Chapter 414 Big changes

Setagaya District, Phoenix House.

There is a private classroom in the northwest, with bamboos placed in the window. The interior looks very spacious, but there is only a table, chairs and a podium.

"Thank you for your hard work, Dr. Kamata."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji stood up, bowed to the white-haired old man on the podium, and ended the financial course.

A smile appeared on Kamata's face, and he waved his hand and said, "I don't feel hard at all. Teaching smart students like you makes me feel relaxed. I even feel that the money is too easy to make."

"It's all your teachings."

Phoenix Academy Meiji has a humble expression on her face.

Kamata smiled and left the classroom.

Seeing no one around, she stood there and stretched, her white dress suddenly showing waves.

Just like in school, she has a short fifteen-minute break in each class of the tutor.

The tutors for each course are PhDs in different majors.

After all, a doctor is undoubtedly knowledgeable in the field he is good at, but outside of the field he is good at, he will appear to be extremely shallow.

Because they spend too much time studying their majors, it's normal to not be able to take both.

Dong Dong, Miwa Kazuki stood at the door and knocked lightly. He was wearing a black tuxedo and said in a gentle voice: "Miss, I just received news that a press conference is about to be held at the White House.

This is a live broadcast. Would you like to come to the living room and take a look? "


Phoenix Academy Meiji nodded and replied. She stood up, picked up her phone, unlocked it with her fingerprint, and found that Qingze had already replied to her message.

When I clicked on it, I saw that the other party was using the excuse of not waking up.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji snorted, not really believing this excuse. Today is Monday, the time when Dior is doing trouble. How could that person oversleep?

"Haha, you big lazy pig."

Since the other party said that he overslept, Phoenix Academy Meiji didn't mind using this reason to call him a pig.

She strode out of the classroom. Outside was the living room.

In front of the sofa table, there is a goblet with a very beautiful-looking azure blue drink inside.

Add ice, and the color of the drink is as clear as a gem. It is made from more than a dozen kinds of fruits mixed together. It seems that a little bit of seasoning has been added to ensure the color and taste.

Phoenix Academy Meiji likes to drink this drink called Milky Way in summer.

She sat on the sofa and typed with her fingers: "The White House is going to hold a press conference. You should go online and take a look."

Send messages with one click.

In front of her, the picture on the TV screen was the press conference scene.

There was a podium in the center, and the American Stars and Stripes hung on the wall. The White House press secretary had not yet appeared, and reporters could be seen already sitting in rows of seats.

There were reporters from home and abroad, at least hundreds of reporters sitting there.

Phoenix Academy Meiji took a sip of her drink and looked at her phone. The message showed that it had been read.

"Since it's the eldest lady's order, I must read it."

The corners of the bright red mouth were slightly raised, and the eyes became soft.

Miwa Kazuki looked a little surprised and said: "Miss, you seem to be very happy. Are you a friend?"


Phoenix Academy Meiji quickly calmed down her expression and typed a reply: "What order? It sounds like you listen to me."


She posted another blood-red emoticon with the word “kill”.

On the TV screen, the White House press secretary stepped out from behind the scenes.

The camera instantly fell on that person.

It was an African-American woman who identified as female.

She walked to the stage with the manuscript and spoke into the microphone: "We know that everyone has doubts about the interruption of the previous press conference.

I am here to announce that Ms. Karin has been relieved of her current duties at the White House. "

"What do you think of Mr. President's speech?"

"On this point, I want to tell you clearly that Mr. President is not wrong. There are indeed alien worlds and monsters."

The spokesperson's words obviously surprised the reporters present. Before they came, they thought it was news to refute rumors.

No one expected that the White House would admit it.

Sitting in front of the TV, Phoenix Academy Meiji's expression became serious, and the drink in her hand was placed on the table.

She knew very well that what the White House said would mean a major strategic change that would affect the world structure.

"I'm sorry, do you think other worlds and monsters are real?"

"Well, the deep state has tried to hide this before, but the President has always believed that the citizens of the United States should know clearly what we are doing.

Unlike his predecessor, the files that were promised to be released were always kept hidden. "

When the spokesperson said this, his tone was full of passion: "Mr. President's courage prompted everyone to see the previous scene.

This is also the first time we know about this. The deep state tried to hide the truth from everyone, but their conspiracy was crushed by the President.

Please look at the corpse of the monster. "

At this point, she clapped her hands, and someone brought up the body of the three-headed hell dog and placed it here.

The camera instantly fell on the body of the three-headed hell dog.

The dark hair was shaved off, revealing a bare body, and the three heads hung limply.

"Please look at its head. There is no trace of artificial grafting here, which means it is born like this.

A monster suspected to be a three-headed hellhound suddenly appeared in Queens, New York. "

The camera focuses on the monster's body. Phoenix Academy Mei Ji showed a shocked expression. She picked up her phone and put it down again. It was a bit dangerous to discuss this kind of thing on the Internet.

No matter how many doubts she had in her heart, she could only suppress them temporarily.

Because her status is different from ordinary people, it is not appropriate for the eldest lady of the Phoenix Academy family to discuss such things with her friends.

"When did the White House discover the whereabouts of aliens and monsters?"

"How does Mr. President plan to respond?"

"Is it true that the Lord gave David divine powers?"

A series of questions suddenly rang out, making the scene chaotic.

But the spokesperson can also understand their chaotic hearts. Anyone who hears such things cannot stay calm, but wants to get all the answers as soon as possible.

"Please calm down, everyone. I will answer the questions one by one."

The spokesperson lowered his hands and said, "The President has heard about David and summoned him to Air Force One for a detailed discussion.

Please don't panic, we already have specific countermeasures, and radar can detect fluctuations in the world where we are connected to other worlds.

Under the leadership of Mr. President, and under the glory of God, we will defeat any opponent, lead the international community, jointly solve the threats from other worlds, and protect world peace! "

After saying this bunch of dramatic words, the White House press secretary began to tell about the time when the alien world was discovered and the place where the monster first appeared.

It's all fake.

There was not a single mention of Tokyo in those reports.

Phoenix Academy Meiji took a sip of her drink and guessed that it might be Nate's Alzheimer's disease that caused the White House to urgently adjust its strategy.

But how did God give David the power?

Phoenix Academy Meiji was in class earlier and really didn't pay attention to the Internet. She picked up her mobile phone and searched for David's name, and quickly found a video of David being interviewed on the street.

The number of comments in the comment section is increasing.

She keenly discovered that the time David said, converted to Japanese time, was Monday.

The day of the sea.

Phoenix Academy Meiji's face showed deep thought, God gave David power.

The most powerful martial arts club on the surface, Higashiyama Jiro and Amat disappeared, and everything seemed to be connected to a line.

The ability Qingze gained last week is probably related to depriving others of their physical strength, and it can also be given to others.

Giving it to David was just to test what the side effects would be.

That dragon man is definitely Qingze's transformation ability in disguise.

But what happened to the three-headed dog of hell?

Is this week’s superpower creating giant creatures?

Meiji of the Phoenix Academy doesn't think this is the case. It's impossible for Qingze to create creatures to let David shine.

David was not from Qingze, so he had no reason to do that kind of thing unless it was a part of testing his ability.

Phoenix Academy Meiji is very curious, what kind of abilities does Qingze get this week?

It's a pity that I don't have time to meet Qingze now and can't test it out. It's the damn summer vacation!

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji angrily thought that students should not have any holidays.

After thinking about it, she decided to express her inner thoughts in a tactful manner again, "It's great that David can be empowered by the Lord. I also want to be empowered by the Lord to have the power to go to heaven and earth.

Damn, it's so enviable. "

Phoenix Academy Meiji has little interest in the power of martial arts masters, but she is very eager for superpowers.


Adachi Ward, Ayase, Morimoto family.

Qingze sat on the sofa and watched the press conference broadcast live from the White House.

He was a little surprised that those people announced such a thing. Was this the influence of the Book of Destiny, indirectly helping David become the mayor of New York?

Ding, the phone rang. Qingze lowered his head, unlocked it and saw that it was a message from Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy.

The sour words almost spilled off the screen.

Obviously, Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy guessed that he gave David power.

Phoenix Academy Meiji's appetite is even bigger, she actually wants super powers.

"Yeah, it's so enviable, I want it too."

Qingze replied to the message, complaining in his heart that the eldest lady really made a request that was difficult for others.

Ding bell, another emoticon was sent, it was a rabbit holding a brick and beating an elephant crazily.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji obviously understood the meaning of his words and expressed her disbelief tactfully.

Then, she sent a message, "I have other things to do, so I won't talk about it for now."


Qingze replied, watching the end of the press conference, and turned off the TV.

He was in no hurry to leave. If something like this happened, Caiyu would definitely want to discuss it with him.

When he has free time, the monitor will also chat with him.

He is the only person who can truly be called a friend.

There was also a lot of noise in the Kendo club group.

The White House personally confirming the existence of alien worlds and monsters is bound to cause shock in the world.

He didn't want to miss this intense surfing scene.

 PS: Thanks to the God of Light in the early stage of Jindan for the reward



(End of this chapter)

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