Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 433 Don’t blame us for flipping the table for being so selfish

Chapter 433 Don’t blame us for flipping the table for being so selfish

Kamiya High School, Kendo Club.

The loud sound from Mount Fuji at noon did not affect this place. During the summer vacation, the members of the Kendo Club still need to go to school to practice.

As a strong kendo school, Kamiya High School is close to military management in terms of kendo club training.

It can be said that during training, mobile phones are not allowed to be used.

A group sleepover is held every summer after participating in the Jade Dragon Banner.

Takashi Sunaga is still training at the center.

After the Tsukahara Research Institute was destroyed, the research on Superman Potion

In addition, in this profession, Hikoshiro Tsukahara is already the top expert in the country.

This is also the reason why he can lead the institute.

It is no exaggeration to say that as soon as he died, the research on Superman Potion X has been transferred to the stage of waiting for abandonment.

The relevant research information is only saved. When it is started again, it depends on whether anyone can take over.

Without anyone to take over, there was naturally no need for anyone to cooperate with the experiment, and Takashi Suenaga returned to his daily life.

He didn't take it seriously and continued his daily kendo practice.

Yokoo Ruriko was very worried. In her opinion, it was three parts of medicine and poison, not to mention this superhuman drug that had an impact on the human body.

Now that it is suddenly interrupted, there is no guarantee that there will be no side effects in the future.

But no matter how much she worried, it was useless. That kind of knowledge was outside her blind spot.

Not even the top experts in the country can explain Superman Potion X clearly, let alone a high school student like her.

In terms of grades, she can only be considered average in the class and will not be able to get into Tokyo University in the future.

Yokoo Ruriko sighed softly, not even paying attention to the cathartic discussion on the Internet.

If Mount Fuji is gone, it will be gone.

Anyway, according to those experts, the disappearance of Mount Fuji is not a bad thing.

Takashi Sunaga stopped swinging his sword and walked towards here.

Yokoo Ruriko handed the teacup in her hand forward and asked worriedly: "Takashi, are you okay?"


Takashi Sunaga replied, taking the tea cup and taking a sip.

Yokoo Ruriko looked at him and sighed: "The day after tomorrow is the Jade Dragon Flag. Don't force yourself. If you feel any discomfort, stop immediately."

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious."

Takashi Sunaga shook his head.

Yokoo Ruriko started nagging again, "Aohanafuji deliberately did not let Shitori Yutaro play in this national competition and played a bad horse against a good horse strategy. It was clear that he wanted to catch us off guard at Yulong Banner.

As second place in the national competition, their strength should not be underestimated. "

"Don't worry, I will win."

Takashi Sunaga replied calmly.

By participating in the Jade Dragon Banner, he simply wanted to achieve what he had not achieved last year and refresh the record in the Jade Dragon Banner competition, nothing more.

Yokoo Ruriko added: "There is no doubt that Aozawa from Kouki High School will also participate in the Jade Dragon Banner."

When the name was mentioned, Takashi Sunaga finally became a little interested and said, "I hope he can be stronger."


Yokoo Ruriko said this, but in her heart she just thought that he was fine, and that meant everything was fine.

Maybe she thinks too much, but if someone she cares about takes a medicine with unknown effects, anyone would worry about the side effects.



Chiyoda Ward, interior of the Prime Minister's official residence.

An emergency meeting is being held in the tea room here, with the six major financial groups, the Phoenix Academy, and the Prime Minister gathered together.

They had previously contacted various forces.

The United States, Britain, France and other countries have collaborators from the six major consortiums and the Phoenix Institute, as well as people from the Silver Hexagram.

The phone calls came one after another, the tea was drunk one cup after another. They looked very busy, but in fact they got no useful information.

Now, we can only wait for the Minister of State and the Secretary of State to communicate with each other to see if they can get the other party to relent and give them a chance to participate in the investigation.

Waiting is always torturous, and even these high-ranking people are inevitably impatient, but they are very good at cultivating qi, know how to chat, and try to make the atmosphere at the scene as relaxed as possible.

Phoenix Academy Meiji stood behind her mother, her eyes unable to reach the ground and could only fall on the girl's fully developed chest.

Her mind was filled with big question marks. She only knew that the current news was that the US military had pulled up a circle of offensive barbed wire outside and built a temporary sentry tower.

Deploy another brigade of US troops to station there.

All kinds of equipment and supplies were sent in one after another, with the intention of turning it into a temporary US military base.

This was something that could be expected. The meteorite was enough to destroy Mount Fuji, but it did not allow the impact of destruction to spread outside. It can be seen that the meteorite was by no means ordinary.

At least in the eyes of those high-level officials, there is a high probability that they are treasures from another world or something.

Even Meiji of the Phoenix Academy was a little shaken by her original guess, because she couldn't figure out what the motive was if it was Qingze who did it?

You can say that you can't stand the evil people, but you can't say that you can't stand it either. Is it possible that I have been thinking wrong all along?

In other words, Qingze is Dio, but the other world does exist.

Was this meteorite crash caused by another apostle?

She was confused and couldn't figure out the logic behind it.



An Daoxiong's expression became extremely gloomy when he waited for the third call, "They refused and said they would notify us when there is information."

"Late information is useless."

Iwasaki Izo replied calmly.

Sometimes, even important information becomes worthless after a certain period of time.

The US's attitude is very clear, that is, it intends to wait until the intelligence is worthless before sharing intelligence with them.

He looked at Hu Die from the Phoenix Courtyard and asked, "Is there no news about the MacArthur family yet?"

Hu Die shook his head and said: "The information over there is very tight, and even the military has no way of knowing everything."

"Then don't blame us and Bruno for joining forces."

Izo Iwasaki is already old, so old that when he goes to bed every day, he is a little worried, will he not wake up tomorrow?

Lying in bed and sleeping for eternity is a common thing at his age, commonly known as euthanasia.

Many people envy this way of death, but Izo Iwasaki doesn't want to die. He wants to live longer, even immortality.

To achieve this goal, he will do whatever it takes and will not be afraid of any opponent.

Whoever blocks his path to eternal life will die.

So what if it’s even a brigade of American troops?

As long as you have a good plan, you can quickly rush in and take the pictures you want.

As for how many people sacrificed in the team operation, it doesn't matter. The key is the information they can get.

Izo Iwasaki believes that as long as the first shot is fired here, other agent organizations will follow suit.

If the United States still thinks that it can cover the sky with one hand as before, then it is wrong. There is no room for any selfishness in news related to other worlds.

"In this case, each of our families will have some people."

“The key is how to photograph meteorites?”

"I'll contact the people next door to see if I can get some remote shooting equipment."

The six major consortiums not only penetrate into Europe and the United States, but also penetrate into the neighbors next door.

Unlike the politicians who act on stage, they must consider long-term matters.

With the country's current military strength, it was hard to say ten years ago whether it would win or lose in a fight with its neighbor.

Now, as long as you are not blind, you can see the military gap between the two.

Naturally, they have to leave communication channels and escape routes in advance. Politicians can run away, but the consortium only needs to change its nationality.


After discussion, everyone finally finalized the cooperation with the KGB, then disbanded on the spot and returned to their homes.

On the helicopter of the Phoenix Academy, Hu Die looked at the city below and said, "Meiji, what did you learn from the meeting just now?"

Phoenix Academy Meiji thought for a while and said, "You can be selfish as a person, but you can't be so selfish that you think others are selfless."


Hu Die nodded.

The behavior of the United States this time is indeed a bit excessive. It is impossible to hide such a big movement no matter how hard you think, but it still has to cover up the news.

Even the members of the task force were dismissed.

They thought that sending a brigade of troops and fighter planes would be able to protect the secret of the meteorite.

What an arrogant idea.

"If you take charge of the consortium in the future, don't do stupid things like that."

"Don't worry, mother, I will never do that kind of thing."

Phoenix Academy Princess replied respectfully, with a somewhat hesitant expression on her face: "Mom, can I go to Fukuoka in early August?"

Hu Die glanced at her and asked, "What are you doing there?"

"I want to see the annual Jade Dragon Flag."

"Now is not the time for entertainment."

Hu Die thought for a moment and had no idea about the Jade Dragon Flag, which meant it was not an important matter.

"Do your homework."


Phoenix Academy Meiji sighed helplessly.

She originally wanted to meet and chat with Qingze, but now she can only postpone the meeting until they stay together.

Damn it, now her heart seemed to be filled with a scratching kitten, and she really wanted to know what was going on?

(End of this chapter)

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