of déjà vu as if he were watching a 3D blockbuster, a scene directed by himself.

The snow-covered Antarctic and polar night are the best special effects.

So does the Dread Emperor.

It lifts its feet forward.

Boom, there was a loud noise in the distance, and then the snow on the ground was lifted up, swinging in circles, spreading around like an avalanche.


Emily was so frightened that she screamed and got up in a hurry.

Qingze waved his hand, and the flames quickly surged, drawing a wall of fire on the ground and melting all the approaching snow.

Immediately, Emily saw a pillar of light made of colorful lights appearing in the sky in front of the Terror Emperor. On the surface were mountains, rivers, human figures, everything, everything was looming in the light.

She looked at the laws of the world and felt that her hands and feet had become extremely cold. She trembled: "What does the Terror Emperor want to do?"

Even though she had already guessed the answer, she still asked with a sense of luck, hoping to get a different answer from Dio next to her.

"Breaking the laws of the world."

Emily's heart dropped to the bottom. She watched the Terror Emperor embrace the light beam, "No, don't!"

Her voice was so weak that it couldn't even reach hundreds of meters away, let alone reach the ears of the Terror Emperor thousands of meters away.

Crunching, cracks appeared on the surface of the light pillar, and it made a banging sound under the embrace of the Terror Emperor.

In an instant, a dazzling light burst out, causing the Terror Emperor's huge body to disappear. The colorful aurora covered the entire sky, briefly covering up the stars.

Emily felt the Antarctic tremble under her feet, and there seemed to be countless dragons under the ice trying to turn over, making her two short legs tremble.

After the shock, the aurora dissipated and everything returned to calm.

She swallowed and said: "Dio, after the collapse of the world's laws, how long will it take for it to be destroyed?"

"I don't know. This is the first time I have seen such a scene. There is no specific time in the book."

Qingze will not leave a clear answer, but will leave blank space to allow people to freely use their imagination to guess.

"Won't you stop it? This world is your territory after all."

Emily tries to start a fight between the two apostles.

Qingze smiled and said: "When I step into heaven, everything will get better. There is no need to conflict with it."

Emily wanted to say, can you not beat the opponent?

But you can't sow discord too obviously.

She swallowed what she said and changed her words: "What are you going to do next?"

"Let's go back."

Qingze released the ability to replace elements, grabbed her hand, and also held Katarina's hand.

The ability to travel around the world was activated again, and in an instant it brought the two of them back to the Big Fat Sheep Bar.

Qingze let go of their hands and said, "I have other things to do. Let's end it here tonight. Let's talk next time."

As soon as he finished speaking, he used the ability of element replacement, and his whole person turned into an invisible breeze and disappeared in front of the two people, and jumped away using Schrödinger's cat.

The Big Fat Sheep Bar became empty, and Emily patted the snow on her butt. The cold touch told her that everything just now was not a dream.

Just now, she witnessed with her own eyes that the laws of this world were broken.

Fear the Emperor.

Humanity is one step closer to the end. Emily must convey this news to the task force in code words.

The savior didn't know where she was for the time being, so she could only do what she could.

Otherwise, how should she face the desperate fact?

Emily's hands couldn't stop shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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