Chapter 424 Capturing Ghosts

Arakawa Ward, Higashiokyu 5-chome.

Yuzuki Suzuko was personally watching outside. Originally, someone from the task force was in charge here.

However, Jack only trusted the abilities of Emily and Chiyo Morimoto for those on the task force.

He didn't really trust the abilities of the others.

Therefore, Suzuki Yuzuki, who was ranked third in Jack's mind, became the best person to monitor this place.

She stayed a hundred meters away from the house, standing in front of the second-floor window, looking there from a distance with a telescope.

There are people from the Arakawa Police Station around the mansion, as well as SAT troops on standby.

There are also ten elite CIA agents staying here, waiting for her command.

If someone else enters the mansion, they don't need to worry about it.

Other organizations, such as the KGB, MI6, Mossad, etc., then it will be necessary to use thunderous means to prevent them from entering the mansion.

Professionals can still tell the difference between agents and ordinary people.

Yuzuki Suzuko continued to monitor with binoculars and noticed that one tall and one short figure appeared on the street.

Judging from their appearance and dress, they are both relatively young.

The boy among them seemed familiar to Yuzuki Suzuko. She recalled briefly and found out that he was the contestant who competed with Amat for the top eight in the strongest martial arts competition on the surface.

She was at the scene at the time and was very aware of the boy's fighting power.


Yuzuki Suzuki thought in her mind, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Team 1, Team 2, prepare to follow my orders and attack."

To ensure nothing goes wrong, she still has to put up a defense and not let anyone take away the ghosts in the mansion.

Although the possibility of the ghost being taken away is very small, one cannot but beware of that.

Yesterday's vacuum cleaner test results have come out. There is a problem with the internal wiring.

However, the vacuum cleaners given to SAT had been inspected in advance and were 100% fine. However, problems suddenly occurred when the ghost was sucked in, indicating that the ghost may have an impact on tools such as electrical appliances.

The people in the R&D team are thinking about how to crack it.

Until then, the mansion must be carefully guarded.

Yuzuki Suzuko was not impatient at all about the surveillance mission.

In her opinion, as long as it is during working hours, everything is worthy of patience.

If it's outside working hours, don't think about it.

Yuzuki Suzuko wouldn't even look at the documents that fell on the floor.

She looked at the mansion.

After a while, the door of the mansion was opened, and two naked figures were thrown out from the white whirlwind.



Sayuri Yoshikawa let out a loud cry, feeling her whole body being turned dizzy by the wind, flying in the air, preparing for the pain of landing.

Boom, it doesn’t seem to hurt much?

Sayuri Yoshikawa was a little confused. She sat up. She kept her duck-sitting posture and touched the bottom with her hands. The floor seemed fleshy?

She looked down and found Tetsuji Hojo's strong abdominal muscles.

Hojo Tetsuji raised his head and said, "Yoshikawa, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's all thanks to Hojo-kun."

Sayuri Yoshikawa answered with a smile, and suddenly realized something. Her face turned red, she screamed, and she didn't know where to cover her hands.

Hojo Tetsuji also reacted and stood up with a blushing face, almost without thinking.

He directly took down the sliding door of the mansion and blocked it between himself and Sayuri Yoshikawa, "You, you, use this to block it first."

After stammering these words, Tetsuji Hojo clenched his fists and said with an angry face: "That damn ghost, I must beat it to death!"

"Hey, Hojo-kun, ghosts are dead to begin with, so don't be impulsive."

Just when Sayuri Yoshikawa said these words, the door had already fallen into her hands.

Tetsuji Hojo rushed back to the mansion angrily. He was not afraid of the so-called ghosts. He was thinking about getting back Sayuri Yoshikawa's clothes, as well as his clothes.

"Asshole, come out!"

Tetsuji Hojo yelled and smashed the entrance floor in front of him with one punch, as if a arrogant demolition team entered the house and started smashing it.


Yuzuki Suzuko looked through the telescope and found that something was wrong at the scene, and said quickly: "Quick, the first team and the second team come forward, he is not an enemy, but when necessary, stop his sabotage actions.

Get two more sets of spare clothes, one set will be handed to the girl behind the door by the policewoman, and one set will be given to the man. "

As a secretary, she has always been meticulous.

People from the SAT and the police station who were hiding in the dark rushed out immediately.

The policewoman took the lead and ran to Sayuri Yoshikawa, handed over the clothes in her hand, and said with a smile: "You stay aside for now."

At this moment, in Sayuri Yoshikawa's heart, she made it clear that her future goal was to become the light-like policewoman in front of her.

Then one day in the future, he will appear in front of those who need help with this posture, and speak cool lines with the gentle tone just now.

The rest of the people rushed into the mansion at a faster pace, including people carrying vacuum cleaners on their backs.

Even though the ghost may cause some short circuits to the vacuum cleaner, making it ineffective, it can still trap the ghost to a certain extent and buy them time to escape.

Two teams of people broke into it.

Most of the floor, walls, and doors were smashed to pieces by Tetsuji Hojo.

The ground floor has been damaged and there were rumbling sounds on the second floor.

They quickly rushed to the second floor and saw an astonishing scene in the corridor. Tetsuji Hojo was constantly beating the ghost away with his fists, and the powerful force was fighting fiercely with the evil wind transformed by the ghost.

Since Tetsuji Hojo was the last person to let the ghost throw out the Book of Destiny, after being thrown out, the ghost lost the third day of good luck blessed by Aozawa.

Its wind alone was already difficult to withstand Tetsuji Hojo's ferocious fists, and it was even more impossible to roll people up again.

However, Hojo Tetsuji's fist could not cause damage to the ghost, causing the two sides to be in a stalemate in the corridor. “Miss Yuzuki, what should we do?”

The captain on the steps asked through the intercom.

Yuzuki Suzuko decisively ordered: "Try catching ghosts with a vacuum cleaner."

Boom, a high-power vacuum cleaner is like a motorcycle engine. Once it starts, it makes a loud sound.

The three SAT people aimed their suction mouths at the white mist in the air and inhaled the light white mist.

Until the white mist disappears and the vacuum cleaner is turned off, it has no effect.

"Miss Yuzuki, the ghost has been captured by our vacuum cleaner!"

The captain's tone was a little excited.

Hojo Tetsuji stopped waving his fist and turned around: "Hey, who are you?"

"We are the police."

One person answered and threw on a set of clothes.


Hojo Tetsuji swallowed and felt guilty. He still remembered the eldest lady's words. If he was caught, he would be put in jail.

When he comes out, Yoshikawa Sayuri's children will be beaten.

"This is a ghost's house. You can't ask me to compensate you, right?"

he asked with some concern.

One of the SAT people said with a smile: "Don't worry, you did well this time. Have you considered joining us?"

"No, I just want to be a cartoonist."

"You stay inside the mansion and wait."

Yuzuki Suzuko quickly gave the order and moved closer, and then she did not forget to dial Jack's phone, "Hey, Director, the ghost has been captured, it is possible that the building inside the house has been damaged.

To weaken the ghost, the vacuum cleaner isn't broken this time. "

"What?! I'll send someone over right away to support you!"

Jack was overjoyed. This was the first living low-level monster captured by humans.

The value contained in it is far beyond what those corpse monsters can compare with.

He immediately called Okayama Taketa of the task force and asked him to personally lead the team to protect the ghost.

Then he quickly dialed John, who was already the director of the CIA.

"Hey, Director, we have successfully captured the ghost of Higashio Ku5-chome. Which research institute should it be sent to?"


When John heard the news, he was immediately overjoyed. He sat up on the bed and said, "Wait a minute. I will report to the president immediately to see how to deal with it."

Air Force One has never come to a conclusion as to where to send the captured ghosts.

There were huge internal differences within the institute where Takaten originally planned to transport him to the mainland and stay in it.

Because ghosts are living low-level monsters, not dead corpses.


Air Force One.

Nate gets John on the phone.

After learning the details, he hung up and rubbed his temples with his hands.

The staff in front of him continued to report: "David has been elected with a high vote. As long as the next absentee ballots arrive, he can be announced as the mayor of New York.

Your declining poll numbers went up significantly. "

As long as he gets more than 50% of the votes in the first round, David can directly defeat other candidates and become the mayor of New York City without the need for a second round of voting.

"I understand, call the Secretary of State over."

Nate decided to discuss with the man whether to keep the ghost in Japan or ship it to the United States.

The most difficult thing about this decision is that both options have compelling reasons to make that choice.

Naturally, the United States was chosen because the experiments conducted here are the most confidential and secure.

Staying at the Takamagahara Research Institute would add an additional layer of risk for leaks.

But the advantage is that the distance is close, which makes it convenient to conduct research immediately, and it avoids the possibility of accidents during transportation.

Nate was torn between two decisions.

He needs to listen to the Secretary of State.

The man arrived quickly and said respectfully: "Mr. President, what do you want from me?"

"The ghost was captured by the CIA. John asked me whether to transport the ghost back to the United States or choose Takamagahara's research laboratory. We must make a decision as soon as possible."

The Secretary of State thought for a while and said: "Mr. President, I think it is better to stay in Takamagahara's research laboratory."

"In that case, stay there."

Nate nodded.

He came here to find the Secretary of State because he wanted to use his mouth to tell this answer.

If the opposition asks him in the future, it can be said that it was the Secretary of State's suggestion, not his own suggestion.

Even if he calls the Secretary of State here to represent his attitude, as long as he doesn't say it himself, he will not be held responsible for anything that happens in the future.

The Secretary of State was well aware of this trick, but he had to take the blame for the President.

Who made him just the Secretary of State.

(End of this chapter)

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