Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 427 The evil in the human heart is far greater than the evil in monsters

Chapter 427 The evil in the human heart is far greater than the evil in monsters


Tsukahara Research Institute, on the west side of the second floor above ground, the room in the corner is brightly lit.

Zeref is sorting out the information collected by the relevant intelligence section.

He was transferred to this research institute on Thursday of this week. Today is Saturday. He must summarize all the intelligence collected during the day into a file, and then use the CIA's internal network channels to send it to Jack's mailbox.

As the president spoke about the other world, information about the other world was no longer limited to the special intelligence investigation department, but became the work of the entire Japan branch.

The Intelligence Section is also authorized to collect and view that information.

Zeref can access all the information about Dio.

After all, the KGB knew about it, and there was no reason to hide the actions from their own high-level officials.

Of course, only he, people at the level of section chief, still do not have the authority to know those secrets.

Zeref doesn't know what the situation is in other countries. Those are beyond his authority. He only knows about several low-level monsters causing trouble in Japan.

For example, Chainsaw Mary.

Classified as a monster by the CIA.

Before killing someone, this person will keep calling the other party to inform him and report his itinerary.

Where did mobile phones come from? Why do you know the other party’s number?

No one knows.

The victims include extreme feminist leaders, extreme animal rights leaders, and fraudsters. Six people have been killed so far and have not been caught yet.

I don’t know the person’s itinerary, but I found out from the call records that there was a number dialed.

But the CIA couldn't find any records of that phone number.

There is also the Heart Eater, which is judged to be a standard biological monster.

It has the ability to camouflage like a chameleon. It can combine its skin with walls and telephone poles, making it impossible to see the inconsistency.

According to eyewitnesses, the Heart Eater is short in stature, less than one meter, and its claws are very powerful and can easily dig out people's hearts.

The main target of killing is those who force others to behave.

Whether they are men or women, their hearts will be ripped out by it, and their actions and motives are unknown.

The frequency of these monsters appearing in Tokyo and other places is gradually increasing, and the target groups they attack are all targeted.

There are many speculations at present, but two of them are more credible.

One is that there is a higher level of demon driving behind the monsters, and the other is that Jack proposed that Dio was behind everything and brought the otherworldly monsters into reality to increase his speed in harvesting the souls of evildoers.

Because the victims are evil people.

This speculation was widely accepted by the upper echelons, and some people tried to believe the former and wanted to find new apostles to check and balance Dio.

Zeref organized his files, sent the email with a click of his index finger, and sighed heavily.

He is not worried about things in other worlds, whether they are apostles or monsters.

All the CIA can do is observe or capture low-level monsters for research.

Now, what worries Zeref even more is the inside of the CIA.

Less than a month after Director John left, Jack couldn't help but want to exclude dissidents, troubled him with unreasonable things, and even transferred him to the research institute.

His intentions were sinister, so Zeref had to be wary of that guy using dirty tricks to remove him from his position as the chief of the Intelligence Section.

The evil in the human heart is far more deadly than monsters and apostles.

Zeref sighed in his heart.

Since entering the CIA branch, he has been careful in his conduct and actions, walking on thin ice, but his position is still targeted.

Boom, there was a knock on the door. He quickly pulled out the gun from his waist and said warily: "Who is it?"

"Section Chief Zeref, it's me."

Hearing the voice of his subordinates, Zeref relaxed his vigilance, but still went around to the side and said: "Merry, come in."

The door opened, and a young man with blond hair stepped into the room and said with a smile on his face: "Chief Zeref, the drone did not detect anything abnormal in the surrounding area. Please rest assured."

"Merry, the drone may be hijacked. I taught you that you can use drones to do things, but you can't rely too much on them.

Everything needs to be witnessed with your own eyes. Go outside and take a tour. "

Zeref had a stern expression on his face. He believed that Jack had transferred him to the research institute for no reason and could not have done anything. He must have wanted to cause him to neglect his duties.

Unfortunately, he couldn't give John eye drops, so he could only endure it, seize the relevant evidence, and then rebel.

"What you said makes sense, I'll go on inspection right away."

Merry bowed.

Zeref was satisfied with his humble attitude and nodded: "Go ahead."


Merry exited the room, closed the door, and turned around. In front of him was an empty corridor with blazing white lights coming down from above.

Outside the window is a gloomy night.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a cold look flashed in his eyes.

The person who deliberately concealed the information was not Zeref.

This is also the arrogance of senior management for many years. They think that by occupying high positions for a long time, they can control the subordinates, but they forget that section chiefs are not the only people with ambitions. There is also his assistant to the section chief.

As long as Meili can help the section chief get promoted in times of crisis, he can move from being the assistant to the section chief to serving as the intelligence section chief.

And his power is entirely based on people's hearts.

He deliberately spoke vaguely, so that the people below him would regard the thoughts he disclosed as the section chief's thoughts. Those who wanted to be promoted would naturally side with him and work together to send the section chief to the position of branch director.

However, his original plan did not provoke a confrontation between the section chief and the branch director.

Everything should have been silent, but for some reason, that person suddenly turned his attention to the six major financial groups and discovered a flaw in them.

Jack's promotion to the position of branch chief should not be underestimated.

But Meri didn't panic. When necessary, he could make some contact with the KGB. It was not contact in the traditional sense, but just maintaining a tacit understanding and releasing some intelligence information to obtain the other party's actions and support.

We are all smart people, and we just need to know some things well.

With his next plan spinning in his mind, Merry walked out of the institute.

The moment he opened the door, he felt that the air tonight was particularly fresh. The air freshness in the mountains and in the city was different.

Meili took two steps forward and suddenly realized something was wrong.

It was so quiet that there seemed to be no sound of living people outside.

He was suddenly startled and turned around to find cover. His vision became blurred, a nauseating feeling emerged in his mind, and he knelt on the ground.

poison gas?

This thought flashed through Merry's mind, and he was shocked. The use of poison gas was very strict. Did that bastard Jack actually use such a method?

There are two platoons of American troops here!

He tried his best to raise his head, but still fell down.

It may take years of hard work to climb up, but the poisonous gas can take away years of his efforts in just a few seconds.

Meri loses consciousness.


Kajiyama Arisa was wearing a gas mask and her hands were shaking slightly.

She had never killed anyone before. For the first time in her life, she killed two platoons of American soldiers and nine colleagues on the underground floor.

Her mood was very complicated, and her brain repeatedly asked, is such behavior worth it?

But then I thought about it, and the recent treatment No. 9 received was so cruel and inhumane.

How could those people treat No. 9 as a guinea pig?

The well-behaved, gentle, and sensible No. 9 was forcibly grafted with the cells of the one-eyed monster by those researchers, modified his limbs, and increased the dose of Superman Potion X.

Watching the other person wailing in pain due to rejection, the researchers calmly discussed and recorded those reactions.

Kajiyama Arisa's heart gradually became calmer. Those were not humans, they were demons. It didn't matter if they were killed.

She firmly believed that No. 9 must be saved.

This is her responsibility.

Kajiyama Arisa walked outside No. 9's laboratory and entered her password and fingerprint.

She was on duty tonight, and her opening the door to No. 9 would not set off any alarm.

In the research room, the white lights are bright and the space is empty. Painful growls echo here.

The white blanket covers the other person's body, and the figure huddled in the corner is like a frightened child alone at home.

Kajiyama Arisa felt heartache. From birth to now, she had never met anyone like No. 9, who was willing to listen to her troubles, listen to any of her words, and support her unconditionally.

Better than her father and mother, she can be said to be the only family member in the world who understands her.

Even if such thoughts are easily laughed at by others, Kajiyama Arisa still firmly believes that No. 9 is her most important person.

"Nine, are you okay?

I have some highly effective painkillers here. Take one quickly. "

No. 9 on the bed turned his head, his forehead was covered with sweat. His blue eyes were as clear as a lake without a trace of resentment. He said warmly: "No, you will be scolded by them if you do this."

"It doesn't matter, I have used the chemical gas for research to knock down the US military outside and the demons underground. You take the painkillers and put on the gas mask.

We can escape from the institute, find a place without people, and live together. "

Kajiyama Arisa looked forward to that scene. She usually didn't understand what it felt like to be in love, but now she understood a little bit.

"Yeah, that's great. I hope I can be with you forever."

No. 9 said in his mouth, took her painkiller pills, threw them into his mouth, then took the water that was handed to him, and Gulu swallowed the pills.

The painkillers didn't take effect immediately. After waiting for a while, the pain in his arm gradually disappeared and it seemed to be healed.

No. 9 stood up and hugged Kajiyama Arisa.

The sudden embrace made Arisa Kajiyama's heart tremble, her cheeks gradually blushed, and her heart was racing. She wanted to say not to do this, but instead she hugged him tightly with her hands.

"Arisa, I love you."

No. 9 whispered tender words in her ear, and at the happiest moment of the other party, he twisted her neck and took off the gas mask.

Seeing the happy smile fixed on the other person's face, No. 9 lowered his head, kissed her lips, and whispered: "Yousha, I really like you.

It's a pity that I want to go outside and see the scenery.

I can’t accompany you to realize your wish of seclusion, but at least let you hold your wish and leave this world happily. "

(End of this chapter)

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