Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 411 Could it be that I have awakened my superpower?

Chapter 411 Could it be that I have awakened my superpower?

Shinjuku, Okubo.

It used to be a little Korea, but recently it has been gradually taken over by Arabs and Chinese, and it has become an area where people can communicate casually without using Japanese.

There are also some gangsters hiding among them, making Okubo a hidden danger to public security.

This is an excellent hiding spot.

Bruno hid the KGB office in Japan here.

Using a Korean restaurant as a cover, they usually live in a compartment in the cellar where kimchi is stored.

The offices of the KGB were excavated here.

It occupies a small area, but meets all the conditions for KGB work.

Blazing white lights illuminate the interior.

Bruno sat on an office chair worth 20,000 yen, tapping his hands on the computer keyboard.

A series of codes appeared on the computer screen.

Curtis didn't understand what this was. She was good at protecting dignitaries, assassinating enemies with sniper rifles, proficient in marksmanship and possessing certain hand-to-hand combat abilities, and lurking behind enemy lines.

Among those businesses, hacking technology on the Internet is not included.

Although the original intention of the Kremlin's Guards is to create an all-round team, the people above always think things very well, but when they are implemented, things are often different.

People have their limits, and the kind of perfect agent who can do anything only exists in imaginary movies.

Real agents have things they are good at and things they are not good at.

Curtis knows very well what she is not good at, so she will never interfere in areas she is not good at.

She just stood behind Bruno and watched.

The bartender didn't even look at it, he just lay on the chair and drank vodka with Korean fried chicken.

The sound of chewing echoed through the basement.

Bruno hit the Enter key and said, "Okay."

Along with this sound, a picture suddenly appeared on the computer screen.

It was outside a large shopping mall.

As you can see from the picture, this was taken from a high altitude.

No ordinary people could be seen on the streets around the mall. People dressed as SAT and police officers set up cordons outside to drive away people trying to take photos.

From the exit of the mall, a man and a woman came out carrying a huge box, making it difficult to see what was inside.

Before Curtis could figure out where it was, the screen suddenly went black.

She couldn't help but ask: "What's going on?"

Bruno shrugged and said: "I just invaded the task force's drone system and took control of a surveillance drone.

The other party couldn't get it back, so they destroyed the drone. It was a smart solution. "

Curtis frowned slightly and said, "Since it's a task force, does it have anything to do with Dior?"

"I don't know. Dior is not the only one making trouble now. Don't forget, there was news from the Kremlin just now that a giant dog with three heads appeared on the streets of New York."

Bruno touched his chin and said: "Looking at the size of the box, the contents are definitely not small. Maybe they are the corpses of low-level monsters."

Having said this, Bruno stood up with a confident smile on his face and said: "Continuing to speculate here is of no use, let's start taking action.

We have to prove our worth, both to the Kremlin and to the corporate world.

Those who are valuable will not be abandoned. "


The destroyed drone fell at an angle. Chiyo Morimoto looked up and heard the voice of Sosuke Iwaki coming from the headphones he was wearing.

"The drone was hijacked by someone else just now. You were right to pack it in a box in advance."

Chiyo Morimoto said: "Can't you trace anyone?"

"His skills are very strong."

Iwaki Sosuke's tone revealed a hint of helplessness.

Being defeated by others in the field you are best at is not something that makes people indifferent.

"Your response was correct."

Morimoto Chiyo could only comfort him like this, watching Kitanotake and Katarina stuff the boxes into the car.

There was a hint of solemnity in her eyes, and flies came forward after smelling the smell.

Is there surveillance around the Metropolitan Police Department or are there spies inside?

Chiyo Morimoto knew very well that the strength of even low-level monsters was far from comparable to the immortal monsters like Zuo De.

But this is a monster.

Even harmless monsters, as big as a little white rabbit, are worthy of study, just like a gram of soil on the moon has important scientific research value.

With these thoughts running through her mind, she didn't forget the "little potato" behind her.

Chiyo Morimoto turned around and patted Emily on the head, saying softly: "It's hot, remember to drink more water."

Emily's originally calm mood suddenly exploded, "Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

She jumped up and wanted to beat someone brutally, but Catalina grabbed her waist.

Two fists and two feet were flying in the air to attack the woman in front of him, always shorter.

Chiyo Morimoto said innocently: "I just reminded you to drink more water, and I didn't say anything about making you pee.

Don't mind, Ito doesn't blame you. "

"Urine is dirty, it's just a preconception that people have."

Ito Otome stared at the box and replied casually, "For people to survive on a desert island, drinking each other's urine is one way to survive.

The human body is always equipped with DNA. ” ˆ ˆ “That’s enough! Don't say that kind of thing! "

Emily blushed and growled.

Being frightened to the point of urinating is already a shameful thing, but to have it discussed openly by acquaintances is simply a public execution based on shame.

Her mentality was about to explode.


Chiyo Morimoto laughed, feeling that Emily was really cute in this state. She didn't have the drive that she used to lead the work, as if a little tiger wanted to roar as hard as it could to show off its kingly demeanor.

In the eyes of others, it's really cute.


Chiyo Morimoto waved and got into a police car.

In the sky, Taketa Okayama leads the SAT people in a helicopter, and uses drones to monitor the surroundings.

There were also a dozen police cars on the ground surrounded by large trucks, rushing to the nearest Shinjuku Police Station.

"Katerina put me down!"

Emily turned around and shouted, her expression still angry.

Catalina let go of her hand and said, "Okay, if you suddenly encounter something like that, most people will react that way, so you don't need to be shy."

"Don't mention this matter again!"

Emily yelled loudly, thinking to herself that she was really unlucky today.

She suddenly stayed where she was, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

The handle of the teacup suddenly broke, and she went out to buy a teacup.

Is it really an accident that the cup handle broke?

Or is it that he has inadvertently encountered a premonition of the future with super powers?

The broken cup handle was a bad warning, but she didn't see it as a bad warning, and instead chose to go out to buy something.

It's not that Emily thinks too much, it's because everything she comes across cannot be explained by normal science.

From a metaphysical perspective, various countries have words for bad premonitions before something bad happens. For example, the left eye will flash wealth and the right eye will flash disaster.

Or if the clog straps are broken, it means something bad will happen.

The handle of the cup broke, and she encountered a series of unlucky things when she went out.

Emily couldn't help but wonder, did this early warning mean that she was awakening her superpower?

Perhaps this has something to do with Dior choosing her as his friend.

It's just that she doesn't know how to verify her idea and continue to go out next time the cup handle breaks?

If this is the ability to predict one's own misfortune, it is too useless.

If possible, she would like to have eyes that could emit laser light.

Wait, Emily paused. If you think so, is her misfortune limited to this kind of thing today?

Could it be that while walking, a banana peel suddenly appeared on the ground and she fell down, or that a billboard from a building suddenly fell, a broken high-voltage wire fell on her, or a drunk driver hit her directly?

A series of accidents flashed through Emily's mind, making her feel that every part of the street was filled with malice towards her.

Gudong, she swallowed, raised her head and said, "Katerina, you'd better carry me back. It's too dangerous to walk on the road."

"it is good."

Catalina looked confused, but she still picked her up with her left hand and asked, "Don't you hate being held like this the most?"

"For life safety and face, I can only put it aside temporarily."

Emily buried her head in her neck to prevent others from seeing her face.


Catalina couldn't understand her thoughts, but she liked holding Emily in this way, just like holding Alaska.

Very soft and comfortable.

There is also a scent that is not found in Alaska.


Shinjuku Police Station.

After arriving at the location, the Cyclops was not unloaded from the truck, but raced against time to dissect it inside the carriage.

Before arriving, Chiyo Morimoto had already directed people from the Shinjuku Police Station to conduct temporary traffic control and block the road leading here.

This move cleared the surrounding area. She found that it was really useful and slashed it with one strike.

Anyone who dares to approach at this time will be shot and killed without any explanation.

Except for the CIA.

After receiving the news from Chiyo Morimoto, Jack rushed here immediately.

In his imagination, there should be many forces at the scene trying to get the Cyclops body.

When he actually arrived at the scene, the scene he imagined was not there. Chiyo Morimoto was hiding in the shade, and even had time to let people buy milk tea.

"Hey, no one else is putting pressure on you?"

Chiyo Morimoto said slowly: "Director Jack, I'm not stupid. I naturally know who to talk to about such important matters."

Jack was stunned and quickly reacted: "I haven't reported to the superiors yet, how dare they bypass me and report first?"

For Jack, this was an intolerable inconvenience, which meant that his information was no longer first-hand.

Yuzuki Suzuko said: "Director, I just reminded you that you should report to the superiors.

You said that you need to grasp the specific situation to show your stability. "

"Don't make any noise, I'll report it right away."

Jack took out his cell phone.

Chiyo Morimoto shook her head and said: "Reporting now will only make the superiors think that you are not capable. Please wait for the autopsy results to be reported together."

"……it is good."

Jack could only put away his phone and wait patiently for news.

(End of this chapter)

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