Chapter 420 Genius idea

Time seemed to have frozen at this moment.

The cicadas on the trees were still chirping, the sun was shining on the ground, Qiuyue Caiyu was wrapped in floral cloth, and her heart almost jumped out of her chest in fear.

She looked at Qingze who was like a shelled egg on the tree, and then at the sports car with very beautiful curves. She became very nervous and said quickly: "Qingze, come down quickly, someone is coming. If you are regarded as a pervert, then It’s not good!”

Qingze had already noticed that Chiyo was approaching, so he didn't panic at all. He continued to climb the tree to pick up his bag and mobile phone, and then jumped under the tree.

Qiuyue Caiyu originally wanted to pull Qingze back into the flower cloth to avoid being regarded as a pervert by others, but she saw a very beautiful woman getting out of the very beautiful car.

Her long black hair is tied into a single ponytail, her face is delicate, and her complexion is fair, reminiscent of the snow in the Alps.

And the upper body wrapped in a light blue shirt reminds people of the Alps.

The epaulettes on both sides shone brightly in the sunlight, indicating the distinguished status of the visitor.

Chiyo Morimoto stared at the scene in front of her.

Qingze was naked.

Qiuzuki Caiyu's back was wrapped tightly in floral cloth, with only her head exposed, and even her feet were covered under the floral cloth.

Judging from this, he probably wasn't wearing anything.

She took a look at the Japanese-style mansion. Was the rumor true?

"Chiyo, why are you here?"

Qingze waved his hand and stood there calmly.

The so-called gentleman is magnanimous, while the villain is always concerned.

He considers himself a humble gentleman, and can naturally face anyone in the world with openness.

Chiyo Morimoto rolled her eyes at him and said with a smile: "If I didn't come, wouldn't you be arrested as a pervert and taken to the police station?"

She looked away from Qingze and looked at Qiuyue Caiyu behind her.

The girl's eyes widened, her wheat-colored cheeks not hiding the hostility in her heart.

In her opinion, it was this old witch who caused Qingze to suffer from mental illness, and the PUA's methods were extremely clever.

She will never forgive this woman!

"I'll go buy clothes for you guys."

"sorry to bother you."

Qingze replied with a smile.

Qiuyue Caiyu said: "No, I can call Saeko to buy clothes and deliver them over."

Chiyo Morimoto was quite calm about her hostility, folded her hands on her chest and said, "I think you misunderstood, running around without clothes in public.

According to the law, you are a pair of perverts. I have the right to detain you back to the police station. What I said just now is to inform you, not to ask for your opinion.

For the sake of acquaintances, I will give you two choices. One, wear the clothes I bought.

Second, I took you back to the police station and asked your parents to pick you up. "


Akizuki Iroha instantly experienced the filthiness of adults, actually using their power for personal gain.

A trace of struggle flashed on her face, but she had to nod in submission.

If you let your parents know that you and a boy are standing outside without clothes, a meal of stir-fried pork with bamboo shoots will be indispensable, and it may even be upgraded to a mixed doubles match between husband and wife.

Seeing that she had given in, Chiyo Morimoto's serious expression suddenly dropped and she smiled instead: "The Bugatti Veyron can only carry one person, you and I get in the car.

Qingze, find a place to hide, don't be caught by other police officers as a pervert. "

Akizuki Iroha subconsciously wanted to refute, but Morimoto Chiyo directly predicted her thoughts and said calmly: "Or, let Qingze go shopping for clothes with me, and you stay here."

Akizuki Iroha swallowed the words back in her stomach instantly.

Qing Ze is not wearing anything right now. Isn't it dangerous to sit in a car with Chiyo Morimoto?

She absolutely couldn't allow that to happen.

"let's go."

Qiuyue Caiyu hurried forward, then turned around and said: "Qingze, hide it better and don't let others see it."

"no problem."

Qingze is more than OK, and Chiyo is completely at ease.


Qiuyue Iroha was wrapped in floral cloth and entered the passenger seat of the Bugatti Veyron. Compared with her father's little shabby car, this sports car was obviously more luxurious. From the seats to the steering wheel, everything showed an artistic beauty.

She pursed her lips and made up her mind not to say a word to this bad woman.

Chiyo Morimoto started the Bugatti Veyron and glanced at the passenger seat.

Akizuki Iroha immediately stared back at her, her cheeks slightly bulging, her jelly-colored lips biting tightly, as if she was a puppy ready to bite at any time.

Full of hostility.

Sure enough, she was not willing to let Qingze step into another boat.

After understanding this, Chiyo Morimoto felt a little relieved. She drove to the nearest commercial street and said casually: "How far have you and Aozawa progressed?"

"nothing dealing with you."

Qiuyue Caiyu immediately pushed back and said angrily: "This is between me and Qingze."

Chiyo Morimoto frowned slightly, not out of dissatisfaction with this person, but simply because he thought this voice sounded familiar?

She turned her head and looked at Qiuyue Caiyu carefully.

Her skin is wheat-colored, and her body is wrapped in floral cloth, making it impossible to see her exact figure, but the blonde hair on top and the colored hair at the ends look very similar...

"What are you looking at? Concentrate on driving!"

Qiuyue Caiyu wrapped the flower cloth tightly, her expression was still full of hostility, as if she would draw her sword to kill the devil if she disagreed.

Chiyo Morimoto looked back to the front and said, "You are not working as a fashion blogger, are you?"

"You, you spy on me?!"

Qiuyue Caiyu's face was full of shock. The corners of Chiyo Morimoto's lips raised slightly and she said with a smile: "Hot Girl-chan, I am Chuxia~"


Qiuyue Caiyu became more and more shocked.

Chiyo Morimoto glanced sideways.

The girl's expression at this moment was indeed very complicated, swinging back and forth between hostility and friendliness.

"Are you really sister Chuxia?"

Qiuyue Caiyu couldn't imagine that the mature and intellectual elder sister in her heart was actually a pervert of a young PUA.

No, it's impossible. Sister Chuxia has always supported her, rewarded her, and encouraged her. How could she be a bad person? !

She is so nice to me!

Akizuki Iroha's world view is shaking.

"Do you still remember that I told you that as a human being, you must love bravely and don't care about the eyes of others..."

After Chiyo Morimoto told the evidence, her face still showed the joy of meeting netizens, and she wanted to slap herself in the face.

Is it because she encourages others to cheat on her?

"You are really sister Chuxia!"

The recognition system in Akizuki Iroha's mind has jumped Morimoto Chiyo from the old witch to the friendly label of early summer.

She doesn't have a castle, so she can't be like Chiyo Morimoto, who can hide her embarrassment with a flawless smile on her face.

Qiuyue Caiyu felt embarrassed in her heart, and her expression was also very awkward, as if a guard dog with bad eyesight mistook its owner for an enemy and roared.

"It turns out, you are sister Chuxia."

She muttered, looking at Chiyo Morimoto sitting in the driver's seat, and felt that this person's appearance and image did match the mature and intellectual image she had imagined for Chu Xia.

The smell of perfume that only adults can wear floats in the air.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that I would meet my favorite blogger in this way. You are as cute as I thought."

Chiyo Morimoto smiled.

Qiuyue Caiyu replied: "Sister Chuxia, you are just like me, mature and confident."

Chiyo Morimoto tried to launch a divorce plan and said: "However, what really surprises me is that Qingze knows my online name and often sees me swiping you, but he didn't recognize it?"

"Hey, Qingze also watched my outfit video, so shy."

Akizuki Iroha's cheeks turned red again.

Chiyo Morimoto didn’t know how to complain. Both of them were honest with each other, but they actually felt shy when they were caught making videos?

This person's brain circuit is really not something that ordinary people can keep up with.

The tricky thing is that after learning that she is Chuxia, Qiuyue Iroha's attitude changed 180 degrees.

Chiyo Morimoto could see that this man had really put down his hostility.

But she would rather the other party not let go of the hostility in her heart. Such behavior shows that Qiuyue Caiyu may really accept Qingze's two boats.

Secondly, it makes it difficult for her to be cruel. She doesn't mind playing tricks with others, but she is most afraid of sincerity.

This guy is the toughest.


The two went to the commercial street to buy clothes and returned to the mansion.

Chiyo Morimoto tested the car while driving: "Iroha, have you agreed to Aozawa's invitation?"

Qiuyue Caiyu sat in the passenger seat and said: "Sister Chiyo, I think there is nothing wrong with this."

Chiyo Morimoto said earnestly: "I hope you understand that this situation will not last forever.

You are still young, I hope you will not regret it and give yourself to others easily.

You have to consider that when Qingze graduates, you will go to different universities and then work.

Now that Qingze is working, can he still have enough time to spend with you? "

Qiuyue Caiyu was stunned for a moment. She never thought about the future, she just felt that she was living well in front of her, so she just lived like that.

Chiyo Morimoto suddenly pulled the distant future in front of her and asked her to answer, how could there be an answer to such a thing.

and many more!

A sudden idea flashed in Qiuyue Caiyu's mind, and she clapped her hands and said: "Sister Chiyo, let Qingze stop working!

If we raise him, he will have time to spend with us! "

Chiyo Morimoto almost hit the Bugatti Veyron into the wall. She hurriedly controlled the steering wheel and thought to herself, are the thoughts of female high school students today so strange?

Qiuyue Caiyu felt that her idea was simply genius.

There are twenty-four hours in a day. As long as their work breaks are staggered, they can fully enjoy their vacation life with Qingze.

In this case, it is equivalent to monopolizing Qingze.

The only thing worth considering is how to allocate your time at night?

She always feels shy when everyone sleeps together.

Qiuyue Caiyu was in trouble.

Chiyo Morimoto was even more troubled and couldn't help but said: "Have you agreed to Qingze's matter?"

"Not yet. Saeko and the others asked me to try again. By the way, Sister Chiyo, what's going on with Qingze's mental illness?"

Akizuki Iroha asked with a serious expression.

Chiyo Morimoto was a little confused and said: "Huh? Why didn't I know he was mentally ill?"

"Didn't Qingze suffer from sudden shamelessness syndrome?!"

Qiuyue Caiyu was also confused.

Chiyo Morimoto finally figured out where this initial hostility came from, "Haha."

She sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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